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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
    I think part of the relationship for a shipper, is that you can identify with both parties. They're both believable and you can see them getting together. I find it, personally, very hard to warm to Teyla, and, as such, hard to really *root* for her in a relationship. I love John and Elizabeth, and, although they are very different, they share so much in common and obviously relate to each other as well as to the audience.
    i love how they relate to the audience... they give off a realness vibe to me... it is a relationship that i can see truely working!!!


      Originally posted by xkawaiix
      Does this mean you have seen the light Tracy?
      I've been on your side since I watched the Siege part three. That hug!!! I finally announced to the Sheylans and feel like such a traitor (pathetic isn't it). It's just that the guys and girlies over there have been so lovely and good to me (not to say you haven't) that I actually feel like I'm betraying them!

      However, I'm fully aware that TPTB have said there will be no romance in the near future, and I still wouldn't be upset to see John and Teyla together, I'm just not kinda....shipping.

      Face it, Tracy, you've gone to the dark side. *sigh*

      Come on, guys. Complete the transition with some mints and pics.
      Yepp, it's blank down here.


        Originally posted by FinnStarDust
        Skyler, I added you to my MSN Messenger if you still want to learn about it. [/quote= finnstardust] Thanks! I have some fellow Gateworlder's are helping me with MSN, and having a mighty great time with it too! I will message you when your online sometime.
        Originally posted by Josie
        I've been reading through the posts and all I can say is that the delivery of the dialogue and the nuances that actors put on things in this episode are going to have to be studied closely, the way a line is said could change everything. And so much can be conveyed by looks as well.
        With how much Torri acts with her non-verbals, I agree with you. I think the episode is going to be PACKED with little subtle things that will make us shippers go CRAZY!

        Lurker I LOVE THIS PIC!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Nice smiley story Ankareeda!

        Originally posted by alyssa
        As soon as it does, I want our Candian friends to be here with full details!!!! And we need pics.... and vids.... and.. you know... all that good stuff!!
        Yes yes!!! I second that. Sadly I may not get online before I go to work tommorrow night, I will sure as heck be on the boards Tuesday morning!!! I am sure I will have 30 some pages to read..

        Sig by Dorka.Thanks!

        *~'.:GTA 199:.'~*


          Originally posted by Tracy Jane

          Face it, Tracy, you've gone to the dark side. *sigh*
          nono.. the light side!!


            Originally posted by Erised
            You think so?
            ^Warning: TLG spoiler!
            Liz: Oh my gosh
            John: Nice. Can we see that aga..
            Liz: NO! *turns off the monitor*
            John: Oh ppllleeasseee
            Liz: *whispers* Well ok.. it was really hot...

            I only got one thing to say about sci-fi making us wait in the states:

            Sci Fi Channel

            Sig by Dorka.Thanks!

            *~'.:GTA 199:.'~*


              Originally posted by Skyler
              Liz: Oh my gosh
              John: Nice. Can we see that aga..
              Liz: NO! *turns off the monitor*
              John: Oh ppllleeasseee
              Liz: *whispers* Well ok.. it was really hot...

              I only got one thing to say about sci-fi making us wait in the states:

              Sci Fi Channel
              oh now that I think about it, my manip reminds me of a fan fiction I've read yesterday.. I think it was this one
              funny that I haven't thought of it before..
              Last edited by Erised; 01 January 2006, 04:42 PM.


                Welcome Joy, here is some pics for you.

                Icon Made By LadyBozi


                  More like rerunning the tape so they can perfect it next time. It reminded me of a fic too, but a Sam Jack *very* mature one. It's on Gateworld called "Green Suckers and Red Lollipops"
                  Yepp, it's blank down here.


