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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
    I guess "what he was going to say" needs a fanfic. SR? You do these things pretty well. I'm writing smut ATM.
    You thinking bout doing a smut fic where they're in the brig? Would make a great fic *grins innocently*

    I'm a bit bored, so I made a few icons, will post all of them at my lj later.

    What are the chances that John actually wanted to say: 'Elizabeth, I knew I loved you from the first time I saw you'


      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
      In my mind it was something heartfelt and personal. Taking off the shipper hat for a moment, the fact that he was wanting to get it across because he thought he was going to die makes me think he wanted to say something personal. I don't think it was a declaration of love, but I do think it was meant more for her than anyone else. I guess I imagined it to be a 'thank you' of sorts, but also something like 'I've lived more here than I ever have' or 'I have no regrets'. I think he wanted to reassure her that he had more life in the past week or so of experiences on Atlantis than he'd had for years before the expedition. That he was happier there, even with the bug on his neck, than he'd been on Earth. Something so she wouldn't feel guilty or bad about his dying; to let her know that she allowed him much more happiness by having him come despite this 'ending'.

      Because when he survives, it wouldn't make much sense to explain that afterwards. He's still alive and has a lot more to do. And telling her that then, with the future in front of them all, is way more personal than John likes to go.

      Of course, Elizabeth knew exactly what he was going to say, so...

      *nods excitedly*

      Yes yes YES! I agree. I love how Elizabeth is onto him from the day one. This is something that makes him respect her, more so because she's giving him chances he never thought he will have. Ever again. But joining this expedition gave him new life, not only new chance, and Elizabeth is responsible for that. So, I guess its logical he feels a great deal of things for her, but he kinda doesn't think about it, like yous aid it's way too personal. Even for contemplating it all by himself.
      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


        Originally posted by sofie View Post
        You thinking bout doing a smut fic where they're in the brig? Would make a great fic *grins innocently*

        I'm a bit bored, so I made a few icons, will post all of them at my lj later.

        What are the chances that John actually wanted to say: 'Elizabeth, I knew I loved you from the first time I saw you'
        Hmmm. I don't think he would say it straight and out loud like that. saying those three bug words would be pretty difficult for a man who can't talk about his family (read: his friends) without totally choking on his words. He isn't good at speaking about his emotions, he is better in acting on them.

        I can see him doing something after they got him back and he recovered in the infirmary. Nothing flashy or tacky - romantic, but something really simple, like squeezing hand , or saying I'm glad I'm still here (while looking into Elizabeth's eyes).

        I do believe his heart was set on her from the day one. She is the single most important person for him there. She's the one who brought him, who trusted him enough to give him a chance, she made him a leader. That's it.
        I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


          Originally posted by Anuna View Post
          I do believe his heart was set on her from the day one. She is the single most important person for him there. She's the one who brought him, who trusted him enough to give him a chance, she made him a leader. That's it.
          defenitely!! He always seems comfortable around her, he can just be himself, and he knows that she'll respect (and love) him no matter what. That's why Sparky is so fantastic, they feel comfortable enough around each other to really talk and have fun "cheeky" moments


            Originally posted by sofie View Post
            defenitely!! He always seems comfortable around her, he can just be himself, and he knows that she'll respect (and love) him no matter what. That's why Sparky is so fantastic, they feel comfortable enough around each other to really talk and have fun "cheeky" moments
            Yes, totally. And because of that comfort feeling, slips happen - when they suddenly open up and let the other see their "real faces". I'm watching "Before I sleep" right now... John has the least word count in that episode (in other S! episodes he says more words than this one), but John is always there - in the most important moments he is there.
            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


              Originally posted by sofie View Post
              defenitely!! He always seems comfortable around her, he can just be himself, and he knows that she'll respect (and love) him no matter what. That's why Sparky is so fantastic, they feel comfortable enough around each other to really talk and have fun "cheeky" moments
              Yup, that's the beauty of Sparky!
              Torri Higginson: "Elizabeth had a mad crush on Sheppard."
              at Halfway Con - Sparktastic weekend with Joe and Torri, on October 30, 2011

              R.I.P. Stargate Atlantis (S1-S3)


                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                Yes, totally. And because of that comfort feeling, slips happen - when they suddenly open up and let the other see their "real faces". I'm watching "Before I sleep" right now... John has the least word count in that episode (in other S! episodes he says more words than this one), but John is always there - in the most important moments he is there.
                Love that episode!!! He's always standing a bit closer to her, which is to cute. I think it's his way to show that he's there for her
                Look how close they're standing!! I think we're gonna have a great time discussing that ep.!! So much love on Elizabeth's birthday


                  That episode seemed off in the regular line up. That's one of my most favorite Sparky ship. I remember seeing it that first time, and thinking I wonder what he wanted to say.

