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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
    Teyla is supposed to be around 25 according to the character description, but I've never see anything about Rachel's age. When I see pics of her at cons she looks younger than 30. Maybe mid to late 20's.
    Imho, Teyla *does not* look '25' -I think she looks around 30ish- and she 'acts' very mature most times unless she's around ronon in that new hotship thing they got goin on. he brings out the girl in her.

    yeah...get over yourself bama and take it to the ronon/teyla board...


      Originally posted by Bama
      Imho, Teyla *does not* look '25' -I think she looks around 30ish- and she 'acts' very mature most times unless she's around ronon in that new hotship thing they got goin on. he brings out the girl in her.

      yeah...get over yourself bama and take it to the ronon/teyla board...

      She's a tough one to pick when it comes to age. Teyla is very 'mature' in her behaviour. It'd be interesting to see Rachel at a con. some time. From the pics I've seen I think she comes across as a really 'girly girl', nothing at all like Teyla! Maybe it's the clothing etc, that makes her look younger IRL.

      But back to Shep and Weir. Aren't they pretty? (trying to get back on topic!)


        Killing some time before packing to head to Madison, and thought I'd recommend this nice little fic I just read.

        Better than Sedatives

        Okay, I moved into my house in September - and promptly went to New York for a week. Now in October I'm heading to Wisconsin. November will take me back to Arizona, and December will send me to New Jersey. No wonder the place is still a wreck and I still have 30-some boxes of books to unpack. (Yeah, I know, that had nothing whatsoever to do with Shep/Weir, but at least the first part of this post did, and I just wanted to vent a teeny tiny bit.)
        ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
        The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


          Originally posted by alyssa
          She's a tough one to pick when it comes to age. Teyla is very 'mature' in her behaviour. It'd be interesting to see Rachel at a con. some time. From the pics I've seen I think she comes across as a really 'girly girl', nothing at all like Teyla! Maybe it's the clothing etc, that makes her look younger IRL.

          But back to Shep and Weir. Aren't they pretty? (trying to get back on topic!)
          yes yes back to topic... i have read Bama's latest fan fic at i really loved it... shep/weir fan fic out there is sooo good,
          ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


            That is an adorable fic. As were the other two that were linked before.

            Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


              First I'd just like to tell all you young whippersnappers that I am totally blown away by how articulate you are and how well you write. When I was teaching I seldom saw young people who could express their thoughts so well. Hugs to all of you. And a special note to Simple Hope. Honey don't you dare stop saying what you think. Some of us "old hands" just keep on opening our mouths and regurgitating our thoughts.
              And, on that note, I've been thinking. (No, no, no come back here. This won't hurt a bit.) I've been thinking about how John relates to women. It all started when I watched Aurora again.
              He started out flirting with the virtual wraith chick just like he always does, and you could see the shock on his face when she didn't respond. So he tries harder, giving her the old crooked smile, (hey, it worked on Teyla) deeping his voice, and telling her he would be personally grateful, etc, even taking a step toward her. You could see him thinking, "Damn, all my little tricks aren't working. She must not be what she seems." This type of behavior just seems to be automatic with him.
              OK, now getting to Elizabeth. It sometimes works on her, but he has to try harder. He actually has to have a good argument with her, present his points logically and convince her he's right. But, he's lazy and impatient so when he gets tired of arguing he gives her the puppy dog face. But, as he's gotten to know her as he probably has no other woman in his life he's begun to realize she is different. He's starting to have an emotional reaction to her, maybe still unconscious. "Elizabeth" may be still an abstract of sorts to him. He just knows when she's close his thoughts and feelings (dreaded word to a guy) get all jumbled up and he gets flustered. The only time he allows his true emotions to surface is when she's in danger, and what does he immediately think? "Elizabeth, danger! Must go save her!" At times he is completely paralyzed by emotion as in Intruder
              when he couldn't get her on the radio. That one scene alone to me defines this ship. The toast at the end of Aurora was interesting too. They had obviously set this up because, as others have said, she had glasses all ready. There are 4 other people standing in the circle, but J and E look mostly at each other. He glances around just before the toast, but his eyes always go back to her. Unfortunately, you can't see her face at the end, but after the toast (and the finger romance) he looks back at her with a slight eyebrow raise. The whole thing is almost personal between them, but why her? Rodney was the closest to the Aurora as he was the only other one to go into the virtual environment. T and R were at least there, and Caldwell was personally involved as well. If logic prevailed, John should have been exchanging meaningful looks with Rodney. (Please, no slashy thoughts. That makes me squiggle.)
              I had a point when I started this, but dang if I can find it. Oh, John relating to women. I dare not go into how he relates to Teyla completely differently, and with no more emotion than he shows to Rodney, Ronon or odd redshirts for fear of reprimand. (BTW, having a former Marine for a husband has made it hard for me to stop calling them FNG'S. I like that much better than redshirts anyway.) All in all I like what I'm seeing develop between these two. Most of the non-shippers don't see it at all, the anti-shippers aren't up in arms yet, and no ship is canon. Nice progression as long as we keep it moving. But I do want to see another incident soon where he has to worry about her for a change.

