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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Sorry about the spoiler. Still not managed to figure everything out.


      Originally posted by Hazeydream
      Yay SallyLizzie that's me! I do write fanfictions, thanks for the kind words. Sorry Bad Horror Movie is taking a while, been doing some others (I get distracted very easily!). Thanks ubiquitous for being the first person to offically acknowledge me!

      Talking about stories, I just wrote one about something I read in this thread. EVeryone was talking about Lorne's coment about how Weir worries about the team in The Lost Boys. Some said they thought another hug would come but I had other ideas. I really think Liz is going to distance herself from John when he first comes back, to avoid more confrontations.

      But hey I am a romantic and think we're going to see some angst after John returns in Epiphany. Being away for a year?! Come on, he has to hug her this time!!
      Welcome Hazeydream! I really liked that story of yours. I can really see Liz pulling back a little too.

      Welcome to all the newbies!
      Wow, lots of new people today.


        Originally posted by Hazeydream
        Sorry about the spoiler. Still not managed to figure everything out.
        Just put (spoilers) and (/spoilers) around the text, but using [] instead of (). And it's okay, it happens, just keep it in mind.

        Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


          Thanks ubiquitous. Oooo, I'm so tired! I'm going to have to leave and I've just started. But if I don't you won't get much sense out of me. Away to watch Intruder again *sighs* before I sleep. I'll post later!!


            Originally posted by Hazeydream
            Hi all! I'm a newbie so this is my first post, please be nice to me . First of all let me just say I love this ship! I'm so glad I've found a bunch of people who obviously believe Atlantis is geared towards ShepWeir too. They are the most gorgeous couple ever! (well after Sam and Jack coz they were my first true ship.)

            Just saw Intruder tonight and the first scene with them was so cute, especially John. I think I may actually be in love!
            Hi Hazeydream!

            For some reason, your name seemes very familiar. Anyways welcome!

            As for crazy speculations...gotta love hiatus periods, that is when all the craziest speculations appear.


              Originally posted by Hazeydream
              Hi all! I'm a newbie so this is my first post, please be nice to me . First of all let me just say I love this ship! I'm so glad I've found a bunch of people who obviously believe Atlantis is geared towards ShepWeir too. They are the most gorgeous couple ever! (well after Sam and Jack coz they were my first true ship.)

              Just saw Intruder tonight and the first scene with them was so cute, especially John. I think I may actually be in love!
              Hi Hazeydream... welcome to the thread... glad to have you here... we are crazy... but more so right now with all the conventions going on... 9 days.... squeeee!!!!!!!
              ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                Originally posted by Nokwalish

                On a totally other topic, I need your guys' opinion on a couple things. The first is that I'm going this Elizabeth I phase, reading tons about her, and Mary I and some about Henry, and about Mary Stuart and other players of the time. Mostly Elizabeth's earlier years, before she started painting her face white and delcared herself the Virgin Queen. I'm find myself trying to draw similarities between elizbaeth tudor and 'our' lizzie, and I'm finding some - character-wise, and I want to know if you agree. Am I imagining things or are there actually similarities beyond the blatantly obvious? bit of and out there question I know, but I'd love your input.

                The other question is that I'm writing this fic, see, and it's a bit of a self indulgence because it's a crossover with my original novel idea/thing-y. I'm trying to avoid mary-sue-ing beyond pardon, but it's hard... anyway. If i were to post it someplace, would it be a thing people would read? how much time do you tolerate spending with other people's OCs before you start skimming, or go away? a little bit? none at all? (this will be a S/W fic btw )

                If this is too far off topic just say so, I won't mind .
                The comparison with Eliz I is interesting, but I don't think there's much personality wise that they have in common. I'm not as up on Eliz I as any of our UK friends would be but read a bit about her centuries ago. She had the same core of inner strength as Weir, but overall I feel lacked the connection with people that Liz has. Her mere royalty prevented her from getting close to most. But as far as strong women go, she was one of the strongest.

