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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
    Well, sometimes people make things they're not proud of. They tend to want to forget they ever made those. That's what art is about. Usually, you don't want to remember where it is and/or where it's hidden. Save the day people give you credit for something you've done and praises it. You never like what you do, you can be proud of it at times and show it to people. It's only bc the response to what you created is positive that you know you want to give it another try and come to accept the fact that IT IS good. So loosing something that you consider worthless is quite common, even though it may not be THAT worthless. Actually it can turn out to be pretty good.

    Something you do has to change your life and the life of others forever otherwise, what's the point in doing it in the first place? You'll tell me there's always something worth the try. Take a look at Sparky for instance. It could have been great but it just wasn't meant to be. At least, it was worth the try. And that "try" pleased us and can keep on pleasing us bc it's giving us some material to work on.

    LOL, I think I've been drifting

    Oh my God! BG!! Where did this come from?

    And now seriously:

    I agree you want to forget about things you made and don't feel proud about. I know the feeling.

    And about Sparky - it is great. It's not "could have been great". It is great, at least to me. Or let me put it differently - people say they've lost hope in Sparky. Sheesh. So we don't get to decide what happens on show. But we get to decide what happens to our own creations, and that's why I say I haven't lost my interest in sparky - meaning not only what we see on screen, but stories, fan art and discussion with people that I still enjoy. The people are the most important factor here I think. i like you guys, all of you. i like the fun and the banter, and pic spams and discussions we have. To me Sparky goes beyond the TV screen.

    And one more thing - if something you do changes your life - it's enough. Don't expect it to change others. That is too much. Only thing you can change is yourself.
    I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


      Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
      Also per Anuna's earlier observation about looking at lips

      He's lookin' and licking

      J: Oooh! She is so.. yum!

      E: I need a closet and this man alone, ASAP!!!
      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


        Because no episode analysis would be complete without caps:

        Letters From Pegaus


        He cuts off her path.

        She does the same later.

        86 now?


          Wow!!! Almost 100!!

          And I love that scene when he cuts off her path - the first one. I used it in many vids.

          Goodnight Sparkies! Gotta get up really early.
          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
            EDIT: somebody mentioned "Cold Mountain" as a movie where Sparky would fit in. Here are some quotes:

            Inman: You are all that keeps me from sliding into some dark place.
            Ada: But how did I keep you? We barely knew each other. A few moments.
            Inman: A thousand moments. They're like a bag of tiny diamonds glittering in a black heart. Don't matter if they're real or things I made up. The shape of your neck, that's real. You were always carrying a tray.
            Ada: You wouldn't come inside.
            Inman: I wouldn't come inside.
            Ada: I had to carry a tray to come out and see you.
            Inman: The way you felt when I pulled you to me. That kiss- which I kissed again everyday of my walking.
            Ada: Everyday of my waiting...


            Ada: I will not leave Cold Mountain. My last thread of courage is to wait... for you.


            my favorite:

            Ada: If you are fighting, stop fighting. If you are marching, stop marching. Come back to me. Come back to me is my request.


            Inman: She's the place I'm heading. But I hardly know her. I just can't seem to get back to her.
            Wonderful quotes. Particularly the last two and "You are all that keeps me from sliding into some dark place". How they remind of Sparky .

            Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
            Interview with SGA cast regarding changes in Season 4. (Hewlett, Tapping, Luttrell, & Flannigan).

            Major season 4 spoilers. Read at your own risk.

            I found JF's comments interesting. About how he had to make a case to add more stuff in regarding Elizabeth's departure. I won't say more here, in deference to those who aren't reading about S4.


            If this is all old news, please excuse.
            Respect to JF for this. Good for him for doing that.
            When you think of what these two characters have been through, it only makes sense that they (and especially John) would want and try to find her. And this is more in-character for John.

            Originally posted by justhere1971 View Post
            Another note from that article:
            The dynamic that's developed by having Amanda in the show is that she and David Hewlett have a pre-existing relationship, so that's a very funny and entertaining thing to watch. My character now, I'm just listening, trying to keep up with the science of it. You find me listening a lot more. Or trying to listen.
            Does it remind you of Elizabeth?


              Originally posted by Vixen View Post
              Wonderful quotes. Particularly the last two and "You are all that keeps me from sliding into some dark place". How they remind of Sparky .

              Respect to JF for this. Good for him for doing that.
              When you think of what these two characters have been through, it only makes sense that they (and especially John) would want and try to find her. And this is more in-character for John.

              Does it remind you of Elizabeth?
              WOW!! you read my mind - it's almost a role reversal - she's not there to be the shoulder anymore, so he's filling in. Sparky RULEZ
              sig made by me


                Sparky totally rules!

                Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
                Question of the Day.....

                The best spot you can think of for John & Liz to "hook up".

                And, Atlantis is off-limits.
                Just one?
                1. In a cafe where they go after one of her lectures.
                2. During a camping trip in the mountains.
                3. Hazelwood in Ireland - beautiful place.
                4. At the Angel Falls in Venezuela.
                5. Pamuk kale in Turkey.
                6. The Old Summer Palace in Beijing.
                And the list goes on....


                  And bc it's a little bit past midnight where I am, I feel like wishing a happy birthday to a friend who rawks my little world. As you guys know I'm a praises!wh0re, so I have to at least wish it publicly on this very thread where I met her. But who is the birthday girl? Hm, time zones, you gotta love them.

                  ps ( about the colors I used for that post ) : I know it's not pink, it's magenta and I also know it's not green per say, it's greeny something

                  And I don't care that you're not born yet, lol! It's still your night and your day. *hugs your mum*
                  Last edited by Blower'sGate; 10 September 2007, 02:23 PM.