                  I too don't think John was ready to declare love for Elizabeth at that time, but I think he was very close to saying he'd come a long way and that she got him there. That he was thankful for her trust & friendship. I think this is definitely a starting point for the two of them. A sort of a realization that other probably means a lot more than they actually realized. It was a sort of a wake up call for the both of them.

                  I also agree with all of you about the hideous outfits. Except John's bare chest that is. Maybe they all gathered in the mess hall once John got better and they boogied to Saturday Night Fever?
                  sig made by me


                    Originally posted by sofie View Post
                    What are the chances that John actually wanted to say: 'Elizabeth, I knew I loved you from the first time I saw you'
                    For a Sparky Shipper? 99% (the other 1% would think it was 'would you marry me?') *teeth*

                    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                    *nods excitedly*

                    Yes yes YES! I agree. I love how Elizabeth is onto him from the day one. This is something that makes him respect her, more so because she's giving him chances he never thought he will have. Ever again. But joining this expedition gave him new life, not only new chance, and Elizabeth is responsible for that. So, I guess its logical he feels a great deal of things for her, but he kinda doesn't think about it, like yous aid it's way too personal. Even for contemplating it all by himself.
                    Yes, which was conveyed so effectively throughout Season 1 and Season 3, and even when they tried to squash it a bit in Season 2 by refraining from episodes such as "The Storm", it was still evident in the moments they did have together.

                    John's feelings is an element of his character they have always explored to a degree, but gosh...I hate that they wasted the in-show opportunity to have him get all confused about what he felt for Elizabeth--to have moments of desperation and fear. Thank goodness for "The Real World" where we get to see him have a powerful moment like that on-screen, because I would have been heartbroken had we not had a moment where Joe F. got to act desperate to save her life.
                    Last edited by Eri13; 14 March 2008, 01:59 PM.
                    Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                      Originally posted by sofie View Post
                      defenitely!! He always seems comfortable around her, he can just be himself, and he knows that she'll respect (and love) him no matter what. That's why Sparky is so fantastic, they feel comfortable enough around each other to really talk and have fun "cheeky" moments
                      That right there probably best sums up why I liked Sparky better than any other coupling on SGA; because they had those moments where very few others did--Teyla and Ronon, and Shep and Rodney are about the only two others (maybe Rodney and Zelenka?).

                      But if you're looking for friendship, yeah, you'd see in in Shep and Weir I would say first (since Rodney didn't effectively become friendly with anyone until quite a few episodes in, and Ronon was season 2).

                      Not only that, they maintained that steady feeling throughout the series.

                      Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                      Yes, totally. And because of that comfort feeling, slips happen - when they suddenly open up and let the other see their "real faces". I'm watching "Before I sleep" right now... John has the least word count in that episode (in other S! episodes he says more words than this one), but John is always there - in the most important moments he is there.
                      It sometimes makes me laugh, how many conflicting stories there are out there as to what status or level of relationship John and Elizabeth were intended to go in canon, but yet as a plot device their bond is the most often used whenever one or the other needed to personally express feelings. John is DEFINITELY Elizabeth's closest person on Atlantis--she never drew closer to anyone else I can think of, and when John needed to speak on private terms, it was Elizabeth (usually on the balcony). I know they started doing that with Rodney some, but in the end it usually went back to Elizabeth.

                      I did see the John-centric episode this season, and to have Rodney be the 'consoler' for John was definitely weird. Yeah, they have a great, close relationship, but that was a moment where you missed Elizabeth.

                      EDIT: I'm off to home, finally, so good night sparkies!
                      Last edited by Eri13; 14 March 2008, 02:01 PM.
                      Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                        A Moment in Time - Pompeii: Chapter 2 - Part 1.

