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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Did anyone check out the oh-so-meaningless revelations on JM's blog? I found it interesting to muse over, though ultimately you get nothing out of it. Posted below, for those interested (note, I'd advise not looking too far into this, it won't get you anywhere):

    I stalled out on page twenty-five - not so coincidentally, the scene in which the team seeks the explanation to a stunning revelation. This, of course, would be followed by the scene in which the team privately comes to term with said revelation. Tough, tough scenes in which I have to reveal…






    …not only fact A and fact B, but the how’s and why’s of B which ultimately segue into A’s uncertain relationship with C and D’s ultimate fate. (I hope I haven’t given too much away.). As is often the case when I write, fear is a wonderful motivator and, after watching The Sopranos and returning to mom’s place to pack, I sat in front of the t.v. at 11:30 p.m. and wrote that scene - three painstaking pages that set-up the next painstaking scene I’ve yet to get around to. Still, 28 pages and, once I’m past these two scenes, it’ll be smoooooth sailing. Until the top of Act IV when the team heads off to meet up with you-know-who. But I‘ve already said too much!


      Originally posted by SallyLizzie View Post
      in the vein of getting back to good John/Elizabeth discussion...

      Hopes for S4

      I'm hoping that the "ones strange disappearance leads to another's dark turn" refers to Elizabeth and John. That would be really cool. However I doubt that will happen. But it would be a nice way to explore more of Shep's character and his feelings for Elizabeth.

      quote paraphrased from JM's cryptic poem that he posted in his blog

      I'm hoping that whatever happens to Elizabeth, there'll be a significant reponse from John and I'd like it if Carter noticed it and mentioned it in a supporting way. Nothing OTT but as part of a nice little quiet scene that would at least acknowledges the ship (not even in a romantic way - although that would be love, no pun intended - just to portray how close the two have become).

      It would be nice to see John reflecting on the balcony and maybe then have Sam come out to talk to him. Because it was Elizabeth's space turned into their space, so it would be nice to see him try and find solace in something that was hers/theirs.

      Sadly, I don't think she will be mentioned when she's gone, especially if she dies. Though given they've just killed off one big character, I'm not sure how likely they are to repeat that. So I think I'd prefer it if she went back to Earth or went missing or was kidnapped by the Asurans - it would most likely turn out the same way Ford did but there's always a 1% chance that all things wonderfull might happen and she'll come back. And if nothing else, it would leave the possibilites wide open for fic. Oh yeah... my point: it would be nice if she was mentioned in one ep after she's gone (but not every ep bc that's just stupid imo)

      If she does die - or really, whatever happens - it would be really nice to see Rodney and Shep banding together over it. I mean, Rodney knows how close John and Elizabeth are and given what he felt over losing Carson, it would be fair to say he understands what John is going through. And Rodney being close to John, he should want to support him. Again, more so bc of what happened to Carson and the lesson there perhaps being not to leave things gone unsaid. Besides, they've always been like the special trio so should something happen to one, the others should be able to supprt each other and omg, that's how they're going to set up McShep!!
      But above all, since we assume know that Elizabeth is okay for part of Lifeline, I'd really like to John and Elizabeth admit their feelings for each other and have a small kiss. They've never needed any grand gesture to show how their feelings and I think a small kiss would be more intimate than a big sloppy kiss (not that i'd object either way, lol). And you know, being a PTB, the best thing about that is you can address and make the ship canon in one/two eps and then with Elizabeth gone, you don't have the trouble of trying to keep up continuity. Just don't have John hook up with any other space babes.

      Anybody agree with any of that, or disagree, or partly agree? Or maybe have some other things they'd like to see in S4?

      In response to the part of your post I bolded.
      I have this unfinished fic where I killed off Elizabeth and have John and Rodney getting together a year later. I figure if John can't be with Elizabeth he should be with Rodney. Runs from the tomatoes being lobbed at me for such blasphemy. Actually I have thing for hurting Rodney leading to John and Elizabeth leaning on each other for emotional support. Irony Rocks has a great fic with that kind of theme.


        Originally posted by SazZat View Post
        thankies for all the nice comments about my desktop

        just been skimming the latest offering from JMs blog and came across this:
        s4 spoiler (as if you needed to ask)
        Linzi writes: “Which episode would you say so far, has the most physical action in it? By that I mean fighting, being thrown around,running around, firing guns etc?”

        Answer: Lifelife...(listed 2 more but this was the important one)

        Not sure why I thought that was important for here...
        but then an action ep would lead to the whole puddlejumper scene. I'm thinking a long the lines of something like The Return now. Least we'll get to see Shep and Elizabeth together again on the frontline as such. And ya know, could lead to some angst...and whump...and if you combine that with a little ship (because Mr Binder won't be able to resist) then things could be looking good.
        Could be- hopefully....
        Originally posted by Kales View Post

        Is anyone else suspecting a double bluff here? I.e. Lizzie is fine after the events of First Strike, but then something totally out of the blue happens to her?

        But then I never considered that kales... *sigh*

        Originally posted by Lizabeth View Post
        Did anyone check out the oh-so-meaningless revelations on JM's blog? I found it interesting to muse over, though ultimately you get nothing out of it. Posted below, for those interested (note, I'd advise not looking too far into this, it won't get you anywhere):

        I stalled out on page twenty-five - not so coincidentally, the scene in which the team seeks the explanation to a stunning revelation. This, of course, would be followed by the scene in which the team privately comes to term with said revelation. Tough, tough scenes in which I have to reveal…






        …not only fact A and fact B, but the how’s and why’s of B which ultimately segue into A’s uncertain relationship with C and D’s ultimate fate. (I hope I haven’t given too much away.). As is often the case when I write, fear is a wonderful motivator and, after watching The Sopranos and returning to mom’s place to pack, I sat in front of the t.v. at 11:30 p.m. and wrote that scene - three painstaking pages that set-up the next painstaking scene I’ve yet to get around to. Still, 28 pages and, once I’m past these two scenes, it’ll be smoooooth sailing. Until the top of Act IV when the team heads off to meet up with you-know-who. But I‘ve already said too much!
        *scratchs head*

        Okay so...
        So two facts are revealed (A and B) and then the how and why of B segues into A's uncertain relationship with C and then there is the ultimate fate of D....hmm... the ultimate fate of D could be Lizzie--- or it could be Teyla. Hopefully its teyla and the A's uncertian realationship with C is Sparky related..... *sigh* But who knows- I certainly don't.

        But getting of s4 topics, do y'all remember in TLG when Phoebus starts to talk for the first time John steps back like he's a little freaked out.... I mean, he steps forward cause Lizzie is awake and as soon as something fishy starts going on he steps back...

        ....I find that incredibly cute and squee worthy. That and the fact that he's a hopeless romantic who's in love with Lizzie I mean, at the time of him agreen to hold Thalen's conciousness within his mind- he thought that he would be one-half of a couple, with the other half being Lizzie. Now, why would someone do that unless it was a cover to kiss Lizzie? I mean sure it wouldn't be his mind but it would be his body... I mean, it's like that season 3 Angel episode when Cordy and Angel get temporarily taken over by the spirits of two lovers- this causes some akwardness and some partial (not really) confessions.... I wonder if that kinda convo ensued after John and Lizzie were themselves again......
        Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
        |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


          Originally posted by SazZat View Post
          Ahhh well if what you say is happening is happening then that is very sad. I know that a couple of weeks ago I received a PM from a Sheyla fan telling me that my ship was sunk and that I should get over Elizabeth What a sad little world we live in.
          Thing is, people are always bound to retaliate. I don't know how many other people that person PMed, but it's that sort of thing that starts shipper wars. Silly really.

          You'll probably find the trouble makers don't even most in this thread. They just want to cause problems for those of us in here just looking to have fun. My experience of the regular posters in here is that we all spend so much time shipping, thunking and wowing that we wouldn't have time to belittle anyone elses fandom loves

          For any Sheyla's who happen to be in here reading this: Don't listen to the idiots. We disown them. Thank you.
          Agreed. There's bad apples in every bunch. We've got 'em. Sheyla's got 'em. I'm sure a few McWeir's are that way as well. At least the numbers are few - but sadly even a few manage to cause a lot of trouble. Since we can't control what they might say, I guess we can only decide how we respond. I'm not the most patient of people but I'm trying so I hope we'll all do our best to ingore it when it happens to us.

          . . .

          I'm gonna need help on that.



            Originally posted by Celcool View Post
            I'd report them if I were you. You still can if you haven't yet done so, you can't let them get away with it, they won't stop otherwise. I didn't get any PMs, guess the attack was on those with some zen left.
            If it had happened to me I would but I was told by someone else who it happened to. I'm sure she took care of it.

