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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
    Interesting that in the episode discussion thread there were several mentions of Shep/Weir, which I found interesting. There usually isn't much ship mentioned there. Others have noticed.
    I saw that too. I've only read a few pages, but I gather someone saw the whole plotline with Woolsey as a Sparky plot device. ROTFLMAO! with Squee! Who mentioned the stampeeding elephants in the room?

    And a big Welcome to all the newbies. Cake and mints for all! Did you notice the jar is still there?

    Ankareeda thanks for those links. I downloaded them onto my laptop and desktop. Now I can loop myself into a stupor.

    I feel like it's been so long since we've had a moment like this. It may not last, but I plan to enjoy it. No matter what happens luuurrvveewise, they can't take away the Sparky friendship.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      Originally posted by Southern Red
      I saw that too. I've only read a few pages, but I gather someone saw the whole plotline with Woolsey as a Sparky plot device. ROTFLMAO! with Squee! Who mentioned the stampeeding elephants in the room?

      And a big Welcome to all the newbies. Cake and mints for all! Did you notice the jar is still there?

      Ankareeda thanks for those links. I downloaded them onto my laptop and desktop. Now I can loop myself into a stupor.

      I feel like it's been so long since we've had a moment like this. It may not last, but I plan to enjoy it. No matter what happens luuurrvveewise, they can't take away the Sparky friendship.
      Never! they're two peas in a pod! Damn am i lucky to know some comitted sparky fans like u guys!
      Other men said they have seen angels,
      But I have seen thee
      And thou art enough. True love cannot be found where it truly does not exist,
      Nor can it be hidden where it truly does. To be in love is merely to be
      In a state of perpetual anesthesia:
      To mistake an ordinary young man for a Greek god
      Or an ordinary young woman for a goddess.



        This comment was made by GateGeek over at the Shep Whumping thread! Yay!

        I thought the episode was fair. I absolutely loved the scene
        where Shep stepped up and told McKay to target the camp. He did what he absolutley needed to do. I didn't really see too guilt in face, more of a firm resolve to see the the threat eliminated. Bravo to Shep for really stepping up for once. I thought the reaction of the others was interesting though.

        I LMAO when John comes into Weir's office and asks how much political fallout would occcur if he decked Woolsey. Then Weir asked John if he was defending her honor. It was cute. And definately one th shippers will be writing about I'm sure. I was just glad to see Shep get worked up about something. I like that Shep.

        The whole Wier "I'm glad too see you" speech was highlighted by McKay's 'hungry' comment. Absolutely priceless. Other than that, I could only think the shippers are going to spin this scene pretty good. But it was fun to watch Shep's facial expressions.

        There is so much more in this ep, but this is the Whumper thread. So I will refrain. All I can say, is that I'm pretty happy with S3 so far. I certainly think its been tainted darker. But they certainly need more Shep whump.

        *does a dance* we rock we rock we rock we rock!!!
        Other men said they have seen angels,
        But I have seen thee
        And thou art enough. True love cannot be found where it truly does not exist,
        Nor can it be hidden where it truly does. To be in love is merely to be
        In a state of perpetual anesthesia:
        To mistake an ordinary young man for a Greek god
        Or an ordinary young woman for a goddess.



          Wow, last night's episode was amazing from a John/Elizabeth stand point! Here are my thoughts........
          While I thought the main plot of the story was good, I liked last week's eppy better. Ok, John and Elizabeth......

          1. I like how they kept Teyla and Elizabeth on equal footing when finding out about their missing team members. They found out at the same time and I enjoyed both of their reactions(I also like how Elizabeth and Teyla's bond has become stronger). SPARKY:It was a silent emotional outcry of Joy, Knowing that John was alive(where as Teyla gave a glad cry, more along the lines of friendship,IMO). Notice how Weir almost broke down, lowerd her head and folded her if in prayer to God for keeping him safe. It was a short but intense scene!

