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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by AngelQueen
    3. "The Ending"
    --I laughed myself silly over this entire last scene both times that I saw it! John is so careful not to even look at her practically throughout the entire scene, so I can just imagine that their little kiss is what is uppermost in his mind! It seemed to have slipped her mind in the wake of everything else she watched herself do (i.e. preparing to kill practically seventy-five percent of the Expedition, forcing Teyla to almost shoot John, you get the idea), and didn't really return until Caldwell brought it up to rib them about it. That should make for interesting reading back at Stargate Command.
    --Of course, the silly-ness in me was thinking that, when they glanced at one another and then Elizabeth slid down in her bed, their minds were more on the fact that their little kiss was so public. They're probably not into performing in front of others, especially Rodney, who'd never let them forget it, Carson, who'd probably give them a cute little knowing smile, and Caldwell, who's just... Caldwell. Go figure.
    Hello, AQ! Always good to have more shippers around.

    Yeah, I do love that the kiss was so very public. The reactions of the others was really what made the scene work. And I LOVE that they used Rodney's "Huh" in the promo – I get the feeling that that's how the majority of the audience is supposed to react. Sure, they're under the influence of alien entities, but they look pretty good kissing each other.

    And you know, it occurred to me yesterday that they were showing The Long Goodbye right before Valentine's Day, but I kind of wish they hadn't shown it opposite the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. It's all well and good that they'd choose to use this episode as part of sweeps programming, but I can't imagine that the ratings for any of the three shows last night will be all that hot.
    Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
    Last update: 14 April 2006
    Melyanna's Multimedia
    Last update: 15 February 2006


      Originally posted by Melyanna
      And you know, it occurred to me yesterday that they were showing The Long Goodbye right before Valentine's Day, but I kind of wish they hadn't shown it opposite the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. It's all well and good that they'd choose to use this episode as part of sweeps programming, but I can't imagine that the ratings for any of the three shows last night will be all that hot.
      I was thinking that myself. Such a great episode, but they could make the best episode in the world and it was wasted (ratings-wise) on last night's time slot.
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        Good morning. I guess everyone is sleeping off the squeefest from last night. There's not much left to say because you all did a remarkable job of expressing my thoughts last night. I too found this a huge step forward for S/W.
        starting with the fact that John agreed with the possession even though he was obviously uncomfortable with it. Why would he do such a thing that goes against all his military training and just plain common sense? Well duh. Elizabeth asked him to, and just like she can't say no to him the opposite is true also. Striking also was his concern for her. When she's lying in the bed he doesn't take his eyes off her once, and when everyone is talking about who Phoebus is and what's going on, he just says "yeah, yeah, yeah we're all very sorry. Where's Elizabeth?" The tone of his voice just said "you better not have harmed her or you'll have me to answer to." Just love it. Rodney's various reactions also just tickled me. He so loves the idea of Sparky. And the potentially painful "he cares more" moment wasn't as cringeful as I had thought it would be. My husband even said of Teyla, "she's too smart to fall for that." Huge red herring as some have said. It's simple logic: Phoebus and Thalan both lied about everything up to this point. Thalan was still in control. Therefore Thalan was lying. He sensed John's caring for Teyla and capitalized on it. Yes, we all admit he cares about her, but not in a romantic way. And the reaction from Rodney. Complete surprise. But no time to think about it. Teyla knew John was not himself, and still wasn't sure even after the little spellgasm he had. She knew that IMO John would stun Elizabeth to cause Phoebus to release her and thus to save her, and also that Thalan would surely stun her if he was in control which would release Phoebus and thus kill her. So, either way Elizabeth gets saved. One final thought on the Lucy and Ricky in twin beds moment at the end. It sounds like John might have stayed awake all night listening to Elizabeth struggle with Phoebus. I love the idea that he was there right in the next bed watching over her and ready to just leap out of bed and help her if needed. *huge sigh* I'm all doped up on cold meds and feeling a bit *sniff* vulnerable. Please forgive me. Caldwell was great in this ep. Good military decisions, though he should have protested more, but then we would have had no show. TH and JF were awesome. I don't understand the earlier criticism of JF's performance from some people who wouldn't understand subtlety if it slapped them in the face. Oh wait. You could tell from the look in his eyes when it was Thalan. Oh yes you could.
        Loved it. Love this show.

