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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
    I love using Firefly as an example for relationships. I'd love to see a Wash/Zoe type relationship on SGA, established but still having it's own problems.
    The two leads eventually married on "Babylon 5" and it worked. The story arc on B5 was incredible, proving "ship" can be done, if it is done RIGHT.

    When all else fails, change channels.


      Originally posted by smallgirl
      I think the problem with relationships on shows is that they try and make them too central to the overall arc. They turn them into a big story in and of themselves and therefore they have to manufacture angst and obstacles to make them 'interesting'. What they end up doing is boring the audience to death with the constant conflict, make the couple seem rediculous - because they can't seem to resolve anything sensibly - and get in the way of the actual overall story they are trying to tell. What I would love tptb to do with SGA is throw everything that has every gone before out of the window and try something new. I want a relationship that works, that doesn't get in the way of the rest of the show, that is only given to us in little snippets over time, not UST but as Melyanna previously said as an after hours relationship. Would it be soo terrible for a show to portray an adult relationship between two mature individuals who manage to resolve any normal couple problems without resorting to the kind of emotional fallout that drags shows down. The Firefly reference is a good one because you actually had a married couple who worked together and it 'worked', there were little niggles but it was normal relationship insecurities and they were resolved sensibly.
      Well said!
      I may not explain this very well but bear with me.....What I would really like to see is a relationship that is not part of the ongoing story arc. My preference would be something that naturally happens as a subtle and gentle undercurrent to the stories and arcs. My point being that as many have said, this should be an "out of hours", something that happens underneath the ongoing story and progression of the whole arc of the show. I think many of us have said before that its only natural and normal progression to think that Atlantis personnel would start to have relationships and it is far more unrealistic to think that wouldn't happen.
      So TPTB, this is my request.
      Here is your opportunity to break the mold. Don't play with "ships", let them happen naturally, play off the characters / actors chemistry but do so as an undercurrent to any scripts and stories. That way, ship is not canon to the show and there is no need to try and make them "interesting viewing" and run the risk of alienating many of the fans with poorly written and unnecessary ship. Let the relationships show a mature and adult approach but as a by product of the strong characterisations, stories and writing. If you want, every now and then, sure bring them more to the forefront but please never let ship become the overriding factor. If you can do that, it'll end up being a much more realistic and honest approach that mirrors what most of us experience in real life.
      And remember this request comes from a self confessed shipper and I'm actually asking for ship be more subtle.
      The expression "less is more" springs to mind!

      Sorry for the ramble everyone!


        Originally posted by Liv
        I agree. TPTB have moved away from whatever they had in mind for Sheppard/Teyla. Thank you, PTB! If anything, as mentioned previously in the thread, I see them moving more in the direction of Ronon/Teyla. The spoilers are... interesting. Very interesting

        I was never bothered by Narim or Martouf and their relationships with Sam, probably because they fit so seamlessly into the Stargate universe anyway. Martouf's difficulty in separating Sam from Jolinar and then Elliot's "I'm telling you, he loves you, as much as he once loved Jolinar" was just incredibly moving, probably because it was all within the confines of the plots being told. Through the course of real problems to solve together, that developed. (Okay, so Summit and Last Stand are probably my two favorite episodes of SG-1...)

        Hmm. I had a point in this somewhere. Probably just giving examples of TPTB developing little romances that actually worked because they were subservient to the sci-fi.
        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
        Last update: 14 April 2006
        Melyanna's Multimedia
        Last update: 15 February 2006


          Originally posted by Melyanna

          I was never bothered by Narim or Martouf and their relationships with Sam, probably because they fit so seamlessly into the Stargate universe anyway. Martouf's difficulty in separating Sam from Jolinar and then Elliot's "I'm telling you, he loves you, as much as he once loved Jolinar" was just incredibly moving, probably because it was all within the confines of the plots being told. Through the course of real problems to solve together, that developed. (Okay, so Summit and Last Stand are probably my two favorite episodes of SG-1...)
          I'm with Mel here. I had now problems with Narim or Martouf, because they were relevent to the storyline. Their relationship with Sam helped move the story along. While...later in the series they brought someone in for the sake of being brought in to stir the pot so to speak. Anyways...

          The comparison between S/J and Sheyla...I don't see it. It's kind of like how people dismiss Sheppard's character, at first glance, to be a carbon copy of O'Neill when in fact we know that isn't true. I believe the same goes for the ships or relation/friendships in being differnet from SG-1 Atlantis. Atlantis stands on its own, which adds to another reason why it such a great show.


            hey could y'all help me? I need a good shep/weir pic staring into each others eyes sorta thing, for a banner i've asked someone to make. It would have a sheyla pic, a shep/chaya *shudders* pic, a shep/weir pic and the text on the bottom would read "WWJTKD What Would James T. Kirk Do?" what do y'all think? EDIT: oh and if anyone has a pic of that hussy (The bad kind!) slut chaya with him it would also be nice. thanks!


              Originally posted by wizengamot
              This isn't to start anything with anyone but I thought someone said (wether here or on their thread) that sheyla was just like s/j. Some how that doesn't fit to me. I see s/w as more s/j
              I seem to recall reading that somewhere too. I think whoever said it was just pointing out similarities in the fact that they were on a team together, and Shep was sorta her CO while she was serving under him, and not necessarily in other aspects of it.