          2. The conference room scene was lovely. It wasn't hard to see that she cares deeply for those team members...Rodney, Teyla, Ronon, etc. SPARKY:The way that Weir spoke about seeing their faces again, and how she looked at Shepperd nearly the whole time was beautiful. John himself stared at Elizabeth in a very intense way.....I don't think I have ever seen him make such open and deep eye contact with her. It was like they were both drinking each other in. When Elizabeth's voice broke, you could see it had an affect on John. Very short, yet romantic moment.

          3. Weir's office.......PURE SPARKY:The way Sheppard marched into her office, full of anger and something more........priceless. He was so protective of her. The fact is and was proven last night that he believes in her and trusts her so completely that the thought of anyone going after her is more than he can bare. Elizabeth stated it best when she said " I've never seen you like this....", in point of fact, we've never seen him defend her reputaion and honor in such a blazing manner. Weir's attitude toward John in the office was suprise, happiness at his intentions, slightly flirty but deeply moved. I think you could see their hearts in their eyes..........

          All in all, this episode gave us some truly wonderful and loving moments. Moments that could leave no doubt as to where their hearts and futures reside.

          PS-This is just a random thought but......Did Elizabeth look about five years younger in this episode? It seemed like she glowed, there was a radiance to her last night(could be from seeing John alive). I think she looked lovely.....

          Happy Posting
          It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


            Thanks for the warm welcomes! I spend most of my time shipping for the other show, but that ship isn't going too well. The potential for actually seeing John and Elizabeth get together is awesome! Of course, we know that the PTB love to hint at ship for a really loooooooonnnnnnnngggggg time before following through, so I guess I'll enjoy what they give us for now.


              Hey guys! I've been away from this thread for over a year (ah, the college lifestyle) but alas, the last episode could not keep me away! Missed this thread a lot!

              Let me offer my own squee at the last ep. Office scene? Adorable. I agree with Liam in that the group scene could have been better, but John's facial expressions and Rodney's little hungry comment followed by the smirk was priceless. I liked the fact that John
              didn't back down on his decision to kill the former Wraith
              ; I was surprised the writers went with it. Ballsy, man!

              BTW, seeing that I've been away for a while (but still a died-hard shipper), how did the 'Sparky' term come about (assuming I do have the right term)??


                Welcome all newbies!

                Mel, Evenstar isn't new she is just not so often here.

                I have a present for you, screencaps. *gggg* BEWARE MASSIVE SPOILER & PICTURES! Not dial-up friendly!


                John is alive.

                Home scene

                --> I love her smile.

                John Sheppard, are you defending my honor? - scene

                Hehe, she way she said "It's the thought that counts". *squee* *happy sigh*
                Last edited by Ankareeda; 22 July 2006, 08:52 AM.


                  Dear PTB,

                  Thank you ever so much for the loverly episode entitled "Misbegotten." I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially the Sparky goodness.

                  Yours Truly,
                  AL (A devoted Shipper)

                  PS Should anyone have crazy thoughts to backtrack anything said/done/implied severe pentalties will be delt.

                  AL's "Misbegotten" Rating:

                  I'd post more smilies but you know how GW gets when you put too many in.


                    So I fully intended to come on the second the epi ended and just rave and squee about the Sparky goodness but Momma was on the comp and she was on the rest of the night until she went to bed and as the comp is in her room, well you know. So I impatiently waited until morning where I woke up digustingly early for a Saturday and couldn't fall back to sleep but Momma still wasn't up and when she did finally get up at 11 (very unusal for her) she got on the comp again to do some more work.

                    I can't really begrudge her because she was doing school work and then finances but DANG the wait about killed me. Anyway, here I am and LOVING LIFE BECAUSE OF SPARKY!!

                    My notes on MisBegotten
                    OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH!!! The only thing better would have been to have either one vocally declare their undying love for one another!!!!!

                    Let's leave the best for last, thought.

