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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
    *shudders* I've always found Taco Bell to be too greasy and very bland tasting. Don't get me wrong, Chipotle is not authentic Mexican either, but I find it's far superior at capturing the essence of the flavors of Mexican cooking.
    I fear I was totally spoiled living in Boston in college. So many different places to get genuine ethnic food. Now living in suburbia, my options are not as broad. But yes, Chipolte is much closer than Taco Bell . I'll have to see what other options I can try for next time. To bring this back to Sparky... I was reading a fic where John was a college math professor. This made me swoon for quite a long time, as I was a math major so the idea he could have been my teacher..... Well, I would never have skipped class if he was my teacher. Of course, I'm sure I would have needed extra help after class too (but I'd give him back to Elizabeth afterwards)


      Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
      I fear I was totally spoiled living in Boston in college. So many different places to get genuine ethnic food. Now living in suburbia, my options are not as broad. But yes, Chipolte is much closer than Taco Bell . I'll have to see what other options I can try for next time. To bring this back to Sparky... I was reading a fic where John was a college math professor. This made me swoon for quite a long time, as I was a math major so the idea he could have been my teacher..... Well, I would never have skipped class if he was my teacher. Of course, I'm sure I would have needed extra help after class too (but I'd give him back to Elizabeth afterwards)
      Hmm, that fic sounds like Langford University. John's a math professor with the same trouble of his female students having crushes on him as Indiana Jones, and Elizabeth as the dean of the law school. Really cute!
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


        Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
        I have watched it more than once, but yeah... Every time I watch it, when Rodney comes up with that stupid plan to upload that code, I yell and beg at the screen, "It's not worth it! IT'S NOT WORTH IT! This is a bad plan! Just leave!!!" Or the hallway: "Grab her and run! GRAB HER AND RUN!!!!"

        But they never listen.
        YES, exactly! Plus, weren't they on a time constraint to get the ZPM back to Atlantis? I know it had to happen for business reasons, but...

        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
        Lifeline's ending really makes all Sparky fans angry. But there is so much confirmation of their feelings for each other in it that I think that transcends the ending. Lifeline was one of the eps that pretty much confirmed even in the most doubtful mind that John did indeed care very very much for Elizabeth on a personal level. Maybe not to the extent that he was in love with her, but no one, and I mean no one, who paid attention could reasonably argue that he was indifferent to her or disliked her as had been argued in the past. So I took Lifeline as a huge win for us.
        This is very true. The staring alone is insane. People argued he didn't like her? What show were they watching? Perhaps I don't want to know.


          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
          Hmm, come to think of it, wasn't the only thing that was really wrong with the Tria the fact that its hyperdrive blew out while they were on the way to Earth? (possibly caused by battle damage) Are ships like the Daedalus capable of actually towing another ship somewhere? Could they even bring the Tria to Atlantis for the hyperdrive to be fixed there, or would they have to have a rotation of repair teams going back and forth until they could get the hyperdrive fixed? Of course, now that Earth has the Asgard's bequest of technology, maybe the repairs could be done faster...

          Too much of an advantage? Perhaps. I'd hate to have the Tria go down against our new Big Baddies at the end of the season, though.
          Yeah, you might be right. It probably wouldn't take a whole season to repair. It's been a long time since I've seen the episodes so I don't remember a whole lot about the details.
          Good point about how they'd get it there. Are you talking about towing through hyperspace or sub-light? Either way I suppose, we could always have McKay or Zelenka invent something that would enable them to tow it along (extending the force shield to include it or something). Because we've seen an F-302 piggy back on a hive ship in hyperspace... Or perhaps all the Ancient ships were equipped with some kind of tractor beam/connector device that allowed ships that weren't fixable in the field to be brought back and Rodney jerry-rigs some kind of equivalent on the Daedalus that the Tria can connect to (even thought I guess the Ancients were so smart that they could just fix everything on site so they wouldn't really need that feature). Or yeah, they could just go with ferrying teams back and forth. (might be a little bit less of a hassle to write about)

          Yeah, me too. It always made me sad when one of the big ships got destroyed (especially right after they'd gotten them). It's like, "No, don't get that blown up! You're gonna need that!" So yeah... that was one of the reasons I had suggested delaying the repair (having forgotten the amount of damage) so that the Tria could be kinda of like a trade-off for losing contact with Earth and all their ships. I kinda like the idea of the newly stranded Atlantis having their ship to travel around Pegasus in. That way you've still got the desperate straits and struggle for survival that made the first season so good, yet still have the story options open for those that might need a battleship's intervention.

