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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Here's a more complete summary of the first 8 books for those interested...I googled myself cuz I'm such a goof.

    These have some HEAVY spoilers for the books and the Sparky moments. You've already read my thoughts on Mirror, Mirror, the only book not reviewed.

    Here I'm more friendly to Rodney in the Chosen. Having read it a second time now, I realized he annoyed me.


    Book 1: Rising: Is a novel for the pilot episode based on the original finalized, pre-shooting version of the script.

    It has good Elizabeth and John stuff, particularly how their relationship as co-heads gets started. The writer is very John/Elizabeth friendly, so some of the observations Sheppard makes of her (their first meeting--when he activates the chair, he notices something like "the question was asked by a slender, dark haired woman who John would have considered attractive had she not looked so p***ed" *LOL*) Differences from the actual pilot include Sumner's presence (he's much more of a jerk) and a few additional scenes/scene changes made during filming. Not phenomenal writing--very basic--but good enough.

    Book 2: Reliquary: This was actually a pretty good book. It's about them discovering a gate address that leads to an ancient repository that has a sinister inhabitant. This book actually came up with the idea of John 'morphing' long before Conversion.

    There are only two or three Sparky-ish moments, but what there is, it's good. It's all John POV--Elizabeth isn't featured as a POV. But the stuff John notices has a few sparkish moments--a scene where he's in delirium but sees her by his hospital bed (along with all the other characters, but hers is the only one where she seems to be there for the long haul--with her feet propped up and typing on a laptop); one really great scene where he chews out Bates for failing to protect Elizabeth, and the end scene where he has this funny, flirty moment of smirking at Bates with a 'she likes me best' attitude (he actually thinks that. )

    Book 3: The Chosen: This is the first written by Sonny Whitelaw & Elizabeth Christensen, and it's excellent in terms of story, but not a lot of Sparky. It has to do with a world protected by an ancient device similar to the one from Sanctuary. These authors are incredibly detailed in their storytelling and it has some great Rodney moments--addressing his arrogance similar to what he argued in Trinity. The number of times they return to Atlantis trying to correct their mistakes is amusing because of what Elizabeth has to say. I also think this is the one where Elizabeth gets a cold.

    Book 4: Halcyon: This is my least favorite of the novels. It's about a planet run by arrogant nobles who believe they are invulnerable to the Wraith, and actually make sport of Wraith hunting. The Lanteans don't really want much to do with them but they're curious about the power source, and of course chaos insues.

    It doesn't have much Elizabeth at all, and actually has one or two John and Ronon competitive moments over Teyla. I wasn't much into the story, either--the world they're trying to save is full of arrogant characters who never seem to get their due.

    Book 5: Exogenesis: Probably my favorite, and a novel that should have been made into an episode or movie. The second by Sonny W. & Elizabeth C. The story is the second that has a direct bearing on the safety of Atlantis, which always makes the best stories! Basically the Lanteans anger the spirit of an ancient (who takes over Carson, a la the entities in TLG) and sets off an exogenesis machine on the planet trying to reduce the entirety of Pegasus to goo. The Lanteans find that they can counter it with another exogenesis machine from another world, but they have to disturb the entire environment of another planet if they take it.

    They split the plot into two segments--what's going on in Atlantis (with Elizabeth and Teyla in charge) and what's going on with the other world (with Rodney, John and Ronon). There are fantastic Rodney moments in this book, as well as some really good Sparky moments (interpreted how you'd like, but in one scene, close to the end, Elizabeth falls over and John catches her, and she looks at him funny (in part because they've been in a fight--a Hot Zone type conflict that is resolved at the end of the story). There is also a moment where John begins "there were many things he wanted to say to her, about what they were doing, and what they were about to do, but he found he couldn't find the words--so he took the cowards way out..." so *sticks out tongue to non-Sparkiers*)

    It's actually pretty good. Nothing obviously over the top, but those writers definitely know the J/E relationship when they see it, which is why I was a bit disappointed with "Blood Ties"--where they don't give the characters much chance to interact.

    Book 6: Entanglement: Another I wasn't particularly fond of, though the story is pretty good, because it has Zelenka and Dr. Kusanagi in it. On a moon while exploring, John and his team (with the doctors) discover a Quantum mirror, and meet a race of people who are the AU version of the Wraith. Elizabeth doesn't appear at all, just her voice. But the story is pretty interesting.