                    1) Loved seeing Michael back but I wanna cry that he's even more of an enemy now due to betrayal. *sniff*
                    2) I would have loved to see Woolsey interview all of them, maybe even stick around for a few epi's but at the same time, it's best they got it over with quickly so they can get back to life in Atlantis.
                    3) I'd like to be objective but I have to admit, hearing Teyla call him "John" made me crindge and if I'm completely honest it has all to do with my preferred ship.
                    4) I had other stuff but I'm too stoked to remember so let's get on with what's important.

                    OH MY GOSH THEY WERE FABULOUS!! Three fantastic Sparky scenes basically back to back. I can't blame Carson really (poor guy *sniff*) but his following the wraith makes it difficult to loop those three wonderful Sparky scenes.

                    Okay, now you KNOW that was on purpose the whole long look. HELLO!! They could have cut it shorter, been lest direct, shared the look around but that was so an OH MY GOSH MY BOYFRIENDS ALIVE AND I'M DOING EVERYTHING I CAN NOT TO JUMP OVER THE TABLE RIGHT NOW look from Lizzie. Shep smirking all happily back. GAH! That scene alone about overloaded my shipper sences but THEN!!! comes the interview with Woolsey. Oh my gosh the "How close are you and Dr. Weir" question never even came up and it might as well have for how the entire conversation when. SQUEEE!!! AND THEN THEN THEN!!!! Shep all storms into Lizzies off upset at Woolsey for "attacking" Lizzie and she's all "John Sheppard are you defending my honor?" AND HE ALL HESITATES AND SIDESTEPS THE QUESTIONS BECAUSE **BUSTED!!!**

                    My golly, it's The Hug all over again and I can't stop squeeing about it. So we've got tons new wonderful stuff for Sparky vids and pics etc.

                    *deep breath*

                    Right, I uh, need to go calm down now. *SQUEE!*



                      Originally posted by Suzotchka
                      Oh yea
                      Did anyone catch that little Ronan/Teyla scene? When they're on the Wraith ship and John asks Teyla a question and then moves away ... you can see Ronan move over a little closer to Teyla and they exchange a nice look.
                      TOTALLY NOTICED IT! *loves!*

                      Originally posted by Gate gal
                      Well, tonight did it for me! I have been going back and forth on whether to ship for Atlantis or not, but I can't hold back any longer! I've tried to stay neutral. I even tried to envision the McKay/Weir and Sheppard/Teyla, but my heart was with John and Elizabeth from the premiere. Having shipped for Sam and Jack on SG1 for so long, I really didn't want to have a ship on Atlantis too. But, wow, I'm here now! I hope you guys have room for one more.
                      WELCOME WELCOME!!

                      Oooo! I totally for got the
                      "It's the thought that counts" from Lizzie.

                      Originally posted by Melyanna
                      Welcome back, Marbles! Gate gal, there's always room for one more... and a dozen of your closest converts friends. And Evenstar, I don't recognize you either – welcome, I think?

                      It's so much sweeter when we're not expecting anything, but I'm a little sad that I didn't get Athena trying to IM me when all she could say was "asliksdg."

                      The eye contact in the briefing room just went on and on and on! That really surprised me, actually. I mean, if TPTB were wanting to downplay this relationship (which I don't think they were), having them stare intensely at each other in front of other people and start to get emotional is not the way to go. Not only had he never looked at her like that before, I'm not sure he'd looked at any woman like that before.

                      And then... "John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?" Goodness. John was so flustered, and Elizabeth was so flirty. A more objective friend of mine (read: not a shipper) commented that it would be hard not to read something shippy into "It's the thought that counts." And someone on LJ noted that John really couldn't come up with a reason why he was so passionately defending her... which I find encouraging.

                      Honestly, I didn't see any attempts at Shep/Teyla in this episode. I saw what would probably be construed as Shep/Teyla, but as that seems to have happened with Critical Mass, where they had absolutely no scenes together, that's not really what I'm interested in. I didn't see anything that looked like a deliberate attempt at Shep/Teyla. Teyla's jubilant "John!" was coupled with Elizabeth's equally emotional (if quieter) reaction. And, well, the later scenes where John's asking Teyla if she's all right have got nothing on The Eye or Before I Sleep.

