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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I can't believe I'm in here....*ponders if she got lost*. No, but, seriously (seems to be my "phrase-of-the-day") granted that I've never seen anything, other than friendship between Sheppard/Weir, I like their chemistry and their friendship, granted that there are times, when he doesn't obey her orders and she tends not to do anything about it, but *shrugs* she trusts him enough to know that he knows what he's doing. There may be certain scenes/moments where is Elizabeth isn't too certain of John and isn't too sure of whether or not he knows what he’s doing (I've really got to stop saying that), but that's what I like about their friendship/relationship. They trust each other and won't allow anything to happen to the other party.

    I know that this is a "shipping thread" but, y'know I figured I'd share my penny's worth.

    But y'know, if TPTB decide for romance and whoever they go for I so hope it's not the whole S/J thing. The writers will need to get in touch with David. E. Kelly, just look at "The Practice" and "LA Law" nicely written romance. I'd still watch SGA if TPTB opt for Weir/Sheppard, the same applies for Sheppard/Teyla or even McKay/Weir, however, as long as it doesn't take over the show or ruin the show....*coughs* *Charmed* *coughs*


    British-Indian and proud.


      You guys are so civil. I love it. You've made a community here that is kind, polite, and open to ideas, and I thank you for that.

      I'm more of a Sheppard/Teyla person, but Sheppard/Weir is definitely cute -- the hug in "Siege III" is one of my personal favorite moments of the series. And I agree with whoever posted about the natural-ness and somewhat ambiguous nature of the relationships between the characters. At this point, you know that they all care for each other a great deal, but we really can't make out where any of it is going to end up. I love this. The progression is well-paced and makes for really engrossing discussions. Can't wait for the next episode and then the rest of the season. Should be a good time.

      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


        I was watching "Underground" the other day and noticed this little scene in one of the early conference room scenes.

        So who wants to caption them?



          Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
          You guys are so civil. I love it. You've made a community here that is kind, polite, and open to ideas, and I thank you for that.

          I'm more of a Sheppard/Teyla person, but Sheppard/Weir is definitely cute -- the hug in "Siege III" is one of my personal favorite moments of the series. And I agree with whoever posted about the natural-ness and somewhat ambiguous nature of the relationships between the characters. At this point, you know that they all care for each other a great deal, but we really can't make out where any of it is going to end up. I love this. The progression is well-paced and makes for really engrossing discussions. Can't wait for the next episode and then the rest of the season. Should be a good time.
          Hey thank you very much about that !! I like to post on this thread but what I like most is when people like you post to share their thoughts in a polite way. I personally like Teyla and Rachel Luttrell, and I wouldn't mind that much if Sheppard and her had to be together (though I definitely tend towards another ship, not sure what ship though.... ) and I love McKay and I wouldn't mind neither if Weir and him got together...
          Stargate Atlantis is a great show and I love every character of it !!!

          Time will tell how things will evolve between the different characters...

          Save Dr Elizabeth Weir: (spoiler for Atlantis season four)



            Originally posted by Major_Moomin
            Apparently they were waiting between takes, Torri was shivering so David tried to help her warm up. They thought it would look good so they incorporated it into the takes...

            ...I think thats what I read anyway...

            Torri was developing Hypothermia during the filming, but refused to stop! It just shows how dedicated she is to her job. So David was trying to keep her warm and it wasn't scripted.

            Last night I watched Back to the Future.
            John likes that film, but don't get Rodney started on it!


              Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
              You guys are so civil. I love it. You've made a community here that is kind, polite, and open to ideas, and I thank you for that.

              I'm more of a Sheppard/Teyla person, but Sheppard/Weir is definitely cute -- the hug in "Siege III" is one of my personal favorite moments of the series. And I agree with whoever posted about the natural-ness and somewhat ambiguous nature of the relationships between the characters. At this point, you know that they all care for each other a great deal, but we really can't make out where any of it is going to end up. I love this. The progression is well-paced and makes for really engrossing discussions. Can't wait for the next episode and then the rest of the season. Should be a good time.
              Aww, thanks, Picard. It's always great to see that people with different points of view feel welcome in here. I've always felt like the point of this thread was discussion, not consensus.

              So you get a gold star.

              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
              Last update: 14 April 2006
              Melyanna's Multimedia
              Last update: 15 February 2006


                Originally posted by hail_dorothy

                OMG somebody help me squish their heads together! Just kiss her already!!

