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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Bama
    On the bright side, Carter gives us one more person who we can potentially 'add' to the list of people who 'see' that special bond with Shep and Weir.
    Heh. As much as I think that Sam and Elizabeth would never be close friends, I do think Sam would see the connection between Elizabeth and John and actually be sympathetic. It's not like she has room to talk, at any rate.

    Originally posted by Easter Lily
    With all that talk about pirates, westerns and spies, I was wondering if there would be any interest if I started a general Sheppard/Weir/Atlantis ff AU community on LJ...
    This is a good idea, I think. I haven't seen a repository like this – the closest I've seen is the AU ficathon, which serves a totally different purpose.
    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
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      Originally posted by Melyanna
      This is a good idea, I think. I haven't seen a repository like this – the closest I've seen is the AU ficathon, which serves a totally different purpose.
      I'm working on a pirate fic right now...
      "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


        Here's a question completely unrelated to anything we've discussed before (I think )
        Has anyone noticed that most of us who post in the Shep/Weir thread also post in the Weir/Torri threads, but not often in the Shep/Joe threads?
        Any theories as to why that may be? Is it that most of us tend to relate to Elizabeth/Torri more than Shep/Joe? You'd think with the majority of the posters here being girls, you'd get more response on Joe's threads!


          Originally posted by alyssa
          Here's a question completely unrelated to anything we've discussed before (I think )
          Has anyone noticed that most of us who post in the Shep/Weir thread also post in the Weir/Torri threads, but not often in the Shep/Joe threads?
          Any theories as to why that may be? Is it that most of us tend to relate to Elizabeth/Torri more than Shep/Joe? You'd think with the majority of the posters here being girls, you'd get more response on Joe's threads!
          I use to post A LOT in the Shep/Joe thunk threads, but I just couldn't keep up with what goes on in there and gave up. Just too much craziness ensues in there.


            Originally posted by Athenaktt
            I use to post A LOT in the Shep/Joe thunk threads, but I just couldn't keep up with what goes on in there and gave up. Just too much craziness ensues in there.
            Ditto... too fast, too furious and too fluffy for me...
            I love my Colonel but there can be such a thing as too much of a good thing.
            "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


              Originally posted by alyssa
              Here's a question completely unrelated to anything we've discussed before (I think )
              Has anyone noticed that most of us who post in the Shep/Weir thread also post in the Weir/Torri threads, but not often in the Shep/Joe threads?
              Any theories as to why that may be? Is it that most of us tend to relate to Elizabeth/Torri more than Shep/Joe? You'd think with the majority of the posters here being girls, you'd get more response on Joe's threads!
              I like to peek into the Shep/Joe threads, but they move too fast for me. I actually think that it's because the majority of us are female that we tend to post more in the Torri/Elizabeth thread - as you said, because more of us relate to either the actress or her character. Plus, as I said in over there the other day, I want to be Torri when I grow up.

              Gah - hard to type coherently while making plans over the phone.

              ETA: I'm working on my pirate fic right now, too (slow day at work). And then Mel had to say that about Sam understanding the Shep/Weir plight, and now I want to write that, too. Y'all are a bad influence.
              ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
              The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                Originally posted by alyssa
                Here's a question completely unrelated to anything we've discussed before (I think )
                Has anyone noticed that most of us who post in the Shep/Weir thread also post in the Weir/Torri threads, but not often in the Shep/Joe threads?
                Any theories as to why that may be? Is it that most of us tend to relate to Elizabeth/Torri more than Shep/Joe? You'd think with the majority of the posters here being girls, you'd get more response on Joe's threads!
                I have no idea, I've actually never posted in shep/joe threads, but I'm all over weir/torri for some reason. *shrugs* Maybe it's cuz she's hotter?
                McKay: I'm invulnerable!
                Weir: Aren't you the one who's always spouting off about how proper and careful scientific procedure must be adhered to?
                McKay: In-vul-ner-able.

                McKAY: I'm not crazy -- I just have another consciousness in my brain.

                First icon made by Cathain Nottingham and last 4 made by ToasterOnFire
                My LJ My Fanfic My Homeschooling Blog


                  Originally posted by Athenaktt
                  I use to post A LOT in the Shep/Joe thunk threads, but I just couldn't keep up with what goes on in there and gave up. Just too much craziness ensues in there.
                  Ha! well there is that ongoing search for boxer shots that comes up there all the time.. I post there occasionally. I think if Joe had come to Melbourne and I'd actually seen him, I'd be more inclined to visit those threads more often. I think there's something about actually seeing these guys that really hits home!


