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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Easter Lily
    Of course he would... He has said as much in Sateda... and we wouldn't expect any less of him.
    But the arm grabbing incident is only one of many moments in TRW... There is a context to consider too... What makes TRW really "shippy" IMO is the focus of the episode on the two of them... The fact of the matter is that they didn't have to do it... they could have made Weir see the spectre of different people... like Carson or Teyla or Rodney at different times. Instead, the writer choses to focus on Sheppard and Weir for whatever reason. God forbid that TPTB trying to suggest that the two of them have a relationship which is a "little" different from any other relationship that they have in Atlantis.

    I can't speak for everyone else... but I don't actually believe that all "ships" are equal, at least in canon anyway. It can't be unless they going for a menage a trois... which works in a show like BSG but not in Atlantis.
    But if people want to have a bit of fun in fics or vids... that's their perogative...
    None of us are perfect and at the end of the day, it is only a tv show. Right now I think Sheppard and Weir have the most potential as a pairing because at least they spend a lot of time interacting on different levels.
    I think one comment that a few are making now on ep threads and other spots is how they don't like tptb shoving shep and weir (meaning the shippy moments) down our throats. Hello?

    How is it great, cool and wonderful for Rodney and Shep or Rodney and Carson or Ronon and Shep to make buddy jokes and cracks in the worst of circumstances and build their male bonding but it's not 'Ok' for Elizabeth and John to build theirs in whatever way they choose to? Because it has a flavor of some biased, perceivedly 'dangerous' female/male bonding? Is male/female love such a dangerous thing that it will destroy everything else and make it weaker rather than better? Do males really feel this way?

    I've just wondered about this. What is it that is so scary about loving feelings being expressed between two humans? Is it that they're afraid TPTB are going to try and make Atlantis into a sappy melodrama? You ask me, it's in the trying to hard to assure everyone that will never happen where tptb messes up sometimes with a one step forward -two scardy cat steps back non-sensical approach. How is it 'OK' for sex to be shown as long as it's 'casual' sex that doesn't 'mess' with the status quo or 'change' relationships in some way? That very sentence just gave me the hibbiejeebies to *type*. Such simple-mindedness isn't good long-term for a show imo and it makes for stale storytelling and boring characterizations.

    Imo, one thing that SGA has going for it that gives it a chance to be different from SG-1 and 'make it' longer term is that it's so much more tight and character based. Most of the really great stories -like TRW-spring from the character traits, faults, weaknesses, strengths etc. Also, how can the audience ever 'buy into' the idea that Atlantis is a 'new world'/ a 'new frontier' unless the new people go about taking ownership of it? That's not gonna happen long-term and the steps of the ancients will never be followed unless mate units are established right alongside power commands etc. I think that's why I don't like the cross-overs too much. SG-1 is Earthly based and earthly ruled. This thing is so different and has so much potential to blow up as an entity to itself and a world that Earth spawns that it can be proud of. But the characters have to be true to who they are completely for that to evolve and that includes being true to their hearts whereever and whoever that might lead them to.


      They're probably the same people that love to blame Weir for every little thing, regardless of what it is. I think most of it has to do with the argument that certain characters don't "belong together."

      Besides the fact that our media is saturated with casual sex and violence. It's entertainment now. Who needs relationships when you can bang someone and then kill them??
      I put the "M" in stupid.


        Someone should totally vid this song for Sparky. I just heard it and my brain went "click". I don't think it's a first-timer's project though.


          Originally posted by Melyanna
          Last season I did a vid that was seven minutes long, and before I got started I went through all the episodes that had aired at that point (we were up to #15 in Season 2) and clipped any scene that I thought would work visually for a shippy vid. In those thirty-five episodes, I came up with about ninety minutes of footage. And that's just the visual stuff. There were many more scenes that were shippy while not being suitable for a vid.
          Oh my god. Really? Ninety minutes of shippy footage...oh right...there is no ship there....right....^_^ *grins sarcastically* :rollseyes: That alone should make my mum into a sparky believer...cause she isn't. Which in and of itself is strange because she's a hopless romantic like me- and I saw the ship starting in Rising.

          Originally posted by Sukiyaki
          ***drops in from hyperspace***

          If that is the case in Common Ground

          then we have another Sparky believer besides Rodney... KOLYA! LOL.

          Given at what happened in The Storm and The Eye, I think we can safely say that Kolya knows to pull which strings when it comes to John and Elizabeth. I honestly agree with you, that Kolya is directly addressing the situation to Elizabeth for two reasons:
          Reason 1: He knows how important Elizabeth is to John, given reactions
          when John thought Kolya killed her, and when John found out
          that she is alive, and well, about to be killed again. This time, I
          think Kolya knows he can get what he wanted when he uses
          John as a bargaining chip to Elizabeth. I think it's Elizabeth's turn
          for angst and John's turn for whumpage, heck, what else is new

          Reason 2: Elizabeth, as leader of the Atlantis expedition, will negotiate with
          him. He won't address it to Rodney unless it's something scientific
          that only he can fix with his brilliant mind, and he won't be talking
          to Teyla either, because they haven't met and Teyla is not the
          leader of Atlantis.

