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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Bama
    Hmmmm...good analogy too. I hadn't thought of that one-been a while since I've seen it. Actually, I much prefer tv male/female relationships over what we see portrayed in the movies every time simply due to the 'time factor'. On tv, you get a longer-term build-up and backstory for a relationship that's built on a lot more than the lusty feelings you usually see portrayed in movies. And whistler, you *know* you have it bad for a relationship when you go around like we are going..."Oh now that is Soooooo Shep/Weir." LOL
    This one is driving me personally crazy though. I CANNOT figure out for the life of me why *this one* grabbed me like it did when I haven't found a relationship to really 'get into' since XF.

    Yep....on my to 'rent' list now...'peacemaker' and 'top gun'. BTW, really great to go into movie gallery and blockbuster these days and see 'Atlantis Rising' copies amongst the 'new release' films.
    I tend to prefer TV shows in general. All the characters and all relationships have a better chance of being fleshed out and developed more believably overf time and romances especially.


      Some relief from all the seriousness of Conversion... Here's a pic of our favourite pairing...

      "Close... of course, we're close... John we don't want to give Col Everett the wrong idea..."

      "And what idea is that?"

      "Your hand, John..."
      "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


        Originally posted by Hatcheter
        Yeah, that sounds about right to me, too.
        I lurked on another thread and saw some very good posts you made about that "kiss" scene. Unfortunately, I don't think the teenyboppers paid much attention.

        When all else fails, change channels.


          Joe Mallozzi just updated his blog and had this to say:

          "So, what did I miss? Oh, yes, just to show you I wasn't totally out of the loop, I am aware of the the BIG DEBATE that has raged over the past week or so. I've read comments along the lines of "What are they thinking?!" or "What a terrible idea!" and I'd just like to take this opportunity to put all your doubts to rest. The carrot cake ice cream turned out great. A little sweet (I think I'd forgo the sugar next time and just rely on the sweetness of the cream cheese frosting, or just go cream cheese without the frosting and keep the same amount of sugar)."

          I'm "assuming" that he is talking about "Conversion". Anyone know how to translate that? *LOL*

          When all else fails, change channels.


            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
            Joe Mallozzi just updated his blog and had this to say:

            "So, what did I miss? Oh, yes, just to show you I wasn't totally out of the loop, I am aware of the the BIG DEBATE that has raged over the past week or so. I've read comments along the lines of "What are they thinking?!" or "What a terrible idea!" and I'd just like to take this opportunity to put all your doubts to rest. The carrot cake ice cream turned out great. A little sweet (I think I'd forgo the sugar next time and just rely on the sweetness of the cream cheese frosting, or just go cream cheese without the frosting and keep the same amount of sugar)."

            I'm "assuming" that he is talking about "Conversion". Anyone know how to translate that? *LOL*
            Hmm, let me see...

            Joe's saying that he's read the povs from the kiss... To put all your doubts to rest, he maybe ending Teyla/Shep ship. He thinks that the kiss was done very well,(probably how it was acted) He may just throw tidbits of Teyla/Shep instead of going full on assult on the ship right away, or just forget the ship and will just throw tidbits without having the two go anywhere.

            Or he could mean that for Eliz/Shep but I think that he means Teyla/Shep since that was pretty much the main ship. So, that could mean that Shep/Weir might just happen but Shep will still flirt with Teyla.

            Then again, he could mean that he's deciding whether or not to go carrot cake, ice cream, or cream cheese for dessert and he's just messing with us.


              I think he was sort of eluding to it but joking by saying the debate was about the cake which I found too funny. I wouldn't stress about it. If he is that cavalier, then I don't think they really find it's a huge issue
              Citizen of Braneville


                Originally posted by wizengamot
                I think he was sort of eluding to it but joking by saying the debate was about the cake which I found too funny. I wouldn't stress about it. If he is that cavalier, then I don't think they really find it's a huge issue
                I love Joe's cryptic responses. Just wish he would bring us all some ice cream!

                When all else fails, change channels.


                  Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                  I love Joe's cryptic responses. Just wish he would bring us all some ice cream!
                  Or Shepsicles.


                    Originally posted by wizengamot
                    I think he was sort of eluding to it but joking by saying the debate was about the cake which I found too funny. I wouldn't stress about it. If he is that cavalier, then I don't think they really find it's a huge issue
                    Ack, I'm sorry, I'm just in a bit of a stress mood. Old crush thing... Damn, still not use to those.

