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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Melyanna
    In some ways I agree with Merlin on the subject. In recent months this thread has become overwhelmingly slanted toward Elizabeth, and while it hasn't become anti-John in the slightest, it's not been a place where a lot of discussion of John has occurred. I can see why; there's been a lot more overt development of Weir this season. But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't be discussing him too – he's half of this ship, for crying out loud.

    And I agree with her other sentiment too. This thread used to be a place where we talked about all aspects of Sheppard and Weir's relationship. Lately it's been focusing so much on the sexual side, which, frankly, is not canon and is largely up to interpretation (and I'm not saying I don't agree with that interpretation) that I think we've lost sight of why many of us started paying a little extra attention to these two in the first place. Or at least, I have.

    I would very much like this to be a place where we can talk about all aspects of the relationship. I left the Sam/Jack thread because it devolved into discussions of how cute they are together. I'm hoping that the back half of the season will give this thread a lot of things to discuss that go beyond some sexual attraction, because that's what will make this relationship work on any level.
    I'd green you million times if I could.

    That is why I was drawn to this Sheppard and Weir as couple because of how they played off each other and that "spark" between them. The UST it's there to a degree, and maybe in the second half of the season we'll see more. But I like how at this moment, Sheppard and Weir are at the friendship stage. Where they are at a point where they trust each other and they are slowly starting to each other the "other" or "off the clock" side.

    For example the little opening scene in "Intruder".
    It was nice to see Weir relaxing and having a moment to herself in the Daedalus commissary. It was even better when Sheppard joined her and they had a normal conversation that didn't have to do with work. Instead they chatted but how they were feeling, and the little "Colonel" comment was a nice little touch.

    I really enjoy how Sheppard and Weir's relationship is slowly evolving. I don't necessarily want them to jump into bed with each other anytimes soon. But maybe it's just me, but like to see things, especially a strong relationship, to slowly (well, more like a decent pace...not like eight years) develop over time.


      Aack! I couldn't get on the forum all day and look what happens. Thanks all of you for getting us a bit back on track. After all you can't have a ship without two people. I also got into this thing because I think Joe Flanigan is about the best thing since canned soup. Eye candy, yes, but so much more. All the good stuff about his family just makes me tingle. I have faith that he'll join the ranks of the few celebs who have lasting marriages. His wife must be one hell of a woman. As far as the ship with Elizabeth goes, I will never be able to accept anyone else in her life or his. Speaking as someone who has been married more years than most of you have been alive, I see something in them that just says permanence, stability, deep lasting (forgive me) love, and yes indeed enough sparks to power Atlantis for a month or two. Maybe it's all in my imagination, but there are plenty of other deluded people across this forum.

      That said, I think the major thing that a lot of people don't understand (TPTB especially) is that virtually noone wants to see them snuggling all the time. They are just beginning to realize their feelings. Liz may be a little ahead of John in that department. Others are starting to notice also which leave it open for him to get a clue. Nice and slow. Easy does it. We have years to go. But. But. In order for him to sort out his feelings about her he has to deal with his other issues which will involve actual character development. After all isn't he the star? Wasn't he supposed to be the focus of the show? I'm glad to see more than the usual crowd speaking up here. Please don't go away. We're all friends here and won't ever insult or disrespect anyone.

      Here's something to remind us that this is S/W, not S/M or S/B or S/Z or S/L or any other.


      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        Originally posted by Southern Red
        Here's something to remind us that this is S/W, not S/M or S/B or S/Z or S/L or any other.
        Umm... just a quick question - did you mean for all of them to be S/someone, or were you meaing W?

        Wow does that question look funny typed out.
        ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
        The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


          Aack again. I meant to say this is S/W, not M/W or B/W or Z/W or L/W etc. No slash for this old lady.

          Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


            Oh good. So it wasn't just my confusion.

            Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


              Originally posted by Southern Red
              Aack again. I meant to say this is S/W, not M/W or B/W or Z/W or L/W etc. No slash for this old lady.
              Oh, you're no fun anymore. *LOL*

              When all else fails, change channels.


