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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Melyanna
    Huh. Am I the only one who absolutely loves Caldwell? I mean, sure, he's a jerk and he's got ulterior motives up to his eyebrows, but he also manages to do that rather well. SG villains don't often have layers, and, well, I love my villains when they have layers.

    Nope. I LOVE, LOVE him! I just love to HATE his guts! ; ) And yeah, Mitch is playing him wonderfully! I get the feeling he's not all BAD...but he sure as heck isn't all GOOD either. I just enjoy whining about him. ; )

    Besides, he makes things interesting for John and Elizabeth. Could bring them closer together in the long run.

    That is EXACTLY what I'm counting on. ; )


      Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
      I was at the S/J ship family thread and I am seriously depressed. So I came here!

      Can I ask what's so depressing there? Did you people not watch Threads? ; ) Did you not hear sam admit she's involved a couple weeks back? With who? Her dog? The anti's need to give it up on that score and let her-and you guys- be a little happy.

      Thanks for the link Athenaktt! I read it and am really happy because of the obvious shippy moments. But someone needs to kick Caldwell's butt. Seriously!

      We may see that yet! ; ) Elizabeth kicks it all the time verbally. But I think you mean as in pop him in the jaw? Maybe a stray wraith.... ; ) Or maybe he'll go after Eliz. and give John a good excuse. ; )


        I like Caldwell, he has the same goals in mind, just different methods.


          Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
          I like Caldwell, he has the same goals in mind, just different methods.
          Not so sure his 'goals' are exactly the same though I do think he really believes he could run things better than Elizabeth and John. I think he sees them as the "rookie" and "the female civilian" running "his" show. I figure they must have to do something down the line to prove themselves to him as a unit or...Caldwell must DIE. ; )

          This convo call for another round of...

          "Elizabeth tells Caldwell how she really feels."

          LOL! I *still* love this! ; ) And now I'm wondering if she scribbles little notes and draws devil horns on his stick figure head like I do over my boss's sometimes in meetings...

          Last edited by Bama; 17 September 2005, 06:30 AM.


            LOL! Love that manipulation! Maybe Hermiod will start putting his foot out on the Deadalus to try and trip him up. Little "Kick Me" signs on his back. No, I really love Caldwell, just like I really loved Kinsey in Sg-1. It's a character that you love to hate and it adds a lot to the show.

            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


              Originally posted by Bama
              Not so sure his 'goals' are exactly the same though I do think he really believes he could run things better than Elizabeth and John. I think he sees them as the "rookie" and "the female civilian" running "his" show. I figure they must have to do something down the line to prove themselves to him as a unit or...Caldwell must DIE. ; )
              Definately not exactly the same, but close enough. Knowledge and technology for the advancement of Earth.


                Originally posted by Purpleyin
                I can't say I'm sold on Shep/Weir romantically, but I will go for OT3 with Shep/Weir in it (and not necessarily with McKay but I do like 'McShWeir'), wouldn't mind talk about that, but maybe I should go to the OT3 thread and not here...
                o.O There's an OTP3 thread? I must seek this thread out to plead my case! ^.^ (<<---rather fond of a 'Liz/Shep/Carson triangle. o.o COmpletely unlikely, but what can I say?)

                Oh, and Purpleyin, I've read your story! ^.^ (<<---NalanaSpinderOfSouls) I really enjoyed that.

                The little Liz-drawing concerning Caldwell is awesome! Very amusing. My notebooks are FULL of such things! Hehe.

                And, about the previews:

                Are we sure that was a female Wraith? Did I miss something? And if so... MUH HA HA! (I'm still waiting for a relative of Aisilion's to take thier revenge out on Shep >.o)

                And, from what I've seen I think we have very good possibles at having some good shippy moments as well as simly good episodes!
                "Scientists say juggling is good for the brain....Or...was that...Jelllll-o?


                  Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                  LOL! Love that manipulation! Maybe Hermiod will start putting his foot out on the Deadalus to try and trip him up. Little "Kick Me" signs on his back. No, I really love Caldwell, just like I really loved Kinsey in Sg-1. It's a character that you love to hate and it adds a lot to the show.

                  I think the man would 'do' Hermiod to get his hands on Atlantis. And he certainly thinks that Eliz. and John may be doing it and he'll use that if he can too to get his hands on the city. He's found their weakness-each other- and now he's going to use it. So, Blue, I don't think his 'motives' are purely for the 'good' of earth. I think Eliz. sees right that he's power hungry for some reason. We don't know his reasons yet but there's an underlying 'vibe' there most definitely.



                    I'm not quite sure what Caldwell's motives are. Can't tell if he has a thing for Weir, or was using it go gain intel. I did get the idea they were on two different levels during each exchange.

                    For example, in the first one, Weir was playing solitaire, and he was talking about trying to delete it off the terminals on his ship.