    Book 7: Casualties of War: This is HUGELY Elizabeth, written by Elizabeth C., and it is pretty good. It's about Elizabeth attempting to negotiate a treaty between two cultures that have been at war over minerals on their planet for hundreds of years. It actually features Elizabeth going off-world. At the same time, John has resigned as head of Atlantis because he believes two of his teammates have been killed. There isn't a lot of Sparky togetherness but there is a TON of Elizabeth--moreso than any of the other books--and there is a lot of her perspective thinking on John, which is basically a first for the books. A little more flowery than Exogenesis, but some of the J&E scenes are great.

    Book 8: Blood Ties: I was so-so on this one. It features everyone, including Elizabeth, who heads to SGC to sort out a problem that has arisen on Earth. It ends up being a very John-heavy novel, with a few Rodney moments packed in because the authors wanted to explore Rodney's feelings about Carson's death. It is also a cross-over, with Daniel being a major player.

    I enjoyed bits and pieces, but nothing significantly Sparky save perhaps John's feelings of unease about Elizabeth leaving him out of the loop on some things--and the very last scene, where he reassures her that they'll always be there for each other. That scene had a vibe where you knew the authors knew what was coming, so it's a bit bittersweet. It may also explain why they didn't focus their energies on J/E, though again they probably have the best understanding of the John/Elizabeth dynamic.

    And that, friends, is you synopsis summary for today
    Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
      Oh yessssssssss...*rubs hands* I know it can't compare to some of the fanfic out there, but for a canon based novel it is quite enjoyable. And overall the story's pretty cool.
      I'm even rereading it right now. I really need to look into doing that Mirror, Mirror manip using pics from Epiphany...

      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
      I'll probably wait for user reviews of the rest, though I'll more than likely be picking up the Elizabeth-memoirs one.
      As am I... didn't someone pick up Angelus or Nightfall recently and they were going to let us know if it was any good?
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


        Before I sleep

        Here we go. I write this report for the second time (thank you dad). I'll try to do it correctly.
        First episode of the fantastic and talented Carl Binder. The only one that deals with the feelings of the characters and especially Elizabeth.
        It begins with a Sparky scene. My mother began to chuckle with joy.
        They are on their balcony. He gives her a gift. My mom can’t say anything because she loves it.
        I have a question for the people who think that John sees Elizabeth only as his boss. Have you done research to know the birthday of your boss to offer him/her a gift? Me not. So it’s more than professional between them.
        She’s happy. He’s happy. Everybody is happy. John and Elizabeth will find a closet. End of episode…okay maybe
        John’s team explores the city. Sheppard talks to Rodney over the radio. The team finds a room with an old woman in stasis.
        Opening credits: My mom sings. For once, it’s not me.
        They are all watching the old woman. Rodney wants to wake up her.
        “McKAY: We cannot let this chance to talk to a living, breathing Ancient slip through our fingers – again.” And he looks John. This is not nice, Rodney.
        Weir gives the order to revive the old woman.
        The old lady wakes up. My mom said “Look Rodney. He’s scared. lol”
        Woman says “its works”; John made a joke and the old woman fell asleep.
        Control room:
        John and Rodney looks a map of the city on a screen. Elizabeth joined them.
        McKay tries to imitate john. He has the same position.
        Rodney says the city is as big as Manhattan. This is why we had very few episodes on the city in 5 years. Waste of potential again. *sigh*
        Carson is surprised by the old woman.
        Rodney and Elizabeth joined him. Carson says to them that the woman knows his name.
        Woman:“Missed you all so terribly – even you, Rodney!” I’m sure it’s not easy to admit
        And the revelation. She’s Weir. My mom is surprised and said “Oh this is cool. Great idea. I don’t know who wrote this but he’s a genius.” Yes, he is.
        Conference room:
        First episode about Time travel.
        Reference by John to “Back to the future”. Great movies.
        Carson confirms that the old woman is Elizabeth.
        Rodney joins Elizabeth and says “I know what you’re thinking”. Oh no you don’t
        The old Weir wakes up. She wants to say something but Rodney talks and talks and talks….
        Flashback to Rising
        We saw the team arrived to Atlantis.
        Rodney realizes that this story is not the same they have lived and Old Weir fell asleep after says that it’s was happened like this the first time.
        Elizabeth’s office.
        Her office is so small. Carson is so sweet with Elizabeth. I love this man. My mom loves this picture.
        They have a great bond
        Old Weir tries to reassure Carson. This scene between them is sweet.
        The Old Weir sees the city after 10 000 years.
        Conference room:
        Old Weir tells her story. The city didn’t rise the first time.
        Sheppard is so close to Elizabeth and follows her.
        ….Rising scene….
        And Bye bye Sumner. He drowned.
        The look
        It’s not really the good one. I have to make some captures because in the gallery I have never the good picture.
        My mom said “He has always this “look” when he looks at her. Sometimes I have the impression that he will kiss her. This is strange.”
        Jumper bay:
        John and Aidan finds the jumper
        Control room:
        A good scene between Rodney and Weir.
        Bye bye Rodney
        The present:
        Old Weir is nice with with Rodney not like
        Carson and Ford drowned too.
        Flashback jumper:
        Zelenka, Elizabeth and John are together. My mom asked me “Why Zelenka is here? It can’t be only Elizabeth and John in this jumper?”
        John touches the console and they are in space and attacked by the Wraith.
        The present:“And that’s when John ...” She passes out. It’s not easy for her to think about the death of John.
        My mom said “Please wake up. John...what? I want to know…I hope he’s still alive…”
        Last edited by Probie; 15 June 2009, 10:57 AM.
        Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


          Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
          Here's a more complete summary of the first 8 books for those interested...I googled myself cuz I'm such a goof.

          These have some HEAVY spoilers for the books and the Sparky moments. You've already read my thoughts on Mirror, Mirror, the only book not reviewed.

          Here I'm more friendly to Rodney in the Chosen. Having read it a second time now, I realized he annoyed me.


          Book 1: Rising: Is a novel for the pilot episode based on the original finalized, pre-shooting version of the script.

          It has good Elizabeth and John stuff, particularly how their relationship as co-heads gets started. The writer is very John/Elizabeth friendly, so some of the observations Sheppard makes of her (their first meeting--when he activates the chair, he notices something like "the question was asked by a slender, dark haired woman who John would have considered attractive had she not looked so p***ed" *LOL*) Differences from the actual pilot include Sumner's presence (he's much more of a jerk) and a few additional scenes/scene changes made during filming. Not phenomenal writing--very basic--but good enough.

          Book 2: Reliquary: This was actually a pretty good book. It's about them discovering a gate address that leads to an ancient repository that has a sinister inhabitant. This book actually came up with the idea of John 'morphing' long before Conversion.

          There are only two or three Sparky-ish moments, but what there is, it's good. It's all John POV--Elizabeth isn't featured as a POV. But the stuff John notices has a few sparkish moments--a scene where he's in delirium but sees her by his hospital bed (along with all the other characters, but hers is the only one where she seems to be there for the long haul--with her feet propped up and typing on a laptop); one really great scene where he chews out Bates for failing to protect Elizabeth, and the end scene where he has this funny, flirty moment of smirking at Bates with a 'she likes me best' attitude (he actually thinks that. )

          Book 3: The Chosen: This is the first written by Sonny Whitelaw & Elizabeth Christensen, and it's excellent in terms of story, but not a lot of Sparky. It has to do with a world protected by an ancient device similar to the one from Sanctuary. These authors are incredibly detailed in their storytelling and it has some great Rodney moments--addressing his arrogance similar to what he argued in Trinity. The number of times they return to Atlantis trying to correct their mistakes is amusing because of what Elizabeth has to say. I also think this is the one where Elizabeth gets a cold.

          Book 4: Halcyon: This is my least favorite of the novels. It's about a planet run by arrogant nobles who believe they are invulnerable to the Wraith, and actually make sport of Wraith hunting. The Lanteans don't really want much to do with them but they're curious about the power source, and of course chaos insues.

          It doesn't have much Elizabeth at all, and actually has one or two John and Ronon competitive moments over Teyla. I wasn't much into the story, either--the world they're trying to save is full of arrogant characters who never seem to get their due.

