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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Bama
    Just read the interview...good interview. I like rachel as she seems sincerely sweet.

    I'm thinking of starting a new Anti - sPAM thread...think I'd get a few hits?


    I'm still debating on my user name change. I may go with 'ShepWeirnookieinacloset' or 'ShepWeirallthewayinaspacejumper' or perhaps even 'Shepbabyhitmeonemoretimewiththatstick!'

    -B ; )
    You're a bad, bad girl, Bama. Anyway, the lesson for today? Fans are crazy. Including us.
    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
    Last update: 14 April 2006
    Melyanna's Multimedia
    Last update: 15 February 2006


      Originally posted by Melyanna
      Anyway, the lesson for today? Fans are crazy. Including us.
      Hey! I resemble that remark!

      I think crazy looks good on me.


        Heh, that's true mel.

        I've accidentally 'bumped' into that other thread TWICE today now since they've changed it's name. The first time it annoyed me and I just got out quickly. The second time, I just decided to hang out a few mins and read what the antis had to say. Must say, I was quite pleased. ; )
        Found evidence of what we've been saying...shep/weir is very evident this season even if some don't like it.

        I thought this one was interesting so I did a little cut/paste for your entertainment. is anti but I bet, like me, you find yourself smiling as you read it.

        From a poster on the 'Anti' thread....

        While ship may be in the eye of the beholder, I've seen enough "moments" lately between Shep and Weir- or at least scenes that I feel were designed to be "moment"- that I'm beginning to find it distracting. That long, lingering look in Instinct springs immediately to mind. For me, it went on a beat too long to be considered natural. It was as if TPTB intentionally held the look a moment longer than necessary so that folks would be aware that Weir was looking at Shep.

        I despise stuff like that.

        If moments can be woven into the natural fabric of an ep, that's one thing. But to design moments and fabricate scenes for the express purpose of creating "something" between the characters... I don't like it. It rips me out of the story so that I see the actors, not the characters, performing a scene and I feel as if I can almost hear the gleeful giggles and hand-rubbing of TPTB as they go, "Looky what we did! Shippy moment! Shippy moment!" That's how that stuff makes me feel, anyway.

        Weir looking at Shep in Instinct ripped me right out of the story and left me thinking, "Did Torri miss her cue? Oh, no, it's supposed to be another damn shippy scene. WTF? How incongrous is that?"

        I do not want to see ANY overt "hints" about Shep and Weir. The producers are utterly obnoxious about teasing fans and for every Shep/Weir moment, they'll have a Shep/Teyla moment or a Dex/Teyla moment or whoever/whatever moment because THEY think they're being clever and keeping the audience guessing about what's going to happen between whom. I see it as ham-handed and asinine, myself; a deliberate attempt to alternately coddle and aggravate fans as they (the producers) stumble drunkenly through the ep, knocking things over and trampling muddy footprints into what might otherwise be a pretty good story.

        As far as I'm concerned, ship between Shep and Weir serves absolutely no purpose except to be ship between Shep and Weir. I see no sexual chemistry between the two, and I'm sick and tired of main characters being shipped together solely because they're main characters.


        Now you guys know that I disagree with about 90 percent of that but of course, the person has every right to feel that way. The only small part I do somewhat agree with is that the producers seem to be trying to burn both ends of the stick a little bit and keep the carrot dangling as to which way they're headed shipwise. However, as I've said, my worry for shep/weir is minimal even with conversion upcoming because of the tips of the hand thus far.

        Just piddlin around tonight and thought you guys might find that interesting. I swear, unless I accidentally bump it again, I'm not going near that thread again. ; ) I wish they'd change the name back to 'If it's Shep/Weir, I'll cut my wrists' or whatever the heck it was before.



          I'm thinking of starting a new Anti - sPAM thread...think I'd get a few hits?


          I'm still debating on my user name change. I may go with 'ShepWeirnookieinacloset' or 'ShepWeirallthewayinaspacejumper' or perhaps even 'Shepbabyhitmeonemoretimewiththatstick!'

          -B ; )
          Oh no, Bama, dont do that!! GW would crash because of all the hits
          I love the names, particularly 'ShepWeirallthewayinaspacejumper'. I wonder where you got the idea from..

          Just read the interview...good interview. I like rachel as she seems sincerely sweet.
          I saw an interview with her on the special features of the Season 8 boxset and she was very sweet and funny. She seems like a lovely person.

          As for Conversion this week....BRING IT ON BABY!!

          (And yes, i am having withdrawal symptoms. Thank the Ancients for fanfic.. )
          Last edited by SapphireJewelledQueen; 06 September 2005, 02:09 AM.

          Lovebar made by natz099
          My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


            Originally posted by Melyanna
            You're a bad, bad girl, Bama. Anyway, the lesson for today? Fans are crazy. Including us.

            Oh, *especially* us. ; ) But we're the 'good' crazy. *winks*



              Originally posted by Bama
              I understand your reluctance on TPTB 'playing' with the fans. Any sam/jack shipper has got to feel that way I'd think. -B
              Is it masochistic of me to say that I kind of enjoy it?!
              INCLUDES SPORK.


                Hey, together

                As a withdrawal symptom, bc there wasn't SGA last week I made 2 new Wallpaper



                Only 3 more day *squeeee* *g*


                  Agk! I did it!...I accidently strolled into the anti shep weir thread!.

                  Just innocently skimming through, not really paying attention, saw the words 'sheppard/weir' and clicked..

                  What a BAD mistake...

                  You know, I wondered why they only had 7 pages...
                  Then I went back to look at who started the thread and I was not suprised!
                  I don't know how old this poster is, but they have the mentality of a ****ing 5 yr old!!!


                  Ok, rant over...(sorry if I offended anyone)

                  -Moo (who comes here and basks in the maturity of this thread)
                  Last edited by Major_Moomin; 06 September 2005, 03:18 AM.

                  Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                  LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                  Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                    Originally posted by Dorka
                    Hey, together

                    As a withdrawal symptom, bc there wasn't SGA last week I made 2 new Wallpaper



                    Only 3 more day *squeeee* *g*
                    Nice job ! I like how close they stand together in first one Like it was said before in this thread , we really need to see off set couple pics of JF & TH like the ones they did with DD & GA , RDA & AT some years back. I guess JF & TH would really look stunning together. ( BTW TH has got the longest legs eva )

                    “I know how Sheppard can be,” “He’s an incredibly strong man,” “and Elizabeth is his weakness. He doesn’t know how to handle that.”
                    - Rodney to AU Elizabeth : quote from PeanutButterer`s The Other Side


                      Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                      *Elizabeth jumps slightly*

                      Elizabeth: John, would you please remove your hand from there?

                      John: *innocently* From where?

                      She grabs his hand and gives it such a tight squeeze that you hear bones cracking.

                      John: Ou! Ok, Elizabeth that's... ouch... that's a bit tight!

                      Another crack.

                      John: Ok ok! I'm putting it away.

                      Elizabeth: That's better.


                        Originally posted by alyssa
                        What sort of things has Torri said? Me being ignorant here --- I haven't read anything! Any links or details?
                        I've believe when some of the girls at a convention told her about Shep/Weir shippers she said something along the lines that shippers were so cute or something...I iwish I could remember which con report i read it from.


                          Originally posted by Athenaktt
                          I've believe when some of the girls at a convention told her about Shep/Weir shippers she said something along the lines that shippers were so cute or something...I iwish I could remember which con report i read it from.
                          Okay, the server ate my first attempt at this. That was the London con last year. Torri also talked about her experience with those Shep/Weir shippers (calling them very sweet), and then talked a little about Sheppard and Weir's relationship. That was the interview where she said something to the effect of "she knows his heart's in the right place, and that's where they meet." I'll have to see if I can find that link. Anyway, that was also the con where she took one of the Shep/Weir badges that said "So doing it" and wore it on stage.
                          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                          Last update: 14 April 2006
                          Melyanna's Multimedia
                          Last update: 15 February 2006


                            Originally posted by Dorka
                            Hey, together

                            As a withdrawal symptom, bc there wasn't SGA last week I made 2 new Wallpaper

                            I've been waiting for somebody to combine the two pics of them like that. Did you ever think of mirroring that image of Weir, so it looks like she's leaning toward Sheppard?

                            a time to mourn


                              Originally posted by Melyanna
                              Okay, the server ate my first attempt at this. That was the London con last year. Torri also talked about her experience with those Shep/Weir shippers (calling them very sweet), and then talked a little about Sheppard and Weir's relationship. That was the interview where she said something to the effect of "she knows his heart's in the right place, and that's where they meet." I'll have to see if I can find that link. Anyway, that was also the con where she took one of the Shep/Weir badges that said "So doing it" and wore it on stage.
                              Bleepin hungry servers. ; P That's where us having our own server here at work helps me out in the 'quick' department. I think this is a terrific example of the fans helping to influence the show. It's more prevelant in a show like SGA where you have cons and more face to face time between fans and actors. Torri is eating this crap up. You can tell by the little grins she gives when asked about it in her interviews. Joe is too. His vague little cute answers are no accident. "Why can't he have them both?" LOL...funny Joe. They know they're driving fans nuts and we love them for it and they love doing it. But the bottom line is that THEY KNOW. You can't tell me that knowing so many fans out there are pro-shep/weir shippers that it doesn't affect their performance.
                              Torri didn't *have* to give Joe that cute little flirty smile in the last ep. But she did anyway. And I bet Joe's little touchies of her arm in Duet weren't scripted either but he did them anyway.
                              Actors want to please their fans and in my limited experience, I've found that if an on screen couple know the fans want more than the script gives shipwise, they'll find small but delightful ways to deliver it. Our job is to keep letting them know we WANT it.

                              -B ; )


                                Here's a post I found about a con talking about Torri's comments about Shep/Weir ship.


