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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Melyanna
    I'm relatively certain that someone saw that The Long Goodbye was a Weir ep, decided that the title was an indicator of character death, and flailed accordingly. Then others didn't discriminate between spoiler and speculation, and joined the flailing. See, this is why I trust my sources, and very few others.
    After all the baloney I read yesterday, I wouldn't put it past a certain person to start something like that on purpose.

    When all else fails, change channels.


      Originally posted by Bama
      ROTFLMAO! I love great sarcasm. Totally 'get' where you're coming from with this. I truly believe it is being done on purpose though. People crave harder what they can't have. There is a definite Weir 'withholding' orchestration going on especially in relation to certain wanted late season episodes. I've seen this little manuever done before in regard to a particular character and/or episode.
      But the question is, "why?"

      Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


        Originally posted by Bama
        I just threw up in my mouth.
        You and me both. I think I'd curl up in the fetal position and cry. They wouldn't do this to us...would they? Please say they won't. ::sniff:: Don't touch my Liz!

        "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

        HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


          Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
          You and me both. I think I'd curl up in the fetal position and cry. They wouldn't do this to us...would they? Please say they won't. ::sniff:: Don't touch my Liz!
          Excuse me? I think you are in the wrong thread. Unless you'd like us to start posting some of the nasty things you said in another thread last night.

          When all else fails, change channels.


            Yay! It's Hazeydream of the fics! Been reading yours a little while now - glad you've joined us.

            And welcome xfkirsten! We can always use more inmates... er... fans.

            In case you haven't figured it out yet - *lowers voice to spooky range* BEWARE OF THE MINTS!

            Okay, let's forget about the last 89 pages I'm supposed to proofread by tomorrow - the first eight should suffice, right? No? Then I guess I leave you all to the fun that is Shep/Weir and go to immerse myself in the 25th anniversary of my city.
            ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
            The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


              Finally, I have caught up with yall, up six pages since I last checked, been busy all day. I mean first of all (OT) I went to a Halloween party that my school group was having and most of us were in costume. I also dressed up as Madonna, and let me tell you, my mom was totally freaky. I mean the costume itself wasn't as revealing as it was intended to be (it was actually intended to be worn by someone bigger than me) it shopwed my shoulders, seeing there was nothing there and there was a strap just around the neck, a little of the skin in my belly area which was what my was mostly freaky about. She walked up to me a couple of times to pull my skirt down a little, cuz it was up a little, and thne she just couldnt lok at me without her famous eyetwitch, I'm surprised she didn't have a heart attack cuz of my costume, and then she finally made me change back into my regular clothes. Did I mention that I was hanging around a bunch of boys while wearing the costume, wonder if that's one of the things she was freaked about cuz I mean it's not that big of a deal seeing they were all boys I've known for years and had no interest in me seeing that they're my buddies, heck they were acting like they usually did, so just wondering what the big deal was. I think some of yall are mothers, right, and maybe could expain the freakiness, or it might just be my mom.

              Well a little OT, I'm gonna kinda compare another tv couple here. This morning I was watching x-files, I've recently gotten really into that show, I use to watch it from time to time before but now I'm watcing all the reruns, and I came across this ep I saw before. It was the one where mulder and scully had to pose as a married couple to go undercover at this gated community, and I just have to say that I really love that ship. I mean they are so wonderful together, tease each other, friends for a long time, so if you think about it, John and Liz are a little like them, that's just me saying this, don't know if anyone else here has made this comparison, but I think it's possible. Now if this ship makes canon, I don't want to wait 8 years for it to actually be resolved, that would suck a little. Okay, I guess I don't really have much to say here, so moving on.

              I have my own wishlist (in no specific order) of what I'd like for the season, it's general and all ships, so beware.

              1. I'd like more interaction between Liz and Rodney (doesn't even need to be shippy, friendly would definately work for me at this moment due to lack of that this season so far)

              2. I also think more balcony scenes between John and Liz would be nice

              3. More Liz Period.

              4. No more John/Kirk eps

              5. More cute Weir/Ronan scenes

              6. I don't think I'd mind a little more of Teyla/Ronan

              7. Maybe a Weir kiss?

              8. darker lizzy

              9. lizzy screws up on the same scale
              rodeny did in trinity
              in a different situation of course, just that she screws up big time

              10. an idea of what's up with Caldwell

              11. a living lorne and maybe a first name for him

              12. more liz (again)

              13. maybe rodney should get a girlfriend

              14. small team moments with them doing something recreational

              Well, I think that's all I've got for now, so later yall.
              McKay: I'm invulnerable!
              Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
              McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

              McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

              First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
              My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                Excuse me? I think you are in the wrong thread. Unless you'd like us to start posting some of the nasty things you said in another thread last night.
                I'm sorry if I hurt you. I like Weir a lot, and this was the first I heard of this rumor, and I don't want her character to get messed up. I'm sorry if you took what I posted in a way I didn't intend. Honestly.