                Well, I finally posted Stargate: Return to Atlantis. Not alot of Shweir yet, just to let you know, but don't worry it's all coming very soon.


                SHWEIR EPISODES: 38 Minutes, The Storm, The Eye, Hot Zone, Seige Part 1,2 and 3, The Intruder, Conversion, The Lost Boys, The Hive, The Long Goodbye, Coup D'Etat, No Man's Land,The Misbegotten, Irresistable, Progeny, The Real World, Common Ground, The Return Part 1, Echoes, Tao of Rodney and many more to come!!!

                Oh yeah, Shweir rules!:


                  Oh, I don't know thing I've always enjoyed about this thread is how fun it can be and it turn can be downright serious when discussions get going in different directions. It's an ultra-busy thread and I think there's always someone 'around' that's in the same type 'mood' you are that you can yak with. Some days, I just get on and feel like being 'silly' and other times I get on with a serious thought about something deeper in regard to shep/weir and yet other times, I just don't want to get any deeper than 'hey, I love these two!, now show me some yummy pics'. I'm never trying to 'intentionally' set a 'tone' or some such. (I'm not that intelligent or manipulative) I'm just trying to have fun and go with whatever strikes me. To me, that's what this place is all about-enjoying yourself with other folks with a passion for the same things you enjoy.

                  I do agree that the thread needs to primarily be focused on the Shep/Weir dynamic and their relationship to each other rather than just one or the other individually in whatever form the opinioner sees fit to express as long as it's not inflamatory in nature. I think if you want to just talk about them as pals or as co-leaders that there will always be someone lurking that will jump in and chat with you. The same goes for folks who enjoy the more romantic aspects. There are certain topics that I don't really 'get into' so I just ignore them and keep on truckin. I do like to think that I'm one of those that can see the whole picture and enjoy every aspect of the Shep/Weir relationship for I truly believe it is a wonderful one and very special in many, many ways.

                  I think there's plenty of room in this thread for people of degrees of view on the ship though and hate to see anyone that enjoys this wonderful duo not feel welcome to post opinions on various aspects and angles. I know I love reading different angles and many times, I'll go, "hmmm...I hadn't thought about it that way." after reading some of the thoughtful, intelligent and exuberant posts on here. I may not always agree and believe me, I'm not shy on expressing such but I can always leave here thinking about things related to my favorite on-screen pair. And at my advanced age, it's always good to keep the grey matter moving around a bit.


                    On the leaderSHIP thing. There is something swoony-sexy about a man who respects & takes orders from a woman.

                    It just makes me feel all squishy inside, John really respects Elizabeth. Sure it'll be fun/painful to watch each of them screw up from time to time, but maybe the relationship will grow from the mistakes.


                      Originally posted by Athenaktt
                      John: "Elizabeth, I think Major Lorne is checking out your butt again."

                      When all else fails, change channels.


                        Haha FP! ROFL!!
                        That pic caught Shep's face at the weirdest moment! LOL!
                        Ok and Im having a total *SHALLOW* moment, so forgive me in advance, but I LOVE the height difference between the two Sparky's.

                        And on all the stuff above, I dont post very often, but I like coming to this thread cause usually everyone has really different takes on the relationship between S/W, and sometimes its all fun and sometimes there are some really good posts bout the characters. I dont mind people 'forecasting' WAY into the future of the ship, cause ultimately, I think its all in good fun depending on your opinion and you can take it how you will. That said, everyones pretty tolerant round here of all the different opinions and it makes for good conversation!
                        OT: Halfway through uni exams! WOO! Not many left!


                          Since the last half hour, I keep on reading this thread and giving green to everyone saying 'I entirely agree with you' so I think it's time to delurk and say it out loud !

                          I'm a Shep/Weir shipper since the 1st time I saw Rising. I immediately noticed the sparks flying between these 2. BUT... I don't see them as lovers for now. Not yet anyway !
                          At this time of the show, I simply like to watch them becoming friends, learning to trust each other, learning from each other. I don't think they're at that point where they realize they might feel a bit more than friendship. Even Elizabeth.