                      I would actually like to see them develop an honest-to-goodness friendship between Sheppard and Teyla. It doesn't seem natural for them not to be friends, once they've gotten past the initial awkwardness from the early romantic attempts, and it'd do wonders for Teyla as a character to give her a relationship that isn't trying to be romantic. We all got to see a new side of her last year when they let her loosen up a bit around McKay, after all. But anyway.

                      I'm really, really looking forward to The Real World now.
                      ITA and oh yes me too!



                        Originally posted by Liam
                        But beyond some of the interpersonal aspects, I wasn't a huge fan of the actual plot.
                        This retrovirus arc just doesn't work for me.
                        Agreed. Gah!
                        The episode with its contrived plot did very little for me. The Wraith in general do very little for me. I'm also tired of seeing SG-1 repeat itself on Atlantis in the form of losing every mothership/hive ship we steal - it happened to Goa'uld ships so many times it became a joke.

                        I'm actually looking forward to this new enemy, even though it seems rehashed.

                        As for Sparky, that office scene was almost like a scene from a fanfic. Did John get overprotective or what? What can I say, I'm actually looking forward to more inquisitors from Earth, they sure do unite the Sparky front.


                          Thanks for the caps, Ankareeda! They're gorgeous.

                          Well, I suppose we were right – we get the best surprises when we don't have any information. But it's always nice to see such things out of our pair of hopeless romantics.
                          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                          Last update: 14 April 2006
                          Melyanna's Multimedia
                          Last update: 15 February 2006


                            Okay, time for my own 2 cents on this wonderful eppy!
                            Dealing with the good first...
                            1) Finding out he was alive... LOOOOOOVE Lizzie's reaction. Very quiet, understated, but her face said it all... "thank god my man's alive."
                            2) The meeting. Wow... for a minute I thought she was going to cry. She was so emotional and didn't look away from Shep for a second. ~swoons~ Absolutely loved Rodney jumping in though and asking if she was hungry too... nearly fell off my chair at that line.
                            3) The office scene... OMG, I LMAO!!!! Lizzie was so cute... "John Sheppard, are you defendind my honor?" and "It's the thought that counts." I don't think Shep even knew how to react. Which made him that much cuter!
                            4) Loved Rodney's snarky little comments. Glad to see him back in full force, quips at the ready- really made me LOL.
                            5) Caldwell refusing to indulge Woolsey. He knows better than to mess with Sparky goodness!

                            And now the few minor bad points I had.
                            1) Dude, what is up with blowing ships up this season???? First the Orion, next the hive ship, what's next, the Daedalus or the jumper bay? Caldwell needs to get his ship out of the way (and trust me, I'm restraining myself from using my nickname for the Daedalus), before TPTB blow that up. Blowing up a ship per ep is not going to leave much for the next couple episodes, let alone season's end. (Where, who knows, they'll blow up the planet or something... <-- sarcasm, PTB, sarcasm!)
                            2) Where is my Radek? Or Lorne? I want them back!

                            Okay, that's why I can think of for now... need to buy my dog food. Laters all!


                              There are a few slightly off-topic thoughts I want to address...
                              Has Teyla ever called Sheppard "John" before? When she did it at the beginning I was thrown for a loop. Especially considering Liz's subdued reaction.

                              And another thing
                              why is it that Teyla gets put in command when mommy and daddy (i.e. Elizabeth and John) are away? Why isn't Lorne or Radek in charge? That kinda bothers me.

                              And one last thought
                              if Woolsey is the wolf least likley to bite Weir, does that leave open the chance Sheppard can get a little nip on her ass?
                              I'm bad. I'm nationwide.


                                Misbegotten spoilers:
                                Teyla has called him John a couple of times, though she says it so infrequently that it still sounds funny when she says it.

                                Teyla has also been temporarily left in charge of the city before (Intruder), plus she's a natural leader, so I didn't have a problem with it. It's not like she was giving any life or death orders. I do think it was far more likely for Lorne to have the command, seeing as he seems to be John's 2IC these days.

