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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I can’t help myself. I had “Misbegotten” playing in the background while playing on the net and a line caught my attention.

    [Woolsey shouts out to TPTB denial about Sheppard/Weir]:


    Woolsey :
    It would appear from this incident that the lies you have been telling these people are beginning to wear a bit thin.

    You may have never set out to create this community but you did create it.

    *LOL* I'm easily amused today.


      "Misbegotten" gave me my Sparky back!!!! I HOPE S.3 continues down this path!!!!

      I agree with many others re: the A-plot
      din't do much for me because once again TPTB backed off of addressing the dark issues they brought up. Team Atlantis f**king with Michael Again?! Brutal.

      Another enemy for SGA:
      I like how they (potentially) just left Mike out there to team up with Ford and be all Roguey Wraith, killing Wraith & Dirty Villagers alike. (What?! It's my fantasy!)

      But, I LOVED that this weeks episode actually remembered last weeks episode. Yay for continuity!

      And the office scene?!

      Flirty Liz & Shep trying to gloss-over his Slip-Up?!

      Swoon! Swoon I tell you!


        Originally posted by Reaceania
        [Woolsey shouts out to TPTB denial about Sheppard/Weir]:
        Woosley's a Sparky shipper. It's obvious.


          Pics are up!! All my pics for the day can be found here! The pics you're all waiting for, in a series:

          And this one is just adorable.

          My full report on the con is here!
          "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
          My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


            Originally posted by xfkirsten
            Pics are up!! All my pics for the day can be found here! The pics you're all waiting for, in a series:

            And this one is just adorable.

            My full report on the con is here!
            Oh thankyou so much for posting those and for your report (love the ZPM bit from that). I'll post in your LJ when i get the chance. I love how they almost disappeared down behind the table. *LMAO* Torri really does like sticking her tongue out *L* My personal favourites are the one you point out as being adorable, the similar one that precedes it and 83318202. They're all cute however. Thanks once again.
            I don't take it as indication of what's to come between the characters (well only in my dreams) but it is cute. I love their humour. And how they play with their audience


              Originally posted by xfkirsten
              Pics are up!! All my pics for the day can be found here! The pics you're all waiting for, in a series:

              And this one is just adorable.

              My full report on the con is here!



                Squee! So lucky! Looks like lots of great fun!! Thanks for the report and the pics, I will be commenting very soon!!!!

                Plus, Misbegotten was pretty good! Loved the office scene!! It has made its way onto my Ipod so i can have a littly sparky goodness at work when the little kids get out of control!
                Citizen of Braneville


                  Originally posted by RoryJ
                  Misbegotten spoilers:
                  Teyla has called him John a couple of times, though she says it so infrequently that it still sounds funny when she says it.

                  Teyla has also been temporarily left in charge of the city before (Intruder), plus she's a natural leader, so I didn't have a problem with it. It's not like she was giving any life or death orders. I do think it was far more likely for Lorne to have the command, seeing as he seems to be John's 2IC these days.
                  I was fine with Elizabeth leaving Teyla in charge. It seemed right to me, since she was the only main character left in Atlantis. Honestly, Elizabeth had to walk through the gate so quickly she didn't have time to be choosy. Teyla was right there. I hope they make an effort to show friendship between these two women. They aren't in competition for John. Obviously, he wants Elizabeth. I've never seen him agitated over Teyla the way he was Friday night over Elizabeth.


                    I vote xfkirsten wins at Sparky for the rest of the day!

                    And this one... Somebody please Photoshop that mike out of Joes' nose! Hee! So cute!!!


                      Originally posted by Reaceania
                      Oh thankyou so much for posting those and for your report (love the ZPM bit from that). I'll post in your LJ when i get the chance. I love how they almost disappeared down behind the table. *LMAO* Torri really does like sticking her tongue out *L* My personal favourites are the one you point out as being adorable, the similar one that precedes it and 83318202. They're all cute however. Thanks once again.
                      I don't take it as indication of what's to come between the characters (well only in my dreams) but it is cute. I love their humour. And how they play with their audience
                      You're welcome! I was SO caught off-guard by it. The only thing that saved me was that I already had my camera up for a photo when it happened! *giggles* I like the one before it, too. There was a fair amount of laughing at that photo.

                      Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1
                      *is still squeeing like mad*
                      "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                      My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                        Originally posted by xfkirsten
                        You're welcome! I was SO caught off-guard by it. The only thing that saved me was that I already had my camera up for a photo when it happened! *giggles* I like the one before it, too. There was a fair amount of laughing at that photo.

                        *is still squeeing like mad*
                        Can't believe I smiled so much in my whole life. What is nice weekend this is turning out to be.
                        If anybody's going to do some photoshopping can they please take this pic,

                        put a bridal bouquet in Lizzie's hand and a bridal veil on her head and put John in dress blues? And confetti, don't forget the confetti (What? What?)
                        Note: I'm talking about S/W not about TH and JF, just in case, because that would be scary to get the actors and characters mixed up.
                        Thanks for the pic xkirsten, I would have greened you twice over if it let me.

                        Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                          I actually quite like this piccie by xfkirsten:

                          Torri looks so cute there!

                          ETA: hey look! Someone already mentioned this piccie. Ah well, more Sparky for everyone!
                          Last edited by RoryJ; 22 July 2006, 11:01 PM.


                            Originally posted by xfkirsten
                            Pics are up!! All my pics for the day can be found here! The pics you're all waiting for, in a series:

                            And this one is just adorable.

                            My full report on the con is here!
                            It seems I must now be forever thankful to a Weir/Cadwell shipper.
                            My Livejournal, feel free to friend me.


                              Originally posted by Rubicon
                              I vote xfkirsten wins at Sparky for the rest of the day!
                              I second that vote!

                              And this one... Somebody please Photoshop that mike out of Joes' nose! Hee! So cute!!!
                              How's this (for starters?)

                              (but Ronnikins, lol - not sure I've got that much manip-power in me at the moment. *g*)

                              ETA: Just for fun, a couple of pics decided to morph themselves into icon size:

                              and this one because her sunglasses looked so much like a tiara when I shrunk the photo:
                              Last edited by mdivaz; 22 July 2006, 10:55 PM.

                              Sig by mcat

                              My LJ


                                soz to go back to the other episode 'misbegotten' but is woolsey wearing a woman's atlantis jacket? cos i swear elizabeth has the same red one? lol.
                                three's a crowd...
                                ahh thats better

                                aww cute.

                                I think people who don't watch Atlantis are crazy.
                                And I think people who don't watch Stargate SG-1 are equally as whacked.


