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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Hatcheter
    And I'll stop myself before I start discussing genetics and why I think Sheppard's gene is stronger than everyone elses.
    C`mon can`t leave us hanging like that! Please tell

    “I know how Sheppard can be,” “He’s an incredibly strong man,” “and Elizabeth is his weakness. He doesn’t know how to handle that.”
    - Rodney to AU Elizabeth : quote from PeanutButterer`s The Other Side


      I usually don't hit the forum on weekend so I wanted to play catch up and say Happy Belated Birthday Tigon_(5)!
      "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
      "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
      Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
      Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
      "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
      Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
      Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
      (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


        Originally posted by Hatcheter
        And I'll stop myself before I start discussing genetics and why I think Sheppard's gene is stronger than everyone elses.
        I have my theory on his "abilities" as well. There has been some talk on other threads about that too. Makes for interesting conversation.

        Read somewhere (Mallozzi's or Gero's thread) that Weir does not have the gene. Maybe I read it in an interview outside GW. Can't remember. The brain cells don't work as well since the last birthday.

        When all else fails, change channels.


          Oh and Happy Blated B-Day Tigon_(5)!!!!!


            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
            I have my theory on his "abilities" as well. There has been some talk on other threads about that too. Makes for interesting conversation.

            Read somewhere (Mallozzi's or Gero's thread) that Weir does not have the gene. Maybe I read it in an interview outside GW. Can't remember. The brain cells don't work as well since the last birthday.
            Apparently I'm afflicted with the same problem, I know I've read some where confirming Elizabeth doesn't have the Ancient gene, but I can't for the life of me remember where I read it.


              woah go away for a week and miss everything!!!

              Happy late birthday Tigon!!!!!!
              Citizen of Braneville


                What a wonderful discussion. I lurked off and on all weekend, but RL intruded too much to allow me to form thoughts. Now that I've soaked my dentures, stowed the walker behind my special orthopedic chair and adjusted the bifocals I can get down to business. What was I doing? Oh yeah, all you young whippersnappers tickle me. Those folks over on the John/Teyla thread have blinders on, but I guess you could argue (as my husband does) that we do too. The thing that concerns me though is the idea that they are still writing for the stereotypical Beavis and Butthead people who want to see the scantily clad alien kick butt while the macho types drool over her. It just makes me want to slap somebody silly. I am 55 years old and have been reading/watching Sci Fi since junior high and so have most of my friends and family. All those white socks nerds are now the people who make the world work. They watch and guess what, they have a lot of purchasing power. If they want to increase revenue for the shows, they need to keep the long time fans happy. I don't mean cater to whatever whim we have this week, but they must write intelligent stories with interesting characters. I am royally ticked off by the possibility that they may be playing with us. I have never reacted well to condescension. If they make John Sheppard stupid enough to go for the obvious and overlook beauty, grace and intelligence, I will never have any more respect for anybody involved with this show. Yes, I'll keep watching, but I'll just enjoy the eye candy and forget getting anything meaningful out of it. Now, either the doorbell is ringing or my hearing aid needs adjusting. Later.
                Duet was great. Loved the bubble bursting between J and E.

                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                  Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                  The brain cells don't work as well since the last birthday.
                  Ooh and Happy Belated B-Day FP!!!! Wow, I didn't know that there where so many ppl born in August!


                    Originally posted by Southern Red
                    Now that I've soaked my dentures, stowed the walker behind my special orthopedic chair and adjusted the bifocals I can get down to business.

                    I LOVE your post!

                    When all else fails, change channels.


                      Originally posted by Southern Red
                      What a wonderful discussion. I lurked off and on all weekend, but RL intruded too much to allow me to form thoughts. Now that I've soaked my dentures, stowed the walker behind my special orthopedic chair and adjusted the bifocals I can get down to business. What was I doing? Oh yeah, all you young whippersnappers tickle me. Those folks over on the John/Teyla thread have blinders on, but I guess you could argue (as my husband does) that we do too. The thing that concerns me though is the idea that they are still writing for the stereotypical Beavis and Butthead people who want to see the scantily clad alien kick butt while the macho types drool over her. It just makes me want to slap somebody silly. I am 55 years old and have been reading/watching Sci Fi since junior high and so have most of my friends and family. All those white socks nerds are now the people who make the world work. They watch and guess what, they have a lot of purchasing power. If they want to increase revenue for the shows, they need to keep the long time fans happy. I don't mean cater to whatever whim we have this week, but they must write intelligent stories with interesting characters. I am royally ticked off by the possibility that they may be playing with us. I have never reacted well to condescension. If they make John Sheppard stupid enough to go for the obvious and overlook beauty, grace and intelligence, I will never have any more respect for anybody involved with this show. Yes, I'll keep watching, but I'll just enjoy the eye candy and forget getting anything meaningful out of it. [/spoiler]
                      Exactly, I'd hate it if they just focuse on the 'sexyness' of the show and make all the men drool and stuff. I know that they want more adult male viewers but c'mon! What about us, the original viewers? I mean, don't they feel bad that the only reason some people are watching the show is because of the fat butt alien amazon warriors and not because they like the plots, the acting, or any of that? Because if they don't then all I have to say is :



                        On the gene business: My theory on it is that it's actually a cluster of genes, and Beckett's only identified one of them. Lots of things about a person are determined by more than one gene — for example, eye color is a multi-gene trait. So my suspicion is that John has more of the right genes from the cluster, which could account for his heightened connection with the technology.

                        As for Elizabeth having the gene, my suspicion is that she doesn't, and that she hasn't had the therapy. "Epiphany"
                        We know that Rodney can read Ancient, but when John disappears through some sort of portal, they call Elizabeth in to translate the runes. It's possible that Rodney can't get near the portal because he has the Ancient gene and would get sucked in too, so Elizabeth, without the gene, can get near enough to translate things and save her boy's butt.
                        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                        Last update: 14 April 2006
                        Melyanna's Multimedia
                        Last update: 15 February 2006


                          Jeez, you guys post too much!

                          Let me just go on the record and say this is one college student (USC! Hell yeah!) that isn't and will never be part of the Sheylas. I don't even lurk there. It's scary.

                          Souther Red, great post; loved the bit about Beavis and Butthead, lol!

                          Do you think we're all getting treated to too much ship in the beginning of the season/series that it will run out of steam? (God forbid). Eventually, they'll have to put it on hold or slow down the development, right? We all know there's going to be that inevitable character or plot device that screws it all up at least temporarily. But I'm getting ahead of myself, wouldn't want to jinx anything....


                            Boy this place his hopping lately. About whether Elizabeth has the gene. In the Storm/Eye she was talking with Kolya and he asked her if she had the gene and she said no. Whether she had the gene therapy or not I don't know. Okay, I must go. This thread really does suck you in.


                              Either they're testing this ship to see how it plays with us, or we're overanalyzing and there's actually nothing there. How about this? They are told to stand close so they'll both fit in the frame? Anybody out there know anything about how filming is done? It seems to me from listening to commentaries on this and other productions that the actors don't make a move without direction. Yeah, there's some adlibbing, but even that is in character and adds to the story. I don't think Joe and Torri are doing any of this subconsciously. Could the looks,etc all be part of the natural communication body language between colleagues, and we are reading things into it that aren't there? If the Sheylas can do it, why can't we? Just trying to psychoanalyze myself. Headache building. By the way, doesn't Shweir sound like something you could cure with penicillin?

                              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                                Is there so new spoiler/info that I don't know about re: JE?

                                What's with all the negative? Is it just Monday?

