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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Hatcheter
    Well, you asked for it.

    Go here. I don't feel like typing all that up yet again.

    Nooo! I hated Mendel when I was a kid. Couldn't get my brain around it.

    ETA: Love the pics. I feel better now.


      Originally posted by Vixen
      Yay! I <3 smiling Shep n Weir!!!!


        Originally posted by Hatcheter
        Well, you asked for it.

        Go here. I don't feel like typing all that up yet again.
        Ack. . makes my head hurt.

        I still stick with my theory of Janus continuing to play with his time machines. . ends up being Sheppard's grandfather, or some such silliness. Its much easier on the brain.

        When all else fails, change channels.


          Hey guys, I'm back from my trip to Spain, it was great. I hope you are all fine. Whee, I have a lot to read, I missed 46 pages , but I start to read them tomorrow. Now I'm going to bed, 18 hours in a car aren't really relaxing. And tomorrow I can finally watch "Runner" and "Duet".

          Good Night!!!
          Last edited by Ankareeda; 08 August 2005, 05:04 PM.


            You are all just reading my mind tonight.
            I have been worried also about whatever they keep hinting at in Conversion. It sounds like a kiss, but somewhere it was said that "it's not what you think". Then what the heck is it? Listen to me PTB, I do not want to see John Sheppard,s lips anywhere near Teyla's lips. I may just have to keep a bucket handy for that episode.

            The way they are circling each other is the best part for me. I hope they keep up the longing glances, close standing and little touches for a long time. You can just feel them vibrating through the screen. There have got to be emotional setbacks also. In regards to the scene in Duet
            when he cajoled her into agreeing that he could keep Ronon, that sort of thing may indeed backfire on them. I can see rumors being started by people who haven't had such good luck getting Weir to agree to their requests that might get to say Caldwell who could then cause some major trouble for them. John was also a little cocky with her. (I love it when he's cocky) Now we can't have him getting all full of himself and taking advantage of her. On the other hand, I can see her putting him firmly in his place.
            Such delicious possibilities.

            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


              Okay, guys, I finally got information on The Tower (and Michael, actually). I haven't had time to go as in-depth as I'd like, but I'll give you highlights.
              Of significance, John feels rather uneasy with Mara in his room, until she kisses him. At that point, he's okay with making out, or even going further, until he realizes that 1) she wants to marry him, and 2) she wants his babies. While I generally dislike the whole girlfriend-of-the-week thing (but yay, she turns out to be evil!), this at least throws Sheppard/Teyla and anything that might happen in Conversion out the window. I had figured that if they were doing anything with them this early in the series, it would be to kill off the idea. John's initial reaction to Mara's advances when Teyla's not all that far away kind of tells me that Conversion isn't going to establish Sheppard/Teyla as a canon romance.

              Probably more on both The Tower and Michael tomorrow.
              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
              Last update: 14 April 2006
              Melyanna's Multimedia
              Last update: 15 February 2006


                Originally posted by Southern Red
                You are all just reading my mind tonight.
                I have been worried also about whatever they keep hinting at in Conversion. It sounds like a kiss, but somewhere it was said that "it's not what you think". Then what the heck is it? Listen to me PTB, I do not want to see John Sheppard,s lips anywhere near Teyla's lips. I may just have to keep a bucket handy for that episode.

                The way they are circling each other is the best part for me. I hope they keep up the longing glances, close standing and little touches for a long time. You can just feel them vibrating through the screen. There have got to be emotional setbacks also. In regards to the scene in Duet
                when he cajoled her into agreeing that he could keep Ronon, that sort of thing may indeed backfire on them. I can see rumors being started by people who haven't had such good luck getting Weir to agree to their requests that might get to say Caldwell who could then cause some major trouble for them. John was also a little cocky with her. (I love it when he's cocky) Now we can't have him getting all full of himself and taking advantage of her. On the other hand, I can see her putting him firmly in his place.
                Such delicious possibilities.
                You guys are SO terrific! I return home to an entire page full of great pics! Thank you fellow PowerCouple shippers! ; )

                Southern Red, you and I are so on the SAME wavelength about this entire ship that it isn't even funny. I think our brains may have seperated at birth. ; )

                I'm not "worried" so much that whatever the heck is planned for 'Conversion' will long-term affect the ship. Mulder and Scully actually *did it* with other (sort of)people and they still ended up right where we all knew that they should and would minus one beautiful baby boy they made together ; (.