          And Common Ground, I hear, is a Shep story and supposedly, will give more background on Shep. Another character driven story with lots of action. And Kolya! It's time these two face off again.

          And to answer your question, there were comments about it, but nobody has posted the question. And congratulations for becoming a Death-Glider Pilot!
          Yes, Kolya knows how to pull the strings and that line is to Elizabeth- I am in agreement there. Your reasons are perfect- Totally perfect- just hope that it comes across this way because I think Torri said that this was the ep. where her character was emotinally disconnected- but I might be wrong about that one.

          Originally posted by Dorka
          I realised that too
          but only on the pics...I thought that was sweet

          Hm, I wonder when John will ask Elizabeth about the watch...I mean he saw her staring at it now 2 times when she was sad so ...that cries for a little sparky moment!

          Well I'm not very concerned about this episode... I'm looking forward to see Elizabeth flirting with someone and see her more John being jealous...I'm quite sure he will be especially after they will suspect the guy Maybe even a little (verbal)fight between Elizabeth and John would be nice

          I like the dynamic TPTB gives in the Sparky-direction...sometimes I see more romantical intention coming from Elizabeth and sometimes more from John... TRW was very much about John feelings this time and I really liked it so I hope more is coming, even if CG seems more like a lizzie-angst episode
          Sparky moment eh? Might make a good fanfic if TPTB never do it..... as for Sunday I agree totally with you and that gives me another idea for a small fic. And as for TRW your right definatly moved the ship forward.

          Originally posted by Ronnikins

          My tummy did little flipflops with that pic, and I don't think it was an ulcer acting up. LOL!

          Okie dokie, finally seen the whole episode and I absolutely loved it. Just re-iterating, I LOVE CARL BINDER! This episode is now one of my favourites.

          Just a few more thoughts.
          I agree when some others think John was there the whole 5 hours. How else would she had sensed his presence? It was only when he grabbed her arm and hand that she "saw" him. *more tummy flips again*

          Another thought, do you think there was a missing scene between her waking up and the balcony scene? I can't help thinking that one of the first things Liz would have asked was "Where's John?" since he was the one who helped her back to reality. It would seem quite natural for her when she was discharged to visit John in his quarantine part of the infirmary and have a quiet talk. Wish somebody would write that missing bit (hint, hint). This would explain the lack of "thanks for saving me" in the balcony scene.
          I also agree with the suggestion that Elizabeth would consider "dating" another guy because she realises her feelings for John are getting a bit too personal and she needs to distance herself. Now, (totally shallow moment), having seen "The Boy From Oz" yesterday can I just say I hope this Mike Branton in "Sunday" is a Hugh Jackman clone? Cuz it would take a truly charismatic character to distract Lizzie from the deliciousness that is John.

          Since I'm such a video sl*t. *Hangs head in shame* Can I just say thank you to you awesome video makers? You made my day.

          And Mel? Do you use Excel to keep lists for all things Sparky?
          Oh yea, my tummy did little flips as well the entire episode. I am in agreement with Carl Binder- he knows what the fans want and he knows how to write for both Elizabeth and John.
          John had to have been there the entire 5 hours because how else would he have penetrated her dream world- other than the fact that he is her rock in atlantis and all....oh, and I agree with you about the missing scene- perhaps we'll be able to see it one day- my mum told me of an interview where there was a very shippy moment between Daniel and Sam on SG-1 early in season 7 when he came back- but it got cut- so maybe there is one for our ship too. And as for Sunday- I too agree that Elizabeth only goes out with this scientist (who probably is the exact opposite of John) because she needs the distraction- hopefully it won't work- though this will give the non-shippers amo- albeit very little considering all we've got.

          Wow- long post.
          Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
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            Slightly tangential to the topic, but Atlantis has officially been renewed for a fourth season. (Note: this article is more about SG-1's cancellation at the end of this season.)
            Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
            Last update: 14 April 2006
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            Last update: 15 February 2006


              Originally posted by Melyanna
              Slightly tangential to the topic, but Atlantis has officially been renewed for a fourth season. (Note: this article is more about SG-1's cancellation at the end of this season.)
              Although if all the SG-1 fans who're saying they'll boycott Atlantis if SciFi don't rescind their decision go through with that, it may not have a fifth.


                Originally posted by Melyanna
                Slightly tangential to the topic, but Atlantis has officially been renewed for a fourth season. (Note: this article is more about SG-1's cancellation at the end of this season.)
                Thanks for the link. I'm thrilled that Atlantis is getting a fourth season. It has alot of fuel left in it with it's great cast of characters and interesting enemies. It's a downer that SG-1 is being cancelled. It just seemed to me that the thing was un-killable. Perhaps its for the best, but I'll miss it. Just when RDA was coming back too! He'll just have to continue doing gues spots on Atlantis I suppose.

                Oh this is off topic, but can anyone direct me to the Jack/Liz thread around here? I cannot find it despite my many searches.

