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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Ankareeda
    So und da wie ja auch Deutsch können , auch ein paar Zeilen für dich in Deutsch, ich muss auch mal wieder ins Wall-Between-Forum... *sigh*
    Ja, im Forum ist irgendwie nicht mehr viel los *seufz* Naja, was soll's, versuch ich mich jetzt also mit dem englisch *g*

    Sorry, for the german

    from what I heard, I expected a bit more from this ep. But Lizzie going offworld is enough for me to squee
    And Carson and Laura... *luv*


      You're all welcome. I only wish there had been more to cap. Alas, there's always next week!

      Originally posted by Melyanna
      I'm afraid I wasn't impressed with this one.
      I'm equally as unimpressed, perhaps more. Let me explain why.
      The information that came out of JF's mouth months ago was NOTHING like the episode, not even close. Then I got my hopes up over the flashbacks that never happened. They (along with Weir off-world) were the only things that swayed me from my decision never to watch this episode. Also, it was suggested that Weir would be working her ass off to get him back. Perhaps that was lost in the editing process to allow more screentime for Teer, I'm not sure, but all we ever saw were like 2 seconds of her translation work, and it didn't really seem all that important, i.e. it wasn't the key to opening the portal and saving him as I thought it would. Also, the pacing seemed all wrong. Not enough of that internal struggle for Sheppard that everyone seems to be talking about. And last but not least, can we please have some "normal" women on the show in the future? Normal meaning resembling actual people, not maidens in distress with precognitive abilities, along with other superpowers, not to mention stunningly good looks. How 1967.

      Okay, so that it doesn't look like I hated everything about this episode, I'll also post the pros.
      The humour was brilliant: MALP on a stick, Conan and Xena... John's interaction with Hedda as previously mentioned. Elizabeth off-world. Teyla's line about the time ratio that left McKay (nearly) speechless. That is a remarkable achievement, people.


        Falls jemand von euch nen Link zu einem guten Deutschen Forum braucht. Oder jemand in einem Rollenspiel mitmachen will (bin Admin in einem ) kann sich bei mir per PM melden

        O.K we'll stop with german now...promised! I'd be excited when someone Hungarian would join the board/topic but I haven't seen anyone yet *snif* Even if Stargate is famous in hungary too!


          Originally posted by gooner_diva
          You're all welcome. I only wish there had been more to cap. Alas, there's always next week!

          I'm equally as unimpressed, perhaps more. Let me explain why.
          The information that came out of JF's mouth months ago was NOTHING like the episode, not even close. Then I got my hopes up over the flashbacks that never happened. They (along with Weir off-world) were the only things that swayed me from my decision never to watch this episode. Also, it was suggested that Weir would be working her ass off to get him back. Perhaps that was lost in the editing process to allow more screentime for Teer, I'm not sure, but all we ever saw were like 2 seconds of her translation work, and it didn't really seem all that important, i.e. it wasn't the key to opening the portal and saving him as I thought it would. Also, the pacing seemed all wrong. Not enough of that internal struggle for Sheppard that everyone seems to be talking about. And last but not least, can we please have some "normal" women on the show in the future? Normal meaning resembling actual people, not maidens in distress with precognitive abilities, along with other superpowers, not to mention stunningly good looks. How 1967.

          Okay, so that it doesn't look like I hated everything about this episode, I'll also post the pros.
          The humour was brilliant: MALP on a stick, Conan and Xena... John's interaction with Hedda as previously mentioned. Elizabeth off-world. Teyla's line about the time ratio that left McKay (nearly) speechless. That is a remarkable achievement, people.
          Conan and Xena! Totally forgot about that bit.

          I liked Teyla in this episode, especially with the ratio thing. I love it when she and Rodney get to interact, because they've got that same "what the heck?" vibe that Ronon and Weir have.

          The pacing really did seem off, and, well, I've yet to figure out what John's epiphany was. For an episode that was supposed to develop John for us, it did a really crappy job of it. We got more about Elizabeth than we did about John. Pretty sad, since she was in just a few scenes.
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            For as much talk as there's been on the introduction of Ronon helping Teyla become a fuller character, there's been a lot of little things with her and McKay this season that's developing her further, as well.

