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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Tomcatter
    Jeez, you guys post too much!

    Let me just go on the record and say this is one college student (USC! Hell yeah!) that isn't and will never be part of the Sheylas. I don't even lurk there. It's scary.

    Souther Red, great post; loved the bit about Beavis and Butthead, lol!

    Do you think we're all getting treated to too much ship in the beginning of the season/series that it will run out of steam? (God forbid). Eventually, they'll have to put it on hold or slow down the development, right? We all know there's going to be that inevitable character or plot device that screws it all up at least temporarily. But I'm getting ahead of myself, wouldn't want to jinx anything....
    Oh, I can be pretty sure that we're not gonna get another
    for a couple more seasons. That would probably the set back. But for the mean time I think I'll enjoy the eye candy.
    Last edited by xkawaiix; 08 August 2005, 09:38 AM. Reason: Fixing the spoiler tags


      I like Beavis and Butthead.

      But I'm not a fan of Shelya and I wish that Teyla would be written a bit more seriously.

      heheehe, hehe, I said "sheyla" hehe.


        Originally posted by Droops
        I like Beavis and Butthead.

        But I'm not a fan of Shelya and I wish that Teyla would be written a bit more seriously.

        heheehe, hehe, I said "sheyla" hehe.
        Would Sheppard be Beavis or Butthead?


          How about this? They are told to stand close so they'll both fit in the frame? Anybody out there know anything about how filming is done? It seems to me from listening to commentaries on this and other productions that the actors don't make a move without direction. Yeah, there's some adlibbing, but even that is in character and adds to the story. I don't think Joe and Torri are doing any of this subconsciously. Could the looks,etc all be part of the natural communication body language between colleagues, and we are reading things into it that aren't there?
          I know nothing about the filming craft itself but what i DO know is that EVERYTHING is done ON PURPOSE. If an actor adlibs or stands in a certain way that the director is unhappy with, then it gets changed to the way the director wants it to be. There are unscripted things that happen (eg, Joe sliding down the hill when following Teyla in Rising) that the director will see and say ''Lets leave that in'', and then there are some things that happen which don't get picked up on (eg,
          Liz referring to John as 'Major' in Duet
          ). There have been too many moments for it all to be coincidence. We can still grasp for ship and analyse scenes with ship-tinted glasses but atm we don't have to bc it's blatantly there.

          Thanx to JennyLousie, there are 5 clips of Siege 3 and 5 clips of Intruder here!

          Having seen those clips, i have to say:
          Things that make you go squee;
          -The teasing way John says 'What other Sheppards do you know?'
          -The way John says 'Don't scare me like that' and the look of relief.
          -Everything about the hug. Duh!
          -Elizabeth trying to reassure her boy at the end.

          -THe look she gives him after saying about 'People opinions who matter'
          -Woo! Lizzie kicking ass and that lil smirk/grin/tilt of the head at the end ('You don't want to fight me on this one').
          -Her sigh of relief when he's beemed aboard the Daedalus

          Things that make you go spork!
          She's so excited and he just waltzes in with his 'i wana look like Lizzie' haircut and deadpans 'I'm not going'. She sounded like a little kid when she said 'But I'm not' and so desperate/longing for him to come with her. Then he drops the bombshell and i just want to hug her

          *gets out sporker. Sharpens said sporker. Repeatidly sporks Simon for being an ass and having a bad hair cut*
          Last edited by SallyLizzie; 08 August 2005, 10:16 AM.


            Now now guys, don't say smack about the S/T shippers. One, its not very nice two, some of us are friends with s/t shippers and don't like hearing that kinda stuff three, a lot of the s/t shippers lurk in here and will see it.

            Ok, I'm done now.

            Welcome Southern Red hahaha! I officially love you.

            Exactly what Sally said. The wonderful thing about film is that unlike stage you can cut and edit. That said, they will take out everything they hate or don't want in. That's why they take so many takes with different variations of the scene. The ones that we see are chosen for a reason.

            That said, yes we probably over analyze EVERYTHING but we are S/W shippers! That is our way! And anyone who thinks otherwise can get sporked by our Sporks of DEATH!!!!

            Citizen of Braneville


              Thanks everyone who wished me a happy birthday! I must confess though, I forgot to wish for shep/wier when blowing out the candles; oh wait, I didn’t have a cake that’s why. I had an ice-cream Sunday and tried to blow the whipped cream at my brother…but anyway that’s off topic. Shep/Wier! I love it!

              Ok, nough of that. What are we talking about? Oh! Actors and ship. I would think that they would have to decide to do it. Daniel/Janet wasn’t in the script at all but thrown in by MS and TR, and fans certainly noticed that!


                Yeah, but the writers could have improvised! I still hate that she was killed off.


