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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I'm not sure if anyone have seen the vid You and Me but, I just saw it and it is soooo sweet! It's a and shippy vid.

    Icon Made By LadyBozi


      Originally posted by SallyLizzie
      Okay, I searched all through Command Dynamics and all through Wraithbait....and found just one fic And it's not exactly what you're after (actually, I wouldn't mind reading some of that myself).

      Anyways, it's a cute fic so...A Twisted Sort Of Luck.

      I'm living up to my reputation terribly tonight. I do apologise.
      Don't worry, your reputation lives on, this is fantastic. Not quite what i had in mind, but so good . Thanks for the recommendation Sally .


        EEEEEE!!! Spoilers for season 3
        Lizzie and Vala together.*iz ded* Oh how much fun is that going to be. Damn it now I have to watch SG1, Ben Browder, Claudia Black and Torri Higginson will melt my screen. I want to see Elizabeth in her element helping Danial with the ancients. I wonder are they going to show the rest of the cast or is it going to be just Elizabeth? So we get no jealous John, I was kind of looking foward to that.
        My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


          Originally posted by Bama
          *Bama bites tongue into trying to withhold comment here*
          Cake better than sex. Uh...actually I'd give a triple fudge cake for just five minutes in a closet with...uh...never mind.

          Sign me up for the between season episode discussion. I've been wondering how we're going to pass the time.

          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


            The s10 spoiler
            Dost my eyes foresee some Jealous!Shep? Perhaps. However Vala is coming. oooou, inn'erestin'
            ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


              Originally posted by SallyLizzie
              I'm living up to my reputation terribly tonight. I do apologise.
              Awww. Poor SallyLizzie. *hugs* It's ok. we all have out bad days. Your rep is safe, don't worry.

              EDIT: I just read the spoilers. Very interesting.
              Vala and Lizzie in the same episode? That'll be cool! I like Vala.

              And the character name Morgan Lefay made me think of my favorite book The Mists of Avalon...
              I need to read it again...
              Last edited by gwenhwyfar; 27 February 2006, 10:25 PM.

              Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle
                EEEEEE!!! Spoilers for season 3
                So we get no jealous John, I was kind of looking foward to that.
                I have to ask, even if John was in this ep(and I don't think he is), what makes you think that they would actually show a jealous John?


                  Aw, that was a cute vid. Spanky meet Sparky. 'And they lived happilyeverafter in my shipdom.'

                  Yeah, I thought Mists of Avalon too, gwen
                  ~Friendship is like peeing your pants, everyone can see it but only you can feel the true warmth. ~


                    Originally posted by gambit
                    I have to ask, even if John was in this ep(and I don't think he is), what makes you think that they would actually show a jealous John?
                    I didn't think they would show it.
                    I was hoping that they would show some hints that he was jealous. Hey I can dream can I? *dreams of sparky episodes*
                    My OTP's LEAP with passion. Weir did it better.


                      Originally posted by gambit
                      I have to ask, even if John was in this ep(and I don't think he is), what makes you think that they would actually show a jealous John?
                      LOL That's what I was thinking. I don't see how they can fit sparky into this..
                      And I also don't see why John would be in this ep. He will probly be off world.. And besides, I prefer character development above any ships. And we might just get a little bit of Lizzie's dev. As well as Vala.. I have a feeling she might change in season 10.. you know, maternal instinct and such..


                        Damn, I feel a bit lost around here, lol....
                        Long time since I checked the forum.. And I know I'm getting in your fantastic spoilery conversation guys, but I couldn't resist...I have to let you know I've written my first fic, and of course it's SPARKY!!!! Well, if you want to check out and review it would my pleasure...(please do,lol)
                        That's it...Sorry for the interruption



                          *stares at spoilers*

                          Lizzie, Daniel, and Vala... all in the same scenes...


                          And if we could have just one small scene with John in there with them...

                          *dies even more*

                          This episode looks absolutely awesome! Daniel gets his wish to go see Atlantis, Lizzie gets character development (I hope!) and gets to play the language geek, and Vala... well, she's Vala. She's awesome no matter what. Just add John in there, even for a moment, and it would be completely perfect!

                          *is silly enough to imagine John doing the whole 'points at Lizzie and grunts, "Mine!" to Daniel*

                          Of course that wouldn't happen, but if it did... *cracks up*


                          *revels in Teh Sparkiness*
                          In Other News: Thor's been Thor-Napped and placed in TPTB's Closet of Thor-Napping! *oh noes*


                            Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle
                            EEEEEE!!! Spoilers for season 3
                            Lizzie and Vala together.*iz ded* Oh how much fun is that going to be. Damn it now I have to watch SG1, Ben Browder, Claudia Black and Torri Higginson will melt my screen. I want to see Elizabeth in her element helping Danial with the ancients. I wonder are they going to show the rest of the cast or is it going to be just Elizabeth? So we get no jealous John, I was kind of looking foward to that.
                            WHAT!? I get off for a bit and all bleep breaks loose!!! LOL! What in the world is going on with that?! LOL! IF there were EVER two mismatches, it would be
                            Vala and Elizabeth? And what the heck is Elizabeth gonna do with Vala? Is she going over to SG or is Vala coming to Atlantis? I could deal with a one-shot visit from Daniel and Vala. Imagine Vala's reaction to Ronon! LMAO!!! That should be a basketload of fun but I want jealous John too dadgumit!!!
                            We don't ask for much do we? heh.

                            *stomps foot* I absolutely REFUSE to allow
                            Vala to leave Atlantis w/o gettin a load of John's looks. I'd love for both Elizabeth and Daniel to have to get an eyeful of Vala's cloying hands on John. LOL! And I'd love for John to have to get out of her cloying hands in front of Elizabeth. Oh my, my imagination runs wild at the cute scene dialogue between our duo after that one.
                            Come on PTB, give us at least a joint scene cameo or two.
                            Last edited by Bama; 27 February 2006, 07:59 PM.


                              Okay, made a new vid because I was procrastinating, and someone requested it and I couldn't resist anything by Josh Groban

                              Remember When It Rained
                              Created by: AthenaKTT
                              Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis
                              Song by: Josh Groban
                              File size/Format: 15.7 mb; WMV
                              Created on: 02-27-06
                              Spoilers: Up until Season 2; "The Long Goodbye"
                              Comments: It has been a year since "The Eye", but John and Elizabeth have not forgotten about it.


                                Originally posted by sunny
                                Well this here is a triple choco fudge cake that I come bearing. Okay, talk of desert is makin me

                                To be remotely on topic:

                                E: We might have to ration the ice cream in here. I can foresee it getting out of hand. Sugar rushes and all.

                                J: You wouldn't? That's just cruel Elizabeth.
                                E: No it's not. *raises infamous eyebrow*
                                J: *smirks* They have cake too, you know.

                                Could you imagine how wonderful it would be, a bunch of Sparky shippers on a sugar high.

                                In other news: I WANT CAKE TOO!!!
                                Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                                Sparkiest Little Spanker

                                Pencil Breaker and proud of it!