                However, what does trouble me is that they might be willing to take a step back characterizationwise or true relationshipwise for an episode's worth of 'wow' factor. I hope that John is incredibly under some kind of alien force that makes him...I don't know...extra horny or something...(no, on second thought save that idea for an on atlantis world ep) I just hope whatever is affecting him is what makes any close contact he has w/Teyla at all-palatable.

                I mean, it seriously gives me the hibbie jeebies to think of him volunarily kissing her and it makes me think less of him as her team leader. If it's a no/no for Elizabeth to grab his ass, then it's a no/no for him to grab Teyla's. She is actually under his direct command in the military so if you ask me, it's even worse and I think such would be a HUGE step backward for John's character. I may have to record it and watch it only upon this board's approval or something. *grin*

                I LOVE the way you put that-"circling each other"...such a wonderful way to describe what we're seeing go on. They circle-each looking at what they like and also finding weaknesses and don't they stay in such a mental state that they don't know whether to fight or mate with each other. LOL!

                Those little increments in small increases will most likely last quite awhile. They have a ways to go before they get to the point where it is just TOO obvious to both of them and everyone else that they're crazy about each other. Scully and Mulder made it go 5 years before they caved initially and another two of some 'serious circling' before they caved entirely. Elizabeth and John have a lot of issues and natural, professional resistance to deal with yet. Makes it all that much more delicious though doesn't it? The 'chase' is surely wasted on many. The subtle, beautiful small things that make them fall in love with each other over time is what is worth holding your breath with each episode for. ; )

                I too love a cocky John especially when he puts on 'extra' for Elizabeth. He knows she likes him that way or he wouldn't try it with her. A confident man can sense when a woman is somewhat swayed by his charms and I think John has had a lot of practice 'swaying' as an air force pilot with his good looks so he knows what he's doing with her-flirtwise- probably more than she knows what she is doing with him.

                And oh yes...the point you made that I agreed with the MOST and could see from myself from the *very* beginnng...

                Such delicious possibilities...

                On that, I think I'll go relax a bit...I deserve it.

                -Bama ; )


                  Originally posted by Melyanna
                  Okay, guys, I finally got information on The Tower (and Michael, actually). I haven't had time to go as in-depth as I'd like, but I'll give you highlights.
                  Of significance, John feels rather uneasy with Mara in his room, until she kisses him. At that point, he's okay with making out, or even going further, until he realizes that 1) she wants to marry him, and 2) she wants his babies. While I generally dislike the whole girlfriend-of-the-week thing (but yay, she turns out to be evil!), this at least throws Sheppard/Teyla and anything that might happen in Conversion out the window. I had figured that if they were doing anything with them this early in the series, it would be to kill off the idea. John's initial reaction to Mara's advances when Teyla's not all that far away kind of tells me that Conversion isn't going to establish Sheppard/Teyla as a canon romance.

                  Probably more on both The Tower and Michael tomorrow.
                  I still just vomited in my mouth a little. ; ( Thanks for the info though Mel. And I agree...the conversion 'happenings' are most likely a 'one-shot' sort of 'odd occurance happening' sort of thing. I just hope that after the Tower happenings when they meet face to face again, that Elizabeth can SMELL it on him and gives him a HELLo of an evil eye. I want to see him squirm after that.



