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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by alyssa
    Also --- funny thing! I once saw an Ep of Stargate when I was in Paris! It was weird to hear the dubbed voices!
    That happened to me too. I went to Paris last July on a french GCSE trip and the first night we were tuckered out from traveling through the night so we hung around the hotel pool. Low and behold that evening I turned on the TV in our room and SG1 was on! I only caught the end of the program but then much to my delight Atlantis came on. I forced *cough* and by forced I mean bribed with chocolate *cough* my friends to watch the whole ep (The Brotherhood) in french.

    The voices did make me laugh, but I was annoyed at not being able to understand more of what the characters were saying.

    Originally posted by alyssa
    I've been a sci-fi fan forever.
    Yep. Me too. I was brought up on sci-fi... star trek actually.
    *Ducks thrown projectials*
    Mum and dad would watch TNG and Quantum Leap and being young and having no control over the remote I joined them. Later, I got into Voyager (My 1st ship was J/C) *Ducks again* and Farscape and SG1. I loved the movie... and still have it on tape.

    Stargate Atlantis came along when I thought that I would never ship again (what with the J/C phasered an' all) and by the second ep I had found my second ship. W/S of course


      Originally posted by alyssa
      I was a huge, and I mean HUGE Doctor Who fan! Massive! Peter Davison was my personal favourite.
      I watched Quantum Leap a bit, I'm sure I watched BSG in its earlier incarnation, then I tried Farscape (but the stupid network here screwed around with it!). X-Files was big for me too, and of course Stargate and Atlantis.
      I like the new Dr.Who series and the new BSG.
      But I must confess that I wasn't born in time to to have seen the earlier BSG(I think)! I wasn't allowed to watch X-files. *sniff*

      Has anyone found any really angsty S/W FF?
      I need my daily dosage.


        I used to watch ST, TNG, ST:V (i wanted J+C to hook up too) after The Simpsons at tea-time, but not religiously. I watched one ep of Dr. Who where manicans came alive and i **** myself - far too scary (but a horror movie where all the cast get eaten/stabbed/slashed/etc i'll happily watch ).

        My first big scifi/ship was XF, then that ended and i got into SG1 and now SGA, which i totally didn't want to get into bc i spend stupid money on shows i love, especially if there's ship involved. Must get more money so i can buy Wire In The Blood..must watch Tony and Carol ship again and again I'm not a serial shipper either - was indifferent to Buffy/Spike, Buffy/Angel (just thought the guys where hot) and RossRachel never bothered me either - so just my luck that i find ship in SGA
        Last edited by SallyLizzie; 04 September 2005, 06:18 AM. Reason: Must learn to spell


          Originally posted by snoopoony
          SW never really had their episode so far but it's true you can find shippy details in almost all Stargate Atlantis episodes. Don't know what the best ? A full shippy episode or some spread shippy moments through all episodes. (if you ask me, I wouldn't mind both... )
          The latter definately, ship should not be the center of any Stargate episode, that is what fanfiction is for.


            If there is one FF that you have to read this month, make it this one.

            Moments like this

            The person who wrote it have the characters down to a tee. And the banter between W&S rocks. I found myself laughing out loud at Rodney in the last chapter.

            Go now!


              Originally posted by snoopoony
              I think that to be a good leader, you must have a strong potential of love, compassion ....And Elizabeth has this potential. As you said, Bama, she sacrificed everything she had for Atlantis, but in time I'm sure she'll understand that the more she tries to protect herself from any strong relationship, the less she serves the city well. Let me explain : It is important for a leader to be strong, to make the right decisions but I think that most people prefers also a leader that may sometimes fail but a leader who is interested in their well being, someone who really cares about them and I could bet that Sheppard and every people on Atlantis prefers by far to be under the command of Elizabeth Weir than under Caldwell's one !

              I remember the old Elizabeth said to the young one that she had to enjoy her life (or something like that) and in the end, Elizabeth will really understand what it meant : if she wants to make the city what it was, she has to love it, she has to love what she does (and she does). But if she was to fall in love with someone (though I should said when she’ll fall in love with Sheppard…) she’ll need to understand that there’s no point in denying a relationship. This love could only improve her and the leader she is. Whatever happens, whatever this love could bring as problems, in the end, it would make her evolve much more faster and better than many years of loneliness !