                    Hi guys,

                    Just popped in again to say thanks to everyone who posted the fanfics a few pages ago . Liked them all . Keep them coming, specially the one with
                    . This smilies are just too fun to play with, aren't they? . I'm having fun like a child. LOL. Just found them myself. Lurkers take time to see this kind of stuff. Too bad!!!! *slaps face lightly*

                    And you guys are something. LOL. The only thing I can think about now are those lines from Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

                    Wise Jedi Master Yoda:...If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will...
                    Luke: ...Is the dark side stronger?
                    Wise Jedi Master Yoda: No. But easier, more seductive.
                    Luke: How will I know the good side from the bad?
                    Wise Jedi Master Yoda: You will know when you are calm, at peace!... or when you overload yourself with shweir fanfic and caps as I did.

                    Now I see S/W everywhere in S1 when I rewatch my taped episodes where before I saw nothing at all. *mad at herself, still deciding why... For seeing it now or not seeing it before* Oh no too philosophical a question to answer at 11:40 PM

                    Guys, I used to be so happy as a non-shipper for Atlantis that sometimes could just accept some lame attempts at ship from the TPTB with Shep/Teyla (emphasis on lame). Now I will suffer the whole Jack/Sam syndrome again with Shep/Weir and it's your fault.

                    *slaps herself again for reading too much fanfic presented in this thread*
                    *seriously thinking about lurking somewhere else to loose this thoughts for a while*

                    Or perhaps no, you guys are so great!!!! LOL
                    I think I'll just join up and suffer from Jack/Sam syndrome again...

                    *thinking about starting a thread like STAKS with this title ASFALWS "All Stargate Fans Against Lamily Written Ship". Thoughts for First post: "If you are tired of suffering from Jack/Sam syndrome due to bad ship writing join this thread to make it known to TPTB so they will take the "official" ship they choose more seriously in both shows"*

                    And since it seams that our ship (I still don't believe I said that! LOL) is the official ship for Atlantis, the more support for this thread the better for us. LOL and I also hope Jack/Sam shippers like me to get even if only mentions on SG-1.

                    Speaking about STAKS, I posted on that thread today to support such great iniciative from Tracy Jane and I would like to ask the ones among you, I think Erised is one of them, who have the STAKS thread link on their sigs to tell me how I can do the same, because as written above, us long time lurkers, short time posters, take time to learn this stuff and with help it is always easier. Thanks in advance for the help.

                    Not trying on purpose to be too long, but being anyway : Anyone has a nice sig for me? I really like the one from the first post of the STAKS thread and since who started it, Tracy Jane, seams to lurk around here too I would like to ask permition to use it as my sig if she doesn't mind.

                    Does that mean I'm seriously thinking about stop lurking around and settle down in this great forum? Yep, I think so.... LOL

                    *Joins in for good*
                    Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


                      Originally posted by Ebony Wolf

                      Oh yeah.. the hug scene.


                      Sig by Dorka.Thanks!

                      *~'.:GTA 199:.'~*


                        Hi. One of the guys made the STAKS sig for us. I'm actually thinking of asking permission to use it myself too. Give me a couple of mins and I'll PM you.

                        I told you this was the dark side! My telling off of Shweir shippers on STAKS is overcompensation for my feelings of guilt
                        Yepp, it's blank down here.


                          Originally posted by Ebony Wolf
                          heehhee...i love the hug!!!!!!!!!!!!
                          ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                            Thanks for sharing those awesome pics, Ebony Wolf. It slays me that when I get to the end of Seige II in my DVD set, I won't actually get to see that scene in III until I either catch it in reruns at my friend's place in Michigan, or season 2 is released, gah! I've had to live vicariously through all the caps thus far, so I suppose that I can keep going!

                            I'm finding it fun, though, knowing what's going on in season 2 to watch season 1 looking for hints and forshadowing. My ship-tinted glasses always read more into situations, too.


                              Speaking of Star Wars, Atlantean Fan, I read this very heart wrenching fic by MsRaven. It's an alternate version of The Storm/Eye.



                                Originally posted by Joy
                                My ship-tinted glasses always read more into situations, too.
                                i love the ship-tinted glasses.... we are all wearing them... especially with TLG on our doorstep!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..