            It is too bad that they didn't delve into Sheppard's past, like it was indicated that they would. Then again, British Columbia can't easily pass for Afghanistan, so they probably couldn't do the story justice.

            a time to mourn


              I think a lot of people were expecting something that really wasn't there - John's backstory. I don't think it was neccessarily the episode itself that was so bad, but the expectations that surrounded it because of things mentioned beforehand that didn't pan out. For all we know, there could have been flashbacks that were cut for some or some reason like that. And while we didn't get any direct evidence of John's backstory, I think we got a glimpse of it in all his abandonment issues. Methinks something happened in his past that makes him particularly sensitive to being left behind.

              Originally posted by Melyanna
              Conan and Xena! Totally forgot about that bit.

              The pacing really did seem off, and, well, I've yet to figure out what John's epiphany was. For an episode that was supposed to develop John for us, it did a really crappy job of it. We got more about Elizabeth than we did about John. Pretty sad, since she was in just a few scenes.
              Honestly, I don't think it was necessarily John's epiphany that the title is referring to. I think it's the ancients' epiphany, realizing that they had the key to defeating the Beast and ascending right then and there.
              "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
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                Originally posted by gooner_diva
                Bring on Critical Mass! As if some of us don't already know EVERYTHING that happens in it thanks to a certain website.

                Btw, I made some screencaps of the Shep/Weir bits (if you can call them that) so if anyone's interested...

                Thank you for the caps Gooner Diva


                  Und nehme dich vor den 'mints' in Acht... [/QUOTE]

                  I read about that "mint-thing" no mints, thx


                    Originally posted by xfkirsten
                    Honestly, I don't think it was necessarily John's epiphany that the title is referring to. I think it's the ancients' epiphany, realizing that they had the key to defeating the Beast and ascending right then and there.
                    That's a good point - it could have been referring to their epiphany. I think the talk about learning more of John's history just made us all expect it to be his epiphany.

                    Overall, I liked the episode. I'm only haphazzardly paying attention to spoilers this season, so I didn't have too many ideas about this ep. As has been mentioned, John's interaction with Hedda was great, and I really did like the somewhat Sparky moments at the end.

                    But I think one of my favorite parts was seeing John in the cave at the beginning, and his frustration with his friends and with his situation. I did feel like we were getting to see a different side of him there.

                    Liked the end, the beard comment etc. Really liked the Teyla/Rodney interaction, and Rodney's quiet little comment about the probe-thing-whatsit (give me a break, I've got a cold and am exhausted) being Zelenka's idea (I didn't just imagine that, did I?).

                    And we got to see both Elizabeth and Carson offworld (and oh, yeah, picked up on the Cadman/Carson date line too... *grins madly*).

                    As for the girl-of-the-week, my feeling was "meh." Didn't really do anything for me, but didn't really bug me either.

                    gooner_diva, thanks for the caps!
                    Last edited by LurkerLa; 29 November 2005, 05:30 PM.
                    ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                    The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                      Originally posted by gooner_diva
                      As if some of us don't already know EVERYTHING that happens in it thanks to a certain website.
                      Tell me about it ...My eyes are burning...

                      Great screencaps by the way...I'd give you green but it's still not working...

                      Edit:..wait...yes they are!

                      Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                      LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                      Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                        Welcome to all the new people!

                        Originally posted by gooner_diva
                        Bring on Critical Mass! As if some of us don't already know EVERYTHING that happens in it thanks to a certain website.

                        Btw, I made some screencaps of the Shep/Weir bits (if you can call them that) so if anyone's interested...

                        I try to avoid as many spoilers as I can so I didn't click on that Critical Mass link.

                        Loved your screencaps, gooner-diva.


                          Finally watched “Epiphany” this morning as I was getting ready for work, so that means I didn’t pay much attention to the episode. Then again this episode didn’t really need that much attention.

                          Personally wasn’t expecting too much from this episode other than maybe some more background on Sheppard, but like many others I was disappointed by how that bit of early spoiler information did not surface and was no where to be found no matter how much I squinted and tilted my head. The only “background” information I could figure from the episode was that John had abandonment issues.