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          Yeah, I didn't really understand criticism of JF's performance either, though to be honest, I don't remember it being purely criticism.
          I think it was just that TH was playing a vastly different character through almost all of the episode, and JF was playing a character who was pretending to be John Sheppard. The fact that the audience had any doubt of who was really in control made it a pretty impressive performance. There were really just a few tics that were off, the foremost of which was his apparent willingness to let Ronon shoot Elizabeth.

          Anyway, I agree with you on the issue of what Thalan said to Teyla. He'd been telling half-truths for the entire episode. There's no reason to think of it as anything more than manipulation. Certainly, John cares for Teyla, but we've got absolutely no evidence from, you know, any other episode in the entire series that would suggest it's more than platonic. And Teyla was smart enough not to fall for that. It'd take an idiot not to recognize how close John is to Elizabeth – closer than he is to anyone else on the expedition.
          Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
          Last update: 14 April 2006
          Melyanna's Multimedia
          Last update: 15 February 2006


            Originally posted by xfkirsten
            I was thinking that myself. Such a great episode, but they could make the best episode in the world and it was wasted (ratings-wise) on last night's time slot.
            Yeah really bad timing! They should have showed the Tower on the day of the Olympics..might have made TPTB cry! *lol*
            I can't wait to see the ratings for this.. hopefully, they didn't fall too much but even if they did, I hope TPTB will know that no matter how good your show is, some non-obsessed people will still prefer the Olympics. TPTB can't stop making sparky episodes just because the ratings fall.. I went to the episodic discussion and saw one guy say that he was bored with TLG and switched to the Olympics!

            Watching it on TV was awesome. Is it just me or did the quality of episodes on sci fi channel improved?

            and I have absolutely nothing sparky to add to my post jan 2 discussion was enough


              Hello! New to this thread. Can I post caps from the show, or should I just put in links? Some people may not have seen all the epi's, so I was just wondering. I'm also in the process making a couple of collages and wallpapers of all this 'Sparkage'! Just wondering how people felt about pictures...

              HI ANGLEQUEEN!!!!!


                Originally posted by bbfan
                Hello! New to this thread. Can I post caps from the show, or should I just put in links? Some people may not have seen all the epi's, so I was just wondering. I'm also in the process making a couple of collages and wallpapers of all this 'Sparkage'! Just wondering how people felt about pictures...

                HI ANGLEQUEEN!!!!!
                post as long as they're not spoilery.. you know.. no
                kiss or Lizzie with a gun or anything like that
                some people haven't seen this episode yet

                And yesss post your wallpapers!


                  Originally posted by Southern Red

                  One final thought on the Lucy and Ricky in twin beds moment at the end. It sounds like John might have stayed awake all night listening to Elizabeth struggle with Phoebus. I love the idea that he was there right in the next bed watching over her and ready to just leap out of bed and help her if needed. *huge sigh*
                  That's definitely a great point.

                  I can so see him sitting in his bed right next to her, watching as Phoebus snarled and twisted around, trying to get free. Knowing him, he probably made some sort of smart comment that she should be happy. She outlived Thalan, after all. But given that she wasn't the one to off him, that probably wasn't much of a comfort.

                  Originally posted by Southern Red
                  Caldwell was great in this ep. Good military decisions, though he should have protested more, but then we would have had no show. TH and JF were awesome. I don't understand the earlier criticism of JF's performance from some people who wouldn't understand subtlety if it slapped them in the face. Oh wait. You could tell from the look in his eyes when it was Thalan. Oh yes you could.
                  Loved it. Love this show.
                  Yeah, I actually found myself liking Caldwell in this episode. I was shocked, given that I hadn't liked him in the past due to the fact that he dared to want John's job (though whether it was to be head of the military contingent of the Expedition or to be Lizzie's main heartthrob, I'm of two minds of ).

                  But seriously, I think he handled the situation very well, and was even confident enough to tease Elizabeth and John at the end about "Teh Kiss." I can only imagine how his report will be read back home.

