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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Lumiere
    I do not speak English very well. Fortunately that the translator its, bus if not I could nothing say whole. I am really null. Finally I manage nevertheless but my limited word its.

    Coucou Enfant Tv !!

    je crois que l'on se connait ??
    tu n'aurais pas poster des fanfictions sur mon forum par hasard ??
    Je ne sais pas. Je ne me rappelle pas avoir poster mes fics sur un forum mais il faut dire que j'ai une petite mémoire de temps en temps lol. C'est quoi ton forum ? Et tu dois parler de mes fics Stargate SG-1, je suppose ?

    I don't know ! lol ! I don't remember to post my fics on a forum but i have little memory sometimes ;p What are your forum ? And you talk my Stargate SG-1 fics, I suppose ?

    I'm speaking english too for everybody understand

    I'm afraid that in this episode (Ephiphany), there isn't many moment Liz/John or "shippy" moment. I keep hope but I'm preparing to have not ship


      Dorkas : even the translator could not help me.

      I'm sorry I don't Understand

      Enfant TV :
      oui c'est possible que tu ais poster tes fanfictions stargate sg1
      Si je te dis Au pays des Fanfictions, est-ce que cela te parle ??

      yes it is possible that you board to write your fanfictions stargate sg1 If I say to you With the country of Fanfictions, that does speak to you??


        Originally posted by EnfantTV
        Je ne sais pas. Je ne me rappelle pas avoir poster mes fics sur un forum mais il faut dire que j'ai une petite mémoire de temps en temps lol. C'est quoi ton forum ? Et tu dois parler de mes fics Stargate SG-1, je suppose ?

        I don't know ! lol ! I don't remember to post my fics on a forum but i have little memory sometimes ;p What are your forum ? And you talk my Stargate SG-1 fics, I suppose ?

        I'm speaking english too for everybody understand

        I'm afraid that in this episode (Ephiphany), there isn't many moment Liz/John or "shippy" moment. I keep hope but I'm preparing to have not ship
        I can imagin
        That if there are shippy scenes, they are only from Liz's part, who's trying everything to bring John back...I mean, everytime she knows he's in danger and it's nearly safe, she goes off-world...

        It's SGA so I'm looking forward to it "by hook or by crook" (funny expression...found it in the dict. )


          Originally posted by Lumiere
          Dorkas : even the translator could not help me.

          I'm sorry I don't Understand

          Enfant TV :
          oui c'est possible que tu ais poster tes fanfictions stargate sg1
          Si je te dis Au pays des Fanfictions, est-ce que cela te parle ??

          yes it is possible that you board to write your fanfictions stargate sg1 If I say to you With the country of Fanfictions, that does speak to you??

          Oui !!! Ca me parle en effet... mais je me souviens plus d'un site que d'un forum *blush* Tu peux me redonner l'adresse, s'il te plaît

          Yes ! It speak me !!! lol !! I remember to a website... but not a forum *blush* Can you give me your link please ?


            Originally posted by Dorka
            I can imagin
            That if there are shippy scenes, they are only from Liz's part, who's trying everything to bring John back...I mean, everytime she knows he's in danger and it's nearly safe, she goes off-world...

            It's SGA so I'm looking forward to it "by hook or by crook" (funny expression...found it in the dict. )
            Technic question *blush* How are you doing to put "SPOILERS (Highlight below to read):" ?


              no problem !!

              The forum :
              that I made especially for Christmas with the color of Torri.

              the site :


                Originally posted by EnfantTV
                Technic question *blush* How are you doing to put "SPOILERS (Highlight below to read):" ?

                that's easy

                you write (SPOILER) the text (/SPOILER)

                but instead of () you take []


                  Originally posted by Lumiere
                  no problem !!

                  The forum :
                  that I made especially for Christmas with the color of Torri.

                  the site :
                  Thank you ! I know your site but not your forum *blush* sorry


                    it's possible !!

                    your pseudonym spoke to me!!


                      Bienvenue Lumiere!!!!!

                      je peux parler un peu de francais, mais ce n'est pas bien...

                      enjoy the forums
                      ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                        Originally posted by Dorka
                        that's easy

                        you write (SPOILER) the text (/SPOILER)

                        but instead of () you take []
                        Thank you very much. I trying :
                        I think that we will have great Liz's moments in this episode. Since "Conversion", we see that Elizabeth have feelings to John and she discovers them as one goes along. I hope that John will discover shortly them.


                          Originally posted by EnfantTV

                          I think that we will have great Liz's moments in this episode. Since "Conversion", we see that Elizabeth have feelings to John and she discovers them as one goes along. I hope that John will discover shortly them.
                          very welll spoken... i hope that too
                          ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                            Thanks Lexa !!

                            but you speak quite french


                              Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
                              very welll spoken... i hope that too
                              I noted that there were most difficult for men to discover their feelings. I noted it in differents series...


                                yes they is often the women who show in first their feelings those which is strong damage!!