                    And I'm listening to Kelly's CD so it's about heartbreak and what not so sorry if I come off as a bit gloomy.


                      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                      I love Joe's cryptic responses. Just wish he would bring us all some ice cream!
                      For serious! I want some ******* ice cream!! You know what is good, Choco ice cream with junior mints in it!! SO GOOD! Try it!

                      Kawaii- old crush? DO tell!
                      Citizen of Braneville


                        Originally posted by wizengamot
                        For serious! I want some ******* ice cream!! You know what is good, Choco ice cream with junior mints in it!! SO GOOD! Try it!

                        Kawaii- old crush? DO tell!
                        Gah, what the heck. I'll put it simple and short. Ran into him today in church. Asked him how life was, if he'd met anyone. (and he did) It turned out to be my old bf from highschool.

                        They're happy, so I'm happy for them.

                        But I can't help but feel envious because he was a good catch, just not-the-one who-liked-me-back. Gah, I felt so bad that I wrote my heart out. It pains me.

                        Ah, but that's in the past. Now, back on topic.

                        Ice Cream. Love Coldstone Creamery. Best Ice cream I've had! Especially the Banana Caramel Crunch. ^ ^


                          Some good points made today on the matter of which character brings out the most emotion in John. I think we all know how I'd answer, but I thought I'd elaborate anyway.

                          In the scheme of things, we've really seen very little Sheppard/Teyla interaction. There was the nonsense in Rising, of course. But then in Sanctuary (and it pains me to bring up this episode, 'cause I can't stand it ), John says he's never been in a romantic situation with a woman from another planet. So whatever Teyla gleaned from the whole necklace thing, John certainly didn't intend it to be romantic. John's also stepped up and defended her a few times, but her integrity is a reflection of his own judgment. He put her on his team and gave her access to a lot of things and information, and if she had turned out to be untrustworthy, it would have seriously undermined his leadership. Aside from that, we've seen him try to make her feel more comfortable around this alien culture – something else he could easily see as his responsibility, since he was the one who brought her in contact with the expedition in the first place. So I think that mostly, he feels a sense of duty to her, to make her feel comfortable in a very strange place and to get others to accept her. I think John has a very keen sense of duty – perhaps not to the military or even to his country, but to the individuals with whom he serves. And in Teyla's case, he got her and her people into that mess, so he probably feels a little guilty too.

                          Is/was he sexually attracted to her? Probably. She's a beautiful woman who dresses rather provocatively, and, well... he's a man. (No offense to the guys who post here, who are critical thinkers and excellent conversationalists. But, well, most of my friends in RL are male, and there are days when I want to slap them with their own arms for doing nothing but ogling.) It's not hard to extrapolate that Teyla has a bit of a hero-worship thing going on for him, especially until Letters from Pegasus. But through most of Season 1, Sheppard ignores her. He barely looks at her unless he's alone with her, and when they're on duty, he's distant. Nothing like he is with Elizabeth.

                          Which brings me to the other side of the coin. When Elizabeth is in the room, he's always looking at her. He seeks her out even when she doesn't want to be found. When she's in trouble, he takes it upon himself to rescue her. I don't think the name "Sheppard" is any accident – he's both guide and guardian, though the former is something he's developing. He'd go to bat for anyone under his command, but it's the one person not under his command who's brought out the most emotion of any kind from this man, who's still very much a mystery to us.
                          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                          Last update: 14 April 2006
                          Melyanna's Multimedia
                          Last update: 15 February 2006


                            There's not enough pictures in this thread anymore. I miss pictures.
                            Support SHEX, wear a shirt ... I did!


                              Originally posted by John_Sheppard
                              There's not enough pictures in this thread anymore. I miss pictures.
                              You want pictures, Okay. The forum has been a little wacky lately about posting them, but let's see if this will work . . . .

                              And this one, because it implies ownership . . .

                              . . . too bad it doesn't say 'Elizabeth Weir's,' but I'm sure that was just a typo.

                              Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                              I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                              Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                                Originally posted by Whistler84
                                You want pictures, Okay. The forum has been a little wacky lately about posting them, but let's see if this will work . . . .

                                And this one, because it implies ownership . . .

                                . . . too bad it doesn't say 'Elizabeth Weir's,' but I'm sure that was just a typo.
                                cute... very cute!!!! i would prefer if he were mine though... it would be nice
                                ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..

