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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by xkawaiix

    John: Look at these poor, poor, shippers. They're dying here! All...
    Writers: Nope, no kiss until a few more seasons.
    John: Pwwweease???
    Writers: Well...
    Elizabeth: Oo goody. I get to kiss John
    Carson: Did someone mentions kissing?

    ETA: Hee, looks like John's been borrowing Liz's lipgloss. That, or it's rubbed off on him somehow
    Last edited by SallyLizzie; 22 November 2005, 05:19 PM.


      Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
      Switched on?

      Switched on as in always in perfect performance mode... Just something I notice with Torri


        Originally posted by SallyLizzie
        ETA: Hee, looks like John's been borrowing Liz's lipgloss. That, or it's rubbed off on him somehow
        Weir: I blame the gateroom UST.


          Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis
          Indeed, she is! And she's THE eyebrow queen!

          Looks like Teal'c's got competition!


            2 fic recs:

            Conversion tag. Warnings: Wee bit dark

            Post-The Hive. NC-17, tho it's not actually that explicit. Infact, i like the story part better than the PWP part. Anyways...It's about what we've been talking about - how John doesn't know that Elizabeth worries - and i think this sums it up perfectly > She knew he was doing fine. She needed him to see she was not. (taken fron the fic)


              [RANT]Shep's "Kirkesque" behavior could get old fast, and for JF to think its cool tells me he doesn't really understand his scifi audience. Hopefully the writers will shut down the "Kirking" before the character loses favor. What the heck, Shep isn't the only pretty face anymore. .*cough-Lorne-cough*[/RANT]

              Now, those pics look mighty fine, but I gotta wait until January to see the eppy.

              When all else fails, change channels.


                I'm pretty new to this board, been lurking for a while though. I really like Shep/Weir...friendship,'s all good. But I have to say that I think its a little dumb to get upset about Sheppard do the "Kirk thing." You guys act like it happens all the time, which is not even close.


                  Originally posted by gambit
                  I'm pretty new to this board, been lurking for a while though. I really like Shep/Weir...friendship,'s all good. But I have to say that I think its a little dumb to get upset about Sheppard do the "Kirk thing." You guys act like it happens all the time, which is not even close.
                  Flanigan has discussed Sheppard doing "Kirk" things, plus
                  back half of the season has more romo w/alien chicks episodes.

                  Its a minor worry, and probably nothing will come of it, but a little "Kirk" goes a long way. That's why so many Star Trek fans hate the original's final year - Kirk seemed to flirt with, and have gals on every planet.

                  When all else fails, change channels.


                    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                    Flanigan has discussed Sheppard doing "Kirk" things, plus
                    back half of the season has more romo w/alien chicks episodes.

                    Its a minor worry, and probably nothing will come of it, but a little "Kirk" goes a long way. That's why so many Star Trek fans hate the original's final year - Kirk seemed to flirt with, and have gals on every planet.
                    I would detest the idea of Elizabeth or even Teyla having a casual fling with every Tom, Dick and studalien!man that caught their fancy so I refuse to accept the idea of John enjoying his 'oats' even 'occasionally' just because he's a good-looking, virile male. When I see guys-especially of a certain age and supposed maturity-I say either piss on the pot or get off. It may not be everyone's view, but it's mine. What is the character really looking for here? I hope more than to play space cowboy and get laid on occassion. Peh. I want much, much more than that out of John Sheppard. He's too meaty to be that shallow of a character and I have faith that neither TPTB nor Joe will allow it in the longrun.


                      Thanks ever so much for "The Hive" spoilers, y'all! Love the caps and the captions for the caps.

                      Why, oh why isn't it January yet?!?!

                      And I wouldn't worry about John's "Kirk" behavior - if the looks in those pictures are anything to go by, we've nothing to worry about.

                      Just so y'all know, I was discussing television shows with a professor today, and we both agreed that we love the fact that so many shows give us meaty subjects for discussion. I just wanted to say that I brought up this forum, specifically referencing this thread, for the wonderful discussions we have.

                      *hugs you all*

                      *is a little giddy right now*
                      ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                      The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                        Originally posted by LurkerLa
                        Thanks ever so much for "The Hive" spoilers, y'all! Love the caps and the captions for the caps.

                        Why, oh why isn't it January yet?!?!

                        And I wouldn't worry about John's "Kirk" behavior - if the looks in those pictures are anything to go by, we've nothing to worry about.

                        Just so y'all know, I was discussing television shows with a professor today, and we both agreed that we love the fact that so many shows give us meaty subjects for discussion. I just wanted to say that I brought up this forum, specifically referencing this thread, for the wonderful discussions we have.

                        *hugs you all*

                        *is a little giddy right now*
                        I too am not all that worried about the "kirk" stuff. He also makes refrences to Wizard of Oz and Star Wars. As to making out with women all over the place, even Jack and Daniel from SG1 did that occasionaly. I say one or two eppys a season is ok.

                        Ok now onto some other talk about the whole "War and Peace" thing from Home (sorry I know this is awhile back, but I am just getting here. LOL) I actually thought that was a very cute moment for our wonderful pair. I loved that she was surprised to see this diffrent side from him, and he did not get angry that she was shocked that he brought it. Then again, we had the wonderful line of "Page 16?" ... "I'm right on scheduel." I personally loved that whole interaction between them. It is kind of like when McKay is shocked that Sheppard knows could have joined Mensa. It was great banter between them, and I hope we see more of it.

                        I love when we can all talk about this stuff, and not get angry!
                        "We'll name it later!"
                        - - - -
                        Sparks! A Weir/Sheppard fanficton challenge site
                        Love Lorne | Sparky! | Open_Com


                          I thought this would be the perfect place to try out my new sig!
                          ***THIS SPACE FOR RENT***


                            Finally, watched the episode and I guess I'll put my two cents. I enjoyed "The Hive". But I tend to enjoy the more action episodes for some reason. I guess it my tomboyish side that likes to watch things blow up.

                            There were quite a few fun moments in the episode, but for scenes that are relevent to this thread...

                            Like many have said, Elizabeth running past McKay the first time he comes through the gate only to find Sheppard was not there was one of the scenes we get to see Elizabeth angsting a bit more.

                            Then second time when Sheppard finally does come through. I swear she was so so so close to giving him another hug if Teyla and Ronon weren't right behind him and if the gateroom wasn't full of people. But I also think there as a tiny bit of disappointment from Sheppard that Elizabeth didn't give him the same greeting as in "Seige 3". But I think he remembered that they weren't alone this time, because when the shot cut back to Elizabeth's big smile, we can see him looking over at Teyla. But my brain always goes on shipper overtime when new episodes air.

                            Now as for the scene with Neer, the wraith spy. When she was resting her head on Sheppard's shoulder for "warmth", Sheppard was very uncomfortable and closed his eyes several times. And everytime he closed his eyes, Neer would ask him some question to pry some information from him.

                            My interpretation of his closing his eyes during this scene is because he was trying to imagine that it was really Elizabeth that was resting her head on his shoulder and not Neer. And every time Neer started talking, she was ruining the illusion he had made for himself, while being trapped in the hive cell. I swear he had this expression of "Stop talking! You're ruining my illusion of having Elizabeth in my arms!" everytime Neer said something.


                              Originally posted by Athenaktt
                              My interpretation of his closing his eyes during this scene is because he was trying to imagine that it was really Elizabeth that was resting her head on his shoulder and not Neer. And every time Neer started talking, she was ruining the illusion he had made for himself, while being trapped in the hive cell. I swear he had this expression of "Stop talking! You're ruining my illusion of having Elizabeth in my arms!" everytime Neer said something. [/spoiler]
                              I love that interpretation!! I am ashamed to admit I didn't even think of it that way... but now I will!
                              "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                              My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                                Originally posted by xfkirsten
                                I love that interpretation!! I am ashamed to admit I didn't even think of it that way... but now I will!
                                It's quite sad really. This kind of shippy spinning comes so naturally now it's scary. At least I'm not the only one. Melyanna and I were discussing that right after I saw the episode.