                  LANDRY: Dr. Weir and Colonel Sheppard were possessed by alien entities and ended up making out in front of Colonel Caldwell, Dr. Beckett, and Dr. McKay.

                  WALTER: Sounds like just another day around here a few years ago. Colonel Carter and General O'Neill went through that a million times. Same old same old.

                  People were actually criticizing Joe's performance?! But, but... he did so well! I loved his subtle ways of letting us know who was who! Oy, some people are so... weird!

                  I'm so glad my parents have saved this on their television at home. That way when I go home for spring break I can steal dad's TV from him and loop "Teh Kiss" and the last scene about a million times!


                  EDIT: Thanks also for the warm welcome around here! Hello to you as well, Mother.

                  *revels in Teh Sparkiness*
                  In Other News: Thor's been Thor-Napped and placed in TPTB's Closet of Thor-Napping! *oh noes*


                    Welcome AngelQueen and bbfan!!!

                    And to add my comments on TLG. The rewatch was well worth it. Took my mind off things for an hour.

                    John seemed so concerned when Lizzie was knocked unconcious. Shows he really cares about her. I loved the reactions everyone had to the kiss. Aw, Rodney's a shipper too..

                    The kiss did make me squee, but I rather found the hug in Seige III to be more emotional. I guess since the hug was so unexpected and truely showed their feelings for one another, and for the kiss it wasn't really them.

                    John/Thalan was totally leaning in for the kiss though. Maybe something he was reading from John? Yes, IMO.

                    Absolutely loved Lizzie with a gun, TH did a fantastic job at making Phoebus this crazy, determined psycho. And the ending, sooo cute. John, knowing she was awake without even looking at her, just goes to show how in-tune with her he is. And the way Lizzie slinks down into the bed was brilliant. She was embarassed that kiss was so public, aww.

                    Here's a link to an icon I made for TLG, it's highly spoilerish:



                      Originally posted by GateByte
                      omigosh!! That's an awesome icon!! Can I snag?? please? pretty please?

                      You're right about Rodney being a sparky shipper! I loved his expression. And I totally agree with you about the hug in Siege III! I just wish John responded better to it!


                        Originally posted by Erised
                        omigosh!! That's an awesome icon!! Can I snag?? please? pretty please?
                        Absolutely! Glad you like it.


                          Originally posted by k8tbug1
                          This is my opinion on TLG
                          The part wher John "supposedly" tells Teyla how much he feels about her. *shudders* Anyways, after rewatching it, I noticed the security camera where Elizabeth is is right behind Teyla!!! Could he have been talking to our Lizzie trying to convince her stop this whole thing!!! I'm sticking that (being the optimist/hopless romantic that I am) hehe!!
                          I wondered the same thing when Thelan said that to Teyla,
                          was he saying it TO Teyla? Or was he looking up at the camera, talking to Weir?

                          I only saw it once, so can't go back and review it. Anyone else wonder that?


                            There's one thing about this episode that's kind of "off" for me. If someone can help me out...

                            The reactions to the kiss: Why were they all so surprised? Everyone bought into the husband/wife thing. They must have, on some level, anticipated something like that might happen. Heck, John even disclaimed it before he stepped up, "anything could happen" he said. So why, when the wife kissed her husband, was everyone taken aback?

                            The only logical thing I can reconcile from it is that Rodney, Caldwell and Carson still saw John and Elizabeth, not Thelan and Phoebus. It still seems weird to me, their gasps of shock. (not to mention the only one to look away was Caldwell, and he seemed the most disturbed. Dear {insert deity of choice here}, please don't let that be any kind of foreshadowing!!)
                            I put the "M" in stupid.


                              Originally posted by GateByte
                              Here's a link to an icon I made for TLG, it's highly spoilerish:

                              AWESOME icon! I'm snagging it too *runs away with icon*

                              IMO, TLG ending was the cutest moment of SGA so far - just priceless. And the fact that
                              John and Elizabeth were reminded of the kiss by Caldwell is just fantastic. He didn't have to mention it, yet he chose to "tease" them about it. Great, great moment.
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                                Originally posted by GateByte
                                Here's a link to an icon I made for TLG, it's highly spoilerish:

                                I love this icon!!!