                Any S/W fic, I'm sure would be read with glee by any here. Write away!

                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Originally posted by xkawaiix
                  Well actually, New Atlantis has updated. Here's the gallery:

                  Coup D'etat

                  And most likely

                  Oh. My. God. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

                  [bitter rant] Now my hi-res photo collection of every single SGA character except Elizabeth is complete. Whoot!
                  Gosh, I was getting nervous that there would not be a set photo of old-guy #17. But thank goodness!! There is!!! And Caldwell, I can never get enough pictures of him!! I mean since he IS the star of the show. [/sarcasm]

                  And yes John & whumped Lorne look pretty.

                  xkawaiix my sacrcastic bitter rant is not directed at you QTpie {smooch}


                    Originally posted by Melyanna
                    Plus there was some ridiculous and unfounded speculation that Weir was going to die this season...
                    I just threw up in my mouth.


                      Originally posted by Rubicon
                      Oh. My. God. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

                      [bitter rant] Now my hi-res photo collection of every single SGA character except Elizabeth is complete. Whoot!
                      Gosh, I was getting nervous that there would not be a set photo of old-guy #17. But thank goodness!! There is!!! And Caldwell, I can never get enough pictures of him!! I mean since he IS the star of the show. [/sarcasm]

                      And yes John & whumped Lorne look pretty.

                      xkawaiix my sacrcastic bitter rant is not directed at you QTpie {smooch}
                      ROTFLMAO! I love great sarcasm. Totally 'get' where you're coming from with this. I truly believe it is being done on purpose though. People crave harder what they can't have. There is a definite Weir 'withholding' orchestration going on especially in relation to certain wanted late season episodes. I've seen this little manuever done before in regard to a particular character and/or episode.


                        I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I soar.

                        I'm feeling very mellowed out tonight even after the looonnngg conversation I had with my husband about the show. Serves him right for turning up early. Dang World Bank had one of their infamous fire drills where they empty the buildings onto the streets of Washington. The smart ones with lots of seniority go home. So the crux of it was he tried the old "it's just a TV show" argument. No dice. Then he applied logic. *snort* Surely he knows better than that by now. Finally he admitted that yes, he sees something going on between John and Eliz, but John probably doesn't know yet and (hubby) will be happy as long as it doesn't become the A story. *whew* Now was that so hard.

                        I think this is the typical male sentiment. More action, romance if we must, but leave the characters and humor as is. I for one will take it.

                        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                          Originally posted by Hazeydream
                          Whoops! Went to browse other threads and managed to jump into the TeylaSheppard thread! I was like 'so not my territory!' Not that I have anything against them, I just wouldn't have anything productive or relevant to say.

                          Anyhoo, my heart kinda jumped at the Weir dying romour comment. They wouldn't be so mean, would they? Give us all these shippy moments only to destroy our dreams? I like the idea of Atlantis and certain characters becoming darker but not by killing off our favourite and gorgeous main cast!

                          Love your fic! I mentioned it a page or so back. you write really well! Nice to know that you've found your way here!


                            Originally posted by Melyanna
                            Okay, on the Weir dying speculation: it was... somewhere. Probably not here. And it was a theory that was bandied around quite a bit during the last hiatus. To be honest, I have no earthly idea where the idea came from. It really was just speculation; nothing in the spoilers I have supports it.
                            Talk about "jump. . .the. . .shark".

                            When all else fails, change channels.


                              Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                              welcome xfkirsten

                              My, would you just look at all the noobs delurking
                              Mint anyone?
                              New Meat--
                              Beware the Gritty Mints!!


                                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                                Talk about "jump. . .the. . .shark".
                                I'm relatively certain that someone saw that The Long Goodbye was a Weir ep, decided that the title was an indicator of character death, and flailed accordingly. Then others didn't discriminate between spoiler and speculation, and joined the flailing. See, this is why I trust my sources, and very few others.
                                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                                Last update: 14 April 2006
                                Melyanna's Multimedia
                                Last update: 15 February 2006