                      Originally posted by mgbland
                      I'm not quite sure what Caldwell's motives are. Can't tell if he has a thing for Weir, or was using it go gain intel. I did get the idea they were on two different levels during each exchange.

                      For example, in the first one, Weir was playing solitaire, and he was talking about trying to delete it off the terminals on his ship.
                      See, that't the great thing about Caldwell. If Elizabeth allows herself to follow the man's advice or be taken in by his compliments etc, then John is surely going to feel she's betraying him and listening to his 'rival' over him. OTOH, if John follows Caldwell's ideas/orders over Elizabeth, who has put her neck out for him and as we all know, has a personal investment in him, then she ends up feeling betrayed and hurt.

                      Something has to give. Or, Caldwell must DIE. ; )

                      Provides GREAT drama and anyone who can't see the HUGE shippy potentials there needs a new set of glasses. Yummy.



                        Originally posted by Bama
                        See, that't the great thing about Caldwell. If Elizabeth allows herself to follow the man's advice or be taken in by his compliments etc, then John is surely going to feel she's betraying him and listening to his 'rival' over him. OTOH, if John follows Caldwell's ideas/orders over Elizabeth, who has put her neck out for him and as we all know, has a personal investment in him, then she ends up feeling betrayed and hurt.

                        Something has to give. Or, Caldwell must DIE. ; )

                        Provides GREAT drama and anyone who can't see the HUGE shippy potentials there needs a new set of glasses. Yummy.

                        I think Mitch said in an interview that sometimes John sides with Caldwell (Trinity) while other times, he sides with Weir. He is military, though not too typical military, and so he sees things differently. I'm still not sure if Caldwell really is attracted to Weir or if it's an act. Weir sounded almost seductive
                        when she told Caldwell "We'll try to keep things together until you get back."


                          Originally posted by mgbland
                          I think Mitch said in an interview that sometimes John sides with Caldwell (Trinity) while other times, he sides with Weir. He is military, though not too typical military, and so he sees things differently. I'm still not sure if Caldwell really is attracted to Weir or if it's an act. Weir sounded almost seductive
                          when she told Caldwell "We'll try to keep things together until you get back."
                          Something to keep in mind about Elizabeth is that she was just 'dumped' for another woman. Now, we all realize some things. We realize that she and Simon probably didn't have the happiest and best relationship or she'd have never left him for atlantis mission in the first place. So in essence, she really dumped him first though I doubt she sees it that way. And we realize that Elizabeth has an ego because she doesn't give in on her way easily and tends to think she's usually right. Of course, in her job, that's a must but that's beside the point. And, the biggest thing we realize is that she has some majorly deep feelings for John Sheppard that go deeper than any casual 'friendship' really should. Anyone care to argue that one? However, she wouldn't dream of pursuing those feelings in an open manner toward John yet due to obvious circumstances so she is forced to ignore them when she can and 'handle' them internally when she can't ignore them.

                          Well, in marches Caldwell and the man is looking for an edge. He may very well be dangerous to Elizabeth's position as well as the man's she holds most dear to her heart. She allows Caldwell's attentions a little because they feel soothing to her surely bruised ego and more importantly, because Elizabeth Weir is shrewd herself and if she's learned one thing in her line of work it is that you keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

                          -B ; )


                            Originally posted by Melyanna
                            Huh. Am I the only one who absolutely loves Caldwell? I mean, sure, he's a jerk and he's got ulterior motives up to his eyebrows, but he also manages to do that rather well. SG villains don't often have layers, and, well, I love my villains when they have layers.

                            Besides, he makes things interesting for John and Elizabeth. Could bring them closer together in the long run.

                            I feel the same way about Caldwell - Mitch adds so much to the show. My only complaint is that both Elizabeth and John (especially John) have fallen far behind in the 'layered' department. This needs to be addressed, and soon. I want to know why Elizabeth is drawn to John. If we don't see why, we might logically conclude she just thought his hair was cute. And how would Elizabeth look then? I don't want her character diminished because of neglect...

                            Good sci fi is about special effects. Great sci fi is about people.


                              Hi Everyone,

                              I feel really out of it as i don't have satellite TV (yet) and therefore won't get to see any of Season 2 for to cheer myself up i have posted my 1st ever fanfic on called 'the Atlantis Games' and i hope you guys will enjoy it......chapter 2 is up........constructive criticism always appreciated!

                              sailing the ship to Sparkyville!


                                Originally posted by Bama
                                Can I ask what's so depressing there? Did you people not watch Threads? ; ) Did you not hear sam admit she's involved a couple weeks back? With who? Her dog? The anti's need to give it up on that score and let her-and you guys- be a little happy.
                                The antis weren't responsible for the depression on the Sam and Jack thread.

