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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Athenaktt
    Hehe, I swear she is totally checking out his bum. Then again who wouldn't.

    Superficial Elizabeth, checking out Sheppy's butt! So funny!


      Originally posted by alyssa
      Superficial Elizabeth, checking out Sheppy's butt! So funny!
      Well, if Shep gets to be a typical guy 99% of the time Elizabeth should be allowed to be superficial once and a while.

      Cause you know girls just wanna have fun sometimes.

      *has been listening to that song too much lately*


        Originally posted by GateByte
        You can do it! 2 hrs isn't thaaat long. lol.

        Yeah, lets get an anti-sparky detector, I'm sure I could write a program to do that:
        AQ - Did you also notice
        in the end when John is leaving she just stares at him, for quite a long time, then smiles. Wonder what's she was thinking at that moment? Hmm...
        Well...I can tell you what my husband and I both looked at each other and discussed not 30 mins ago in regard to that scene.
        Given that John had just called their situation a 'win' and she'd tried to smile and agree and she studied him as he walked away thoughtfully, I'd have to say that she was thinking just how damn close it had been to a 'loss'-and I don't mean a loss in the terms John was speaking of and neither was Elizabeth thinking that way. She was thinking about how it was so close to being a huge loss for her personally and she was watching the 'almost loss' as he walked away from her. My heart aches for the woman sometimes and that was one of those. John, I think too was being intentionally light-hearted and jovial around her because -dang-we all know he loves her and because he senses her feelings more I think than we give him credit for. He knew she'd be contemplating the entire mess and what a close call it had been and I think he wanted to show her that he was fine and ok with everything that went down. My husband also shook his head and made a comment that made my jaw drop coming from him. He said, "She really shouldn't have let herself fall for him but it's too late now. Gonna get sticky for her." I thought-wow. HECK YEAH!!! As Hatcheter said, this entire 'I love her-I love him- but I shouldn't because I know it's going to drive me insane with them always being in harm's way 'thing' is going to be fantastic drama!!!! SLURP!!!
        There is so doggone much potential for drama just set around the growing closeness between them! I LOVE THIS COUPLE!!!! that I'm recovering from this terrific episode, I'd like to point out some things I enjoyed in it!
        KUDDOS to the wardrobe dept. Elizabeth in BLACK was so fantastic visually as well as metaphorically!!! I'd love to see her in an all black uni next year at times. The sheer HOTNESS that was our fantastic duo in black *together* was almost enough to make me melt on the sofa!!! Gah! We should see them power brokering like this more often. They were eating up working it all out together!- Loved that! They anticipate each other and almost finish each other's sentences. Truly a man and woman that are just naturally in sync with each other in every way! I loved how this entire ep showed that-right down to the clothing. And Torri Higginson-honey, if you're out there- let me say that I fell in love with you all over again tonite for that terrific emotional 1.5 second breakdown you had with your back turned to your underlings as you heard the Genii leader inform you that you'd forfeited your beloved's life with you power-brokering. Every emotion you've ever had for John crossed your face in that tiny span of time. And yet, you fought to the bitter end as you always do. Awesome.
        Oh, there was more yumminess I loved but I'll pause for the min. ; )
        Last edited by Bama; 17 February 2006, 07:15 PM.


          **gah! server is too busy??**

          Hehehe very sparky Coup, wasn’t it? I can’t believe I missed it! Ah well.

          "So I say we call it a win."
          "Who's spinning now?!"
          "Alright. Then I say we call it a night"

          not only did that dialogue rocked, their expressions were priceless!

          I think it’s time that John stares after Liz instead … hoping for season 3 maybe? *fingers crossed*... uh wait, don't have any left! All are crossed already..


            Dude, I only want to do superfiscial remarks right now.
            Personally, the way this episode mirrored The Eye/The Storm was freakin' awesome. One person held hostage at gunpoint, and the other having to choose? The moment of tension when the Genii claim the person is dead. The outright telling reactions to that statement. My god. They duplicated the best moment of "The Eye"/"The Storm," but just reversed the positions. Fantastic!

            Oh, and the fact that these two can be playful and teasing over the radio? I love that! So many flirting and teasing moments.

            This is the COMMAND DUO!

            Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
            I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
            Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


              Originally posted by Bama
              Well...I can tell you what my husband and I both looked at each other and discussed not 30 mins ago in regard to that scene.
              Given that John had just called their situation a 'win' and she'd tried to smile and agree and she studied him as he walked away thoughtfully, I'd have to say that she was thinking just how damn close it had been to a 'loss'-and I don't mean a loss in the terms John was speaking of and neither was Elizabeth thinking that way. She was thinking about how it was so close to being a huge loss for her personally and she was watching the 'almost loss' as he walked away from her. My heart aches for the woman sometimes and that was one of those. John, I think too was being intentionally light-hearted and jovial around her because -dang-we all know he loves her and because he senses her feelings more I think than we give him credit for. He knew she'd be contemplating the entire mess and what a close call it had been and I think he wanted to show her that he was fine and ok with everything that went down. My husband also shook his head and made a comment that made my jaw drop coming from him. He said, "She really shouldn't have let herself fall for him but it's too late now. Gonna get sticky for her." I thought-wow. HECK YEAH!!! As Hatcheter said, this entire 'I love her-I love him- but I shouldn't because I know it's going to drive me insane with them always being in harm's way 'thing' is going to be fantastic drama!!!! SLURP!!!
              I LOVE THIS COUPLE!!!!
              That's a very interesting perspective on that. I guess I didn't notice because John's always in danger, and really why should this time be any different. And probably because my mind was too busy coming up with all the other things she could be thinking, I wasn't looking at it in any sort of logical way.

              But watching that part again, I can totally see your point.
              I guess since this episode follows the aftermath of TLG, she has gotten to find out how she really feels about him, and probably him about her. I think in some way, she's always known, just TLG made her more aware of her feelings. So now when she thinks about how close she was to losing him again, she feels the need to just look at him, to reassure herself. She could have been replaying all the times she's almost lost him in the past, and how he's always found his way back to her even when it seemed like he was gone for good.

              Not sure if I made any sense at all. Hopefully someone can find a point in there somewhere.


                Originally posted by GateByte
                That's a very interesting perspective on that. I guess I didn't notice because John's always in danger, and really why should this time be any different. And probably because my mind was too busy coming up with all the other things she could be thinking, I wasn't looking at it in any sort of logical way.

                But watching that part again, I can totally see your point.
                I guess since this episode follows the aftermath of TLG, she has gotten to find out how she really feels about him, and probably him about her. I think in some way, she's always known, just TLG made her more aware of her feelings. So now when she thinks about how close she was to losing him again, she feels the need to just look at him, to reassure herself. She could have been replaying all the times she's almost lost him in the past, and how he's always found his way back to her even when it seemed like he was gone for good.

                Not sure if I made any sense at all. Hopefully someone can find a point in there somewhere.
                It made sense-trust me. I think she's finally beginning to *face* up to how she feels about John.
                It probably started with Caldwell's questioning of her feelings in 'Conversion' if not before.
                She's a good leader who wants to be strong and do right by her people and she understands that she may have to sacrifice the man she's come to care so dadgum much for above all others at some point and is constantly now steeling herself to be able to do that. Anyone who questioned -foolishly imho- Elizabeth's will to do what she must needs only to look no further than
                Conversion or Coup to see that she will give the ultimate price to do right by Atlantis. She's shown she'll make the tough call even if it means John's life.
                But the price of that emotional burden weighs on her every day and will continue to become even more heavy as she falls even deeper in love with the man. Each one of these near losses she goes thru though is tearing at her and she is heading for a darker spot as we've been told. I'm wondering if at some point in the near future, she'll find herself at a crossroads unable to do what she must. And I believe soon that John is going to have to show her just how much of a man he can be in return when she needs him in a huge way. I think John Sheppard is about to learn that he can be more to another human being than he ever thought he could be.


                  Originally posted by Whistler84
                  Dude, I only want to do superfiscial remarks right now.
                  Personally, the way this episode mirrored The Eye/The Storm was freakin' awesome. One person held hostage at gunpoint, and the other having to choose? The moment of tension when the Genii claim the person is dead. The outright telling reactions to that statement. My god. They duplicated the best moment of "The Eye"/"The Storm," but just reversed the positions. Fantastic!

                  Oh, and the fact that these two can be playful and teasing over the radio? I love that! So many flirting and teasing moments.

                  This is the COMMAND DUO!
                  You just summed up a lot of what I love about this episode. There was one bit where I was thinking, "Dude, flirting on an open channel? Risky."