              Did that make sense ??

              Very much so.

              What is at the core of a good society? Strong leadership. Yes. But more than that, a successful society allows the needs of the many to outweigh the needs of the few. Right now, Elizabeth 'sees' herself as the 'few', the 'sacrificial lamb'. I think she believes she can and needs sacrifice it all. Her only tether to 'the other side' of that thinking is her deep caring for John.

              I think you're right in saying that in time, she will see that without herself as a 'whole' person, she is less than the leader she needs to be for her people. I think that is what 'older/wiser' Elizabeth was trying to tell her in BIS. She's going to self-deny this all day long though. *sigh*.... ; )

              John, otoh, I think his denial will be more personal. He seems to have something he needs to prove to himself or to....? someone. And Atlantis is his one chance in life to do so. I think his reluctance to his own feelings will be more an internal struggle. Am I deserving of true happiness? No, I think not. 'I'm not worthy enough to experience real, lasting love with another. I think there are some deep-seeded issues with John in this realm. More of a gut feeling right now than hard evidence but we'll see if it's borne out.

              Anyway, it's an interesting thought as to how they'll swim around this thing between them and why. I've no doubt they'll try and their reasons will and do have some validity and show them to be the prime people we know they are. So long as the journey brings them to true understanding, I've no problem with whatever obstacles they throw in their way.

              -B ; )


                Originally posted by leafy
                Has anyone found any really angsty S/W FF?
                I need my daily dosage.
                If you haven't read Quiet Riot (18 chapters, angst/romance) or Strange Bedfellows (25 chapters, Drama/Action/Adventure ) then they're a must.

                I no most of us have read them but there's been a lot of noobies so they need rec'ing again

                Angst in the form of Snow White, PG and an action/adventure/romance with adult themes called Two Days. NC17.


                  Originally posted by snoopoony
                  well, I'm asking everyone who's on the thread now. Days are getting long (I'm in holidays for a few weeks now) and I'm looking for music videos to make. But I have trouble finding songs that could fit with Sheppard and Weir. Do you know of some you would like to be made ?
                  Something Stupid - Frank\Nancy Sinatra.

                  Probably fits their ship, it's there and thereabouts, but not quite there yet, sometimes things get in the way (Chaya\Simon).

                  Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


                    My computer didn't want to quote your post Bama (nasty computer or internet ot whatever...) but this is a reply of what you said !!!!

                    I’m sure TPTB realize what a good idea it was to put a woman at the head of the expedition. The character of Elizabeth and the difficulties she faces day after day are so interesting !! It is one of the reasons why I can’t wait to see the next episode everyweek ! I feel so close to her (though I’m not the leader of an expedition in another galaxy ).... and I keep wondering every episode how much her inner strength will hold against the choices she has to make.

                    One of my friend told me that however strength you may have, one day, you won’t be able to go on on your own but that you’ll find in others an inexhaustible source of strength. And I think that the day Elizabeth will make this realization, she will realize also how much she needs John Sheppard and how much she cares for him. (will stop here for today... haven't and won't talk about Sheppard, I have thinking about him too much those last times )

                    I let you guys do the thinking now. I have posted too much today (not at all at my usual rate !! )

                    See you tomorrow !


                    Save Dr Elizabeth Weir: (spoiler for Atlantis season four)



                      music for vids?? Well I tried to convince Martymartouf to make a music vid for "Don't Cha" by the Pussycat Dolls awhile ago but it didn't fly. hahaha! I think that would be hilarious.
                      Citizen of Braneville


                        Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                        I think (am hoping) that the big difference between SJ and SW is that they'll let SW continually develope without jerking about like SJ. I can see SW being steady and constant where as i felt SJ was sporadic. You can pick out a handfull of shippy SJ eps but with SW there's something shippy in nearly all of the eps.

                        I haven't read all the posts sense last night, but wanted to comment on this. I too am hoping we're not jerked around with this or any ship on this show like they did with SJ. I'd prefer no ship to what we got with SJ.

                        I like this nice steady progression that has been developing between SW.


                          Originally posted by SGLAB
                          I haven't read all the posts sense last night, but wanted to comment on this. I too am hoping we're not jerked around with this or any ship on this show like they did with SJ. I'd prefer no ship to what we got with SJ.

                          I like this nice steady progression that has been developing between SW.
                          I completely agree. And I think one thing we have going for us is that ShWeir aren't FORBIDDEN to have a relationship. Could you imagine Sam and Jack hugging like ShWeir did at the beginning of season TWO? NO... so I'm quite hopeful, shippers.

                          "You know love. It's a strange and mysterious... thing..." - Jack "Sacrifices"

                          SAM/JACK for sg1
                          and though i promised myself i wouldn't ship for atlantis.... PROUD SHWEIR SHIPPER


                            Originally posted by snoopoony
                            New music video !! A Sheppard/Weir one of course !!

                            Spoilers up to Instinct season 2 !! The song is The Gift by Blue (never thought that I'd made a music video with a song by Blue but I thought the song was nice... so couldn't help to do a video !!)

                            I hope you'll enjoy it !

                            Here is the link :

                            i've just managed to download your vid on my antiquated computer and WOW, that was the best atlantis music vid i have are truly talented! I haven't seen any of series 2 & thanx to you i have now seen that 'special moment' i have heard so much about.........!

                            Any ideas for future projects?

                            How about a Shep-fest with 'Air's Sexy Boy' as the soundtrack?

                            Thanx once again for making me feel all loved up about our fave 'sparkies'.......i'm off to bed so i hope i have sweet dreams.......

                            LOL xx
                            sailing the ship to Sparkyville!


                              Originally posted by SamCarterONeill
                              I completely agree. And I think one thing we have going for us is that ShWeir aren't FORBIDDEN to have a relationship. Could you imagine Sam and Jack hugging like ShWeir did at the beginning of season TWO? NO... so I'm quite hopeful, shippers.
                              It is definitely a point worth noting. Ethically, it probably wouldn't be the best but I'm quite certain in the private sector that bosses and employees have fallen in love before and made it work. Essentially, that is the 'professional' dynamic at work here between John and Elizabeth. And even at that, their 'command' is so close in unnamed 'rank' and so interconnected with the other's that it isn't that big a deal.

                              I think the self-denials that we've been discussing will prove to be much tougher to overcome. Both will never see an intense personal romantic relationship between them as something that could be 'good' for them or Atlantis. But what appears to be slowly transpiring and will continue to is the existance of that close, personal relationship happening without their permission. They cannot stop what they cannot help. Still, they will both deny it as long as they have a fight within them against it due to the nature of their job.

                              Plus, we can't forget who they both answer to. The U.S. government and the U.S. military. Either of those governing entities could pull them off command at any given time if they feel there is a professional or ethical 'breech of conduct' or if they feel the project is endangered because of a personal relationship between the two. We are already seeing this at work with the caldwell 'angle' in my opinion. Though, I don't think he suspects traditional 'romance between them, I think he does suspect some intense feelings between them. And he's not the only one who has noticed that they turn to each other first now is he? ; ) That is the 'romance' that is unspoken between them and it exists just as much as if they were openly engaged in a physical one.

                              The full, physical and romantic angle of the Shep/Weir relationship is one that can only be resolved over time and after they have both proven to those in charge on earth that there are no others who could do a better job than the duo of them regardless of the obvious feelings for each other. Accomplishments, teamwork and long-lasting, sustained success of atlantis is what will grant them the freedom to engage those deep feeling they're developing for each other into their fullness.

                              I think also at play here is the slow evolution of atlantis into it's own society. The longer this core of people is away and distanced from the traditional earthly military and government regulations and ethics, the better chances become that they will form their own very different and circumstantal form of government, society and ethics. This is already at play as well with 'aliens' being given high rank by john on what should be a traditional military team. His acceptance of them as equal and his willingness to change traditional military protocol as he, the military commander sees fit is very important to this slow evolvement. John is making his own rules and Elizabeth, by her acceptance of such as the leader, is changing the government protocol from the traditional 'Earth bound' governments as well.

                              The best thing for our ship is that Atlantis is it's own world and the leaders are their own people. As it goes, so will our ship!

                              -Bama ; )


                                Before i go back and read what i've missed, i'm rec'ing a vid.

                                Things Don't Always Turn Out That Way
                                Artist: The Calling

                                Vids by Ohshocking and can be found here. Oh and if you haven't seen it already, check out Mr. Brightside while your there.

