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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by alyssa
    Ooooh! I'm closing in on 1000 posts... nearly there.
    I might actually do it tonight! it's too hot to sleep. 10.10pm, and still 30 degrees. (so much for the cool change)
    Time for shep/weir, cold drink and flake! (that's flake of the chocolate variety, although flake of the shark variety is mighty fine with chips!)
    10 PM and 30 degrees I would love to send you some of our 7 degrees over here...

    Today's Sg1 time They are airing the season 8 over here (I've already seen the episode, but not in german )

    I think it's soon time to rewatch all the SGA-Episodes....Last time I did that is already 5 month's away!!! (before S2 was airing)


      Originally posted by Shonaille
      I would love a Shep/Weir friendship thread, i love their dynamic but i don't see anything romantic in it. And I agree, sometimes it feels like Shep is the guy you ship Weir with which is frustrating.
      GACK! Not this gal. I don't see either of them with anyone else-ever. They're just too good together and have that yummy 'it' factor that I love to see in a relationship. To me, a great relationship can encompass everything if a couple wants it to. They're already best friends and foremost confidants and I think for them to ever be with anyone else romantically, that would have to change permanently and I can't see that.


        I give you an other vid, I think the Shweir will be satisfied


        copy and past the link in windows média player


          Originally posted by Shonaille
          I would love a Shep/Weir friendship thread, i love their dynamic but i don't see anything romantic in it. And I agree, sometimes it feels like Shep is the guy you ship Weir with which is frustrating.
          Well, I ship plenty of stuff. I don't think that either Sheppard or Weir are exclusive or made for each other or anything. I like the two together or as friends. They work well either way, imo. And I ship plenty of other with Sheppard and/or Weir.

          *reads over* Hmm.. it may be prudent for me to leave now. For a short while at least.

          Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


            Originally posted by ubiquitous
            Well, I ship plenty of stuff. I don't think that either Sheppard or Weir are exclusive or made for each other or anything. I like the two together or as friends. They work well either way, imo. And I ship plenty of other with Sheppard and/or Weir.

            *reads over* Hmm.. it may be prudent for me to leave now. For a short while at least.
            I do not think that they are only friendly. In "38 minutes", "the siege 3", "Before I sleep" and especially "Conversion" one sees that Elizabeth loves John even Caldwell and Lorne sees it.
            But for John one sees it less, however, in Before I sleep, 38 minutes or Home when he wonders how she goes... It is seen that he is due to Elizabeth.
            Glances do not mislead. Moreover Torri announced with a convention that their relation was similar to that of Sam and Jack. But I think that it will be more difficult to set up
            Last edited by angeltorri; 02 November 2005, 03:03 PM.


              Originally posted by Torri
              I give you an other vid, I think the Shweir will be satisfied


              copy and past the link in windows média player
              Interesting video Hey what's the name of the melody you chose?


                Originally posted by Vixen
                Interesting video Hey what's the name of the melody you chose?
                I don't remember... I believe it's a soundtrack of "Animal Instinct"'s movie but I'm not sure...

                and small precision, they are extracts of "Bliss" which I inserted in the vid


                  In some ways I agree with Merlin on the subject. In recent months this thread has become overwhelmingly slanted toward Elizabeth, and while it hasn't become anti-John in the slightest, it's not been a place where a lot of discussion of John has occurred. I can see why; there's been a lot more overt development of Weir this season. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be discussing him too – he's half of this ship, for crying out loud.

                  And I agree with her other sentiment too. This thread used to be a place where we talked about all aspects of Sheppard and Weir's relationship. Lately it's been focusing so much on the sexual side, which, frankly, is not canon and is largely up to interpretation (and I'm not saying I don't agree with that interpretation) that I think we've lost sight of why many of us started paying a little extra attention to these two in the first place. Or at least, I have.

                  I would very much like this to be a place where we can talk about all aspects of the relationship. I left the Sam/Jack thread because it devolved into discussions of how cute they are together. I'm hoping that the back half of the season will give this thread a lot of things to discuss that go beyond some sexual attraction, because that's what will make this relationship work on any level.
                  Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                  Last update: 14 April 2006
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                  Last update: 15 February 2006


                    Originally posted by Torri
                    I don't remember... I believe it's a soundtrack of "Animal Instinct"'s movie but I'm not sure...


                      Originally posted by Melyanna
                      In some ways I agree with Merlin on the subject. In recent months this thread has become overwhelmingly slanted toward Elizabeth, and while it hasn't become anti-John in the slightest, it's not been a place where a lot of discussion of John has occurred. I can see why; there's been a lot more overt development of Weir this season. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be discussing him too – he's half of this ship, for crying out loud.

                      And I agree with her other sentiment too. This thread used to be a place where we talked about all aspects of Sheppard and Weir's relationship. Lately it's been focusing so much on the sexual side, which, frankly, is not canon and is largely up to interpretation (and I'm not saying I don't agree with that interpretation) that I think we've lost sight of why many of us started paying a little extra attention to these two in the first place. Or at least, I have.

                      I would very much like this to be a place where we can talk about all aspects of the relationship. I left the Sam/Jack thread because it devolved into discussions of how cute they are together. I'm hoping that the back half of the season will give this thread a lot of things to discuss that go beyond some sexual attraction, because that's what will make this relationship work on any level.
                      ITA Mel. I liked how Major Fischer put it awhile ago about this thread. It's the anti-ship ship thread. It's a fun thread with good intelligent and interesting conversation about the relationship between Shep/Weir in all its facets.


                        Gack - go to work and this thread just flies away from me!