                  But yes, the parallels with previous episodes were terrific. I'm a sucker for continuity, and this episode had it in spades.
                  My favorite part, I think, was that John's reason for not wanting to trust the Genii was that they'd tried to kill Elizabeth twice. None of that other stuff.
                  Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                  Last update: 14 April 2006
                  Melyanna's Multimedia
                  Last update: 15 February 2006


                    Originally posted by Explosion_Of_Colour

                    I've been lurking for a little while - seriously the discussion that goes on here is highly addictive - so thought I'd come say hi

                    Hope all you US people enjoyed the ep tonight, one of my favs this season!

                    I thought there was a very cute bit among the other moments where John says "Could've been mensa." As though it was one of those things they'd joked about in private (closets!) much like the wonderful 'Intruder' coffee scene where he reminds her he's a Colonel now. Yeh they're just too cute.

                    Anyways its like 3:11am here and my fic's making no progress so I better head to bed! *waves*

                    HEY BEX!!! WELCOME!!! Don't be a stranger!!!

                    I didn't miss that terrific John line either!
                    It was like he was reminding her that he was 'smart enough' for her. Just another little way of 'impressing' his woman. He was bragging in front of her a little.
                    In my experience when a man tries to look impressive to a female...well...ya know...

                    I wonder if John looks around sometimes at Rodney who is supposedly this brain and all his science team and Beckett who is this brilliant surgeon and then at *Dr.* Elizabeth-who he's definitely got the jeebies for-and wonders if he's *enough* to impress her amongst all the credientials. Even Teyla was the leader amongst her people. And here John is military all the way with nothing truly special in his life until he literally 'stumbles' upon the power of Atlantis.


                      What I love about Coup
                      was that there was no uncomforable-ness between them that would be expected to be caused (well if you're an anti Sparky or one who thought that TLG soured Shep and Weir's relatioship) by what happened last episode. Instead we get quite a few shippy scenes one including Protective Sheppy!

                      And not only are these scenes in this episode but it continues in the last few episodes of the season.

                      And just adding a big Welcome!!!!! to the newbies I missed.


                        Originally posted by Melyanna
                        You just summed up a lot of what I love about this episode. There was one bit where I was thinking, "Dude, flirting on an open channel? Risky."

                        But yes, the parallels with previous episodes were terrific. I'm a sucker for continuity, and this episode had it in spades.
                        My favorite part, I think, was that John's reason for not wanting to trust the Genii was that they'd tried to kill Elizabeth twice. None of that other stuff.
                        I've only seen it the once but didn't John
                        make some awesomely fierce angry/resentful/'I'd like to rip him in half with bare hands' face when Kolya was mentioned? Gah...! I LOVE THIS COUPLE! Great point above about how this was the 'John in peril' yang to the 'Elizabeth in peril' yin of The Storm/Eye.
                        These two just fit so dadgum perfectly.


                          Originally posted by Explosion_Of_Colour

                          There's 7 chapters up so far on and my site -


                          but I've been writing chapter 8 for far too long! Nearly sorted though

                          On another note - there's some wonderful artwork in here! V jealous! Hehe.


                          I've read your stories! I love them! Good to have you here.... you can now be pestered for more!


                            OMG OMG! I just watched Coup. Great episode!
                            I loved the scene where
                            Cowan said he had was about to kill John. Elizabeth's total panic was great!!

                            And of course the end scene
                            When Elizabeth said "That we can do." I totally grinned. The way she said it I totally thought she got up and followed him a few minutes later.

                            One of my favorite lines was
                            "That's LT. Colonel Errand Boy to you."

                            Apparently John being wrapped around Lizzie's finger is known all over the galaxy...

                            I am so going to watch this again later!

                            Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                              Originally posted by Bama
                              I've only seen it the once but didn't John
                              make some awesomely fierce angry/resentful/'I'd like to rip him in half with bare hands' face when Kolya was mentioned? Gah...! I LOVE THIS COUPLE! Great point above about how this was the 'John in peril' yang to the 'Elizabeth in peril' yin of The Storm/Eye.
                              These two just fit so dadgum perfectly.
                              John totally made a grimace/ugh-i-hate-that-guy face when Kolya's name was mentioned.

                              It made me think of the face that John usually makes when they bring up the Iratus bug.

                              I also love the "Errand boy" comment because it just shows John has no problem being Elizabeth's "Errand boy" he just wants to make sure you get the ranking right.


                                Loveing the moments in this episode
                                I love the look on her face when they said John was dead. She looked like she was about to faint! Sooo in love with me!

                                icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham

