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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SoulSpinder
    On the topic of "Us" being thoughtful conversers....I must agree. I had to PULL myself away from this computer screen to do stuff that necessarily had to be done. (say, banking and getting my card fixed so I could actually get into where I'm living!)

    Hail_Dorothy You just said everything we could possibly say!
    It is definitely addictive!!!
    sailing the ship to Sparkyville!


      Originally posted by seetheship
      SW wishlist #2 ........Pleezz let it be a PJ
      SCREECH! Put on the BREAKS here just a flippin minute.


      Aren't we getting a 'stuck in the lifepod' ep the latter part of the season? Is that the SAME ep that we're getting Kick!ass Elizabeth? I'd rather them be totally seperate eps. I want her calm, cool and sexy (and normal) in that stuck with shep in a tight space ep? What the bloody HECK is a lifepod anyway? How small are we talkin here gals?

      End of Fat



        Originally posted by Bama
        How small are we talkin here gals?
        I'd say, about the size of a closet.

        When all else fails, change channels.


          Originally posted by Major_Moomin
          On a side note, I always wonder why some people think that the potential Shep/weir ship reminds them too much of the whole Sam/Jack thing. That they don't want to see the "two leaders getting it on cuz we've seen it all before"...
          Was Sam a leader?...No, she wasn't, she was a subordinate, and so is Teyla.
          So, in that case, isn't Shep/Teyla is closer to Sam/Jack??

          I mean, I see Weir taking on more of a general Hammond Role, staying behind on missions, keeping things running at home.

          And lets face it, we never saw Jack getting it on with Hammond did we!!
          hudders at image conjured up by last statement:

          I don't feel like any of the characters on Atlantis have a counterpart on SG-1... John is kinda like Jack (well, a lot like him) on the surface but once you watch a while you see that they're quite different. The other characters aren’t even like anyone from SG-1 on the surface. Weir's counterpart is said to be Hammond but I honestly don't see them as similar characters. So, what I'm saying is that it's a different show and the characters are different, so we can't really compare the relationships.


            Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
            I'd say, about the size of a closet.
            You stole my answer! z'all good!

            Technically? Lifepods are usually only build big enough to accomidate a couple people at a time. smaller, more quickly loaded, more efficent, Easlier shipped off quicker. Yup.
            "Scientists say juggling is good for the brain....Or...was that...Jelllll-o?


              TLG was where John and Elizabeth discover a lifepod and Elizabeth goes er..... gets to flex more than just her acting muscles, right? I don't remember mentions of them being stuck in the lifepod. But heh those two being stuck anywhere together is a nice thought


                Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                I'd say, about the size of a closet.


                ...and reeelaaax!


                Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                  Originally posted by Bama
                  SCREECH! Put on the BREAKS here just a flippin minute.


                  Aren't we getting a 'stuck in the lifepod' ep the latter part of the season? Is that the SAME ep that we're getting Kick!ass Elizabeth? I'd rather them be totally seperate eps. I want her calm, cool and sexy (and normal) in that stuck with shep in a tight space ep? What the bloody HECK is a lifepod anyway? How small are we talkin here gals?

                  End of Fat

                  I've got nothing on this episode.
                  The whole stuck in a spacepod bit isn't even confirmed. It came from Damian Kindler's cryptic comment that "Sheppard and Weir end up... I've said too much." All we know for certain is that they find a lifepod, and Elizabeth ends up in a situation where she gets into a fight. We don't know any of the circumstances, and for all we know, Ronon went and taught her stick fighting and she whacks John about the head and shoulders.

                  So no freaking out. We might start getting more information about the episode as it gets closer. And hey, someone could go ask Joe Mallozzi if there's anything he can tell us about it.
                  Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                  Last update: 14 April 2006
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                  Last update: 15 February 2006


                    Originally posted by Melyanna
                    And hey, someone could go ask Joe Mallozzi if there's anything he can tell us about it.
                    We could beat Joe Mallozzi with a stick all day and all we'd get out of him would be, "Maybe". . "perhaps". . ."could be". . ."watch and see".

                    Maybe if we held his ice cream machine for ransom. . . .

                    When all else fails, change channels.


                      Originally posted by Melyanna
                      I've got nothing on this episode.
                      The whole stuck in a spacepod bit isn't even confirmed. It came from Damian Kindler's cryptic comment that "Sheppard and Weir end up... I've said too much." All we know for certain is that they find a lifepod, and Elizabeth ends up in a situation where she gets into a fight. We don't know any of the circumstances, and for all we know, Ronon went and taught her stick fighting and she whacks John about the head and shoulders.

                      So no freaking out. We might start getting more information about the episode as it gets closer. And hey, someone could go ask Joe Mallozzi if there's anything he can tell us about it.
                      Well krap.


                      Did I just dream up that 'stuck in a lifepod' bit? Sure, it sounds like something I'd come up with but I honestly thought I'd read it somewhere half reputable. I was hopeful the title of the ep matched that situation if you guys catch my drift. I would KILL to see Shep and Eliz facing certain death together in some tight, confined space where they had to look each other in the eye and, as the clock ticked down to zero, say their 'goodbyes'. That sounds like a shipper's dream imo. But heck, Kindler's oblique comment "Sheppard and Weir end up... I've said too much." could mean just about anything happens in the ep. The end up...fighting? quarreling? in each other's arms? In a closet? WHAT?!

                      Dang. I'm gonna burst a blood vessel waiting on this one.

                      -B ; p


                        First off a thanks to ma homies Major_Moomin and Seetheship fo the shoutout. Jeebus luvs y'all. (Yeah, I'm channeling Kanye tonight) *is so white*...*and so English*

                        From Bama
                        Gotta think it's going to be a totally 'waste' scene in so far as anything meaningful being attached to it. Though, I figure those people who find a man and woman hitting each other with sticks sexy, will find some real zing in Tey getting her face knawed on by a half-wraith.
                        I totally agree. There's nothing sexy about
                        someone forcing something on someone who isn't receptive. But I don't think tptb will make it that traumatic. Like most ship, it'll be left up to the veiwer to decide how they want to interpret the scene. The Sheyla's will declare it true luv and the rest of us will go 'eh, not so much, but whatever' and life will go on.

                        My veiw on Conversion? I'm totally zen about it dammit!

                        So...not! It's because Elizabeth looks so damn good in that bikini combo they put on her every week!
                        I gotta say, my mind totally went there, "Mmmmm, biiiikiniiiii." Plus, all the fic out there about John and Elizabeth on the beach has meant that I've had lots of time to decide exactly what style would suit her best. I know, I'm hopeless.

                        Er...what's a 'juxtaposition'? Is that a new sexin term I need to know about?
                        Erm...I spent a bit (a lot) of time thinking about this and came to the conclusion that if juxtaposed were a sexual position (do not read if sex scares you)
                        then it would be the 69: next to each other but coming at it from completely different ends

                        Did you say 'Leak'? Torri cannot be sexy! So not. She has freckles for gosh's sakes! And she's OLD too. Anything over 30 could never be sexy. Gag. me. with. a. spoon. I swear, I saw a new wrinkle form just last ep alone!
                        Spittake! OMG the freckles are so cute! They deserve fic all of their own. But you're right, Torri looks at least 34-36 how could anyone over the age of, say, 15 fancy anyone that old OMG! (*raises hand* Oooh, oooh me Miss! Pick me! Pick me!)

                        And yes leak! She doesn't even do it on purpose. No one should be able to
                        threaten anyone with guns ala Condemned or laugh at anyone's dumb puberty jokes ala Instinct
                        and be able to broadcast "You wanna get with the Torri? I know you wanna get with the Torri." while at the same time remaining credible. Hence: she obviously leaks sex appeal. My logic is flawless and without a doubt correct.

                        Geesh! I LoVE good snark and this is some of the best I've read in a while!!!!
                        Wow, thanks. But, damn, girl, you should of seen what I edited out of it. Snark: My default setting (apart from squee: my other default setting).

                        I'm really looking forward to Conversion now, if only to get it over with. Also, I know it sucks that Atlantis has to break over the winter but John and Liz always do well ship-wise in 2+ part eps (eg, The Eye, Seige 3). Just something to look forward to.

                        Ooh, also I'd like to rec Whistler84's fic 'Destiny' to anyone who hasn't read it if I may. Its shaping up to be one of the best if not THE best I've read. The link is:

                        And Whistler? If there's anything I can do to hasten the posting of the next part, let me know. I'm dying here.

                        Dorothy (who is way more caffinated than is healthy)
                        Last edited by hail_dorothy; 06 September 2005, 02:18 PM.


                          Originally posted by Bama
                          Well krap.


                          Did I just dream up that 'stuck in a lifepod' bit? Sure, it sounds like something I'd come up with but I honestly thought I'd read it somewhere half reputable. I was hopeful the title of the ep matched that situation if you guys catch my drift. I would KILL to see Shep and Eliz facing certain death together in some tight, confined space where they had to look each other in the eye and, as the clock ticked down to zero, say their 'goodbyes'. That sounds like a shipper's dream imo. But heck, Kindler's oblique comment "Sheppard and Weir end up... I've said too much." could mean just about anything happens in the ep. The end up...fighting? quarreling? in each other's arms? In a closet? WHAT?!

                          Dang. I'm gonna burst a blood vessel waiting on this one.

                          -B ; p
                          You know, I have this horrible feeling that after all this hype and all our theories, this ep will end up just completely the opposite!

                          And Kindler's comment?...I just think he was stirring that big shipper wooden spoon that TPTB keep stirring to keep both ship sides happy.
                          I mean, imagine if they were stuck in a life pod together, I would just be able to hear the Sheyla's gagging over our tremendous squeeing!!
                          All we know for certain is that Liz get to kick Sheps booty, nothing solid about anything else, not even the 'lifepod' thing...(If anyone can find something solid on this, let me know!)

                          I'm leaving an empty slate when it comes to this ep...that way if anything remotely close to our theories actually happens...I'll be pleasntly supprised!

                          Torri Higginson on Elizabeth Weir: "She likes to pilfer things from all the little neigbouring planets; That's cute, carve me one now!"

                          LEADERSHIP: Why fix what ain't broke? Save Elizabeth Weir

                          Keep Elizabeth Weir as a REGULAR!


                            Originally posted by hail_dorothy

                            I totally agree. There's nothing sexy about
                            someone forcing something on someone who isn't receptive. But I don't think tptb will make it that traumatic. Like most ship, it'll be left up to the veiwer to decide how they want to interpret the scene. The Sheyla's will declare it true luv and the rest of us will go 'eh, not so much, but whatever' and life will go on.

                            My veiw on Conversion? I'm totally zen about it dammit!

                            Heh. Know that's bout right.

                            You know, there's this tiny, little part of me that actually *wants* John to kiss Tey because I'm THAT sure there is nothing...nada actually there. But, I think since TPTB introduced the idea of the dern thing and tried to sell us early on that each thought the other was good-looking, they need to end any idea of it too. Shep and Tey ain't blind and each of them *is* good-looking. So, I sorta want them to get whatever lingering curiosity they may have out of their systems (actually, it may only be john with the typical male curiosity about every pretty female...I mean we DID see him licking his lips and STARING at Elizabeth's mouth after she put the huggie on him). I don't think tey has much interest at all in john beyond a.) what he can do to help her people b.) as the leader of her team and c.) as a very good friend to her.

                            I gotta say, my mind totally went there, "Mmmmm, biiiikiniiiii." Plus, all the fic out there about John and Elizabeth on the beach has meant that I've had lots of time to decide exactly what style would suit her best. I know, I'm hopeless.

                            Bikini fic?! Beach fic? REALLY? I really, really need to read more fic!
                            ? Maybe we'll get lucky and that lifepod the may or may not get stuck in together will land on a nudist colony planet. ; )

                            I'm thinkin she's about a 'C' cup so that's about right for a bikini without looking just downright vulgar. Now, I'm wondering if she has freckles on her tummy or elsewhere...which gets me to thinking if john's body is as supple and yummy in tight speedos as me thinks it is. Gee, thanks a lot HD. There goes my concentration for the evening. ; p

                            Erm...I spent a bit (a lot) of time thinking about this and came to the conclusion that if juxtaposed were a sexual position (do not read if sex scares you)
                            then it would be the 69: next to each other but coming at it from completely different ends

                            SPEW! : O Oh yeah...concentration for the evening is gone...completely. wow, I'm glad I waited until after work to read that one. *crap, I need a cig but don't smoke* : P You are evil woman! That word may never be used on this thread again sayeth the word moderator. heh.

                            Spittake! OMG the freckles are so cute! They deserve fic all of their own. But you're right, Torri looks at least 34-36 how could anyone over the age of, say, 15 fancy anyone that old OMG! (*raises hand* Oooh, oooh me Miss! Pick me! Pick me!)

                            Frecklefic! Oh yeah, I could go there. ; ) I think her freckles are adorable too. She's one of those people who has them just enough that they're cute instead of overwhelming. And *knowing* that she is in her mid-30s...and knowing that John is pushing 40...well, THAT turns me on right there. Those two would NOT need an instruction manual.

                            And yes leak! She doesn't even do it on purpose. No one should be able to
                            threaten anyone with guns ala Condemned or laugh at anyone's dumb puberty jokes ala Instinct
                            and be able to broadcast "You wanna get with the Torri? I know you wanna get with the Torri." while at the same time remaining credible. Hence: she obviously leaks sex appeal. My logic is flawless and without a doubt correct.

                            LOLROTFLMAO! It's in the EYES. ; ) You know that I, one of the biggest weirnuts around, am 'feelin' you honey. I've said before that something is terribly wrong with the previously assured heterosexual 'me' because this woman turns ME on. You're right...she oozes sex appeal and makes you want to DIE to know what she's like when she cuts loose. Hopefully, john's curiosity is as rampant as ours!

                            Wow, thanks. But, damn, girl, you should of seen what I edited out of it. Snark: My default setting (apart from squee: my other default setting).

                            WELL...PUT IT BACK IN! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING ON! That was the most fun I've had with a post in a month!

                            I'm really looking forward to Conversion now, if only to get it over with. Also, I know it sucks that Atlantis has to break over the winter but John and Liz always do well ship-wise in 2+ part eps (eg, The Eye, Seige 3). Just something to look forward to.

                            Yeah, it does suck but in a way, it's kind of good how it spreads it out and it also gives us and the euro fans a chance to bond even more!

                            Ooh, also I'd like to rec Whistler84's fic 'Destiny' to anyone who hasn't read it if I may. Its shaping up to be one of the best if not THE best I've read. The link is:

                            And Whistler? If there's anything I can do to hasten the posting of the next part, let me know. I'm dying here.

                            Whistlerfic? Yep...that's on the 'to do' list. ; )

                            Dorothy (who is way more caffinated than is healthy)


                              Originally posted by Major_Moomin
                              You know, I have this horrible feeling that after all this hype and all our theories, this ep will end up just completely the opposite!

                              And Kindler's comment?...I just think he was stirring that big shipper wooden spoon that TPTB keep stirring to keep both ship sides happy.
                              I mean, imagine if they were stuck in a life pod together, I would just be able to hear the Sheyla's gagging over our tremendous squeeing!!
                              All we know for certain is that Liz get to kick Sheps booty, nothing solid about anything else, not even the 'lifepod' thing...(If anyone can find something solid on this, let me know!)

                              I'm leaving an empty slate when it comes to this ep...that way if anything remotely close to our theories actually happens...I'll be pleasntly supprised!
                              I know what you mean. I'm (sometimes unsucessfully) trying to remain calm and unbothered about this one...but dammit the teases we've heard just seem to have so much potential. They alone could spawn a 100 fics.

                              From what I remember, as Mel pointed out, what was actually said was something along the lines of, "They [referring to Atlantis in general] find a life support pod...and then Sheppard and Weir...well I've said too much already...". Now this doesn't suggest they get trapped anywhere together per se, but I'm pretty convinced that the implication is that whatever happens between J/L is connected to the discovery of the pod in some way (but not necessarily in the locked in together sense). Other times it has been pointed out that Torri gets to stretch more than her acting muscle and "open a can of whup ass on Sheppard", plus apparently the stunt team have been practicing for getting thrown around in that ep, so either way its all pretty action orientated.

                              Yep, I'm sorry but I can't help it, I'm already bouncing for joy in preperation for this ep.


                                Originally posted by hail_dorothy

                                From what I remember, as Mel pointed out, what was actually said was something along the lines of, "They [referring to Atlantis in general] find a life support pod...and then Sheppard and Weir...well I've said too much already...". Now this doesn't suggest they get trapped anywhere together per se, but I'm pretty convinced that the implication is that whatever happens between J/L is connected to the discovery of the pod in some way (but not necessarily in the locked in together sense). Other times it has been pointed out that Torri gets to stretch more than her acting muscle and "open a can of whup ass on Sheppard", plus apparently the stunt team have been practicing for getting thrown around in that ep, so either way its all pretty action orientated.
                                And lets not forget the action being the Mr & Mrs Smith type. And if this type of action happens between John and Elizabeth, it'll be mighty interesting to watch

