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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Erised
    Ok...somebody bother tryin to convince me that she's *not* staring right at his delectable mouth! Yum de la Yum! Probably just my silly imagination or that Sparkyish lighting behind them. *talk about your fun double secret in-joke anvil*

    If *that* hard hat wielding behind them wasn't a nod to us, there's never been one! LOL!! When have we ever seen any hard labor in Atlantis outside of closets?


      Originally posted by Leigh
      Something that you just pointed out Bama that really stands out to me. I really didn't care either way for Teyla last year, but for some reason once Ronan came around Teyla's character just seemed much better. I don't really know why, but something is different about the character with him around.
      Bingo. You catch on fast. I have never gone to the Spanky thread because I didn't want to get accused of just liking the idea of them to get her away from John. Please I'm not that big a hypocrite. I absolutely loathed Teyla last season. My husband had to speak sharply to me on several occasions when she was on. I think it's because I've had quite my fill of the scantily clad alien character in my lifetime. And she was kinda useless. Not to mention annoying. But boy as soon as Ronon came along she perked right up and grew an actual personality. I still cringe when she's around John. Hey, I'm honest. But I love seeing her with Ronon. Pebbles and Bam Bam are adorable. I'd also like to see a friendship grow with her and Elizabeth, and her scenes with Rodney and Carson have been great. Oh and Michael. Best acting job RL has done IMHO. I don't understand what the writers are doing, but it seems like as I think Mel said on another thread that Teyla has become John's antagonist in place of Weir or Caldwell. That would actually make some great drama to me. Initially there was a physical attraction, she had a bit of hero worship, but as she saw his feet of clay (in her eyes) and he made her a team member who stopped being a girly girl to him that all changed.

      You know I thought about something my son experienced in ROTC. He was in a dorm with guys and girls on the same floor. They were assigned to units and everyone was a "bud". There was a darling girl that used to ride home with us when I went to pick them up for holidays. I kept hoping he'd ask her out, but when I hinted at it he got the most disgusted look on his face and said. "Ewww, Mom, she's my bud. You don't date buds." Teyla is John's bud.

      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
      Stop it! *ROTFLMAO*

      Between you and Bama, I'm gonna get in serious trouble - I've done the bursting out laughing thing way too much at work and someone is gonna wonder what the heck I drank at lunch time!
      You drank Sparky juice.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Originally posted by Bama
        Ok...somebody bother tryin to convince me that she's *not* staring right at his delectable mouth! Yum de la Yum! Probably just my silly imagination or that Sparkyish lighting behind them. *talk about your fun double secret in-joke anvil*

        If *that* hard hat wielding behind them wasn't a nod to us, there's never been one! LOL!! When have we ever seen any hard labor in Atlantis outside of closets?
        OMG, you are a caution. FP is going to destroy another keyboard.

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          Gotta ask where that pic is from - it's the sparkiest pic that I have seen to date, even more so than TLG.


            Sparky Rocks!!!!!!

            Piccie time i think!!!!!

            i am not bashing sheyla or Teyla(i love the character of Teyla!!), but i found this and laughed sooo much

            ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


              Leigh...WELCOME TO SPARKCENTRAL!

              Originally posted by Southern Red
              Bingo. You catch on fast. I have never gone to the Spanky thread because I didn't want to get accused of just liking the idea of them to get her away from John. Please I'm not that big a hypocrite. [/spoiler]
              I was that way too SR. But you know, I really do LIKE the idea of Ronon and Teyla together and I hope I'm adult enough to know when I'm being petty. I like their chemistry and their possibilities as a pair bond. They look good together and they like each other and they're interested in each other as people. I do 'spank' at times so I guess they'll just have to call me a hypocrite.

              I absolutely loathed Teyla last season. My husband had to speak sharply to me on several occasions when she was on.
              I wasn't quite that bad - -but I simply found her dull and lifeless most of the time. From the interviews, I liked Rachel very much as a person and I wanted to like Teyla but I wasn't interested in a sheyla ship that couldn't even crank it's own engine and alone, she didn't have enough to 'do'. The addition of Ronon to spice up her life and give her a person to bounce off of has been wonderful. And he needs her equally. I like that very much.

              I still cringe when she's around John. Hey, I'm honest.
              Well hey, so I take it you didn't enjoy the 3.5 seconds they've spent actually talkin this year?

              But I love seeing her with Ronon. Pebbles and Bam Bam are adorable.
              Ditto. They are just 'cute' together. He needs a hug from her so bad.

              I'd also like to see a friendship grow with her and Elizabeth.
              Ditto. I don't know if TPTB are flirting with the idea of a jealous triangle crap thing or something and they've held back on this for that reason or what but there's no excuse for Teyla and Elizabeth not to be friends of a sort. No, I don't think Elizabeth will ever be as close to anyone as she is John but Teyla could offer her some advice too and it would be a great sign of respect from both of them. And I really do feel they respect each other.

              Oh and Michael. Best acting job RL has done IMHO.
              Ditto again. I really liked her work in that one -very well done especially in her scenes with Michael. She does 'caring' and 'understanding' very well. Bravo to Rachel!

              Teyla is John's bud.
              Yes, Teyla is definitely John's bud as are Rodney and Ronon and even Carson and Lorne to some degree. But they're not his 'home'. At the end of the workday, who does he want to go to? Discuss his day with? Bounce his ideas off of? Share fun moments with?

              You drank Sparky juice.
              Whew. *wipes brow and bites tongue plumb in half* Talk about feedin someone a line...


                WOW!!! Bama!!!!! i love your posts!!!! as always and i agree with you... Sparky juice in the morning is always good!!!!!!!
                ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                  Seriously my mind just went into the gutter


                    Originally posted by Leigh
                    Seriously my mind just went into the gutter
                    hehe just thoughts pg thoughts........
                    ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                      Yes I never stray from pg thoughts, never ever

                      Back to my previous ?, where was that pic from, the one where weir is clearing staring at sheppard's lips and there's the nice glow behind her.


                        I have always like Teyla but, even in the the first ep I never saw any spark between her and John. I agree with you all. When Ronon came Teyla's character just became better. I like her a lot more now because of Ronon.

                        Icon Made By LadyBozi


                          Originally posted by Leigh
                          Yes I never stray from pg thoughts, never ever

                          Back to my previous ?, where was that pic from, the one where weir is clearing staring at sheppard's lips and there's the nice glow behind her.
                          i dont know which on you are talking about! can you post it... or reply to it agaiin or something and then i can tell you...
                          ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                            Originally posted by Erised
                            *scratches head* when I used to go to stargate archives forum, I was seeing a lot of Teyla hatered... Funny I come here and I see a lot of Liz hatered...*curses*
                            Finally someone started "What's everyon'e problem with Teyla?" thread, to which they got the most rediculous respondes... starting from "her pants are too tight" all the way to ... I can't remember.

                            Well keep things on topic
                            Hope that works - I haven't quoted anything with a pic yet.


                              Originally posted by Leigh
                              Hope that works - I haven't quoted anything with a pic yet.
                              ah... that one is from season 2's Grace Under Pressure!!!!!! with Sparks flying in the background AWESOME scene
                              ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                                we are slipping off the page!!!!!!! that is not cool!!! where is everyone??? *looks around*
                                ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..