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Originally posted by Southern Red
                First I'd just like to tell all you young whippersnappers that I am totally blown away by how articulate you are and how well you write. When I was teaching I seldom saw young people who could express their thoughts so well. Hugs to all of you. And a special note to Simple Hope. Honey don't you dare stop saying what you think. Some of us "old hands" just keep on opening our mouths and regurgitating our thoughts.
                Well said! No stifling the discussion, people!


                  Originally posted by Southern Red
                  All in all I like what I'm seeing develop between these two. Most of the non-shippers don't see it at all, the anti-shippers aren't up in arms yet, and no ship is canon. Nice progression as long as we keep it moving. But I do want to see another incident soon where he has to worry about her for a change.
                  Glad you posted this, because I just want to have it said at least once a day until it happens!!!


                    Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
                    yes yes back to topic... i have read Bama's latest fan fic at i really loved it... shep/weir fan fic out there is sooo good,
                    Thanks a ton Lexa. I know not everyone is comfortable commenting or reading adult fic and that is understandable. I try to write 'sensual' rather than 'trashy' when I do the love scenes and try to successfully transmit the feelings and emotions tht result in the actions. Like I said, for some reason the RST fanfic with this pair just seems to work almost as well (at least for me) as the UST in many cases. I don't know why that is other than they're just incredible in so many facets and they have so much going for them besides the sex. They're both fascinating people in their own right and it makes them a fascinating pair. I think I'm going to go back and do some PGish, UST stuff though after I finish the John POV fic.

                    MUST agree totally with you that the fic lately has been fabulous! Sure, there are always some weaker fics or fics that some like you don't jive with but overall, I think the quality has just been above average.

                    Listen at me using the word 'jive'. Heh. Am I dating myself or what!?


                      Originally posted by Bama
                      Thanks a ton Lexa. I know not everyone is comfortable commenting or reading adult fic and that is understandable. I try to write 'sensual' rather than 'trashy' when I do the love scenes and try to successfully transmit the feelings and emotions tht result in the actions.
                      I like your stories!

                      Here are links to more reading (the sites I've been checking recently):

             (Little Red's site)

             (Command Dynamics - lots of good stories here)

             (the famous SW/Ficathon!)

                      When all else fails, change channels.


                        Originally posted by Bama
                        I try to write 'sensual' rather than 'trashy' when I do the love scenes and try to successfully transmit the feelings and emotions tht result in the actions.
                        And they're wonderful to read


                          Originally posted by Bama
                          Thanks a ton Lexa. I know not everyone is comfortable commenting or reading adult fic and that is understandable. I try to write 'sensual' rather than 'trashy' when I do the love scenes and try to successfully transmit the feelings and emotions tht result in the actions. Like I said, for some reason the RST fanfic with this pair just seems to work almost as well (at least for me) as the UST in many cases. I don't know why that is other than they're just incredible in so many facets and they have so much going for them besides the sex. They're both fascinating people in their own right and it makes them a fascinating pair. I think I'm going to go back and do some PGish, UST stuff though after I finish the John POV fic.