                  SallyLizzie, you are so insightful. That is exactly what I was thinking. So it's real. End of argument. Wizengamot, I love you too. Can you come over and spork my husband for me?
                  He's getting a little testy from all the shippy conversation. Now I have to keep quiet during the show, but I get him back by just pointing at the screen. He knows he was just witness to a shippy moment. But seriously, I don't mean to be negative. I just love this couple so much, and if they can't be together someday I will just, well as undignified as it may be at my advanced age, I may have to just spork somebody myself.

                  Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                    Originally posted by wizengamot
                    Now now guys, don't say smack about the S/T shippers. One, its not very nice two, some of us are friends with s/t shippers and don't like hearing that kinda stuff three, a lot of the s/t shippers lurk in here and will see it.

                    Ok, I'm done now.

                    Welcome Southern Red hahaha! I officially love you.

                    Exactly what Sally said. The wonderful thing about film is that unlike stage you can cut and edit. That said, they will take out everything they hate or don't want in. That's why they take so many takes with different variations of the scene. The ones that we see are chosen for a reason.

                    That said, yes we probably over analyze EVERYTHING but we are S/W shippers! That is our way! And anyone who thinks otherwise can get sporked by our Sporks of DEATH!!!!

                    rofl! Love the picture, Juli.

                    I totally agree about the Sheyla stuff. It's okay to say you don't support the ship, but don't be mean to the shippers.

                    Welcome, Southern Red!
                    If at any time you need a spork... there are loads lying around. Just grab one (or a couple) and do whatever you need to do.

                    *runs off to watch Duet so she can join in on the discussion/over-analyzing*
                    Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
                    Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


                      This is going to sound sexist but at the end of the day men and women are different and there is no use pretending otherwise. As far as I can tell female viewers in general (there are always exceptions) are more interested in the 'ship' side of shows than male viewers. Therefore there seems to be an ongoing problem that the mostly male PTB (especially in the sci-fi genre) are not really very good at creating relationships that will satisfy the expectations of the female part of the demographic. They seem to think that all they have to do is throw a bit of romance our way every now and again and we'll be happy but we are more discerning than that. It's like poor Southern Red's husband getting testy from all the shippy talk.

                      As for Sheppard/Weir V Sheppard/Teyla. If they wanted a male lead to have a relationship with an ass-kicking hot alien chick then they picked the wrong actor and devised the wrong character for him to play. Sheppard, as we say here in the U.K is a 'thinking woman's crumpet' and not up to playing Hercules to Teyla's Xena. He is is too complex on the one hand and not macho enough on the other. Ronon however sounds perfect for the task. I found the
                      mention of Weir saying that Ronon wasn't very chatty amusing because I feel the same way just from reading spoilers about his character.

                      A lot of people are drooling over his pecs etc (which is fair enough) but he does no more for me than he appears to do for Weir. I'd take Sheppard(obviously), McKay, Beckett and Zelenka over him any day and I am sure Weir would feel the same way. I am not suggesting that Teyla or Ronon lack intelligence but that that their intelligence is exhibited as practical rather than cerebral.
                      ~ Esther~ My Live Journal
                      FBI - Body Preservation Division


                        Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                        There are unscripted things that happen (eg, Joe sliding down the hill when following Teyla in Rising) that the director will see and say ''Lets leave that in'',
                        I asked J. Mallozzi about that a while back and apparently it was scripted... JF's just a natural that's all...
                        "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                          Originally posted by smallgirl
                          As for Sheppard/Weir V Sheppard/Teyla. If they wanted a male lead to have a relationship with an ass-kicking hot alien chick then they picked the wrong actor and devised the wrong character for him to play. Sheppard, as we say here in the U.K is a 'thinking woman's crumpet' and not up to playing Hercules to Teyla's Xena. He is is too complex on the one hand and not macho enough on the other. Ronon however sounds perfect for the task. I found the
                          mention of Weir saying that Ronon wasn't very chatty amusing because I feel the same way just from reading spoilers about his character.
                          Making good sense as usual...
                          Thinking woman's sex symbol is what springs to mind for me... Hence, why Weir springs to mind.

                          I don't think I've got blinkers on where Sheppard/Weir is concerned... and I say it in all earnestness... I am anti-J/S, I read the promos like everyone else, TPTB were hinting at UST between Sheppard and Teyla... saw a little bit of it in Rising and maybe a little friendly interaction in Hide and Seek. But that was it... Never saw it again. Well, if TPTB are thinking of developing that relationship "in that way", they're doing a terrible job. With Sheppard and Weir, it just hit me that there was potential there... the first balcony scene... sparks were flying... the long looks... I don't look for ship generally, I expect ship to come to me. And this one did...
                          "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                            Originally posted by Southern Red
                            Either they're testing this ship to see how it plays with us, or we're overanalyzing and there's actually nothing there. How about this? They are told to stand close so they'll both fit in the frame? Anybody out there know anything about how filming is done? It seems to me from listening to commentaries on this and other productions that the actors don't make a move without direction. Yeah, there's some adlibbing, but even that is in character and adds to the story. I don't think Joe and Torri are doing any of this subconsciously. Could the looks,etc all be part of the natural communication body language between colleagues, and we are reading things into it that aren't there? If the Sheylas can do it, why can't we? Just trying to psychoanalyze myself. Headache building. By the way, doesn't Shweir sound like something you could cure with penicillin?
                            ; ) You guys are makin me smile today! Such great talk while I've been slaving away in the salt mines. Southern Red, you are crackin me up!