                          Teer was merely there for exposition and to kiss Sheppard once. What is it with alien women and being so forward with their men especially towards Earth men? I think I made the same “Huh?” face as John when Teer was like “Come, sit next to me,” when he was obviously excitedly going through the supplies that Rodney and Co. tossed over to him.

                          I thought Hedda was cute though. I think I preferred seeing her interact more with John then Teer.

                          Now for the “Beast”…I was just wondering was it just me, or did it feel like I was watching the Atlantis version of “The Forbidden Planet”? Which was a horrible Scifi adaptation of Shakepeare’s Tempest. Unfortunately, I had to watch the movie for a paper and I’m still wishing I could have those two hours of my life back.

                          But the whole “invisible” beast thing and how they made the beast “disappear” reminded me about the whole cheesy effects Id beast in “Forbidden Planet”.

                          So John is “The One”….uh…sure…All he did was call the people in that planet wussies, and they weren’t happy about that or they realized that it was true, so they finally stood up against their “fear/Id” and made it vanish so they could all ascend happily. To quote John and a friend of mine after they ‘killed’ the beast, “That’s it?!”

                          Aside from all the above disappointment, there were some enjoyable moments. The whole ‘Conan and Xena’ moments between Rodney, Teyla, and Ronon were a nice touch.

                          I loved the moment when John was talking into his radio and he figured that after hours of talking to it and not having any response, Rodney and Co. probably couldn’t hear him, and he was all “I don’t have a volleyball, so I’ll just talk to this radio even if no one can hear me.

                          And there were a couple other moments that made this episode much more bearable than “Sanctuary”. Among those moments was Off-world!Elizabeth! Just the fact that Elizabeth wasn’t stuck in Atlantis all episode was squee worthy.

                          For some Sparky moments, I love how Elizabeth was adamant that she was going to go through and no one was going to talk her out of it. Also of course if it wasn’t for the beast attacking them, I’m sure she would have ran into his arms…that’s what I’d like to think. But she did run to him first after the beast disappeared. But John was playing hard to get and brushed her hand off, but like I said John was having abandonment issues at the moment, so Elizabeth and I forgive him.

                          Also the comment Elizabeth made about “The beard is interesting”. And John’s reply of “That’s the first thing that goes when we get home” was definitely a cute moment. And how can someone like me not take that comment and not run with it. First thing that popped into my head when I heard that was “That’s right. Elizabeth isn’t big on the bushman beard because it would tickle and irritate her nice smooth skin when they made out.”

                          …as I was typing that I think a bunny came and whacked me in the side of my head…

                          But I think the overall "Epiphany" in this episode had to do with the people who were ascending, but I also like to think that Sheppard's 'epiphany' is that he really missed everyone on Atlantis and that Atlantis was his home now. Even though that 'epiphany' seems so obvious, I guess that's what Sheppard got out of it.

                          I think I’ve rambled enough for the morning…Wow, I’m chatty this morning.


                            Originally posted by gooner_diva
                            Bring on Critical Mass! As if some of us don't already know EVERYTHING that happens in it thanks to a certain website.

                            Btw, I made some screencaps of the Shep/Weir bits (if you can call them that) so if anyone's interested...


                            Oh! Great pics! Yep, the beard has to go! But Torri looks fantastic! Whatever they're doing with her hair and makeup, it absolutely works!! Love the hair with a bit of volume to it like that!


                              Originally posted by alyssa
                              Oh! Great pics! Yep, the beard has to go! But Torri looks fantastic! Whatever they're doing with her hair and makeup, it absolutely works!! Love the hair with a bit of volume to it like that!
                              As Athena said, the beard would irritate Elizabeth's skin when they make out so it has to go.

                              Plus Shep doesn't look as good with it. *shallow moment*


                                Originally posted by gooner_diva
                                As Athena said, the beard would irritate Elizabeth's skin when they make out so it has to go.

                                Plus Shep doesn't look as good with it. *shallow moment*
                                Although he does always have that stubble. Now that would really be irritating. Then again it looks really good on him.

