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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by ddc
    Come to think of it, was it ever said that she lived in Georgetown? I know she was a professor at Georgetown, but her house could have been in Bethesda, Chevy Chase, etc. Still rather pricy though, and doesn't account for her car having DC plates (Home). Simon's house (Home/Intruder) seemed to be somewhere in the far suburbs. The headline about Simon's "death" read (close as I can remember) "Georgetown Doctor killed in car crash", but that could be in referrence to where his practice is. Guess they do the best they can trying to make buildings in the Vancouver area fill in for the rest of North America.
    Yeah, my friends and sister and I laugh when we see scenes supposedly set in the woods in Colorado, or in Colorado Springs. I live north of Denver and it's pretty dry here, but Colo Spgs is even drier. I can tell you there's no forest in Colorado like the one where Jack's cabin is. No undergrowth like that around here. (they don't call them the Rocky Mountains for nuthin'!) Not to mention the trees are different. If you want to see what Colorado Springs really looks like, check out the Cheyenne Mountain shots. Those are real. So yeah, they're doing the best they can, but Vancouver is not Colorado.
    SGA: the 3-season show...


      You know, in my Sparky music video binge I've noticed two things- one is the way that they look at eachother- there is something behind theirs eyes- something that the actors are bringin got the table I think because if TPTB really and honestly don't think that this is a ship then they need to take a better look at how Joe and Torri are playing the characters (but some how I think that TPTB would have caught something so-shippish and nipped it in the bud at the very beginning) Anyways, the second thing that I've noticed is that John tends to sit on her desk a lot- that alone shows a level of intimacy between the characters. They are so close that he doesn't have to sit across from her, he can sit next to her.....just a little thought that I wanted to share with you all. Oh, also a telling sign of how much they care about each other is in 'Progeny'. What John does, and how he does it, and the look that Elizabeth gives him as she's about to step though the gate...well ^_^ total sparky there too.....and i'm rambling.
      Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
      |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


        Originally posted by Bama
        Seriously, anyone know just how *many* episodes have ended with the two of them just talking or staring at each other as a focus pair?
        Off the top of my head...

        Thirty-Eight Minutes
        Home (possibly?)
        The Eye
        Hot Zone
        Before I Sleep
        The Brotherhood
        The Gift
        Siege II (can we count that?)
        Siege III
        Epiphany (sort of)
        Critical Mass
        The Tower
        The Long Goodbye
        Coup d'État
        Progeny (I think?)
        The Real World

        That's almost half the episodes that have aired, folks.
        Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
        Last update: 14 April 2006
        Melyanna's Multimedia
        Last update: 15 February 2006


          Originally posted by Melyanna
          Off the top of my head...

          Thirty-Eight Minutes
          Home (possibly?)
          The Eye
          Hot Zone
          Before I Sleep
          The Brotherhood
          The Gift
          Siege II (can we count that?)
          Siege III
          Epiphany (sort of)
          Critical Mass
          The Tower
          The Long Goodbye
          Coup d'État
          Progeny (I think?)
          The Real World

          That's almost half the episodes that have aired, folks.
          And yet no one can acknowledge that this is a potential ship. Either TPTB are playing their cards very close to their vests or they're crazy!

          Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.


            Originally posted by Melyanna
            Off the top of my head...

            Thirty-Eight Minutes
            Home (possibly?)
            The Eye
            Hot Zone
            Before I Sleep
            The Brotherhood
            The Gift
            Siege II (can we count that?)
            Siege III
            Epiphany (sort of)
            Critical Mass
            The Tower
            The Long Goodbye
            Coup d'État
            Progeny (I think?)
            The Real World

            That's almost half the episodes that have aired, folks.
            Thanks!! Wow, truly unbelievable. And that doesn't even count the truly meaningful convos both professional-and somewhat personal-that they've had together *during* the episodes. Quite the body of evidence for focus pairing I'd dare say.

            I just re-watched TRW with the husband a bit ago
            and I turned and said to him at the end that Elizabeth doesn't really know who she is without John anymore. That was just yet another thought that popped into my head after that ending segment which I just get so, so much from about both of them and their inner feelings. Wow. Great, great ep.


              Originally posted by Melyanna
              Off the top of my head...

              Thirty-Eight Minutes
              Home (possibly?)
              The Eye
              Hot Zone
              Before I Sleep
              The Brotherhood
              The Gift
              Siege II (can we count that?)
              Siege III
              Epiphany (sort of)
              Critical Mass
              The Tower
              The Long Goodbye
              Coup d'État
              Progeny (I think?)
              The Real World

              That's almost half the episodes that have aired, folks.
              Wow, that's amazing how many there are! And ITA, with exactly 43 minutes or whatever to fill, and lots of footage on the cutting room floor, the fact that these scenes keep making it in is just hit-you-over-the-head significant, I think!
              SGA: the 3-season show...


                Originally posted by Melyanna
                Off the top of my head...

