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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Thanks! And err... thanks but I'll pass on the mints.

    John: I wonder why nobody wants these mints, I like them!
    Elizabeth: *whistles*


      I've had this image of John wearing one of those hats from the 40's which I can never remember what they're called. (Oh I just asked my mom, a fedora.) In a 40's style suit wearing a trench coat. While Elizabeth has on one of those hats that has the little vale hanging over the front of the hat.

      I'd blame Melyanna, but I read a fic earlier yesterday where someone had a Noir like dream. It wasn't sparky or a very good fic so I won't bother reccing it.

      As far as the Standards go, I like a young Sinatra.


        Originally posted by Melyanna
        Thanks! Thanks to Vicky as well, and congratulations on 1,000! Here, have some mints.

        I hope you've been washed first before eating them lol
        the best formular
        proud member of ship ship hooray special Ops team


          For those of you who read samjack_girl's fic Breakaway, she posted the laste chapter here


            Originally posted by Vicky
            Thanks! And err... thanks but I'll pass on the mints.

            John: I wonder why nobody wants these mints, I like them!
            Elizabeth: *whistles*
            This has been bothering me for a while. What is that photo of in this cap? The frame on her desk. Some, in fanfics, have said it is her and Sedge but...I don't know...

            Great caption BTW!

            Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


              Originally posted by Lizlove
              Well I just saw Epiphany and it's an awesome ep even if annoying with the Kirking!!!
              And 3 things crossed my mind:
              1. Lizzie is fantastic off-world
              2. Eum, did I dream that or was Liz's first look at Teer electric *you know what I mean *?
              3. Very silly but I saw Liz's and John's kid in the little girl Hedda

              Okay... not interesting
              *runs off because it 5 AM and the birds are beginning to sing and I need to sleep...*
              I certainly noticed that too.
              Lizzie giving Teer the stinkeye major!


              PS Melyanna, LOVED the update.


                Originally posted by Melyanna
                I'd have to, y'know, watch some film noir... Haven't done that in a while. Or maybe I'll just watch a couple good Hitchcock movies instead.

                As for fics in the works, I do have ideas for a Spygate fic floating around, but I have an honest-to-goodness spy story in my head as well (more WW/SG, hinted at in Heir Apparent) involving a somewhat younger Elizabeth. This one's in desperate need of planning, however. Then I've got another WW/SG idea that could end up being novel-length. It may, in fact, get into John and Elizabeth getting married, and how they adopted little Peter.

                I'm incredibly amused by how Ellie/Lorne jumped out at me while writing (totally unplanned), and even more amused that others liked it too.
                In response to this entire post I just have to say YOU'RE MY HERO!


                Originally posted by Vicky
                Thanks! And err... thanks but I'll pass on the mints.

                John: I wonder why nobody wants these mints, I like them!
                Elizabeth: *whistles*


                  Originally posted by SGLAB
                  I've had this image of John wearing one of those hats from the 40's which I can never remember what they're called. (Oh I just asked my mom, a fedora.) In a 40's style suit wearing a trench coat. While Elizabeth has on one of those hats that has the little vale hanging over the front of the hat.
                  Ooh, fedoras and trenchcoats! Fortunately I'm nowhere close to having a plot for this, or I'd be in trouble...

                  Originally posted by SGLAB
                  I'd blame Melyanna, but I read a fic earlier yesterday where someone had a Noir like dream. It wasn't sparky or a very good fic so I won't bother reccing it.

                  As far as the Standards go, I like a young Sinatra.
                  Oh, good, I'm not to blame for something!
                  Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                  Last update: 14 April 2006
                  Melyanna's Multimedia
                  Last update: 15 February 2006


                    Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                    This has been bothering me for a while. What is that photo of in this cap? The frame on her desk. Some, in fanfics, have said it is her and Sedge but...I don't know...

                    Great caption BTW!
                    It's Sedge. At least, I think we saw a close-up of this photo during the ep. But it's definitely Sedge.