                "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                  Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                  I'm sorry if I hurt you. I like Weir a lot, and this was the first I heard of this rumor, and I don't want her character to get messed up. I'm sorry if you took what I posted in a way I didn't intend. Honestly.
                  You made some EXTREMELY negative posts about Weir last night in the Shep/Teyla thread, so seeing you praise Weir in here is rather. . .odd.

                  When all else fails, change channels.


                    Originally posted by ubiquitous
                    But the question is, "why?"
                    One word: Ratings.

                    Nothing brings people 'out' like the biggest question of all: Will they live or die?

                    Actually as long as she lives, I'm cool with them throwing her to the wolves...or better, having her do something so tragically wrong that she is dismissed from her position temporarily. Can you say yummy John angst on that one? I figure TPTB are about to put to rest that ever burning Weir hater question: What good is she?

                    How about Atlantis to hell in a handbasket without her around for an ep or two? We just may see it. I wouldn't mind Elizabeth in a powersuit and/or John in the dress blues in the oval office either doing a little verbal asskickin...

                    John may be about to get to pay Elizabeth back for that little 'favor' or two she's done him. He may get to save her job. Should be great to watch this power thing play out...*bama squirms in seat in anticipation*

                    Oh and a quick Bama YELLOUT to all the newbies! Please, jump right in and tell us what you think! We love fresh meat!!


                      Originally posted by Bama
                      How about Atlantis to hell in a handbasket without her around for an ep or two? We just may see it. I wouldn't mind Elizabeth in a powersuit and/or John in the dress blues in the oval office either doing a little verbal asskickin...
                      I don't think any of us would mind seing John in dress blues for any reason...

                      Whoops! Wrong thread.
                      ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                      The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                        Originally posted by Bama
                        Actually as long as she lives, I'm cool with them throwing her to the wolves...or better, having her do something so tragically wrong that she is dismissed from her position temporarily. Can you say yummy John angst on that one? I figure TPTB are about to put to rest that ever burning Weir hater question: What good is she?

                        How about Atlantis to hell in a handbasket without her around for an ep or two? We just may see it. I wouldn't mind Elizabeth in a powersuit and/or John in the dress blues in the oval office either doing a little verbal asskickin...
                        Over in SG1 we've seen characters get fired, threatened with court martial, resign. I'm sure we'll get something like that with our SGA group eventually, and with Liz in charge, it will probably be her neck in the noose.

                        When all else fails, change channels.


                          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                          You made some EXTREMELY negative posts about Weir last night in the Shep/Teyla thread, so seeing you praise Weir in here is rather. . .odd.
                          I am a big fan of Weir and the way that Torri plays her. I actually defended her last night quite a bit. What concerns me is that I don't want her slipping into a role where she only plays the worried behind-the-desk leader. I've talked about this with other posters on some other threads...I think a few in the "Atlantis Season Two" section...not sure of their names...and this is a issue for other viewers as well. That's all I meant by it. I think Weir has too much potential to be a strong leader and wonderful character to stick her in that kind of position. She was great in "Conversion", for example, but she disappointed me for some reason in "Lost Boys". I just want TPTB to keep developing her and not letting her fall into the same role every week. I hope this makes sense. I don't like character or actor bashing, so I really feel awful if it came across like that. Again, sorry for anything that offended you.

                          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                            I can see the angst. And I would like to see how Atlantis deals with losing her suddenly and shockingly, so long as it isn't permanent. I'd like to see that work with Caldwell manipulating things on Earth so that poor Lizzie gets a nasty surprise when she goes to visit. And then of course, she and John go and kick the military's butt.

                            Hmm..and it'd be quite hard for John to save her job. He'd have to work /really/ hard.

                            Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


                              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                              Over in SG1 we've seen characters get fired, threatened with court martial, resign. I'm sure we'll get something like that with our SGA group eventually, and with Liz in charge, it will probably be her neck in the noose.
                              I always relish when a strong character is put into a tight spot and gets that chance to say 'up yours!' to TPTB. And nobody sez 'Up Yours!' quite like Elizabeth Weir on a tear. Such positions give her a chance to show her linguistic IQ, logical reasoning and people handling skills in the bright lights. With a character like Weir who often has to be much more subtle with her intelligence and skills rather than in people's face with them, such ops are even more anticipated and important.


                                Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                                I am a big fan of Weir and the way that Torri plays her. I actually defended her last night quite a bit. What concerns me is that I don't want her slipping into a role where she only plays the worried behind-the-desk leader. I've talked about this with other posters on some other threads...I think a few in the "Atlantis Season Two" section...not sure of their names...and this is a issue for other viewers as well. That's all I meant by it. I think Weir has too much potential to be a strong leader and wonderful character to stick her in that kind of position. She was great in "Conversion", for example, but she disappointed me for some reason in "Lost Boys". I just want TPTB to keep developing her and not letting her fall into the same role every week. I hope this makes sense. I don't like character or actor bashing, so I really feel awful if it came across like that. Again, sorry for anything that offended you.
                                Then you should be discussing this in the "Torri/Weir Appreciation" thread. You may like Weir, but you (and your "sisters") are Shep/Teyla fans who can't stand the thought of Weir with Shep. Why you are in here is beyond me.

                                When all else fails, change channels.