                    Originally posted by Southern Red
                    You are all just reading my mind tonight.
                    I have been worried also about whatever they keep hinting at in Conversion. It sounds like a kiss, but somewhere it was said that "it's not what you think". Then what the heck is it? Listen to me PTB, I do not want to see John Sheppard,s lips anywhere near Teyla's lips. I may just have to keep a bucket handy for that episode.
                    From some of the spoilers I've seen for "Conversion"
                    Shep is going into a primitive state and is not exactly "himself". If you watch SG1, I've heard "Conversion" is "Broca Divide" meets "Bane.". .and I didn't care for either of those SG1 episodes.

                    When all else fails, change channels.


                      Hello, I been lurking around this thread for the last couple of weeks and finally decided to join. I'm a Sheppard/Weir fan all the way and have been one since the start of the show. I just adore them. Well I just wanted to introduce myself and post this before I go to bed. Bye

                      McKay: Oh, believe me that's not the first thing we tried.
                      Sheppard: I shot him.... In the leg.

                      Ford: How can something as big as Atlantis just sink?
                      Sheppard: I'm sure the passengers on the Titanic were asking themselves the same question?!

                      McKay: You're right- if only we had a magical tool that could slow down time. I foolishly left mine on Earth - did you bring yours?

                      McKay: I will try, but despite what you all may think, I am not Superman


                        I just read this on the spoiler page for Atlantis Season Two on Gateworld. I thinks it's interesting.

                        "SG-1 executive producer Joseph Mallozzi teased fans with some additional story concepts that are in early stages of development, but didn't specify whether they were for SG-1 or Atlantis: "Some of the episodes that will be seeing the light of day (but some of the episode titles that won't) include: The Clone/Not the Clone Story [now 'Conversion'], Ex Deux Machina [SG-1], Remembrance of Things Past [now SG-1's 'Collateral Damage'], and Beachhead [SG-1]."
                        (SG-1 executive producer Joseph Mallozzi, in a message at GateWorld Forum).


                        The Clone/Not the Clone story? I wonder if that means that if a kiss does occur between Teyla and Sheppard, its with a clone that mutating into some kind of animal, and not the real unaltered Sheppard that we all know and love. Hmm . . .

                        Oh, and a warm welcome to AtlantisFan! Beware, though, this thread has a way of pulling in even lurkers. lol.

                        Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                        I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                        Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                          Whistler: That quote is wrong. Mallozzi said in his blog a week or two ago that the clone/not-clone story is Condemned, not Conversion. (For those who didn't read that: they had an idea for a story involving clones, so they called it the clone story. Then they dropped the clone angle, and until it got an actual title, they called it the not-clone story.)
                          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                          Last update: 14 April 2006
                          Melyanna's Multimedia
                          Last update: 15 February 2006


                            Originally posted by *AtlantisFan*
                            Hello, I been lurking around this thread for the last couple of weeks and finally decided to join. I'm a Sheppard/Weir fan all the way and have been one since the start of the show. I just adore them. Well I just wanted to introduce myself and post this before I go to bed. Bye
                            Welcome AtlantisFan!!

                            Lovebar made by natz099
                            My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                              So...Is it Friday yet? I'm just excited to see
                              Elizabeth off world

                              Anyways I'm bored so here are some random pictures of John and Elizabeth:

                              From "The Gift"



                                Welcome Atlantis fan! I lurked a couple of weeks too before deciding this thing was too delicious to keep quiet about.

                                I'm headed to bed too-sigh...another LONG day awaits me tommorow but I just wanted to say post Intruder that
                                Caldwell is *so* gonna spill the beans to Sheppard when the time is right and let him know that the only reason he got his promotion is because his beautiful female sort of boss has the hots for him. (Of course those won't be his exact words get the point... ) Caldwell wants his John's job and the best way to get at him is to come between John and his staunchest ally and biggest believer-Elizabeth. This power play thing just rocks. I'm diggin it. There's some real fireworks and ship potential there too...

                                Ahhh...I feel bed with me now...I look forward to hearing some of your thoughts on things later...

                                -Bama ; )