            On a Sparky note, in my current state of peace I may do a vid or two still when I get the stuff I need. We'll see. Lots of ideas still rolling around in there.



              Darn it. I keep forgetting that multi post button. *knocks it into head*

              Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
              Eh, have a pic. It makes me extremely happy that this was in the episode guide for TLG.
              *le sigh!*

              Originally posted by Kales View Post
              I'm just tired. Very very very tired of the whole debate. I hate the changes and I hate that it gets everyone down and I want to rant or shout about it, but I'm also very very tired of not being able to enjoy this anymore. I hate that this debate keeps coming back and back and back, even if it has merit and bearing on the 'ship, because it feels tired. It feels like a repeat, every time. And I didn't say anything personally offensive to any particular user on here, it's a general comment on a general cyclic trend in this thread, and we seem to lose a few posters every time it comes up.
              I know. I'm sorry for contributing. We're all just trying to work through it. It's tough. I know in my depressed moments I just want to vent and the best place seems to be where people understand and agree because they feel the same. But I know there are forums for that and I'll do better or not mention it at all.

              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              guys, i know that you're working on working this out amongst yourselves we need a little mod intervention here?

              I know that nothing will please everyone but, do we need to consider banning s4 talk from here since we have a thread for precisely that?

              feel free to pm me if folks don't want me to stick my nose in or if they are working things out on thier own.
              It'd probably be best if we all agreed not to discuss S4 as much as possible. I fully admit it'll be difficult for me so anyone who wants to give me a gentle firm reminder, feel free. I get forgetful when I get emotional. I'm working on it. It's a process.

              <--Sparky Love Anyone? I should work on fanfic. I know my interest is fading but maybe it'll help my transition. *ponders*



                Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle View Post
                Eh, have a pic. It makes me extremely happy that this was in the episode guide for TLG.
                Ooo, that's an awesome pic! Looks a bit different that in the ep. What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall when this scene was shot. Wonder how many times they had to kiss.

                And a lil random picspam:

                Avrid: Daddy, wake up. Mommy Elizabeth made lunch.



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                  It's beer o'clock. Now where the HELL is my riot !?!


                    If Lizzie is going to leave than prehaps the writers can go into sparky overdrive with her and John.


                      Originally posted by dana View Post
                      Ooo, that's an awesome pic! Looks a bit different that in the ep. What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall when this scene was shot. Wonder how many times they had to kiss.

                      And a lil random picspam:

                      Avrid: Daddy, wake up. Mommy Elizabeth made lunch.

                      always happy to see spam.liked your fics. They are not smut, I would describe them as sensual literature


                        Originally posted by peterl View Post
                        always happy to see spam.liked your fics. They are not smut, I would describe them as sensual literature
                        Thanks! Sensual literature? *giggles* I 'hear' that for the first time.


                          Originally posted by dana View Post
                          Ooo, that's an awesome pic! Looks a bit different that in the ep. What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall when this scene was shot. Wonder how many times they had to kiss.

                          And a lil random picspam:
                          Avrid: Daddy, wake up. Mommy Elizabeth made lunch.

                          OMG!!! Before I read what you wrote I had quite the same thought crossing my mind! ROFL!!!


                            Originally posted by Vicky View Post
                            OMG!!! Before I read what you wrote I had quite the same thought crossing my mind! ROFL!!!
                            *lol* Good one! Sparky minds think alike?


                              It sounds to me like we're all looking for a way to deal with the situation and our various levels of zen or not!zen are determining how we react. So why not do something proactive.

                              The SaveCarson campaign seems to have succeeded a bit, though I am suspicious that TPTB had planned this all along.


                              I am urging all of you to join the campaign to bring Elizabeth back. There are several threads you can visit with addresses for letters and email. Some of us have a new idea we are hoping catches the eye of TPTB, and that is to hopefully see Sam and Liz together. So much is being missed by not seeing two strong women interacting. Along with Teyla, what a wonderful opportunity to see strong women in charge. Maybe even a little conflict to liven things up.

                              And for Sparky purposes, imagine John agreeing with Sam and Liz's reaction or vice versa. Anyway we can get Liz back has got to help our ship.

                              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                                is there a concensus here? would folks ilke to limit season 4 talk in this thread and keep the season 4 talk in the thread created specifically for it?

                                If folks want, i can create a poll in the off topic area if we need numbers or will a simple concensus be enough?

                                Or are things fine?
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