          Book 5: Exogenesis: Probably my favorite, and a novel that should have been made into an episode or movie. The second by Sonny W. & Elizabeth C. The story is the second that has a direct bearing on the safety of Atlantis, which always makes the best stories! Basically the Lanteans anger the spirit of an ancient (who takes over Carson, a la the entities in TLG) and sets off an exogenesis machine on the planet trying to reduce the entirety of Pegasus to goo. The Lanteans find that they can counter it with another exogenesis machine from another world, but they have to disturb the entire environment of another planet if they take it.

          They split the plot into two segments--what's going on in Atlantis (with Elizabeth and Teyla in charge) and what's going on with the other world (with Rodney, John and Ronon). There are fantastic Rodney moments in this book, as well as some really good Sparky moments (interpreted how you'd like, but in one scene, close to the end, Elizabeth falls over and John catches her, and she looks at him funny (in part because they've been in a fight--a Hot Zone type conflict that is resolved at the end of the story). There is also a moment where John begins "there were many things he wanted to say to her, about what they were doing, and what they were about to do, but he found he couldn't find the words--so he took the cowards way out..." so *sticks out tongue to non-Sparkiers*)

          It's actually pretty good. Nothing obviously over the top, but those writers definitely know the J/E relationship when they see it, which is why I was a bit disappointed with "Blood Ties"--where they don't give the characters much chance to interact.

          Book 6: Entanglement: Another I wasn't particularly fond of, though the story is pretty good, because it has Zelenka and Dr. Kusanagi in it. On a moon while exploring, John and his team (with the doctors) discover a Quantum mirror, and meet a race of people who are the AU version of the Wraith. Elizabeth doesn't appear at all, just her voice. But the story is pretty interesting.

          Book 7: Casualties of War: This is HUGELY Elizabeth, written by Elizabeth C., and it is pretty good. It's about Elizabeth attempting to negotiate a treaty between two cultures that have been at war over minerals on their planet for hundreds of years. It actually features Elizabeth going off-world. At the same time, John has resigned as head of Atlantis because he believes two of his teammates have been killed. There isn't a lot of Sparky togetherness but there is a TON of Elizabeth--moreso than any of the other books--and there is a lot of her perspective thinking on John, which is basically a first for the books. A little more flowery than Exogenesis, but some of the J&E scenes are great.

          Book 8: Blood Ties: I was so-so on this one. It features everyone, including Elizabeth, who heads to SGC to sort out a problem that has arisen on Earth. It ends up being a very John-heavy novel, with a few Rodney moments packed in because the authors wanted to explore Rodney's feelings about Carson's death. It is also a cross-over, with Daniel being a major player.

          I enjoyed bits and pieces, but nothing significantly Sparky save perhaps John's feelings of unease about Elizabeth leaving him out of the loop on some things--and the very last scene, where he reassures her that they'll always be there for each other. That scene had a vibe where you knew the authors knew what was coming, so it's a bit bittersweet. It may also explain why they didn't focus their energies on J/E, though again they probably have the best understanding of the John/Elizabeth dynamic.

          And that, friends, is you synopsis summary for today
          Thanks for reposting these, Eri! It was good to read them again.
          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


            Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
            Here's a more complete summary of the first 8 books for those interested...I googled myself cuz I'm such a goof.

            These have some HEAVY spoilers for the books and the Sparky moments. You've already read my thoughts on Mirror, Mirror, the only book not reviewed.

            Here I'm more friendly to Rodney in the Chosen. Having read it a second time now, I realized he annoyed me.


            Book 1: Rising: Is a novel for the pilot episode based on the original finalized, pre-shooting version of the script.

            It has good Elizabeth and John stuff, particularly how their relationship as co-heads gets started. The writer is very John/Elizabeth friendly, so some of the observations Sheppard makes of her (their first meeting--when he activates the chair, he notices something like "the question was asked by a slender, dark haired woman who John would have considered attractive had she not looked so p***ed" *LOL*) Differences from the actual pilot include Sumner's presence (he's much more of a jerk) and a few additional scenes/scene changes made during filming. Not phenomenal writing--very basic--but good enough.

            Book 2: Reliquary: This was actually a pretty good book. It's about them discovering a gate address that leads to an ancient repository that has a sinister inhabitant. This book actually came up with the idea of John 'morphing' long before Conversion.

            There are only two or three Sparky-ish moments, but what there is, it's good. It's all John POV--Elizabeth isn't featured as a POV. But the stuff John notices has a few sparkish moments--a scene where he's in delirium but sees her by his hospital bed (along with all the other characters, but hers is the only one where she seems to be there for the long haul--with her feet propped up and typing on a laptop); one really great scene where he chews out Bates for failing to protect Elizabeth, and the end scene where he has this funny, flirty moment of smirking at Bates with a 'she likes me best' attitude (he actually thinks that. )

            Book 3: The Chosen: This is the first written by Sonny Whitelaw & Elizabeth Christensen, and it's excellent in terms of story, but not a lot of Sparky. It has to do with a world protected by an ancient device similar to the one from Sanctuary. These authors are incredibly detailed in their storytelling and it has some great Rodney moments--addressing his arrogance similar to what he argued in Trinity. The number of times they return to Atlantis trying to correct their mistakes is amusing because of what Elizabeth has to say. I also think this is the one where Elizabeth gets a cold.

            Book 4: Halcyon: This is my least favorite of the novels. It's about a planet run by arrogant nobles who believe they are invulnerable to the Wraith, and actually make sport of Wraith hunting. The Lanteans don't really want much to do with them but they're curious about the power source, and of course chaos insues.

            It doesn't have much Elizabeth at all, and actually has one or two John and Ronon competitive moments over Teyla. I wasn't much into the story, either--the world they're trying to save is full of arrogant characters who never seem to get their due.

            Book 5: Exogenesis: Probably my favorite, and a novel that should have been made into an episode or movie. The second by Sonny W. & Elizabeth C. The story is the second that has a direct bearing on the safety of Atlantis, which always makes the best stories! Basically the Lanteans anger the spirit of an ancient (who takes over Carson, a la the entities in TLG) and sets off an exogenesis machine on the planet trying to reduce the entirety of Pegasus to goo. The Lanteans find that they can counter it with another exogenesis machine from another world, but they have to disturb the entire environment of another planet if they take it.

            They split the plot into two segments--what's going on in Atlantis (with Elizabeth and Teyla in charge) and what's going on with the other world (with Rodney, John and Ronon). There are fantastic Rodney moments in this book, as well as some really good Sparky moments (interpreted how you'd like, but in one scene, close to the end, Elizabeth falls over and John catches her, and she looks at him funny (in part because they've been in a fight--a Hot Zone type conflict that is resolved at the end of the story). There is also a moment where John begins "there were many things he wanted to say to her, about what they were doing, and what they were about to do, but he found he couldn't find the words--so he took the cowards way out..." so *sticks out tongue to non-Sparkiers*)

            It's actually pretty good. Nothing obviously over the top, but those writers definitely know the J/E relationship when they see it, which is why I was a bit disappointed with "Blood Ties"--where they don't give the characters much chance to interact.

            Book 6: Entanglement: Another I wasn't particularly fond of, though the story is pretty good, because it has Zelenka and Dr. Kusanagi in it. On a moon while exploring, John and his team (with the doctors) discover a Quantum mirror, and meet a race of people who are the AU version of the Wraith. Elizabeth doesn't appear at all, just her voice. But the story is pretty interesting.

            Book 7: Casualties of War: This is HUGELY Elizabeth, written by Elizabeth C., and it is pretty good. It's about Elizabeth attempting to negotiate a treaty between two cultures that have been at war over minerals on their planet for hundreds of years. It actually features Elizabeth going off-world. At the same time, John has resigned as head of Atlantis because he believes two of his teammates have been killed. There isn't a lot of Sparky togetherness but there is a TON of Elizabeth--moreso than any of the other books--and there is a lot of her perspective thinking on John, which is basically a first for the books. A little more flowery than Exogenesis, but some of the J&E scenes are great.

            Book 8: Blood Ties: I was so-so on this one. It features everyone, including Elizabeth, who heads to SGC to sort out a problem that has arisen on Earth. It ends up being a very John-heavy novel, with a few Rodney moments packed in because the authors wanted to explore Rodney's feelings about Carson's death. It is also a cross-over, with Daniel being a major player.

            I enjoyed bits and pieces, but nothing significantly Sparky save perhaps John's feelings of unease about Elizabeth leaving him out of the loop on some things--and the very last scene, where he reassures her that they'll always be there for each other. That scene had a vibe where you knew the authors knew what was coming, so it's a bit bittersweet. It may also explain why they didn't focus their energies on J/E, though again they probably have the best understanding of the John/Elizabeth dynamic.

            And that, friends, is you synopsis summary for today
            Excellent. Thank you for the review. I want to read them. It's complicated to find them. I already know (thanks to Yunadax) that Exogenesis can't be found.
            Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


              Originally posted by Probie View Post
              Excellent. Thank you for the review. I want to read them. It's complicated to find them. I already know (thanks to Yunadax) that Exogenesis can't be found.
              I'm enjoying your BIS review. This was the first really big Sparky episode.

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Not sure if anyone has heard this song:
                It's called "Don't Choose the Wrong Way" by Andy White & Torri Higginson
                I think it would make for a terrific Sparky vid, I wish I knew how!


                  John and Elizabeth next to each other. He’s the only one who understands her. We can see the difference between the other scene with Rodney and Elizabeth. Mckay thinks he knows what Elizabeth thinks but it’s not the case. But John can. It’s not clear but I understand myself and it’s the more
                  Old Weir wakes up.
                  Bye bye John and Zelenka. My mom was angry.
                  Hello Janus!
                  The present:
                  I love this little scene. Old Weir is amused by John and Rodney
                  "McKAY: Ha! Ah, the bitter taste of ultimate failure, hmm? / SHEPPARD: Well, if you’d just figured out how to fix the damn shield in the first place, none of us would have died./ McKAY: I did everything I could, including valiantly attempting to save your sorry .../WEIR: Gentlemen. Focus."
                  And they obey her
                  Atlantean council:
                  We can see that the ancients are stupids. They don’t want to help her. She wants to see John again so please do something for her.
                  Janus tries to help her but it’s unsuccessful.
                  My mom hates the leader of the ancients.
                  Carson says to the team that Old Weir will die soon.
                  Janus does everything for help Elizabeth. We saw 3 ZPM. Saint grail for atlantis.
                  Some ancients die and my mom was happy. Hey, they didn’t help Elizabeth,…lol
                  Rodney and John are asleep. They didn’t leave Elizabeth.
                  Elizabeth and Old/Weir talk.
                  “WEIR: Sheppard couldn’t keep it to himself, huh?!” John talks to old/Elizabeth. It’s interesting.
                  Janus prepares the stasis chamber for Weir.
                  And he leaves her alone (after she gives him a kiss. He was happy).
                  John and Rodney wake up. My mom made me laugh “Oh she touches his shoulder”. I give her a strange look and she said “What? It’s sweet…ok it’s nothing but…she touches him…and I feel happy because of that. Oh no…I begin to be crazy” You already are crazy but it’s your charm
                  And bye bye Old Weir. It’s sad.
                  She uses John’s pot for the ashes of her old self. Nice little scene.
                  Carl Binder is my god. This writer is just fantastic. It’s the only want who cares about the feelings of the characters. The story is beautiful. We know a little more about the Ancients. Torri Higginson is excellent. She’s the reason that I watched SGA the first time and I admire her talent. The makeup is wonderful. They did a great job with this.
                  Like we said with SK. All men have a crush for Elizabeth: John, Rodney, Zelenka, Grodin, Lucius, Kolya, Ladon and Janus. She has something special.
                  One of my favorite episodes.
                  Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                    Originally posted by Lythisrose View Post
                    Not sure if anyone has heard this song:
                    It's called "Don't Choose the Wrong Way" by Andy White & Torri Higginson
                    I think it would make for a terrific Sparky vid, I wish I knew how!
                    Thank you for the link. I never heard this song.
                    Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                      Originally posted by Probie View Post
                      Before I sleep

                      Here we go. I write this report for the second time (thank you dad). I'll try to do it correctly.
                      First episode of the fantastic and talented Carl Binder. The only one that deals with the feelings of the characters and especially Elizabeth.
                      It begins with a Sparky scene. My mother began to chuckle with joy.
                      They are on their balcony. He gives her a gift. My mom can’t say anything because she loves it.
                      I have a question for the people who think that John sees Elizabeth only as his boss. Have you done research to know the birthday of your boss to offer him/her a gift? Me not. So it’s more than professional between them.
                      She’s happy. He’s happy. Everybody is happy. John and Elizabeth will find a closet. End of episode…okay maybe
                      You betcha. If he cares enough to hack into the computers and find out her birthday, well...

                      Closet time!

                      Originally posted by Probie View Post
                      My mom said “He has always this “look” when he looks at her. Sometimes I have the impression that he will kiss her. This is strange.”
                      What's so strange about John wanting to kiss Elizabeth? LOL!

                      Originally posted by Probie View Post
                      Zelenka, Elizabeth and John are together. My mom asked me “Why Zelenka is here? It can’t be only Elizabeth and John in this jumper?”
                      Whoo hoo, your mom's a fan of jumper!sex too!

                      Originally posted by Probie View Post
                      Some ancients die and my mom was happy. Hey, they didn’t help Elizabeth,…lol
                      The Ancients were too arrogant to live.

                      Originally posted by Probie View Post
                      Carl Binder is my god. This writer is just fantastic. It’s the only want who cares about the feelings of the characters. The story is beautiful. We know a little more about the Ancients. Torri Higginson is excellent. She’s the reason that I watched SGA the first time and I admire her talent. The makeup is wonderful. They did a great job with this.
                      Like we said with SK. All men have a crush for Elizabeth: John, Rodney, Zelenka, Grodin, Lucius, Kolya, Ladon and Janus. She has something special.
                      One of my favorite episodes.
                      Binder really put out some of the best scripts for the series; true, there were a few clunkers along the way, but as a whole, he's been Elizabeth's champion in the writing room.

                      Elizabeth Weir: Queen of Atlantis. No wonder everyone loves her.

                      Thanks for the recap, it was fun to read!
                      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                        Whoo hoo, your mom's a fan of jumper!sex too!
                        I think she's a fan of closet!sex, jumper!sex, conference room!sex, bed!sex, dart!sex, Rodney's lab!sex...Oh my god! I'm talking about my mother. I can't say this. If she knows what I say, she will kill It's no true.

                        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                        Elizabeth Weir: Queen of Atlantis. No wonder everyone loves her.
                        Some writers don't love her. But they are...I don't want to be rude so I won't finish my

                        Tomorrow I will do "Brotherhood" (little boring lol) and "Letters from Pegasus".
                        Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                          Originally posted by Probie View Post
                          I think she's a fan of closet!sex, jumper!sex, conference room!sex, bed!sex, dart!sex, Rodney's lab!sex...Oh my god! I'm talking about my mother. I can't say this. If she knows what I say, she will kill It's no true.
                          See? She fits right in with us, then. LOL!

                          Originally posted by Probie View Post
                          Some writers don't love her. But they are...I don't want to be rude so I won't finish my
                          They are poor misguided souls who have not yet seen the light and repented their ways. *pats the heads of not-liking-Weir writers* How's that for polite?

                          Originally posted by Probie View Post
                          Tomorrow I will do "Brotherhood" (little boring lol) and "Letters from Pegasus".
                          Brotherhood! AKA Stargate does "The DaVinci Code."

                          And Letters From Pegasus, that's a good one.
                          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                            Hmmmm... looking at the clothes website I suddenly wonder... isn't it funny how Elizabeth wears Apophis' symbol in Atlantis?

                            Sig by me


                              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                              See? She fits right in with us, then. LOL!

                              Brotherhood! AKA Stargate does "The DaVinci Code."

                              And Letters From Pegasus, that's a good one.
                              I thought Brotherhood was more Indiana Jones. Ah crap, I showed how dang old I am Letters was ok.

                              Probie, As for the jumper/conference room/lab/everywhere sex, your ma fits in very well here.
                              "I only understand about 1% of what she says half of the time."


                                Originally posted by Probie View Post
                                I think she's a fan of closet!sex, jumper!sex, conference room!sex, bed!sex, dart!sex, Rodney's lab!sex...Oh my god! I'm talking about my mother. I can't say this. If she knows what I say, she will kill It's no true.

                                Some writers don't love her. But they are...I don't want to be rude so I won't finish my

                                Tomorrow I will do "Brotherhood" (little boring lol) and "Letters from Pegasus".
                                We all love Carl Binder around here.

                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