          Or... unless we really wanted to use it for this season (perfectly understandable) we could simply have them delay remembering/finding the Tria until towards the end of the season. Maybe Atlantis is cut off from Earth before repairs could be begun/finished and so we have a kind of different version of the ZPM hunts of S1. Atlantis is facing this new enemy and they're alone again and they really really need this war ship operational so they have to hunt and scavenge for the parts to fix it, like they have to find hyperdrive crystals or something. (Sorry, I can't seem to make my brain let go of the idea that the ship is severely damaged like the Orion was; I'll get over it eventually.)

          Anyway... just throwing some ideas out there.

          Wow. How I've rambled. Sorry about that! Occupational hazard of brainstorming.

          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
          Lorne's a possibility. We could even work it so that Earth sends them additional personnel to deal with the Tria (who could get trapped on the Pegasus side at the end of the season).
          Ooo, I like that! It'll be good to have some new characters to work with.
          Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


            Originally posted by Probie View Post
            Little question. I'm watching "Intruder" on tv (no need to say I squee during the coffee scene and during the entire episode lol) and I have a question. Is there a fic somewhere on the net, where Simon decided to follow Elizabeth? If it's the case, I would love a link, please. If not, I'm in the mood of a fic where John is jealous so maybe you know other fics. Thank you.

            SR: And yes definitively Lorne
            I know I've read something with Simon going to Atlantis. I'll have to search for it. But for jealous John fics, there's Five Times John or Elizabeth Was Jealous by Oparu. Very good fic!

            Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
            Day 17: Favorite team (Ford or Ronon? Weir or Carter?)

            I really liked Ford, and I really like Ronon. They both brought a different kind of dynamic to the team and I liked it both ways. So, I simply can't choose between one or the other.

            However, as far as choosing between Carter and Weir goes, that's very simple -> Weir of course.

            I was against the coming of Carter since the beginning and I absolutely didn't like her there at all throughout the whole of season 4 (It should have been Weir to tell the city Kate had died.)... If you should browse you may come across a fic I wrote to vent off my steam that stars Carter in a few ... err... not so very good situations.
            Agreed 100%. Now get back to homework! While I go look for that fic.

            Originally posted by TheLadyMore View Post
            Watching 'Suspcion' Caught a sparky moment:

            It was so cute when John asked if Elizabeth needed anything! Especially since he had a shy face!
            "Flatware, a new outfit?" What kind of outfit were you thinking of there, John....

            Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
            Hmm, that fic sounds like Langford University. John's a math professor with the same trouble of his female students having crushes on him as Indiana Jones, and Elizabeth as the dean of the law school. Really cute!
            Yup that's definitely one! There's also Alternate Possibilities by tenacious_err, another great writer. This story is PG 13. The argument John and Elizabeth have is one I've had before with my lawyer friend. (ps. John is right)


              Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
              Yeah, you might be right. It probably wouldn't take a whole season to repair. It's been a long time since I've seen the episodes so I don't remember a whole lot about the details.
              Good point about how they'd get it there. Are you talking about towing through hyperspace or sub-light? Either way I suppose, we could always have McKay or Zelenka invent something that would enable them to tow it along (extending the force shield to include it or something). Because we've seen an F-302 piggy back on a hive ship in hyperspace... Or perhaps all the Ancient ships were equipped with some kind of tractor beam/connector device that allowed ships that weren't fixable in the field to be brought back and Rodney jerry-rigs some kind of equivalent on the Daedalus that the Tria can connect to (even thought I guess the Ancients were so smart that they could just fix everything on site so they wouldn't really need that feature). Or yeah, they could just go with ferrying teams back and forth. (might be a little bit less of a hassle to write about)
              Sorry, I meant towing through hyperspace; I imagine if they tried to go sub-light, it'd take them centuries at least, probably more like millenia. The Tria was found (and left behind) in the void between Pegasus and the Milky Way, so it's a lot further away than the next star system. It's definitely possible that either the Ancients had a towing/tractor beam system, or McKay could rig something up.

              Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
              Yeah, me too. It always made me sad when one of the big ships got destroyed (especially right after they'd gotten them). It's like, "No, don't get that blown up! You're gonna need that!" So yeah... that was one of the reasons I had suggested delaying the repair (having forgotten the amount of damage) so that the Tria could be kinda of like a trade-off for losing contact with Earth and all their ships. I kinda like the idea of the newly stranded Atlantis having their ship to travel around Pegasus in. That way you've still got the desperate straits and struggle for survival that made the first season so good, yet still have the story options open for those that might need a battleship's intervention.

              Or... unless we really wanted to use it for this season (perfectly understandable) we could simply have them delay remembering/finding the Tria until towards the end of the season. Maybe Atlantis is cut off from Earth before repairs could be begun/finished and so we have a kind of different version of the ZPM hunts of S1. Atlantis is facing this new enemy and they're alone again and they really really need this war ship operational so they have to hunt and scavenge for the parts to fix it, like they have to find hyperdrive crystals or something. (Sorry, I can't seem to make my brain let go of the idea that the ship is severely damaged like the Orion was; I'll get over it eventually.)
              Oooh! I just had a thought! What if Earth wanted a new Midway station, but instead of spending gazillions of dollars to build a new station after the first one got blown up, what if they decide to try to refurb the Tria and install a pair of gates on board as a new Midway? We know from SG-1's "The Pegasus Project" that Stargates can fit standing up inside a Daedalus-class ship (and that's probably how they got all the gates used for the gate bridge into place, come to think of it), and the Aurora-class ships are supposed to be about the same size (I think?), so if a suitably large enough compartment to hold both gates and have enough space between them to accommodate dueling kawooshes could be found on board the Tria, they'd be in business.

              That way, when Atlantis cuts the line to Earth, they send a team to the Tria/Midway II and grab it and run! And they can run because McKay and Zelenka have been working all season in the background to get the hyperdrive back online.

              Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
              Anyway... just throwing some ideas out there.

              Wow. How I've rambled. Sorry about that! Occupational hazard of brainstorming.
              No worries, brainstorming and rambling kinda go hand-in-hand by necessity.

              Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
              Ooo, I like that! It'll be good to have some new characters to work with.
              We could have Atlantis get stuck with Kavanaugh again. He could be like the football that nobody wants and keeps getting punted around from base to base. LOL!
              (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
              Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                Can I join in.

                I was only able to watch Lifeline once. I just can't do it again, it makes me want to throw stuff at my TV. [/QUOTE]

                I'm like you, I can't watch lifeline again either. I keep thinking of Elizabeth left at Oberoth's mercy and what was going through her mind as she watched John and Ronon leave. Then I get depressed.


                  Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                  "Flatware, a new outfit?" What kind of outfit were you thinking of there, John....
                  Hah! I've just been inspired for another fic rec! It's All in the Delivery, by AngelQueen. Definitely some cracktastic comedy there...
                  (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                  Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                    Oooh! I just had a thought! What if Earth wanted a new Midway station, but instead of spending gazillions of dollars to build a new station after the first one got blown up, what if they decide to try to refurb the Tria and install a pair of gates on board as a new Midway? We know from SG-1's "The Pegasus Project" that Stargates can fit standing up inside a Daedalus-class ship (and that's probably how they got all the gates used for the gate bridge into place, come to think of it), and the Aurora-class ships are supposed to be about the same size (I think?), so if a suitably large enough compartment to hold both gates and have enough space between them to accommodate dueling kawooshes could be found on board the Tria, they'd be in business.