                          MUST agree totally with you that the fic lately has been fabulous! Sure, there are always some weaker fics or fics that some like you don't jive with but overall, I think the quality has just been above average.

                          Listen at me using the word 'jive'. Heh. Am I dating myself or what!?
                          Nicely written, as always. There's a lot of good Shep/Weir fic out there. Some is a little short, but most is very good!
                          There's just so much potential for expanding on their 'story'.


                            Well, a bit of a shameless plug – I've finally gotten around to reconstructing my site, and all of my Atlantis short stories are up there now. I doubt there's anything that hasn't been linked here at some point in the past, but now they're all easily available in one place. Ah, the joy of conquering laziness.
                            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                            Last update: 14 April 2006
                            Melyanna's Multimedia
                            Last update: 15 February 2006


                              Originally posted by Vixen
                              And they're wonderful to read
                              thanks vix. Just another thought on that.

                              I find it helpful and interesting and exciting that TPTB put a non-forced, real 'touch' scene between Shep and Weir 'out there' so early in the ship. I think that has made it much easier for fanfic writers to 'see' intimacy taking place between them. Part of being able to 'see' intimacy between them imo is their personalities and tendencies as well.

                              Elizabeth is a real paradox in a way. She's tough as nails inside and has been in international situations that required her to take a 'tough *****' stand and we can see she certainly doesn't mind being the lead dog and taking the shots when she needs to. She also doesn't mind dishing it out when she feels it's warranted or needed. Yet, she's openly affectionate to those she cares for and from her flashbacks and other examples we have been given, she's every bit the affectionate woman who doesn't mind touching others or being touched. But I do think she needs to feel a real friendship before she reaches out like that to another.
                              To me, this is important in building a 'ship' for her long-term because she is in so many situations where she has to be 'icy' and 'tough' and without ever showing her ability to worry or her affectionate, female nature *now*, it would be harder later in the series to 'sell' viewers on her being in a relationship. Perhaps that was part of the reason for the intro of her relationship with simon so early too (along with showing her own personal sacrifice for atlantis).

                              John, otoh, isn't so much 'touchy' and may even have a bit of an aversion to it *if* he feels something deeper for someone. He was shown to have a healthy appetite for the opposite sex in sanctuary (that's the only halfway decent thing from that ep) and a desire to touch a woman for his own gratification. Yet, I think what makes a relationship 'seeable' for him rather than just pure male instinctive behavior is his natural comfort with on-going flirtatiousness and his ability to carry on a serious, adult conversation like we've seen him have with Elizabeth so many times. Both of those convert well into building a long-term 'ship for him and certainly in writing him in an RST relationship.


                                Originally posted by Bama
                                Hey, don't worry about it kiddo. I think it's brave of a teenager to jump in with two feet like you have here! I can't imagine I would have done the same as a teenager. We all get a little carried away at times havin some fun-including us really old people; well especially us really old people that are used to speaking our minds.
                                Ok Bama just two small points:
                                1. mid 30s does not count even vaguely as "old". "Old" is 70+
                                2. If u ever call anyone a "kiddo" again I will be forced to hunt you down and kill you on behalf of my fellow teenagers!

                                Also you write very nice fanfics btw, like your style
                                Don't you want to look beyond the horizon?

                                In the 2 hours and 14 minutes that Torri Higginson was online, there were 272 posts in the Elizabeth Weir Wow Thread. I was responsible for 2 of them. (Oh yeah and Gateworld crashed, but that's not important)

                                Please click here to feed the hungry, protect endangered land, and help fight breast cancer without spending a penny (inspired by the Whistler 84 in Memoriam thread)

