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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Easter Lily
    Still, I really don't understand why Weir gets criticised for being maternal and for demonstrating some emotion. Most women I know are not afraid to show emotions when they are moved or anxious, so why is it Weir gets so much flak for it? Could it be that they just don't like her... Just an idea...
    Oh, that's it EL...way to go...take all the analysis straight out of it for me! LOL! I go to all this trouble typing and I get-'well, maybe they just don't like her'? ROTL! Yeah, she's probably just not some people's cup o' tea as a character or person and that's ok. I freely admit that I really never cared or 'got' Ford though I tried not to make offensive remarks about the fella all over the boards at every opportunity. *ahem* I figure if these people that don't care for Weir were ever going to come to like her, they would have by now. Some may have made up their minds before hand and others may have er...other motives driving a dislike. Different strokes...
    I'll just say that I think the cast is really good as it is right now. I think the main six are great and the recurrings such as Zelenka, Lorne and Caldwell are wonderful too. I guess that's why I really don't want 'more' -like Sam- brought in to fiddle with the chem of the bunch when the show is just hitting it's stride well. Oh, and I agree with you on Sam. I like her but I never 'got' her totally.


      Originally posted by SallyLizzie
      Hey y'all, Lust and Fame has been updated (chapter 2) over at ffn
      Thank you for the great links to fanfic! You always have the best stories!!
      "We'll name it later!"
      - - - -
      Sparks! A Weir/Sheppard fanficton challenge site
      Love Lorne | Sparky! | Open_Com


        Hey! I just noticed there's an anti Teyla/Dex thread. I bet the same people who hang on the anti Shep/Weir thread hang there..... That's all I have to say, but you know what I mean......


          Originally posted by alyssa
          Hey! I just noticed there's an anti Teyla/Dex thread. I bet the same people who hang on the anti Shep/Weir thread hang there..... That's all I have to say, but you know what I mean......
          Didn't that thread like die several months ago??! See that's proof that nothing ever stays dead on GW...kind of like Daniel. Yes, bad joke. I just had to say it.


            Originally posted by alyssa
            Hey! I just noticed there's an anti Teyla/Dex thread. I bet the same people who hang on the anti Shep/Weir thread hang there..... That's all I have to say, but you know what I mean......
            And we all known where the people who hang in anti-Teyla\Dex and Anti-Shep\Weir come from. It's just Shep\Teyla Mk 2.

            I had something else to say about something. But i've forgotten.

            Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


              Finally watched Epiphany yesterday evening.

              I don't know, I wasn't really disapointed. Sure, more character-developement on sheppard would have been better, but I hope we'll get it later this season!
              I liked McKay's and Teylas interaction...they should talk a bit more
              Elizabeth going off-world, sooooooo *squeee* like! She was very enthusiastic (nearly as McKay)...the scientist in her is still there, and she definitely should use her skills more! They have a good team-dynamic with her!

              What I surely didn't like, was that John really HAD to kiss this wasn't really necessary IMO


                Originally posted by Athenaktt
                Didn't that thread like die several months ago??! See that's proof that nothing ever stays dead on GW...kind of like Daniel. Yes, bad joke. I just had to say it.
                You had me laughing out loud at that one. I scared my cat! It is very funny that people have to start "anti" threads. It seems like we should just all be able to have a good time in our own ship threads and not worry what others are doing.

                Ok on the prowl again for more fics. Is it just me or are all the fics very fast, one-shot type things? Don't get me wrong I love them all, but I am really in the mood for a good long love story for these two.
                "We'll name it later!"
                - - - -
                Sparks! A Weir/Sheppard fanficton challenge site
                Love Lorne | Sparky! | Open_Com


                  I had some thoughts on Epiphany:
                  Teer (I think that was her name) was obviously the romantic interest of the episode, but I wasn't seeing any real interest on John's side. I mean, they didn't seem very intimate. There was the one part where she tells him he is the 'chosen one' and they kiss, but in the later scenes, it doesn't look like they are an item. It looks like life is just continuing on as usual. Also, in the end when she and her people ascend and she invites John to join them, his refusal didn't seem like a hard decision. He didn't look pained at all to see her go. At least with SG-1's 'A Hundred Days', when Jack was finally saved, he looked truly saddened to leave his girlfriend. Now, I'm not saying I wanted to see John getting all lovey-dovey with Neer, but they really came across as a meaningless relationship. As for Elizabeth, I really liked her comment about the beard. I also liked that we didn't get any sad shots of Elizabeth seeing John with Neer. I don't think I could stand seeing her so needy.
                  Shop through Big Crumbs for your online purchases to receive a little bit of your money back.


                    Hehe check out this cap I got. I'll post the URL and not the IMG because I'm not sure if its spoilery:

                    Weir: *glaring daggers at girlfriend-of-the-week*

                    Lovebar made by natz099
                    My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                      I am laughing IRL at that cap.

                      OMG that is so funny. She needs some time in the angrydome.

                      Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


                        Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
                        Hehe check out this cap I got. I'll post the URL and not the IMG because I'm not sure if its spoilery:

                        Weir: *glaring daggers at girlfriend-of-the-week*
                        Lol! beat me to it!!I saw that cap this morning and thought the same thing!!

                        Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                        LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                        Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                          Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
                          Hehe check out this cap I got. I'll post the URL and not the IMG because I'm not sure if its spoilery:

                          Weir: *glaring daggers at girlfriend-of-the-week*
                          Nice find there.

                          a time to mourn


                            Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
                            Hehe check out this cap I got. I'll post the URL and not the IMG because I'm not sure if its spoilery:

                            Weir: *glaring daggers at girlfriend-of-the-week*

                            Lol, awesome cap. Makes me wanna see Epiphany /now/, rather than having to wait. *sporks Aussie TV*

                            Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


                              Originally posted by Bladefanatic
                              You had me laughing out loud at that one. I scared my cat! It is very funny that people have to start "anti" threads. It seems like we should just all be able to have a good time in our own ship threads and not worry what others are doing.

                              Ok on the prowl again for more fics. Is it just me or are all the fics very fast, one-shot type things? Don't get me wrong I love them all, but I am really in the mood for a good long love story for these two.

                              Don't know if you've read this, but it's longer than the average. One of my personal favourites
                              Wraithbait's not a bad site --- mostly slash ( ), but the Shep/Weir stuff is easy enough to find

                              This is an NC 17 story, BTW!!!! You have been warned!


                                Originally posted by ubiquitous
                                Lol, awesome cap. Makes me wanna see Epiphany /now/, rather than having to wait. *sporks Aussie TV*

                                Repeat after me "Nobody screws Stargate like Seven"......