                    That way, when Atlantis cuts the line to Earth, they send a team to the Tria/Midway II and grab it and run! And they can run because McKay and Zelenka have been working all season in the background to get the hyperdrive back online.
                    Ooo, I like this too! Now that is an effective use of resources! Good job Stargate Command! (you should have done that in the first place! )

                    Do we know what happened to the network of stargates they established to form the gate bridge? Could be my imagination, but seems like I remember them saying something about it being dismantled... Cause if they're still there, then they'd just have to scrounge up two more of each kind and hook them up (not that simple, but still), so even though Earth might have its priorities shifted towards the Lucian Alliance it would still be something that they could do.

                    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                    No worries, brainstorming and rambling kinda go hand-in-hand by necessity.

                    Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                    We could have Atlantis get stuck with Kavanaugh again. He could be like the football that nobody wants and keeps getting punted around from base to base. LOL!
                    Oh no! Not Kavanaugh! Maybe we could find some way to have him accidentally meet his untimely demise? *whistles innocently* Or maybe after a while of his being a jerk and making everybody mad, he can be sent as a permanent ambassador to some planet full of unpleasant people that nobody likes (maybe the kids). Or that planet and people have something Atlantis needs and they are only too willing to give Kavanaugh up to make the trade (maybe in this culture they find Kavanaugh's qualities admirable or want to worship him or something and he can't stand them b/c he thinks they're stupid and primitive). There are so many possible horrified Kavanaugh/eager natives scenarios we could take advantage of.
                    Lovely Sparkiness! ~*~ My: Fanfics - Vids ~*~


                      Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                      Ooo, I like this too! Now that is an effective use of resources! Good job Stargate Command! (you should have done that in the first place! )

                      Do we know what happened to the network of stargates they established to form the gate bridge? Could be my imagination, but seems like I remember them saying something about it being dismantled... Cause if they're still there, then they'd just have to scrounge up two more of each kind and hook them up (not that simple, but still), so even though Earth might have its priorities shifted towards the Lucian Alliance it would still be something that they could do.
                      As far as I know, the rest of the network is still in place. They did pull out one of the Pegasus gates to replace the gate in Atlantis that got blown up by the Attero Device in Season 5's "First Contact"/"The Lost Tribe," but that's it. They'd just need one Milky Way gate and two Pegasus gates, and they're good to go. There's still the security issues to consider, too; after the Wraith were able to infiltrate the Gate Bridge, the IOA will no doubt be wary of reopening it. But think of all the money and energy they'd save by not having to use the Daedalus to ferry supplies to Atlantis, LOL!

                      Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
                      Oh no! Not Kavanaugh! Maybe we could find some way to have him accidentally meet his untimely demise? *whistles innocently* Or maybe after a while of his being a jerk and making everybody mad, he can be sent as a permanent ambassador to some planet full of unpleasant people that nobody likes (maybe the kids). Or that planet and people have something Atlantis needs and they are only too willing to give Kavanaugh up to make the trade (maybe in this culture they find Kavanaugh's qualities admirable or want to worship him or something and he can't stand them b/c he thinks they're stupid and primitive). There are so many possible horrified Kavanaugh/eager natives scenarios we could take advantage of.
                      Ahahahaha! A sacrifice for the sake of diplomacy, eh? Something tells me the irony of that would appeal to Elizabeth.
                      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                        Day 19: Most annoying side character

                        Three Words

                        Doctor Peter Kavanuagh. That man needs to be fed on by a Wraith.
                        Last edited by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard; 18 January 2011, 03:51 PM.


                          Forgot to do Day 15 so here it is.

                          Day 15: Least favorite pairing
                          Ronan Dex and Amelia Banks.


                            Originally posted by lt.colonel john sheppard View Post
                            day 19: Most annoying side character

                            three words

                            doctor peter kavanuagh. That man needs to be feed on by a wraith.

                            Coming January 2017


                              Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
                              Although, was his first name really peter?

                              Coming January 2017


                                Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
                                Although, was his first name really peter?
                                Yeah, I think it was. We didn't find that out until Midway though. Was it ever actually said, or was it just on his nametag?
                                - Life after Stargate -
                                Agent Carter * Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. * The Blacklist * Castle * Elementary * Grimm
                                Hawaii Five-0 * The Mentalist * NCIS * NCIS:LA * Once Upon a Time * Rizzoli & Isles