                        I'm off now, night sparkies catch you later tomorrow. Got another Doctor Who signing in the morning.
                        BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                          I loved how even in the early episodes you could see that they needed each other, they brought out things in each other that made each character more complete. When Elizabeth was around Sheppard was a 3-dimensional character now he's more 2-dimensional. He needed these interaction with Elizabeth and its just seems like there is a gaping hole missing from the character without them, a hole that Rodney/Carter/Teyla/Ronon can't fill.

                          38 minutes was great because it showed that Elizabeth had learnt that you don't leave people behind whist there is still a chance.


                            Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
                            That episode seemed off in the regular line up. That's one of my most favorite Sparky ship. I remember seeing it that first time, and thinking I wonder what he wanted to say.

                            I too don't think John was ready to declare love for Elizabeth at that time, but I think he was very close to saying he'd come a long way and that she got him there. That he was thankful for her trust & friendship. I think this is definitely a starting point for the two of them. A sort of a realization that other probably means a lot more than they actually realized. It was a sort of a wake up call for the both of them.

                            I also agree with all of you about the hideous outfits. Except John's bare chest that is. Maybe they all gathered in the mess hall once John got better and they boogied to Saturday Night Fever?
                            Stayin' alive. Stayin' alive.

                            I think the first few weeks in Atlantis were a big revelation for John. This scene is the culmination of that. I don't think he wanted to say anything romantic, but I'll go with it being directed personally to her because she was the only one who knew all about his record and still wanted him along. It goes back to how surprised he was at the end of Rising when she told him he needed to think about his team. You could see the realization that he finally belonged someplace dawning on him.

                            And considering how in TRW he claimed not to be profound, he didn't seem reluctant to speak in 38 Minutes even in front of his whole team and knowing all of Atlantis could be listening. That goes, IMHO, to the change in how he was written.

                            Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                            For a Sparky Shipper? 99% (the other 1% would think it was 'would you marry me?') *teeth*

                            Yes, which was conveyed so effectively throughout Season 1 and Season 3, and even when they tried to squash it a bit in Season 2 by refraining from episodes such as "The Storm", it was still evident in the moments they did have together.

                            John's feelings is an element of his character they have always explored to a degree, but gosh...I hate that they wasted the in-show opportunity to have him get all confused about what he felt for Elizabeth--to have moments of desperation and fear. Thank goodness for "The Real World" where we get to see him have a powerful moment like that on-screen, because I would have been heartbroken had we not had a moment where Joe F. got to act desperate to save her life.
                            And here we saw the real result of how John acts when the person he cares about most is dying.

                            Originally posted by Ice Wolf View Post
                            I loved how even in the early episodes you could see that they needed each other, they brought out things in each other that made each character more complete. When Elizabeth was around Sheppard was a 3-dimensional character now he's more 2-dimensional. He needed these interaction with Elizabeth and its just seems like there is a gaping hole missing from the character without them, a hole that Rodney/Carter/Teyla/Ronon can't fill.

                            38 minutes was great because it showed that Elizabeth had learnt that you don't leave people behind whist there is still a chance.
                            Again, a testament to how badly he is now being written. It's like a different character. Sad to see.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Originally posted by sofie View Post
                              Okay, gather around for a Sparky urban legend regarding this scene. I heard they added this scene quite a bit later after they filmed the episode and the reason was because they had picked up on the chemistry between Sparky. As to the clothes, they did the scene in a hurry and the actors just wore their own. That part kind of makes sense because I don't think we ever saw them again! LOL

                              Anyway, I can't remember where I heard this, but it's an interesting story don't you agree?
                              sig by SueKay

                              My Team:


                                Originally posted by Irish Eyes View Post
                                Okay, gather around for a Sparky urban legend regarding this scene. I heard they added this scene quite a bit later after they filmed the episode and the reason was because they had picked up on the chemistry between Sparky. As to the clothes, they did the scene in a hurry and the actors just wore their own. That part kind of makes sense because I don't think we ever saw them again! LOL

                                Anyway, I can't remember where I heard this, but it's an interesting story don't you agree?
                                Works for me. Someone should ask JM if it's true. LOL

                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

