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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Bama
    Wow, the aussies really did some butt-kickin on the thread whilst we westerners slumbered! I love that! Gives me about two dozen new post to read thru when I get to work.

    As for the big 'debate', I can certainly see why Elizabeth would personally want to learn how to defend herself and whether that means self-defense training or a gun would be a personal choice for her. I would think the training would be more beneficial given that she abhors guns and she has a her own protection force.

    Being a leader is not about how 'manly' one can be or how 'tough' sounding or looking or somesuch crap imo. It's about the inner strength you have to stand down adversity and make a decision that may not be the popular one but is nonetheless the one you feel best or convicted about. A leader must be willing to work through the rough times to accomplish the bigger goals. A leader needs to be a good listener as well as a good communicator.

    Now EW, has many of those characteristics in spades and others she is developing on the fly. Keep in mind that she's never been a leader of men and women before and this situation is unique to all other leadership roles before her. She's forging new ground and making new rules and she's looking to john to stand beside her and support her and is unashamed of it.

    I love how strong she is and yet how she doesn't forget who Elizabeth is as a person and a woman. I feel like I could follow her in battle and be her friend.

    Thank you! You summed it all up, especially that she's strong, but doesn't forget who she is as a person. That's why I don't get all the 'oh she's too weak' business.
    Nice to have you awake and joining our conversation!! (don't know how long we eastern-state Aussies will be around since it's after 11pm already!!)


      If Weir ever does pick up a gun, I hope that it is a very big deal when it happens. It would, at the very least, signal a recognition on her part that sometimes force is a form of diplomacy. But, she never took up a weapon during the seige, so I don't know what would be drastic enough to make her use one.

      But I figure that just commanding soldiers is still a new and unexpected situation for her. She made great strides towards recognizing and using the proper show of force when she needs to.

      a time to mourn


        I might expect Weir to carry a gun in the TLB since it's most likely that she's not herself.


          Originally posted by Hatcheter
          If Weir ever does pick up a gun, I hope that it is a very big deal when it happens. It would, at the very least, signal a recognition on her part that sometimes force is a form of diplomacy. But, she never took up a weapon during the seige, so I don't know what would be drastic enough to make her use one.

          But I figure that just commanding soldiers is still a new and unexpected situation for her. She made great strides towards recognizing and using the proper show of force when she needs to.
          Aha - so it the episode I was thinking of WAS "Condemned." That's still one of the best Lizzie pictures ever!
          ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
          The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


            Originally posted by LurkerLa
            Aha - so it the episode I was thinking of WAS "Condemned." That's still one of the best Lizzie pictures ever!
            Ditto La!


              Originally posted by Hatcheter
              If Weir ever does pick up a gun, I hope that it is a very big deal when it happens. It would, at the very least, signal a recognition on her part that sometimes force is a form of diplomacy. But, she never took up a weapon during the seige, so I don't know what would be drastic enough to make her use one.

              But I figure that just commanding soldiers is still a new and unexpected situation for her. She made great strides towards recognizing and using the proper show of force when she needs to.

              Brilliant pic. She has that "don't mess with me" look on her face. All she needs is her boys to handle the guns and she's fine


                Originally posted by Hatcheter
                If Weir ever does pick up a gun, I hope that it is a very big deal when it happens. It would, at the very least, signal a recognition on her part that sometimes force is a form of diplomacy. But, she never took up a weapon during the seige, so I don't know what would be drastic enough to make her use one.

                But I figure that just commanding soldiers is still a new and unexpected situation for her. She made great strides towards recognizing and using the proper show of force when she needs to.
                That's a good point Hatch! It should be a HUGE character moment for her when she does find herself forced to pick up a gun and it should be monumental in nature and a real personal conflict for her. I want to see her have to use one to defend her own life or better, someone *ahemjohn* else's life. I can't imagine what wonderful drama that will be. It would also force her to even further understanding as a character and that is always wonderful!


                  I want to see intelligent women as good role models for girls who want to go into scientific fields, or positions of leadership (like Carter or Weir). They use their BRAINS. Besides, Weir has all those hunky soldiers around her.
                  As do I. Unfortunately, I don't think they really show Weir to her best potential, unlike some of the other characters. Hopefully that will change though.

                  And yeah, tis getting late for us Aussies. I think I may turn in soon

                  Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


                    Originally posted by Bama
                    I want to see her have to use one to defend her own life or better, someone *ahemjohn* else's life.

                    Yeah! John's life! I like the idea that the only thing she'd compromise her principles for is to save his life. That's cool...


                      Arggghhh! I passed 500!!!


                        I like that very muchly too. And then maybe John will see that which he is pretending not to see.

                        ETA - Congrats Alyssa!!

                        Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


                          Originally posted by Hatcheter
                          If Weir ever does pick up a gun, I hope that it is a very big deal when it happens. It would, at the very least, signal a recognition on her part that sometimes force is a form of diplomacy. But, she never took up a weapon during the seige, so I don't know what would be drastic enough to make her use one.

                          But I figure that just commanding soldiers is still a new and unexpected situation for her. She made great strides towards recognizing and using the proper show of force when she needs to.
                          It would HAVE to be a big deal...not necessarily a plot point...but definatley scene worthy. I think TPTB have to be careful that they don't just shove a gun in her hand and have her blindly going around shooting the bad guys. I think if it comes out of the blue then they risk the opinion of 'Oh great. The diplomat - who has no weapons training - decides to play army!chick and puts the rest of the team in danger by doing so.'

                          This is where they can use Shep. Either showing weapons training, or persuading her to carry a gun and showing her wrestling with her conscience over the decision (i like the latter as it shows he's learning how to be more negotionable).
                          Then of course there's the whole *put his arms around her* and ''This is how we hold a gun'' scene


                            [QUOTE=ubiquitous]I like that very muchly too. And then maybe John will see that which he is pretending not to see.

                            Not that we're psychoanalysing him or anything.... no... we'd never do that


                              CONGRATS ALYSSA!


                                I think it would be a big deal. Shep could sorta teach her how to use it, despite her protests at not needing to, and of course there'd have to be some appropriate danger for her (and everyone) and finally, there's Shep consoling her concience in the aftermath of her taking a life for his.

                                Originally posted by alyssa
                                Not that we're psychoanalysing him or anything.... no... we'd never do that
                                No, of course not.

                                Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.

