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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Just thought I'd pop in and deliver a nice sparky wallpaper I just finished:

    After all my catching up, I must say the red herring photo was quite funny.

    And yeah, Erised was nice enough to manip one of my inferno caps to make the hand-holding pic, after many requests. She did quite a brilliant job at it too.


      Originally posted by Erised
      Yeah! Closet tape will shut us up for about five minutes after it is over
      Actually I suspect that several shippers would die after watching that tape!
      Don't you want to look beyond the horizon?

      In the 2 hours and 14 minutes that Torri Higginson was online, there were 272 posts in the Elizabeth Weir Wow Thread. I was responsible for 2 of them. (Oh yeah and Gateworld crashed, but that's not important)

      Please click here to feed the hungry, protect endangered land, and help fight breast cancer without spending a penny (inspired by the Whistler 84 in Memoriam thread)


        Hey all....don't get to post much..but it's Friday and that means no lesson planning for me till Sunday.....I can't wait for tonight! Please tell me I won't be disappointed...any Liz/John moments supposed to pop up?


          Originally posted by yeahsureyabetcha
          Hey all....don't get to post much..but it's Friday and that means no lesson planning for me till Sunday.....I can't wait for tonight! Please tell me I won't be disappointed...any Liz/John moments supposed to pop up?
          You won't be disappointed. You can always expect the certain amount of *eyesex* although I can't remember exactly how much there is in it, and
          the flirty banter in the ending should be sparky enough to keep you happy

          Oh and who can forget the matching outfits?


            Thanks...that's what I like to hear!


              Originally posted by Tracy Jane
              Mel!!!! Ruining the Shipper Baiting! I was enjoying that!

              AQ That pic was a manip that Erised did. It was a request after Inferno aired. Most people know the pic, which is why it's funny to tease people with it. I don't think Erised's ever had a reaction like "I must watch every episode to find it" yet. She must have been squeeing herself silly. I know I was.

              Anyway, delurking for a few mins to post, just thought I'd give you the brief history of the photo!
              Okay, everyone pick on the newbie! *laughs*

              Seriously, Erised, you made that?! Dang, you're good! I couldn't even tell that it had been played with! Sweet!

              Originally posted by sunny
              My mum watched that with me. She, the woman of all things womanly intuitionly was going: "Huh? Where's he going? What's he doing? Is he coming back? Does she know what he's doing? He IS coming back right?" To which I had to reply: "Mum, just watch!" GAH, she didn't get it, until when Rodneykins went, "You let Sheppard pilot the jumper?" 'Twas the look on Elizabeth's face that gave it away for her... Then she went: "Ahhhhhhh, her man's goin' on a suicide mission." After which I proceeded to ROFLMAO.
              *grins* I suppose I'm lucky in the respect that my parents are already familiar with the show. We've been watching SG-1 since the mid-seasons, and watched Atlantis when it started up. Dad and Mom love watching stuff get all blowed up, whereas I love the character moments of flirt and angst 'n woe. When I first saw the whole staring scene in Siege 2, I was all like, "OMG! HE IS SOOO NOT ALLOWED TO DIE! IT'S ONLY THE END OF SEASON ONE FOR THOR'S SAKE! SOMEONE PLEASE INFORM HIM BEFORE HE GETS HIMSELF ALL BLOWED UP!"

              Dad thinks I'm nuts, but Mom knows the power of ship. She's shipped Sam and Jack for years just as I have. She's even a bit of a Sparky shipper, but I don't think she's as obsessed as I am. The fact that I called her at home about three times during TLG shows just how insane I got during that episode.


              *revels in Teh Sparkiness*
              In Other News: Thor's been Thor-Napped and placed in TPTB's Closet of Thor-Napping! *oh noes*


                Originally posted by GateByte
                Just thought I'd pop in and deliver a nice sparky wallpaper I just finished:

                After all my catching up, I must say the red herring photo was quite funny.

                And yeah, Erised was nice enough to manip one of my inferno caps to make the hand-holding pic, after many requests. She did quite a brilliant job at it too.
                Great wallpaper!!!! Sparky forever!!!


                  Originally posted by Vixen
                  Elizabeth: Look at this, John, they're still talking about us? Look at the number of pages. It's insaine.
                  John: Maybe we should just send them that closet tape we did last week. That should shut them up for a while.
                  Oh yes! *bounces* We LURVES tapes! All kinds! Closet tapes, Behind the Stargate tapes, Balcony tapes, McKay's office tapes, Kavanagh's office tapes!

                  Originally posted by Vixen
                  Elizabeth: Hm, but what about when the period of staring passes? It'll only get worse.
                  John: Got a point. There will probably be about a dozen pages with them disscussing just the beauty mark on your -
                  Elizabeth: John!
                  John: Sorry.
                  *sulks* No tapes then, I take it? I guess we'll just have to dream then. Dream and discuss. *smirks* How much more can Lizzie take of us discussing the fact that she is So. Doing. It. with her Shepman? *cackles evilly*


                  *revels in Teh Sparkiness*
                  In Other News: Thor's been Thor-Napped and placed in TPTB's Closet of Thor-Napping! *oh noes*


                    Any one know of any sparky websites??


                      Yeah, well, we have this to look forward to:

                      Elizabeth looks particularly gorgeous in this episode, but if that's not enough, it's just a fantastic episode. Torri Higginson really, really shines in this episode.
                      And as is usual with Genii episodes, we have some great angst involving these two, and a little bit of flirting at the end.
                      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                      Last update: 14 April 2006
                      Melyanna's Multimedia
                      Last update: 15 February 2006


                        I'm getting more and more excited!!! I LOVE FRIDAYS!!!!!!!! The only bad thing about Fridays is when I'm done watching the episodes and have to wait an entire week before any new stuff. Have TPTB ever said anything about these two in interviews.


                          Coup D'Etat was a great epsiode for Shweir. One of my favortie parts was when
                          The Genii held John hostage, and then they claimed to have killed him.
                          I'm not making that up.

                          Has anyone noticed that John keeps sitting on Elizabeth's desk? I think that shows that he wants to get closer to her without giving away his true feelings.

                          SHWEIR EPISODES: 38 Minutes, The Storm, The Eye, Hot Zone, Seige Part 1,2 and 3, The Intruder, Conversion, The Lost Boys, The Hive, The Long Goodbye, Coup D'Etat, No Man's Land,The Misbegotten, Irresistable, Progeny, The Real World, Common Ground, The Return Part 1, Echoes, Tao of Rodney and many more to come!!!

                          Oh yeah, Shweir rules!:


                            Originally posted by GateByte
                            Just thought I'd pop in and deliver a nice sparky wallpaper I just finished:

                            After all my catching up, I must say the red herring photo was quite funny.
                            And yeah, Erised was nice enough to manip one of my inferno caps to make the hand-holding pic, after many requests. She did quite a brilliant job at it too.
                            GB nice wallpaper. Erised you did a really good manip that pic but, now you know it's not nice to trick people.

                            Icon Made By LadyBozi


                              You did do an amazing job with the manip Erisid. I so couldn't tell it was fake. Maybe you should do more...

                              I am really looking forward to tonight's episode. I like how TPTB are handeling the progression of the ship. (Sheyla anvils and Kirking excluded) They have almost made up for the mess of the S/J ship... Almost.

                              *self promo time* I have reached 50 fanfics at Surprise, surprise, it is Sparky.

                              Here's the link if anyone is interested.
                              It is pure fluff, but after the last Atlanis fic I wrote, I needed it.

                              Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                                ehehe.. wow.. well.. thank you all~ *huggles*

                                gwen, I would but no time