              Personally, I'm going to try to stay away from too many comparisons (which is hard for me; I'm usually a comparison queen when it comes to TV shows) and try to enjoy Sheppard/Weir interactions on their own merit.

              Ugh - now back to the wonderful world of History in the National Park Service

              And gotta love Firefly!
              ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
              The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                I think part of it with Firefly is that Joss Whedon's shows are always about relationships first, with the trappings of vampires or spaceships as a vehicle to tell those stories. I honestly can't think of another movie or television series that had a more moving sibling relationship than Simon and River of Firefly, where Simon risked and lost almost everything he had in order to save her. There was actually a script that was written but not filmed in which he let a patient die to prevent the man from finding out about River, so he gave up his ethics as a doctor too.

                But the more I think about it, the more I begin to see Atlantis as a story of human interaction and human triumph rather than science fiction. It's an essential story of loss and learning to cope, which may be why we find ourselves so drawn to the characters, including this relationship.
                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                Last update: 14 April 2006
                Melyanna's Multimedia
                Last update: 15 February 2006


                  Originally posted by Liv
                  Ditto. I've said this before, but I like Teyla. I had problems with the way she was portrayed in the first couple of episodes. Home, in particular; and I also did not like her handling of things in Letters From Pegasus. Her wardrobe choices needs to be improved. Asap. Having said that, I think her character has potential. I liked her interaction in The Brotherhood, for instance. I liked her laughing and teasing of McKay, along with the rest of the team. I thought that was a great scene. It showed them relaxed and comfortable with each other, and we haven't gotten to see much of that in the first season. The team was thrown together so quickly and then away they went on missions and then the threats of the Wraith and the Genii overshadowed some of their personal interactions. I would like the team element to be more present in season 2. More scenes like the one mentioned above would be nice.
                  It's Liv!!!

                  *throws hands in air and hugs*

                  Look the penguin is bouncing...

                  I don't know what this one is doing..

                  But let's not ask questions...


                  Oh yes, the great RST/UST debate. Well you all know where I am on this. I don't need to see RST, that doesn't mean I won't object to it, but I don't need it. If we got a finish like the X-Files, then frankly I won't object, at least it was hinted M/S were together. I'm more than happy if they just play off the wonderful chemistry that's there and leave it at that. Anything more is a bonus.

                  Originally posted by Liv
                  However, the very thought of a Sheppard/Teyla pairing makes me want to scrub my eyes out with one of those steel wooley thingies.
                  Oops me too... I'll come over to Sweden and we'll scour our eyes out to our hearts content if that happens. It's not so far you know! Sweden that is, not Sheyla.

                  Originally posted by Liv
                  I agree. TPTB have moved away from whatever they had in mind for Sheppard/Teyla. Thank you, PTB! If anything, as mentioned previously in the thread, I see them moving more in the direction of Ronon/Teyla. The spoilers are... interesting. Very interesting.
                  you never know, it might actually be something worth shipping for.

                  Originally posted by Liv
                  Of course, for me, the very thought of Sam/Jack ship makes me want to bring out that steel wooley thingie again...
                  Aw... *hugs*


                    Originally posted by gatelover12
                    hey could y'all help me? I need a good shep/weir pic staring into each others eyes sorta thing, for a banner i've asked someone to make. It would have a sheyla pic, a shep/chaya *shudders* pic, a shep/weir pic and the text on the bottom would read "WWJTKD What Would James T. Kirk Do?" what do y'all think? EDIT: oh and if anyone has a pic of that hussy (The bad kind!) slut chaya with him it would also be nice. thanks!

                    Ha! The one thing we have in common with the Sheylas, we don't like Chaya.

                    Hon, there are loads of pics on this thread with S?W gazing at each other... if you'd care to scroll through. Otherwise, Athena, is our great screen capper and if you talk nicely to her I'm sure she'll oblige.


                      hey, do you guys mind me joining the club?? *looks around shyly* i think i'm the universe's ONLY sheyla AND shep/weir shipper... thanks mostly in part to siege 2, but before i sleep also

                      anyway, i HOPE you guys don't mind!!

                      Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                      Ha! The one thing we have in common with the Sheylas, we don't like Chaya.

                      does ANYONE??

                      Hon, there are loads of pics on this thread with S?W gazing at each other... if you'd care to scroll through. Otherwise, Athena, is our great screen capper and if you talk nicely to her I'm sure she'll oblige.
                      GL, if ya see this, i think i have some actually!! but astro's right... i've seen some lovely ones in here (obviously )

                      (and a little side note to astro... those penguins are ADORABLE!!!! )


                        Originally posted by emily_reich
                        i think i'm the universe's ONLY sheyla AND shep/weir shipper...
                        REALLY NOW the only one ?


                          Originally posted by astronomicalchick
                          Ha! The one thing we have in common with the Sheylas, we don't like Chaya.
                          She who should not be named!

                          Has anyone tried asking J. Mallozzi if "she" would be coming back?

                          When all else fails, change channels.


                            I sure hope "she" doesn't come back.



                              you know she now has a THUNK THREAD!?!?! it's true! that hussie(the bad kind)/slut/***** has a THUNK THREAD!


                                I saw that earlier and tried to block it out. Ohhh...the pain, the pain.

                                Ah each his own.