                            As for the ship, I think they are 'testing' it a little here in season two and probably made the decision to do so back in mid season one. I have hope that they weren't totally blind, deaf and dumb and could see the sparkage and sexiness of Shep and Weir's scenes together. They stand much closer in much scenes than any two people normally would. Elizabeth will come up behind him or beside him and practically step on him...and John, well he hovers especially in a dire situation.

                            It's like they create this small little world where only the two of them exist to solve problems and communicate on another level from everyone else. Those gazefests are quickly becoming legendary between them. Who else has Elizabeth
                            hugged in her time on Atlantis?
                            I mean the other members of the team have been in dire straits before and had bad situations (rodney for instance recently) and you don't see her doing it to Rodney or Teyla. And John has tapped her arms, her shoulder and touched her back numerous times. Who else do we see him do that to?

                            The touching and the closeness is NO accident and they do intentionally try to be sexy imho. Take for instance that last scene between them in Duet.
                            They could have played that much, much more seriously and straightforward than they did. Think about it. Her little huffs and eye squenching and his little flopsided flirty smiles and taps to her arm made that short scene charged with that little bit of extra that makes the sexual sparks fly between them. Hey, would John have aggrevated Caldwell or Rodney like that? I don't think so.

                            What is neat to me in a way is how Elizabeth has made a choice to *give* John a sort of loose joint command. She trusts and believes in him, yes. But there is more to it than that. She loves the 'sharing' aspect of the new relationship obviously. And he, who doesn't like authority is willing to give in to her at times and respect her right to nail him at times. That shows a trust and belief in her ability to make sound decisions and his growing respect of her as a real leader and a woman. I think you have a man and woman here that even though they're not totally aware of it, are looking for a marriage of sorts. They are seeking a partner that can help them to be the best person they can be and they are now enjoying trying out the boundries of it. Each gives the other chances to make mistakes and chances to be the one that is right sometimes and they're patient with the other when they don't see eye to eye. They listen to each other-really listen- and they think seriously about the other's opinions. If nobody has told them, they really should think about a personal relationship with each other-the early returns show two people who care enough to 'make' that work lovely too.

                            -Bama ; )


                              Originally posted by Easter Lily
                              Making good sense as usual...
                              Thinking woman's sex symbol is what springs to mind for me... Hence, why Weir springs to mind.

                              Well, if TPTB are thinking of developing that relationship "in that way", they're doing a terrible job.
                              Maybe the editors are the shippers?!
                              They don't trim the gaze fests.
                              They choose to quick cut between E & J constantly.
                              Endless reaction shots between one another.
                              Episodes are bookended with the Power Couple.
                              hmmmm... It must be the editing.
                              Last edited by Rubicon; 08 August 2005, 01:25 PM.


                                Originally posted by Easter Lily
                                Making good sense as usual...
                                Thinking woman's sex symbol is what springs to mind for me... Hence, why Weir springs to mind.

                                I don't think I've got blinkers on where Sheppard/Weir is concerned... and I say it in all earnestness... I am anti-J/S, I read the promos like everyone else, TPTB were hinting at UST between Sheppard and Teyla... saw a little bit of it in Rising and maybe a little friendly interaction in Hide and Seek. But that was it... Never saw it again. Well, if TPTB are thinking of developing that relationship "in that way", they're doing a terrible job. With Sheppard and Weir, it just hit me that there was potential there... the first balcony scene... sparks were flying... the long looks... I don't look for ship generally, I expect ship to come to me. And this one did...
                                Of course, I think you're both *nailing* it here....

                                However, what is this mess in an upcoming episode where
                                the episode talks about 'Do Sheppard and Teyla have more than it conversion?
                                What are some thoughts on that?

                                I'm afraid it may be one of those episodes like the Xfiles episode of '3' where Mulder was seduced by the hot-sexy vampire....or that episode where scully gets it on with the psycho tattoo guy. I just filed those in the back of my drawer and refuse to acknowledge they ever existed. I hope the atlantis guys aren't going for a 'one-shot' kiss episode where I might just have to vomit. I mean it, Shep/Weir is quickly evolving into one of those relationships that you want to fight for and you believe is right with every scrap in you. If you've lived at all, you can see the 'real' quality of what they are developing and you want to see them find that true happiness with each other at some time in the future that so few manage to find.