                    Vixen great sparky hook-up list.

                    Anyone else out there got any sparky lovin scenery flying through their naughty minds?

                    AND, who's gonna get busy and get a bunch of fics written using these scene suggestions as backdrops?????? LOL!
                    Signature by Erin87


                      You may have already read this, but I'll put it in anyway. Here's what JF had to say about Torri dissapearence from SGA
                      Flannigan: It's also been interesting how we've dealt with the transition, going from Torri to Amanda. We had long discussions about that. I was concerned that the transition was too quick. So I went upstairs and I talked to them and I said, "I think we're just moving way too quickly on this." I felt, shouldn't we pause, say, "Oh, we should try to find Dr. Weir and rescue her, hold out hope that she could come back, that we could rescue her," things like that. And so they wrote that back in and tried to create that, and I think we did a pretty good job.

                      ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                      I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                      Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                        I'm just dropping by to wish a member of this fine gathering a happy day of birth Please have a good time, green goddess that you are, and don't feel caca, because you're wonderful.

                        kay x


                          Originally posted by Kales View Post
                          I'm just dropping by to wish a member of this fine gathering a happy day of birth Please have a good time, green goddess that you are, and don't feel caca, because you're wonderful.

                          kay x
                          Oh come on! I'm the one who asks you to come around and do your blabla and you steal MY SHOW? No fair! Green Goddess is way too cool! Why didn't I think of that first! Damn it! Grrr

                          oli x ( lol, looks like a pr0n star name )


                            *bottom lip wobbles* I can't help it. I think this person is a brilliant addition to the thread, and their birthday even brought me out of lurkdom. And my friend, you know you love the pr0n star names, so don't pretend otherwise

                            kay x (who loves you anyway)


                              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                              And about Sparky - it is great. It's not "could have been great". It is great, at least to me.
                              I'm happy you're happy with Sparky. Personally I agree with BG; what we got of Sparky was a good basis for a great relationship, but such potential can't be reached with one half of the pairing AWOL. There very may still be moments to come worth squeeing over, but the opportunity to explore a proper relationship isn't there anymore. Not that I think we would have gotten that had Elizabeth remained a principal character. However good Stargate has been, it's more of a youths show than an adults show, so a lot of beats don't get addressed. Basically, Sparky could have been steak but it turned out lamb. Which is fine if you like lamb.

                              Originally posted by Blower'sGate View Post
                              And bc it's a little bit past midnight where I am, I feel like wishing a happy birthday to a friend who rawks my little world. As you guys know I'm a praises!wh0re, so I have to at least wish it publicly on this very thread where I met her. But who is the birthday girl? Hm, time zones, you gotta love them.

                              ps ( about the colors I used for that post ) : I know it's not pink, it's magenta and I also know it's not green per say, it's greeny something

                              And I don't care that you're not born yet, lol! It's still your night and your day. *hugs your mum*
                              *jumps you and smooches* I L U S F M! Thank you, mon gateau!

                              Originally posted by Kales View Post
                              I'm just dropping by to wish a member of this fine gathering a happy day of birth Please have a good time, green goddess that you are, and don't feel caca, because you're wonderful.

                              kay x
                              KAY!!! *tacklehugs* Thank you, hun! You have such a lovely way with words.

                              Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                              I'll be sure to tell you if I stumble across it (how many have you written? Loosing them like that... *shakes head in disbelief*)
                              You can strike that; my wonderful BG found it: Brisance. Spoilers for First Strike, Sunday, Progeny, TRW, Conversion, Instinct. Basically my thoughts on what could have happened after First Strike.

                              Only about twenty. Although three are part of a multi-chapter fic that's being left on the shelf (I did have most of the other chapters finished but sadly I lost them when Bob needed a master reset) and one is for Balls Up.

                              Once I put them up, I delete them off my computer, and given that I don't put them all up on my journal, it's quite easy to lose them. Some of my fic I'm proud of; some of it I feel is crap, even if others have said they enjoyed it. But for me, the enjoyment comes from writing it. I write it, I send it to be beta'd -- bc imo everything should be beta'd, no matter how good you think you are -- I put it online. And then I forget about it, lol. The only reason I linked to everything I've done is bc I know it's nice to read fic you haven't read before, and even if the odd fic makes gives me squinty eye of disbelief that I ever wrote such trash, I know some people aren't as fussy as me and will read anything.

                              Originally posted by Anuna
                              And one more thing - if something you do changes your life - it's enough. Don't expect it to change others. That is too much. Only thing you can change is yourself.
                              Every action causes a reaction - basic science, right there. But even talking about an emotional response that affects another's behaviour (which still comes back to science and atoms and physics, but I won't get into that now), the ability is always there, regardless of how apparant that change is. Just look at John and Elizabeth, and the changes they went through over three years due to the other's influence.

                              One last note: Quit with the digs at Sheyla. It's not a competition.You're either here to enjoy Sparky or you're not, and if you can't enjoy your ship without pulling digs at another then you're not doing it right. Mmkay
                              Last edited by SallyLizzie; 10 September 2007, 04:34 PM.


                                That has to be the best frakking post I've ever read. *bows*

                                Hm, Bob? LMFAO! *g*

                                I L U S F M too. Joyeux anniversaire ma salope.

                                KAY!!! *tacklehugs* Thank you, hun! You have such a lovely way with words.
                                Don't push it... *g*

                                Hm pretty pic

                                John : "No way..."
                                Lizzie : "Way..."

