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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    *bounces in shuffles in with a big mug of coffee* Mornin'. All that excitement yesterday leaves you a bit letdown when all the adrenaline is gone. Busy day in RL so I'll be keeping an irregular schedule around here. Sparky will still be utmost in my thoughts though.

    I had a rare Sparky dream last night. News came out that both Joe and Torri were attending the LA Con, but on different days. I was so mad it woke me up. LOL
    That's really funny! Sparky invaded my dreams in a weird way last night too. I was at a store looking at greeting cards and I saw all these Sparky cartoon cards. I was bouncing up and down, all excited, about to buy out the whole store of them. But upon closer inspection, they were another couple that just looked like Sparky. Yeah, very random.

    Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
    Yay for 108,000! That's amazing!

    Okay, advice on John duly noted; he shall snarkily decline Todd's invitation. Actually, that could be fun to play with, the whole story of John's almost transformation and what Todd would think about Sheppard almost being a Wraith or wraith-like.



    The Wraith was seated on the floor, his appearance almost purely white and thin, the result of his lack of a food source. When she entered he rose, wrapping his arms behind his back. “I see you have been contemplating my proposal.”

    “How do you know such a ruse will work? What assurance have you that once we board this Hive they will accept me as their Queen?”

    “They will challenge your authority at first; however, you are a proven leader of one Hive and as such may take command of another. It will take some convincing of those in charge but certainly no more than was required before.”

    “And what will your role be?”

    “I will accept command of the Hive in your name. Once I take charge, my own Hive cannot deny me the ability to challenge for control.”

    “And so you will just go in search of them. You believe Colonel Sheppard will let you do this?"

    Todd's eyes grew dark. "That will be for Sheppard to decide. But if he wishes for this plan to succeed, it must be a part of the agreement."

    "And what will you do after, providing you are successful?”

    Todd looked at her curiously. “After?”

    “The Wraith are no longer engaged in a civil war. You are no longer an asset to Atlantis. If you are freed, you will simply be our enemy, no more.”

    “Sheppard may wish to see it that way. But I am not convinced that the Wraith are as powerful as they appear. There is still much to be gained by an alliance between us.”

    “Much to be gained by you.”

    “Perhaps. That is a question to be answered only by the securing of my freedom.” He drew closer to the bars. “Yet you have much more to lose than I, do you not? If I am freed, even if my freedom leads to a betrayal, it is a small price to pay for the release of those of your tribe who yet live. It is their lives that you must weigh against mine, Teyla. Not the beliefs of the people of Atlantis.”

    She paused, her eyes meeting his, the familiar coldness of the Wraith Gift eating away at her chest. He did not smile, though there was a sense of possession, of control, to his air.

    “I make you no promises,” she said, moving closer to the bars. “I will do what I can, for my people’s sake. But if I sense you as a threat, if I believe you are not to be trusted, then I promise that you will be the first to understand exactly what your life is worth to me. And if I discover they are dead? So, too, will you be. No matter what the people of Atlantis desire. Is that clear?”

    The corners of his mouth upturned into a smile, but his eyes bore no humor. “Then I believe we have an understanding.”

    She narrowed her gaze, meeting his for a moment. “We have an understanding.”

    *runs away into busy land*
    Woo HOO!! This is going to be EPIC! Thanks for posting that snippet!

    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    Woot! Excellent. And not a dash in sight. Love Teyla's kickass attitude with Lovebunny Skywalker Flowerpedal Moonglow Todd.
    I was given a link to a certain person's fanfiction, and the need for brain bleach and liquor is strong! But I know, now, what you all were talking about so long ago about John and PTSD. :::headdesk:::

    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
    Ahem. Beware of Scary Kitties bringing fic previews...

    The following is set in Act Two of "Return to Pegasus, Part 2," after Atlantis has returned to the Pegasus Galaxy and safely landed on its new planet:


    As Teyla, Kanaan and Ronon stepped from the ready room into the hallway leading to the Gateroom, Mayel Serrana swiftly approached from the other direction.

    "Teyla Emmagan. I would speak with you, if you would permit it." The formal language and sober expression on Mayel's face gave Teyla a sudden feeling of dread.

    "I will permit it," Teyla responded. Mayel nodded and stepped forward. She looked a little uncertain, a curious change from her confidence during the staff briefing earlier.

    "You are going to New Athos in search of your people, correct?"

    Teyla raised an eyebrow, and answered with a question of her own. "You do know more about my people than you are telling, do you not?"

    Mayel sighed and nodded in acknowledgement. "I apologize. When we spoke before, there were things I still did not know that I wished to clarify, as I had not been on the Genii homeworld at the time those events occurred. I felt that you should know as much as possible, and that you deserved to be informed privately. We were not exactly alone then," she ruefully added in memory of the discreet presence of a guard that had shadowed her while Atlantis was still on Earth, a condition imposed by the IOA that Woolsey and Colonel Sheppard had dispensed with once Atlantis had safely landed on their new world.

    Teyla's lips quirked in shared understanding. "And now?"

    "I have just spoken with General Radim, and I do have some more information to give you. I am afraid not all of it is good."

    The dread turned to ice in Teyla's stomach as she felt Kanaan and Ronon freeze behind her.

    Mayel continued, "As I told you before we left Earth, shortly after the time that we now know Atlantis left for the—Milky Way—" her voice stumbled over the still unfamiliar Earth words— "the people of Athos were attacked, by the Wraith. According to the survivors, many were taken. Not killed, but taken." No further explanation was needed to know what that meant.

    Teyla closed her eyes. Not again. Please, not again. "How many?"

    "We were not able to get a full count, but we believe that fully two-thirds are missing. Possibly more. Some of the survivors came to the Genii for help; from what they did say, it seems that there were others who chose to remain in hiding and await the return of those who came to meet with my people. We offered to take them in ourselves, since there were so few, but they refused. They said they did not wish to bring further trouble. So we resettled them on a new planet with no other inhabitants. We did have regular contact for a while, but after a few moons had passed, we lost contact with the new settlement. The people we sent to check on them found little sign of them, and what they did find was old, as though they had been gone for a long time. However..."

    She paused then, as if considering her next words, "we did not find any of the usual signs that the Wraith had ever been there. I suppose it is possible that your people may simply have moved to a different location that they felt would be better defense against the Wraith. General Radim had wanted to send additional people to check again, but with the Wraith moving in force against so many worlds all at once, we had not the resources to continue when there were others who needed our assistance." Mayel took a breath. "I know that is surely not what you wished to hear—"

    "It is something," Teyla sighed. "It is a hope."

    "That you found no sign of the Wraith at all is a comfort," Kanaan mused. "It may be as you said, that they simply moved elsewhere. We do move our camps with the turn of the seasons. It is a likelihood that this is all that has happened."

    Mayel nodded, trying to dredge up a confident smile. "I sincerely hope so. The daughters and sons of Athos have been a strong voice of wisdom among the peoples of this galaxy for many years. I hope they will remain so for many years to come."

    Teyla nodded her head in gratitude, her throat too choked by worry and doubt to say anything. Kanaan's fingers found her own, squeezing lightly in comfort. Mayel tried to smile, touched by the gesture. She herself had experienced in the past weeks how hope could be a powerful force.

    Dum-dum-DUM!!!!! *evil grin*
    AddEmoticons00914.gifWheeeeeeeeee!!! Happy dance, happy dance!!


      JT omfg your kitty with the boombox is epic!!!!

      Hey Sparkys! I had a dream about Sparky last night....they were in my Dorm closet it was kinda funny =D
      The Breeding Ground of Ships.


        Originally posted by ShipperWriter View Post
        Welcome to the Sparky thread!!!

        ... And frell it all, RL made me miss the big 108,000!!!

        But we got there!!!

        *scours her PhotoBucket account for a good Sparky fic pic*

        Eeh, it'll do.


        : Hey, 'Lizabeth. So I heard the Sparky thread made it to 108,000 posts.

        : Really? Already? They're a very motivated group of people ...

        : Yeeeah ... I mighta bribed them.

        : With what?!

        : Umm, you know that supply closet we found last week?

        ... And back to RL for me ...
        I missed this last night- love it! My co-workers wonder why I'm fanatical about keeping our storage closets floor clear of debris, the shelves dusted and the ceilings spider free. If they only knew! Sparky has made me a sucker for those storage closets

        Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
        Yay for 108,000! That's amazing!

        Okay, advice on John duly noted; he shall snarkily decline Todd's invitation. Actually, that could be fun to play with, the whole story of John's almost transformation and what Todd would think about Sheppard almost being a Wraith or wraith-like.



        The Wraith was seated on the floor, his appearance almost purely white and thin, the result of his lack of a food source. When she entered he rose, wrapping his arms behind his back. “I see you have been contemplating my proposal.”

        “How do you know such a ruse will work? What assurance have you that once we board this Hive they will accept me as their Queen?”

        “They will challenge your authority at first; however, you are a proven leader of one Hive and as such may take command of another. It will take some convincing of those in charge but certainly no more than was required before.”

        “And what will your role be?”

        “I will accept command of the Hive in your name. Once I take charge, my own Hive cannot deny me the ability to challenge for control.”

        “And so you will just go in search of them. You believe Colonel Sheppard will let you do this?"

        Todd's eyes grew dark. "That will be for Sheppard to decide. But if he wishes for this plan to succeed, it must be a part of the agreement."

        "And what will you do after, providing you are successful?”

        Todd looked at her curiously. “After?”

        “The Wraith are no longer engaged in a civil war. You are no longer an asset to Atlantis. If you are freed, you will simply be our enemy, no more.”

        “Sheppard may wish to see it that way. But I am not convinced that the Wraith are as powerful as they appear. There is still much to be gained by an alliance between us.”

        “Much to be gained by you.”

        “Perhaps. That is a question to be answered only by the securing of my freedom.” He drew closer to the bars. “Yet you have much more to lose than I, do you not? If I am freed, even if my freedom leads to a betrayal, it is a small price to pay for the release of those of your tribe who yet live. It is their lives that you must weigh against mine, Teyla. Not the beliefs of the people of Atlantis.”

        She paused, her eyes meeting his, the familiar coldness of the Wraith Gift eating away at her chest. He did not smile, though there was a sense of possession, of control, to his air.

        “I make you no promises,” she said, moving closer to the bars. “I will do what I can, for my people’s sake. But if I sense you as a threat, if I believe you are not to be trusted, then I promise that you will be the first to understand exactly what your life is worth to me. And if I discover they are dead? So, too, will you be. No matter what the people of Atlantis desire. Is that clear?”

        The corners of his mouth upturned into a smile, but his eyes bore no humor. “Then I believe we have an understanding.”

        She narrowed her gaze, meeting his for a moment. “We have an understanding.”

        *runs away into busy land*
        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
        Ahem. Beware of Scary Kitties bringing fic previews...

        The following is set in Act Two of "Return to Pegasus, Part 2," after Atlantis has returned to the Pegasus Galaxy and safely landed on its new planet:


        As Teyla, Kanaan and Ronon stepped from the ready room into the hallway leading to the Gateroom, Mayel Serrana swiftly approached from the other direction.

        "Teyla Emmagan. I would speak with you, if you would permit it." The formal language and sober expression on Mayel's face gave Teyla a sudden feeling of dread.

        "I will permit it," Teyla responded. Mayel nodded and stepped forward. She looked a little uncertain, a curious change from her confidence during the staff briefing earlier.

        "You are going to New Athos in search of your people, correct?"

        Teyla raised an eyebrow, and answered with a question of her own. "You do know more about my people than you are telling, do you not?"

        Mayel sighed and nodded in acknowledgement. "I apologize. When we spoke before, there were things I still did not know that I wished to clarify, as I had not been on the Genii homeworld at the time those events occurred. I felt that you should know as much as possible, and that you deserved to be informed privately. We were not exactly alone then," she ruefully added in memory of the discreet presence of a guard that had shadowed her while Atlantis was still on Earth, a condition imposed by the IOA that Woolsey and Colonel Sheppard had dispensed with once Atlantis had safely landed on their new world.

        Teyla's lips quirked in shared understanding. "And now?"

        "I have just spoken with General Radim, and I do have some more information to give you. I am afraid not all of it is good."

        The dread turned to ice in Teyla's stomach as she felt Kanaan and Ronon freeze behind her.

        Mayel continued, "As I told you before we left Earth, shortly after the time that we now know Atlantis left for the—Milky Way—" her voice stumbled over the still unfamiliar Earth words— "the people of Athos were attacked, by the Wraith. According to the survivors, many were taken. Not killed, but taken." No further explanation was needed to know what that meant.

        Teyla closed her eyes. Not again. Please, not again. "How many?"

        "We were not able to get a full count, but we believe that fully two-thirds are missing. Possibly more. Some of the survivors came to the Genii for help; from what they did say, it seems that there were others who chose to remain in hiding and await the return of those who came to meet with my people. We offered to take them in ourselves, since there were so few, but they refused. They said they did not wish to bring further trouble. So we resettled them on a new planet with no other inhabitants. We did have regular contact for a while, but after a few moons had passed, we lost contact with the new settlement. The people we sent to check on them found little sign of them, and what they did find was old, as though they had been gone for a long time. However..."

        She paused then, as if considering her next words, "we did not find any of the usual signs that the Wraith had ever been there. I suppose it is possible that your people may simply have moved to a different location that they felt would be better defense against the Wraith. General Radim had wanted to send additional people to check again, but with the Wraith moving in force against so many worlds all at once, we had not the resources to continue when there were others who needed our assistance." Mayel took a breath. "I know that is surely not what you wished to hear—"

        "It is something," Teyla sighed. "It is a hope."

        "That you found no sign of the Wraith at all is a comfort," Kanaan mused. "It may be as you said, that they simply moved elsewhere. We do move our camps with the turn of the seasons. It is a likelihood that this is all that has happened."

        Mayel nodded, trying to dredge up a confident smile. "I sincerely hope so. The daughters and sons of Athos have been a strong voice of wisdom among the peoples of this galaxy for many years. I hope they will remain so for many years to come."

        Teyla nodded her head in gratitude, her throat too choked by worry and doubt to say anything. Kanaan's fingers found her own, squeezing lightly in comfort. Mayel tried to smile, touched by the gesture. She herself had experienced in the past weeks how hope could be a powerful force.

        Dum-dum-DUM!!!!! *evil grin*
        Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
        Great excerpts, guys!

        Edit: I forgot to say: THIS IS GOING TO BE SO AWESOME!!!
        Squee! Love the teasers, but I can't top Erin's response. THIS IS GOING TO BE SO AWESOME!!!
        Thanks to Copter for my signature art!


          really enjoyed the teaser. felt like i was watching an actual preview of an excellent episode.


            Loved the previews Eri and SK!!! I can barely wait for you all to start posting them!

            KR welcome back!
            I tell you Teal'c, hockey is the coolest game on Earth!

            Did you not say it is played on ice, O'Neill?


              Thanks for all the kind words and kudos for the teasers. Every time another one gets posted, I get even more excited about how EPIC Atlantis Rising will be. This is so much fun!

              Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
              That's really funny! Sparky invaded my dreams in a weird way last night too. I was at a store looking at greeting cards and I saw all these Sparky cartoon cards. I was bouncing up and down, all excited, about to buy out the whole store of them. But upon closer inspection, they were another couple that just looked like Sparky. Yeah, very random.
              LMAO! I guess that just goes to show that we can find Sparky anywhere!

              Originally posted by Zandra's Ashes View Post
              I missed this last night- love it! My co-workers wonder why I'm fanatical about keeping our storage closets floor clear of debris, the shelves dusted and the ceilings spider free. If they only knew! Sparky has made me a sucker for those storage closets
              Who knew storage closets could be so fun?

              Once again, it's time for this little kitty to head off to bed. Pleasant Sparky dreams!
              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                Spring Break Homework
                so before spring break began for me last friday, i was assigned 3 Short Paragraphs, an essay and a book report for my english class and a Term Paper for my Criminal Justice Class. as of 1:00am PST Today i finish 4 of the 6 assignments.


                  SGU Seizure Timeline

                  apparently according to one of the photos there is a close up on a watch that reveals the date July 28th. i don't know if that was when they were shooting that particular episode but it might be interesting what you guys think of it.

                  According to Alliances, Senator Michaels said they have been there for over a year so which means the last 7 episodes of SGU Season 2 will be taking place in 2010. now i don't know if that will be helpful for you guys in Atlantis Rising but i think it's a little bit of an interesting side not.


                    Happy Sparky morning all.


                    Weir: Good morning, Major.
                    Ford: *snort* She doesn't even know we're here.

                    Sheppard: *must not grin* Mornin' boss.
                    McKay: I think I'm going to lose my breakfast.


                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Wtf????????? My avatar! My sig!!! Wtf?

                      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                        Me too wtf why do i have pirates kolyaaaaaaa
                        The Breeding Ground of Ships.


                          Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Fluffy Thursday!

                          Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                          SGU Seizure Timeline

                          apparently according to one of the photos there is a close up on a watch that reveals the date July 28th. i don't know if that was when they were shooting that particular episode but it might be interesting what you guys think of it.
                          That was probably just when they were filming. We'll find out for sure on Monday.

                          Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                          According to Alliances, Senator Michaels said they have been there for over a year so which means the last 7 episodes of SGU Season 2 will be taking place in 2010. now i don't know if that will be helpful for you guys in Atlantis Rising but i think it's a little bit of an interesting side not.
                          Er, you're pretty late to the party. I posted a detailed timeline, including notes on SGU, a few months ago. By my count, all of the second half of Season 2, not just the last seven episodes, likely takes place in 2010. We've known about this for quite a while and have already incorporated it into our plans.

                          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                          Happy Sparky morning all.


                          Weir: Good morning, Major.
                          Ford: *snort* She doesn't even know we're here.


                          Sheppard: *must not grin* Mornin' boss.
                          McKay: I think I'm going to lose my breakfast.

                          LOL! Interesting how Teyla doesn't say anything... Or does that mean she's in on it?

                          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                          Wtf????????? My avatar! My sig!!! Wtf?
                          Hmm, I dunno what happened, but everything looks okay now.
                          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                            Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Fluffy Thursday!

                            That was probably just when they were filming. We'll find out for sure on Monday.

                            Er, you're pretty late to the party. I posted a detailed timeline, including notes on SGU, a few months ago. By my count, all of the second half of Season 2, not just the last seven episodes, likely takes place in 2010. We've known about this for quite a while and have already incorporated it into our plans.

                            LOL! Interesting how Teyla doesn't say anything... Or does that mean she's in on it?

                            Hmm, I dunno what happened, but everything looks okay now.
                            Not okay here. Pirate ships. I think it's an early April's Fool hack.

                            And oh yeah, Teyla is so in on it. What do you think she and Elizabeth discuss at their teas? LOL

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              Not okay here. Pirate ships. I think it's an early April's Fool hack.
                              And a bad one. Don't they know they're supposed to save the pirates for Talk Like A Pirate Day in September?

                              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                              And oh yeah, Teyla is so in on it. What do you think she and Elizabeth discuss at their teas? LOL
                              True fax, that!
                              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                                I checked. It's a mod prank.


                                At least we don't have that obscene pink background like we did a couple of years ago. And hey, they changed the ranks! I'm now a Master at Arms! Does that mean I get to play with the cannons and blow stuff up?
                                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.