                        As far as the Shep aspect of this ship (don't ask me why, but that phrase is cracking me up) goes, I have to agree that many of us don't see as much character development with him lately, so we've been slanting towards Weir. And as far as wanting to get them together... well, yeah, I might like to see that a while down the road (I'm wary, though, 'cause TV shows don't have a great history with this). But I can't see it right now, which is probably why I can't seem to get them completely together in my fics.

                        But, in the interest of discussing something that's not all about sexual tension, and that is about both of them, I thought I'd ask a quick question. I'm sure it was brought up before, but it might have been a while ago, and I'd like to hear what other people (who are much more articulate than I) have to say.

                        How have we, or have we at all, seen Sheppard influenced by Weir's leadership style, and vice versa? What have we seen them learn from each other? What do their tactics share, and where do they differ?

                        Yeah, so writing that made me feel like I was back in high school having to lead a discussion group. *shudder* I'm sure we've talked about this before, but I'm throwin' it out there anyway, 'cause I'm just ornery like that (or, as someone spelled it at a meeting last night, "honory" ).
                        ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                        The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                          Originally posted by Melyanna
                          In some ways I agree with Merlin on the subject. In recent months this thread has become overwhelmingly slanted toward Elizabeth, and while it hasn't become anti-John in the slightest, it's not been a place where a lot of discussion of John has occurred. I can see why; there's been a lot more overt development of Weir this season. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be discussing him too – he's half of this ship, for crying out loud.

                          And I agree with her other sentiment too. This thread used to be a place where we talked about all aspects of Sheppard and Weir's relationship. Lately it's been focusing so much on the sexual side, which, frankly, is not canon and is largely up to interpretation (and I'm not saying I don't agree with that interpretation) that I think we've lost sight of why many of us started paying a little extra attention to these two in the first place. Or at least, I have.

                          I would very much like this to be a place where we can talk about all aspects of the relationship. I left the Sam/Jack thread because it devolved into discussions of how cute they are together. I'm hoping that the back half of the season will give this thread a lot of things to discuss that go beyond some sexual attraction, because that's what will make this relationship work on any level.
                          Mel, I totally agree with this. While I love the chemistry and attraction between these two, the best part for me isn't sexual. It's the connection that runs deeper than that, one of friendship, trust, dependency, and odles of possibilities. Maybe it's because I'm still a bit of a prude (it took the loooonnngggest time before I could read smut, and even then, I only read it if it has a plot. PWP doesn't do it for me whatsoever). At this point in the game, its certainly nice to speculate about their sexual chemistry being explored, because, damn, would the S/W nightlife be explosive!!! But it ain't all about that, folks. And I think we all know that.

                          Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                          I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                          Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                            Right on Whistler.

                            And La, I think that the most important thing he would have picked up from Weir would be to show a helathy respect for all, not just the military, and that everyone's input can be valuable.

                            Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


                              Originally posted by LurkerLa
                              How have we, or have we at all, seen Sheppard influenced by Weir's leadership style, and vice versa? What have we seen them learn from each other? What do their tactics share, and where do they differ?
                              Oooh! Well, IMO, Sheppard has gained confidence in Weir's confidence and trust in him. Remember, his career was pretty much in the toilet when she selected him to go to Atlantis because of his gene. I think he was surprised that he'd be considered important enough for this type of mission. But, dang, the lack of backstory to fill in the gap. I'm really looking forward to "Epiphany" even though we'll probably only get snippets of what happened to him in Afghanistan and how it affected his career.

                              JF has said that if SGA ended tomorrow, he'd very much like to see John reconcile his military career, so I think that's very important to Shep. I feel that he's extremely grateful to Weir for giving him a chance to serve and her support of him may help him do just that. He also said that in S2, Weir and Sheppard aren't always going to see eye to eye, and Sheppard will side with Caldwell and his military training/instincts. That said, I don't feel that whatever differences of opinion the may face, Sheppard and Weir will always trust each other, and I don't think it will affect their friendship too much. They'll 'agree to disagree' as Sheppard put it.

                              Weir has already said that she's facing decisions she wasn't prepared to make in Atlantis, and I think in that regard, John has helped her put things in perspective, and she has for him, too. I think they balance each other out nicely. Leather and lace (although she's one tough lacy chick!) so to speak. He's there to help guide her through military situations, and she's there to help see that force is not always the best solution.

                              I liked the discussion earlier about Weir questioning whether or not to step down, and if that ever happens, I totally see John being the one to try to talk her out of it. As I said before, they have a great deal of confidence in each other. They've been through a lot and they know the other one will not fail them without a fight.

                              That said, I like the times when Weir has had to chew him out about things. Shep seems like an action first kind of guy, when really, wait and see may be a better tactic. Weir has a lot of experience, and I really feel she knows what she's doing. It's good to bounce ideas off each other like they do, but in the end, I feel that they just have a lot of respect and trust for each other, and THAT's what'll keep Atlantis from getting blown to bits.

                              Long post, I know. Sorry.

                              OMG, look, I am a friend-shipper!
                              Sig by Camy


                                Originally posted by LurkerLa
                                How have we, or have we at all, seen Sheppard influenced by Weir's leadership style, and vice versa? What have we seen them learn from each other? What do their tactics share, and where do they differ?
                                That's kinda hard to say since I don't think they are at opposite ends of the scales as they are made out to be. Shep is not the typical military leader, with the mentality of shoot first, ask later. From the beginning with the Athosians he's gone the diplomatic route. It's only when he's been threatened that he goes into military mode.