                    @Melyanna: I'm sooo going to blame you for a fic I'll write as soon as I get done with the last of my uni work and another fic.


                      Originally posted by Melyanna
                      There's something very classy about Shep/Weir
                      Oh yes there is! I think that's just another thing I enjoy about their budding maybe more than friendship sort of thing they've begun slowly exploring. The entire professional is personal and vice-versa thing is riveting in the old school manner and brings to my mind the old 40's cinematic sort of grandeur. There's just nothing cheapy feeling about it; there's nothing small or unimportant between them. It's all long-term, life-lasting and bigger picture.

                      We've discussed here before how you just get a certain big scale/grand feel from watching the two of them interact and just that gut 'knowing' that when the eventuality plays itself out that it's going to be important on so many levels to both of them-professionally and more importantly, on a personal level.

                      P.S. Thanks for the 'yell-outs' guys. I've had some family things and some professional things keeping me really busy of late. Great to wallow a little here in shep/weir happyland with you folks again. ; )


                        Originally posted by Southern Red
                        Thanks, and thank you for putting the vid in perspective. I'm working on several more. So many songs, so little time. My husband *guineapig* even says I'm improving. He even upgraded memory just for me. *loveshim*

                        I just keep saying that nothing would have to change if these two get together, but I have a sinking feeling that they aren't willing to tie 'ol Shep down with one woman. We'll see.

                        Oh, I've become a bit more 'mellow' of late on the whole shep whoring thing. (Although I still reserve the right to pitch hissies, burn retinas and cast spells as I see fitting)

                        I figure that the writers of SGA will simply write to their own experiences in a relationship and seeing as they are men, they'll write Shep as the quinessential *guy*. Footloose, fancy-free flyboy with a hint of a dark past and with a heart of gold he tries to hide a bit beneath his gruff, dry humor exterior, is determined to explore the galaxy with excitement in mind and if that includes a few love em and leave em space babe types-then much the better- but along the way, as the hero always does (and as many men in RL do when they finally fall for the 'right' woman), he discovers more about himself through his experiences and because of his contact and personal relationships with those he slowly comes to care very deeply for.

                        In my mind, this story of Atlantis in regard to Shep is a 'slow-awakening' process to life's possibilities and discovering what he is capable of giving to others and himself. I've already (almost) resigned myself to this being yet another long-haul, agonizingly slow, one step forward-two steps back, sort of coming together between our boy and girl leader. But I kind of like that too. I like it when two people weather a lot and sacrifice and fight to rightly end up together as a reward in the end. I sort of like yelling at the tv-'CAN'T YOU TWO SEE HOW MUCH YOU LOVE EACH OTHER?!' as I toss popcorn and mutter curses and growls. Half the fun is in the journey.


                          Originally posted by A.L.
                          I certainly noticed that too.
                          Lizzie giving Teer the stinkeye major!


                          PS Melyanna, LOVED the update.
                          You mean this?



                            Originally posted by SGLAB
                            I've had this image of John wearing one of those hats from the 40's which I can never remember what they're called. (Oh I just asked my mom, a fedora.) In a 40's style suit wearing a trench coat. While Elizabeth has on one of those hats that has the little vale hanging over the front of the hat.

                            I'd blame Melyanna, but I read a fic earlier yesterday where someone had a Noir like dream. It wasn't sparky or a very good fic so I won't bother reccing it.

                            As far as the Standards go, I like a young Sinatra.
                            Can I blame you for mentioning the 40's? You've caused a long burried plot-bunny to pop back up. Not that I've got time to work on it, what with two jobs and several WIPs already, but it'll annoy me until I finally manage to bury it again.

                            a time to mourn


                              Originally posted by Trialia
                              You mean this?




                                Just a shout out to any CSI Miami fans regarding my theory of RST.
                                We have proof once again that if they hook a couple up somebody has to die. Let's hope Sparky goes on with the UST for a loooonnnggg time.

                                Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.

