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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Buggy542
    That's awful! I wasn't cut off, I got the entire credit sequence...

    One other thing, Erised tells me we were fed a line "he cares about you a lot more than you may think" or something to that effect? Well that was aimed at Teyla, not Weir. Although it was right before she was going to shoot him, so it's possible that he was lying...(I shall remain hopeful)
    OMG are you SERIOUS?!

    Seeing that Sparky was carried out through out the episode I'll try to pay no attension to the Sheyla bombshells and look at the "hopelessly romantic" scene.

    Edit: And
    I guess it makes sense seeing how Conversion was suppose to be a Sheyla episode but had a bit of Shep/Weir to make this a Shep/Weir episode with a bit of Shep/Teyla.
    Boy do they like messing with our minds.


      Originally posted by xkawaiix
      Quick question though, do they get some
      touchy one on one hand combat scenes in the episode? And did Teyla know that Ronon was close to death?
      There's no hand-to hand-combat between Shep and Weir. But each of them have some hand-to-hand combat with marines. And no, I don't think Teyla knew about Ronnon.
      Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
      Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


        Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
        They are playing games again.. .
        "Conversion" had Shep/Weir, so it is only natural for TPTB jerks to do a Shep/Tey moment in this one. Typical B.S. from them - and just when I was starting to think they were making up their minds where they wanted to go.
        Sounds to me like we got a mirror version of Conversion. What's with this BS? First Kirking, now this. I'm not sure how much more I can take.


          Let Sheyla have their little moment - we got an entire ep! Don't forget that!
          Wasn't there sth like
          Shep catches her as she falls? And don't forget the KISS!

          Stay optimistic!


            Originally posted by Southern Red
            I not only want to throttle TPTB, but I don't understand it.
            You've got a situation where even the Sheyla's hold out little hope. There's no screen chemistry that anybody can see. Everybody involved has stopped talking in public about that ship. And the vast majority of the fans see the chemistry between J/E even if they don't want it to happen. Even my husband who could care less said recently that you'd have to be deaf, dumb and blind not to see it. Yet they still make it look like all this time he's had feelings for her. Or once again they are being intentionally ambiguous and trying to confuse everybody. I'm just disgusted. But hey, if he keeps screwing around with half the galaxy, Teyla can have him.

            Thats very true. I really want to see this one scene and the context of it. I read somewhere that Torri loved what they were doing with her(Weir's) relationship with John. I think that the on screen chemistry between the two will win out.

            Sig by Dorka.Thanks!

            *~'.:GTA 199:.'~*


              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
              So, TPTB are
              still jerking fans around with ship. Don't ya just want to throttle them?
              Yes, yes I do. I absolutely hate being toyed with.

              Oh good grief TBTB, why do you choose to torture us so


                Originally posted by gooner_diva
                Sounds to me like we got a mirror version of Conversion. What's with this BS? First Kirking, now this. I'm not sure how much more I can take.
                They've got to stop playing games with us. Just settle on one ship and keep progressing it. If they will keep playing games with us, I'm not sure if any ship will exist for long


                  Originally posted by gooner_diva
                  Sounds to me like we got a mirror version of Conversion. What's with this BS? First Kirking, now this. I'm not sure how much more I can take.
                  I heard that "mirror" rumor the other day. Aren't enough posts in the episode thread to get a good grasp on how the "general public" felt.

                  When all else fails, change channels.


                    So, Buggy542,
                    give us some details about the scenes when she falls into Johns arms and the part when they kiss. We need some sparkyness


                      Originally posted by gooner_diva
                      Sounds to me like we got a mirror version of Conversion. What's with this BS? First Kirking, now this. I'm not sure how much more I can take.
                      Ditto. I'll take what I can though!
                      It's not like the ep was without sparky, though. There were no feelings of regret on Shep's or Weir's part about having kissed.
                      Fugly Space Babes: Spork one for Weir!
                      Hussy of Babylon ~ Member of UHM


                        Originally posted by Buggy542
                        Ditto. I'll take what I can though!
                        It's not like the ep was without sparky, though. There were no feelings of regret on Shep's or Weir's part about having kissed.
                        Big difference compared to Conversion.


                          Well I need to get to work. I will check all the posts when i get off this morning.

                          STAY POSITIVE SHIPPERS!!!! /

                          Sig by Dorka.Thanks!

                          *~'.:GTA 199:.'~*


                            Grasping at straws. Aren't we all experts at that? But you know these shows are filmed months ahead of time, and this thread has grown to its present size in just the last few months. If they are at all influenced by the size of a fan base or care about our opinion, they may move our ship forward in S3. That's a big "IF" I know because we get very little respect. You know how these shows go. They rearrange couples all the time. Actually, you know it's Teyla who has shown very little interest in him. Oooh, I know. He never looks at her or talks to her because his feelings might overwhelm him. Yeah that's it. And he's drowning his frustration at not being with his true love by flirting with all those young girls. Again, I'm a genius. A snarkastic disgusted genius.

                            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                              Originally posted by xkawaiix
                              Big difference compared to Conversion.
                              oooh that is soo true! Our ship is still very much open


                                Just think, Teyla has Ronon. No room for Shep there. And we've seen the looks he gives Liz throughout season's One and Two... It's gonna happen sooner or later... Please TPTB listen to us! Go with what works! Sparky forever!

                                ***Thankyou to Andy for this sig***