                Thirty-Eight Minutes
                Home (possibly?)
                The Eye
                Hot Zone
                Before I Sleep
                The Brotherhood
                The Gift
                Siege II (can we count that?)
                Siege III
                Epiphany (sort of)
                Critical Mass
                The Tower
                The Long Goodbye
                Coup d'État
                Progeny (I think?)
                The Real World

                That's almost half the episodes that have aired, folks.
                Oh my god- I had no idea that it was that many...and that is only ending scenes. How many scenes within the episode are they together? This, if nothing else shows the ship in my opinion.
                Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
                |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


                  Originally posted by Easter Lily
                  Of course he would... He has said as much in Sateda... and we wouldn't expect any less of him.
                  But the arm grabbing incident is only one of many moments in TRW... There is a context to consider too... What makes TRW really "shippy" IMO is the focus of the episode on the two of them... The fact of the matter is that they didn't have to do it... they could have made Weir see the spectre of different people... like Carson or Teyla or Rodney at different times. Instead, the writer choses to focus on Sheppard and Weir for whatever reason. God forbid that TPTB trying to suggest that the two of them have a relationship which is a "little" different from any other relationship that they have in Atlantis.
                  The response to that idea was
                  that it was obvious to have shep not for shippy reasons but because they are the lead team and so she's used to having him around when it comes to making decisions and leading so she'd be used to having his input on things . . . er, something like that.

                  I don't agree with that idea, that's just what was said about it.



                    Originally posted by pong
                    Hi y'all,
                    I know this is a discussion thread, but can I pic spam you all of my favorite scene ever at TRW?


                    That last pic look like he's gonna cry...awww.
                    I think I speak for most if not everyone here when I say pic spam like that is so totally welcome.



                      Originally posted by A.L.
                      The response to that idea was
                      that it was obvious to have shep not for shippy reasons but because they are the lead team and so she's used to having him around when it comes to making decisions and leading so she'd be used to having his input on things . . . er, something like that.

                      I don't agree with that idea, that's just what was said about it.

                      I'm cool with that too. But my question is why didn't any of the others jump in and do the motivational stuff... (I noticed someone in the episode thread suggesting that it would have made more sense for Teyla to be the one. Which made no sense to me considering that the two women have hardly had any heart to heart talks.) It's one thing to have someone invading your psyche out of habit and whatnot but it doesn't explain why TPTB didn't use the others but Sheppard alone...
                      Still, I have no doubt that Sheppard and Weir are not just colleagues but friends... and there's no better foundation for Sparky than friendship...

                      Yeah, I know... I'm preaching to the converted...
                      "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                        Originally posted by A.L.
                        I think I speak for most if not everyone here when I say pic spam like that is so totally welcome.

                        I tell you one thing. He totally did not have to rush in there all crazy like that and put his hands on her. It was almost like he'd been driven to the edge of sanity by having to just stand around and watch her fight the little machine turds and he couldn't stand it any longer-he *had* to touch her for himself and make that potential connection that could make a difference. The camera work there was telling too. There was a second of lingering and an upclose. Please. Oh, it was just an accident-I'm sure we weren't supposed to notice anything 'special' about that moment at all.


                          Originally posted by Bama
                          I tell you one thing. He totally did not have to rush in there all crazy like that and put his hands on her. It was almost like he'd been driven to the edge of sanity by having to just stand around and watch her fight the little machine turds and he couldn't stand it any longer-he *had* to touch her for himself and make that potential connection that could make a difference. The camera work there was telling too. There was a second of lingering and an upclose. Please. Oh, it was just an accident-I'm sure we weren't supposed to notice anything 'special' about that moment at all. *rolleyes*
                          I laughed so hard at the part I bolded that my dog woke up and looked at me like I'd lost my mind. Love it.

                          Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.


                            Originally posted by Anjirika
                            Oh my god- I had no idea that it was that many...and that is only ending scenes. How many scenes within the episode are they together? This, if nothing else shows the ship in my opinion.
                            Last season I did a vid that was seven minutes long, and before I got started I went through all the episodes that had aired at that point (we were up to #15 in Season 2) and clipped any scene that I thought would work visually for a shippy vid. In those thirty-five episodes, I came up with about ninety minutes of footage. And that's just the visual stuff. There were many more scenes that were shippy while not being suitable for a vid.
                            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                            Last update: 14 April 2006
                            Melyanna's Multimedia
                            Last update: 15 February 2006


                              Originally posted by KerMcG90
                              Everyones on a vid kick I think so yes, to be one of the cool kids I bring yet another vid, lol

                              Title: Savin' Me
                              Artist: Nickelback
                              Author: Me
                              Character/Pairing: Weir mainly but slight bits of sparky
                              Format: wmv
                              Size: 22 mb

                              youtube: here
                              sendspace: here
                              Just watched the video and I love it! I love how you

                              didn't even put in the John touches Elizabeth moment and it STILL seemed so shippy! Lovely work.

                              Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.


                                My sis and I just finished watching TRW and CG trailer again and noticed a few things:


                                1. Elizabeth takes her binky-blanket with her when she goes to find a wormwhole in her closet after Shep leaves her bedroom. LOL!
                                2. Did anyone else consider that Shep might have been in her bed? Remember at the hospital when the blankets start to rise as though someone is in them? And we've already established that Shep was the only one trying to or actually got through to her.
                                3. In the Common Ground trailer, Kolya says "I wanted to make sure you were around to see this" before Shep is fed on. As far as Maja and I can remember the only people he would be talking to would be Rodney and Lizzie because they were the only other two besides Shep he had a real huge beef with. And since I'm not a McShep shipper I'm going to believe that he was talking to Lizzie. *la*

                                So? What do you all think? Did someone already mention these and I missed it?


                                EDIT: Yay! I've moved up from Super-Soldier to Death Glider Pilot! *throws confetti, candy, pics of Sparky goodness* Watch out, it's hard candy. Never understood why they threw those at Parades. They hurt!
                                Last edited by A.L.; 20 August 2006, 08:27 PM.