                    I do that too. I'm in the Weir/Torri threads and in this one, but nothe Shep threads. I love Shep, but I can relate to Weir a lot more, I think.
                    "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                    My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                      I like discussing Sheppard rather than seeing him just as poster boy of Atlantis. Unfortunately TPTB haven't given us more to discuss. There's a lot more Torri/Weir development this season, so it's hardly surprising that there's more Weir chatter er... discussion...

                      That's why I like this thread... it has good mix of humour and seriousness... and the occasional Sheppard pic... What can I say... I'm too easily satisfied.
                      "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                        Originally posted by Easter Lily
                        I like discussing Sheppard rather than seeing him just as poster boy of Atlantis. Unfortunately TPTB haven't given us more to discuss. There's a lot more Torri/Weir development this season, so it's hardly surprising that there's more Weir chatter er... discussion...
                        That's very true. Perhaps if we learn more about Sheppard in upcoming episodes (y'all know which one I'm thinking off) I'd wind up talking more about him.

                        But then again, maybe not. I just really really like Weir - there are so many things we can talk about with her. If we get more on Sheppard, I'll probably just be talking about it in here, and then mostly just on how it will/can/has/should affect his relationship with Elizabeth.
                        ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                        The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                          Originally posted by Easter Lily
                          I like discussing Sheppard rather than seeing him just as poster boy of Atlantis. Unfortunately TPTB haven't given us more to discuss. There's a lot more Torri/Weir development this season, so it's hardly surprising that there's more Weir chatter er... discussion...

                          That's why I like this thread... it has good mix of humour and seriousness... and the occasional Sheppard pic... What can I say... I'm too easily satisfied.

                          you're probably right. Wait til Bama gets over there. If we can get her to post on the Shep threads, there'll be chaos!!


                            Okay, since we're still on the Carter thing, a few thoughts.

                            First, unless Carter is assigned to take over Sheppard's job, she won't be his superior. Caldwell outranks Sheppard's, but as his command is Deadalus, not Atlantis, he hasn't got the authroity to issue any order he wants in the city. Unless Carter is given that power (doubtful), Sheppard will still retain his position.

                            Second, there has not been a number of episodes given yet, has there? From the posts I've seen from Tapping and Mallozzi, it sounds like it will be somewhat limited. I don't want to see her in ten episodes, and I absolutely do not believe that they would have her in that many. I would bet money on four at the most.

                            So, back to the topic at hand, Shep and Weir. Uh...I got nuthin.

                            Except that I hammered out a couple of pages of a pirate story. It's barely an intro, and there's really nothing defined yet. So don't expect anything out of me.

                            a time to mourn


                              Originally posted by alyssa
                              Here's a question completely unrelated to anything we've discussed before (I think )
                              Has anyone noticed that most of us who post in the Shep/Weir thread also post in the Weir/Torri threads, but not often in the Shep/Joe threads?
                              Any theories as to why that may be? Is it that most of us tend to relate to Elizabeth/Torri more than Shep/Joe? You'd think with the majority of the posters here being girls, you'd get more response on Joe's threads!
                              I used to be a big Shep "thunker", however, its fine to look at the "pretty" but with no back story to the character, Shep is slowly becoming. . .um. . how do I put it. . .a bit "uninteresting". Notice I said "a bit" and not, "a lot". The good looks can only go so far. We need to have a an interesting past and some motivation for Shep to keep the interest going. I'd like to see WHY he acts the way he does. What drives him, where has he been, what has he done.

                              On the other hand, Weir has grown and become much more intriging to me this year. I'm still watching for Shep/Weir, but I really hope the back half of this season gives Shep something more than good looks.

                              When all else fails, change channels.


                                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                                I used to be a big Shep "thunker", however, its fine to look at the "pretty" but with no back story to the character, Shep is slowly becoming. . .um. . how do I put it. . .a bit "uninteresting". Notice I said "a bit" and not, "a lot". The good looks can only go so far. We need to have a an interesting past and some motivation for Shep to keep the interest going. I'd like to see WHY he acts the way he does. What drives him, where has he been, what has he done.

                                On the other hand, Weir has grown and become much more intriging to me this year. I'm still watching for Shep/Weir, but I really hope the back half of this season gives Shep something more than good looks.
                                Agreed. Don't get me wrong, he's fun to watch, but I think part of the reason that I find Sheppard a bit more uninteresting is the lack of a broader evolution in his character. With Weir, we're seeing her facing things that make her question her own attitudes. She's having to come to the conclusion that her past way of thinking may not always apply, and it's really fun to watch her deal with that. Sheppard, on the other hand, seems to be stuck in a more-or-less unchanging role. Yes, he's dealing with new adversaries, but he's not having to adapt his character at all to do so. He just goes along with the military flow of things, and stays more or less the same.

                                ...if that rambling made any sense at all.
                                "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                                My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art