                          Thanks Merlin for your intervention ! As much as I love this thread (I may not post much, but I try to read everything), there has been times when I was saying to my comp (yes, I talk to my comp... You don't ? ) : "Hey ! It's only the 2nd season, they're not there yet. Let them take their time... "
                          It doesn't mean I don't enjoy everything that's written in fics...

                          Another thing : I'm a huge Shep thunker (can't help myself, he's so pretty ! ) and I'd like to say that everyone is welcome in the Shep Thunk thread. Yes, we can get a bit carried away sometimes (okay, most of the time ! ) but there's also a Sheppard Discussion Thread for the people who'd like to discuss the character. There are a lot of good discussions in that thread, even if we don't know much about him... (Do you hear me TPTB ? We need some Shep background ! )
                          Last edited by florence; 30 November 2005, 06:10 AM.
                          Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                            Originally posted by Merlin7
                            That's I guess the glitch for me. I have a whole lot of stuff about Shep to say. Given SIEGE and INTRUDER and CONVERSION and such. I've learned more about Shep though,a gain, it's more cause of what Joe gives. Heck from CONVERSION and LOST BOYS alone I can think of so much we got from Shep and how he's changed so much from Season one. One scene that plays over and over in my mind and that I get so much from and hope to see it played on more is in CONVERSION when
                            Weir tells Shep they didn't get the eggs and he says TRY AGAIN and she says no, they lost two men and Shep looks at her and says "Then kill me now, it's best for both of us," or however the actual line went. That's PURE Shep right there. And then he reacts as he does, losing the fight against the BUG self only to release her and run off for what I see as suicide by cop. Then he wakes up and his first thought is "Did I hurt anyone?" That's very telling and Joe gave so much to it to make it intriguing. And then there's all the things in Lost Boys. Yes it wasn't them so much together, but her concern for the team and her helplessness. John's helplessness in helping his team. His reactions with Ford. His trying to save his team the only way he could. Having to ask for Rodney's dosage to be less while agreeing to keep Ronon and Teyla on it. Stuff like that. Choices that only Shep and Weir have to make and Shep really has had to make some hard/tough/terrible choices and live with them.
                            Okay....well..I've rambled on and will go now.
                            I've been thinking about what you've said in this post and the one before... I guess I tend to talk about episodes in the episode thread which probably why I don't do it anywhere else. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it...

                            But back to your original comment. I think you made the point also that Sheppard has become the neglected half of this relationship or just the male that is shipped with the girls on Atlantis. This seems to me particularly true of late with episodes like Conversion and The Lost Boys. There was a lot of talk that Conversion was this strongly Sheppard/Teyla moment but honestly, that was only a few minutes in an episode of 42 plus minutes. I think the individual character that is Sheppard has got lost in this whole "He loves her, he loves her not" frenzy that has gripped us this season. We forget that he is his own person... not just female fodder.

                            The scene that you mentioned is an interesting one in terms of his interaction with Weir. It shows how far they've come in they're willingness to make the tough decisions. Weir, particularly, in not wanting to risk anyone. Sheppard, understanding her position and once again, willing to put himself on the line. He's such a terrific character really... I don't understand the flak that he cops... A self-sacrificing soul really. And I agree with you, I don't think he thinks about himself at all... so ready to put others before his own welfare. *going all teary*
                            "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                              Originally posted by kingshell
                              Haha FP! ROFL!!
                              That pic caught Shep's face at the weirdest moment! LOL!
                              Ok and Im having a total *SHALLOW* moment, so forgive me in advance, but I LOVE the height difference between the two Sparky's.
                              Wonder what the actual height difference is between Torri and Joe..
                              The cast doesn't look anywhere near as tall as the SG1 cast! Those guys (and Amanda!) are giants!


                                Originally posted by alyssa
                                Wonder what the actual height difference is between Torri and Joe..
                                The cast doesn't look anywhere near as tall as the SG1 cast! Those guys (and Amanda!) are giants!
                                Not that Torri's anywhere near being short Maybe people in Canada are just taller than people over here!! Lol!!

                                And kingshell speaking of being shallow...

                                Shameless self promotion: I updated my fic Broken Circles