                Welcome to all the fresh meat er... newbies!!


                  Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                  I know how you feel! I come on during the evening when I get home from work and no-one is here. It gets to about 10pm here, eveyone comes on and I'm just about to go to bed!... ...Life just isn't fair!

                  We need more Europeans urgently! All discussions here take place when we're soundly asleep...I can't wrap my head around what time it is in Australia but I don't think the situation is any better for them either.
                  When there is a will, there is a way.

                  My LiveJournal (friends-only)
                  My fics

                  Sig by Trialia.


                    Originally posted by Rubicon
                    OMG somebody help me squish their heads together! Just kiss her already!!

                    Welcome to all the fresh meat er... newbies!!
                    Ok Rubicon...I'll grab john's ass and push, you get Elizabeth's. (hey, you said you needed help) ; )


                      Erm..excuse me Miss Bama. But did you mention fic?

                      Originally posted by hollyshannensangel
                      I know that this is a "shipping thread" but, y'know I figured I'd share my penny's worth.
                      Any discussion of any type of ship is welcome, be that romantic ship, friendship, leadership ()...WHMS ship .
                      Come back and play anytime


                        Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                        Erm..excuse me Miss Bama. But did you mention fic?

                        Any discussion of any type of ship is welcome, be that romantic ship, friendship, leadership ()...WHMS ship .
                        Come back and play anytime
                        Yeah, think anybody reads fic on Fridays? ; ) I am *seriously* happy with this fic. Much better than my first two. A little longer too. I think, 'nah, it won't be that long of a story' and I look up and have thirty pages. LOL!

                        And welcome to all the newbies!!! And even the folks from the teyla thread! ; ) We won't pout on you after 'Conversion' as long as we get those looks and catches of breath we're expecting. ; )

                        Heck, we won't pout anyway...we'll rationalize anything remotely male/female shippy between tey and john away (because we all realize that is done-fried like my granny's chicken) and we'll find those golden nuggies of emotional drippiness that will be entirely fantastic between our sexy leaders. slurp.



                          Originally posted by Rubicon
                          OMG somebody help me squish their heads together! Just kiss her already!!

                          Welcome to all the fresh meat er... newbies!!
                          And another note on this yummy shot...

                          Is there anyone else they stand that close to? I think not. They always are just thisclose to each other and staring into each other's beautiful faces with those riveting eyes of theirs speaking and searching so intensely you think they're gonna combust and we're supposed to believe that a 'hug is just a hug' between the two of em? I -so- don't -think- so Geroman!

                          ARRRGGGHHH...just kiss her already john! She wants it!


                            Originally posted by Athenaktt
                            I was watching "Underground" the other day and noticed this little scene in one of the early conference room scenes.
                            So who wants to caption them?

                            Elizabeth: *whispering* John! I'm trying to concentrate on the briefing.

                            John: But I'm more interesting than Rodney and I have cute flyboy hair. Wanna stroke it?

                            Originally posted by Bama
                            Is there anyone else they stand that close to? I think not. They always are just thisclose to each other and staring into each other's beautiful faces with those riveting eyes of theirs speaking and searching so intensely you think they're gonna combust and we're supposed to believe that a 'hug is just a hug' between the two of em? I -so- don't -think- so Geroman!

                            ARRRGGGHHH...just kiss her already john! She wants it!
                            I know this has been said before but I sincerely believe that by the way they stare into each others eyes, they are not only looking into each others soul but communicating on a deeper and more meaningful level. It adds a dymanic to their relationship that no-one else has yet.

                            And Bama- you're right! Because they only do this with each other it makes it even more special. Wish I could stay and chat but I've got tests to revise for.


                              Originally posted by Bama
                              Ok Rubicon...I'll grab john's ass and push, you get Elizabeth's. (hey, you said you needed help) ; )
                              Tuh!...Why can't I grab sheps ass?!?!...could we have a cheek each??

                              mmm..shep's bum... *gutter*..hehe

                              Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                              LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                              Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                                Leafy: They're really only one step away from passing notes to each other during briefings, aren't they?

                                And you know, there's really not anything about Siege III that doesn't make me catch my breath. The visual effects were just amazing, but man, John really was the star of the episode. And for us it was great that the moment they chose to let us step back for a second was with John and Elizabeth. It was the most human moment of a very packed episode, and it really made the story work.
                                Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                                Last update: 14 April 2006
                                Melyanna's Multimedia
                                Last update: 15 February 2006

