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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Athenaktt
    It's quite sad really. This kind of shippy spinning comes so naturally now it's scary. At least I'm not the only one. Melyanna and I were discussing that right after I saw the episode.
    Ah, it usually takes me longer to come up with things like that. Somewhere down the line, I'll make a joke about it, and then stop and think, "Waitaminit... that really WAS what was happening..."
    "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
    My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


      I haven't yet seen the episode *cries* I hope I will till weekend!
      But I really like your spoilers...and especially the pictures *squeeee*
      The look Sheppard gives Elizabeth on this pic in the Gateroom is the typic *sheppard-looking-at-Elizabeth* one... and that look is one contribution why I turned into a Liz/John shipper Can't wait to see it live


        From what i've seen, it's a shame there wasn't more Liz in the Ep...however, her performance in those scenes wil definately make up for that!
        What Ep have we got tonight in the UK?...It's Trinity isn't it??

        Can't wait to see Liz
        verbally ripping Rodney to shreads, and Rodney seeing using their relationship to his advantage!

        He's probably thinking **

        Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

        LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

        Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


          i sooo can not wait to see the ep (the hive)... anyone have a transcript or screen caps i could see... link to ???? thanks
          ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


            Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
            i sooo can not wait to see the ep (the hive)... anyone have a transcript or screen caps i could see... link to ???? thanks
            The usual Screencap-side


              Originally posted by Dorka
              thanks... i have never seen that site b4
              ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
                thanks... i have never seen that site b4
                WHAAAAT really?.... this can't be!!! This site is my all and everything when an episode was aired and I couldn't yet watch it bc my friend hasn't yet taped it


                  I really liked The Hive... What it lacked in action, it made up in characterization. I won't add to the spoilers because then you'd really be spoilt and you DON'T REALLY want that...
                  Just don't expect it to be like The Eye... it's has more of the feel of Before I Sleep and Letters to Pegasus...
                  "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                    Welcome Pres and Gambit!

                    And as for the Kirk thing, what can you do? I honestly wasn't expecting a Skanktuary repeat but after reading the spoilers for SGA's own 100 Days... nuff said. I guess it was pretty much inevitable seeing that he's there for a while with his "Girlfriend of the week" Ha, I'd like to see his face when Elizabeth get her 8 armed man!



                      I just finished a little, insomnia inspired vid. A trailer for the Spygate AU (which is very Shep/Weir, making this a relevant post ). Download it from my livejournal.

                      a time to mourn


                        Originally posted by gambit
                        I'm pretty new to this board, been lurking for a while though. I really like Shep/Weir...friendship,'s all good. But I have to say that I think its a little dumb to get upset about Sheppard do the "Kirk thing." You guys act like it happens all the time, which is not even close.
                        I think a lot of people (including myself) were disappointed when spoilers for Kirkesque episodes in Season 2 started coming out. With all the hostility directed at Sanctuary, I honestly thought TPTB would never try anything like that again.
                        In Epiphany, we get a girlfriend-of-the-year ( ), in Critical Mass there was supposed to be that horrible scene where McKay and Shep are flirting with the same woman, but our spoiler diva here thinks that's been rewritten to include Cadman. (I choose to believe that. ) Then there's The Tower where the bint wants Shep's babies . And then there was Neera. I'm willing to accept they consider a hot chick seducing the hero a good plot device only because they're all men. But as you guys said, John only let it happen because he imagined Elizabeth.
                        Bottom line, they have not moved away from what the majority of the fans think was bad (Sanctuary), and I'd really like to know why.


                          Originally posted by xkawaiix
                          Welcome Pres and Gambit!

                          And as for the Kirk thing, what can you do? I honestly wasn't expecting a Skanktuary repeat but after reading the spoilers for SGA's own 100 Days... nuff said. I guess it was pretty much inevitable seeing that he's there for a while with his "Girlfriend of the week" Ha, I'd like to see his face when Elizabeth get her 8 armed man!
                          Oh yeah, I hope she'll get her alien...even if he's not 8 armed... I can imagine a dialogue like this:
                          John: Are you sure you can trust him
                          Liz: I trust him John, as I trust you
                          John being very disapointed: Well... I just wanted to be sure!
                          Liz: You should know me better like that!
                          John: I just don't want you to be disapointed!
                          Liz: I won't be!
                          John: I just can't banish the thought that you deserve someone better than him!
                          Liz: Someone better? Let me guess, someone like you?
                          John: Ahhhhmmm...welll maybe!
                          O.K in my phantasy they'd kiss after this dialoge...but thats only my imagination


                            Originally posted by Athenaktt
                            Finally, watched the episode and I guess I'll put my two cents. I enjoyed "The Hive". But I tend to enjoy the more action episodes for some reason. I guess it my tomboyish side that likes to watch things blow up.

                            There were quite a few fun moments in the episode, but for scenes that are relevent to this thread...

                            Like many have said, Elizabeth running past McKay the first time he comes through the gate only to find Sheppard was not there was one of the scenes we get to see Elizabeth angsting a bit more.

                            Then second time when Sheppard finally does come through. I swear she was so so so close to giving him another hug if Teyla and Ronon weren't right behind him and if the gateroom wasn't full of people. But I also think there as a tiny bit of disappointment from Sheppard that Elizabeth didn't give him the same greeting as in "Seige 3". But I think he remembered that they weren't alone this time, because when the shot cut back to Elizabeth's big smile, we can see him looking over at Teyla. But my brain always goes on shipper overtime when new episodes air.

                            Now as for the scene with Neer, the wraith spy. When she was resting her head on Sheppard's shoulder for "warmth", Sheppard was very uncomfortable and closed his eyes several times. And everytime he closed his eyes, Neer would ask him some question to pry some information from him.

                            My interpretation of his closing his eyes during this scene is because he was trying to imagine that it was really Elizabeth that was resting her head on his shoulder and not Neer. And every time Neer started talking, she was ruining the illusion he had made for himself, while being trapped in the hive cell. I swear he had this expression of "Stop talking! You're ruining my illusion of having Elizabeth in my arms!" everytime Neer said something.
                            Oh! Thanks so much for your wonderful insight into this ep. I can't wait to eventually see it. It sounds fantastic. I love the pics of worried Elizabeth that we've been seeing.

                            Anything that develops the Shep/Weir dynamic is good as far as I'm concerned!!


                              I don't have anything useful to say and seeing I'm one of those stupid Americans I don't have thoughts on 'The Hive' yet, but I just wanted to say that I love this pairing. I love it because they're so cute and devoted and they actually have chance to be happy. Sure, they face down mortal danger sometimes, but they're not immobilized by too much history and bitterness. They're such a hopeful pairing. And we're all very hopeful shippers.

                              Sometimes J/E remind me of MSR because even if there's an appocolyps on, there are our heros with this inherant kind of togetherness. But in a lot of ways Elizabeth and John are so different than a lot of the pairings I've followed, because Nine/Rose aside, most of my pairings have had this inherant bleakness. Shep/Weir isn't like that. I can actually picture them with a future, of some sort.

                              Maybe they're not my favourite pairing ever, but there's really a lot to be said for hope and happiness.

                              (yeah, and maybe someone should tell me never to post after having read too much of Luna's CJ/Toby... it seems to put me in a really weird mood)

                              Magic is a flick of the wrist...


                                It is a very awkward relationship because there has been many occasions when Sheppard has had to undermine Weir. It would be good if they did seriously get together because they could have a lot of contraversy.
                                "I ask you, what could possibly be in my eye that would explain this"

                                HALLOWED ARE THE SHIPPERS!


                                PROUD TO BE ENGLISH