                Thanks much,

                Signature By Amber Moon


                  Originally posted by Melyanna
                  Slightly tangential to the topic, but Atlantis has officially been renewed for a fourth season. (Note: this article is more about SG-1's cancellation at the end of this season.)
                  I'm so relieved, like you have no idea, i was fearing this was going to be the last season (despite it being so good) *phew*.


                    Originally posted by Melyanna
                    Slightly tangential to the topic, but Atlantis has officially been renewed for a fourth season. (Note: this article is more about SG-1's cancellation at the end of this season.)
                    I didn't see it in the article, but does anyone know when Sci-Fi will be airing the rest of Atlantis' episodes? I know they are airing the remaining SG-1's in March.


                      Thanks Mel! Wow, I am SO HAPPY that Atlantis gets its fourth season, but I'm devastated about SG-1. Even though I've always felt that this is the season to end it, it's still so sad to hear it's ending; I started watching SG-1 when I was ten years old - I quite literally grew up with it.

                      Wow, super happy and super sad at the same time. Strange . . .


                        Originally posted by RoryJ
                        Thanks Mel! Wow, I am SO HAPPY that Atlantis gets its fourth season, but I'm devastated about SG-1. Even though I've always felt that this is the season to end it, it's still so sad to hear it's ending; I started watching SG-1 when I was ten years old - I quite literally grew up with it.

                        Wow, super happy and super sad at the same time. Strange . . .
                        I am soooooo happy about Atlantis being cancelled too... but am so relieved to find out that it was renewed...
                        I too am one those people that grew up with SG1.. i was 11 when i first saw it!! and i was 7 when i went to the movies to see the original movie... (thanks mom for her crush on Kurt Russel)...

                        Sorry for the off topicness, but i am hoping that there will be more Sparky in the 4th season!! i am very excited about the prospects for Atlantis, coming out from behind Stargates shadow.. and there are also possibilities, if the actors want, to do guest appearances on Atlantis, like Amanda and Rick... maybe Michael and Claude too... Bring on the Sparkyness in season 4!!!
                        ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                          Originally posted by Lexa Jayde
                          I am soooooo happy about Atlantis being cancelled too... but am so relieved to find out that it was renewed...
                          I too am one those people that grew up with SG1.. i was 11 when i first saw it!! and i was 7 when i went to the movies to see the original movie... (thanks mom for her crush on Kurt Russel)...

                          Sorry for the off topicness, but i am hoping that there will be more Sparky in the 4th season!! i am very excited about the prospects for Atlantis, coming out from behind Stargates shadow.. and there are also possibilities, if the actors want, to do guest appearances on Atlantis, like Amanda and Rick... maybe Michael and Claude too... Bring on the Sparkyness in season 4!!!
                          Heyhey! Good to see you around again. What's off-topic about talking about Sparky? If anything you're more on-topic than the rest of us.

                          Know what you mean, SG1 has been part of my life for 10 years but I'm not really surprised at it getting cancelled. At least SGA will be continuing for another season, which means.......more slow and steady Sparky development!
                          The writers for SGA seem to be taking on aboard more storylines that are outside the usual ScFi box. Maybe they're taking notes from BSG, which is really a drama in a SciFi setting and rating really well.

                          I wouldn't be surprised at more cross-overs from the SG1 crowd for S:4, as long as it doesn't detract from the essence of what makes SGA so enjoyable.

                          Here's a little pressie, Lexa

                          Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                            I had a feeling SCIFI was going to cancel one of the shows...but I never felt Atlantis was on shaky ground because I knew that they would cancel SG-1 first (and it's doubtful they'd cancel BOTH shows at once). Of course, now Atlantis really has to prove itself or else we might see it on the chopping block next year. I just hope that the SG-1 writers haven't filmed too much of this season (I know they've done a bunch of episodes already) so that they can write a proper send-off (unlike Farscape) to such a remarkably long-running and lucrative show. I'm just sad to because I won't get anymore mini-Farscape reunions with Claudia Black and Ben Browder. Kind of makes you a little paranoid when after your show is cancelled, you join another one and then see it gets cancelled within a year or two.

                            Onto another topic, does anybody here know how to deal with Windows Movie Maker when it's acting up? I am sooooo close to finishing my first Sparky video but the damn thing won't "save to movie" more than 1:01 minutes worth. Every time....only saves 1:01 minutes of footage. Arrrgggg! At this rate, I'll just give up and never share it with you guys. Thanks for any help...and sorry if it's a bit off-topic...but the results may benefit you guys


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                              Sad about SG-1 but not very surprising. Maybe now that the writers only have one show to concentrate on they can stretch their wings. I wonder if they'll all continue with SGA?

                              And what this means for Sparky is anyone's guess.

                              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                                If they are truly shopping SG-1 to other networks, what do you think are the chances? I can only think of a couple shows that even ran on two networks. Maybe the CW would like an established show, but I'm not sure what their target audience is supposed to be.

                                Back OT - My brother is a casual viewer of Atlantis, but has been asking questions so he can follow it better. His first question: Are those two (points at John & Elizabeth) involved with each other? Gotta love it.

                                He also really likes Torri. Said she is a sweetie.
                                sig by SueKay

                                My Team:

