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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Hatcheter

    Title: Fix You
    Artist: Coldplay
    Length: 4:59
    Format: wmv
    Size: 18 MB

    Download here or here.

    I recommend turning this song up. It starts out as just another nice, sweet Coldplay tune, then turns into the best song ever about two and a half minutes in. So, even if the video sucks, consider this a free copy of a great tune.

    I also re-uploaded my first Shep/Weir Coldplay vid, 39:30-Then You'll Understand, set to the song Speed of Sound. Get it here.

    Here's to another 10,000 posts ::clinks::

    Hatcheter beautiful job on the vid.

    I am looking forward to you vidding the rest of the disc! ::cracks whip::


      Originally posted by Bama
      Southern! GREAT to see you back around! Hope your trip was all you hoped it would be. You'll be a 'while' catching up I fear. heh.

      Did you see Conversion yet?
      Lot of folks jumpin on the 'So. Married.' train after that one.

      Post when you can! Look forward to it!

      P.S. I've kept your Hokies and my Tide undefeated in your absence. Can't leave important things like that to chance.
      I not only saw Conversion, I also got to see Aurora and Lost Boys (purely by accident at 5pm over there). We also watched the VT/GATech game at 6am. Thanks for watching out for them. My Atlantis Companion book was waiting for me. I've had time to read Joe's foreward, and damn if he didn't have to mention how beautiful Rachel is again. I was tempted to drop kick the thing, but my husband is still off work. JF does manage to thank Torri for being patient, so that's something I guess. IMHO, his wife is the patient one. Oh yeah, I'm still jetlagged.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        I found this fic I read awhile ago and there's a little line describing Elizabeth as a mom, but it's not to John. There's also talk of closets at the end.


          Originally posted by Southern Red
          I not only saw Conversion, I also got to see Aurora and Lost Boys (purely by accident at 5pm over there). We also watched the VT/GATech game at 6am. Thanks for watching out for them. My Atlantis Companion book was waiting for me. I've had time to read Joe's foreward, and damn if he didn't have to mention how beautiful Rachel is again. I was tempted to drop kick the thing, but my husband is still off work. JF does manage to thank Torri for being patient, so that's something I guess. IMHO, his wife is the patient one. Oh yeah, I'm still jetlagged.
          Oh, Excellent! Really want to hear your thoughts on Conversion and the other two as well.

          As for the Companion book comments by Joe...I wouldn't give it two hoots of thought. First off, the thing was probably 'put together' pretty early on in season one and TPTB may have still been trying to 'push' that round peg/square hole romance at that point. It's amazing how much 'quieter' TPTB have been of late on that supposed 'canon' romance eh?

          Or, maybe Joe was disappointed that more fans didn't 'take' to the preconceived romance they'd conjured up for him and was still trying to build interest in it? I don't know.

          But more likely, I think it's the old bait and switch trick going on and I think it's been going on a while now. If a show is trying to keep a certain 'angle' burning -and in this case it would be the obvious 'hunger' that many SGA fans have for Shep and Weir to be *together*-they will often times go out of their way NOT to talk much about it. They'll make comments to the contrary, they'll smirk and grin and try and drive the audience crazy to try and keep from 'tipping' their hand. I've seen it on two other shows I've followed. They know the more they refuse to directly address the obvious, the more the hunger will build.

          As for playing football at six a.m. You mean that's not *normal* in Virginia? Geesh! Are you *sure* you guys up there take your football seriously?


            Just to 'build' on my (somewhat) point above...

            If I were one of the few 'real' Shep/Teyla fans out there, I'd be very concerned and upset that TPTB had 'peed the pot'/'shot their wad' so early.

            The very fact that TPTB 'played' so overtly with physicality between Shep and Teyla so early on is a bad, bad sign for any kind of long-term romance between them. You guys that have 'experience' following other successful tv ships know what I'm talking about with this I'm quite certain. Such is usually the death-knell for any hint of real relationship building. The old adage that 'slow and steady' wins the race is still as true today as it was yesterday.
            Last edited by Bama; 05 October 2005, 11:00 AM.


              I'll definitely put in my 2 cents soon on the last few shows, but I totally agree with the Conversion analysis I've read so far. I've gotten through about 20 pages. Love it all so much I can't skip. AARRGGHH!!! The first thing I did was read Ms.Pooh's piece on Conversion. God I love that girl. I wonder if she'd marry my son? I can't wait to read what she has to say about that
              gratuitous crotch shot near the end of Lost Boys. My husband thought I had lost it when I was pointing at the TV and yelling "pants, pants."
              Unfortunately Joe's foreward has the date "June,2005" on it, and in flipping through the book I found a comment from BamBam the stunt coordinator that the fight scene in Hot Zone was designed specifically to show the UST between (my fingers will barely type this) John and Teyla. Pfffttt. Are they blind? I think this book needs a stake through its heart, but that said I totally agree, Bama. They have changed the focus. You helped me regain my tiny bit of perspective.

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Originally posted by Southern Red
                Unfortunately Joe's foreward has the date "June,2005" on it

                Well, then my guess would be that as of June 2005, Joe still thinks Rachel is good-looking. I don't have a problem with that. I think John thinks she's good-looking. I don't have a problem with that either. Actually, I think she's good looking. (If not my 'type' of woman But Joe's opinion of her looks mean very little when it comes to who is 'right' for his character and who his 'character' gravitates to.

                And in flipping through the book I found a comment from BamBam the stunt coordinator that the fight scene in Hot Zone was designed specifically to show the UST between (my fingers will barely type this) John and Teyla.

                Really? LOL! Then he needs to know that it didn't come off as such and I guess they all better 'try' a little harder with that square peg/round hole stuff. Cause the biggest UST of that entire episode was the pure (to borrow a Pooh word) 'hawtness' that was the 'conflict' between Shep and Weir.
                But then, they know that. It's not the 'overt' stuff that counts the most in a 'real' ship and they know that too. Think season two's guide will include a 'description' of the hug scene and what emotions they were trying to 'tap'? LOL. I can already tell you the answer to that one.

                Pfffttt. Are they blind?

                Men usually are. Trying to force something to 'fit' is something their stubborn asses are good at trying but we females know that if the fit ain't 'right' that it ain't gonna work.

                I think this book needs a stake through its heart, but that said I totally agree, Bama. They have changed the focus. You helped me regain my tiny bit of perspective.

                LOL! Glad I could oblige. Just keep your eye on the 'ball'. I was a pretty decent highschool basketballer and my coach used to tell me to ignore the 'moves' of the other player's body and just never, ever take my eyes off the ball. If you do that in regard to this ship, you'll never lose sight of where the 'ball' is really at or who has it.


                  Do you guys mind telling me what "book" you are referring to? I'm a bit slow today...(I'm also listening to "Witch Doctor" at the moment and that can have negative effects on anyone's mind lol.)


                  Signature By Amber Moon


                    Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                    Do you guys mind telling me what "book" you are referring to? I'm a bit slow today...(I'm also listening to "Witch Doctor" at the moment and that can have negative effects on anyone's mind lol.)

                    The SGA 'companion' guide to season one.


                      Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                      Do you guys mind telling me what "book" you are referring to? I'm a bit slow today...(I'm also listening to "Witch Doctor" at the moment and that can have negative effects on anyone's mind lol.)

                      "Stargate Atlantis The Official Companion Season1", just got it from Amazon. Great foreward by Joe Flanigan with lots of "awww" stuff about his kids. If he is for real I will be a fan until senility kicks in and I forget who he is.(Or who I am)

                      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                        Originally posted by Southern Red
                        I not only saw Conversion, I also got to see Aurora and Lost Boys (purely by accident at 5pm over there). We also watched the VT/GATech game at 6am. Thanks for watching out for them. My Atlantis Companion book was waiting for me. I've had time to read Joe's foreward, and damn if he didn't have to mention how beautiful Rachel is again. I was tempted to drop kick the thing, but my husband is still off work. JF does manage to thank Torri for being patient, so that's something I guess. IMHO, his wife is the patient one. Oh yeah, I'm still jetlagged.
                        But Rachel really is beautiful, and I got no problem in a man noticing that. If Rachel and Joe are really cool friends, I don't see this as anything to be nervous about regarding our 'ship. Heck, hasn't it been mentioned somewhere that Amanda Tapping thinks Chris Judge (Teal'c) is really hot? I saw or read that somewhere, I think. Am I imagining things, or do I remember a lowdown where Amanda all but jumped Chris and started play wrestling with him? If it's not my imagination, then I remember thinking that this scene was really cute. I certainly didn't take that as an indication that Amanda's interaction with Chris was an attempt to push a Sam/Teal'c angle on the show.

                        That's the actors, and all I really care about is the characters. Joe and Rachel have a good friendship? YAY!! I happen to think that John and Teyla have a good friendship, too! But my main focus on any pairing is always going to be Sheppard and Weir. Not even Joe and Torri can distract me from that!!!

                        Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                        I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                        Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                          Originally posted by Southern Red
                          Unfortunately Joe's foreward has the date "June,2005" on it, and in flipping through the book I found a comment from BamBam the stunt coordinator that the fight scene in Hot Zone was designed specifically to show the UST between (my fingers will barely type this) John and Teyla. Pfffttt. Are they blind? I think this book needs a stake through its heart
                          Well, I guess that saves me $12.95. Ha. As if I'd read anything from TPTB anyway.


                            Originally posted by Southern Red
                            "Stargate Atlantis The Official Companion Season1", just got it from Amazon. Great foreward by Joe Flanigan with lots of "awww" stuff about his kids. If he is for real I will be a fan until senility kicks in and I forget who he is.(Or who I am)
                            Thanks much, I do believe I'll be buying that presently--despite any Shep/Teyla-ish comments that are made.


                            Signature By Amber Moon


                              During Hot Zone, they were probably still under the delusion that Sheppard/Teyla would work. Then, they came to their senses. About what episode do you guys think they switched dramatically from S/T to S/W. The Eye/Storm? Or BIS? Or something else?

                              I know by the end of season one, we had so much S/W, that the S/T interactions had dwindled down to next to nothing. This, to me, indicates that it was somewhere in the end of first half of season one where they started making all the changes. Anyone have a particular guess about when they precisely decided to switch angles?

                              Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                              I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                              Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                                Originally posted by Southern Red
                                JF does manage to thank Torri for being patient, so that's something I guess.
                                That's nice

