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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    AWESOME STUFF!!!!!!!!

    As to TLG...OMG i just loved that ep!!!!! hehe... must rewatch for the 100th time!!!!


      Originally posted by Vicky

      Oh and I made a vid, go check it out here. It's my first one... *shy*
      Lovely vid, Vicky. I almost jumped out of my seat at a certain point. Excellent work.

      Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


        This is a little question that just popped into my mind, and i know there are people pro and against RST here (i consider myself to be against it), but it's just for the sake of the discussion.
        In the event that Sheppard and Weir get together, how do you think their relationship would be?, angsty in the best traditions of drama, or light hearted, or maybe a middleground?. I'm thinking Sheppard has his angsty side (off course) he's quite intense, but i also feel that he can be quite tender, and fun (playful) "in the bedroom". So to me yes, there could be a bit of drama, but Elizabeth looks like she would enjoy letting her "hair down" in a relationship. If she is with someone she feels she can trust (as in with Sheppard ).


          Originally posted by Luz
          This is a little question that just popped into my mind, and i know there are people pro and against RST here (i consider myself to be against it), but it's just for the sake of the discussion.
          In the event that Sheppard and Weir get together, how do you think their relationship would be?, angsty in the best traditions of drama, or light hearted, or maybe a middleground?. I'm thinking Sheppard has his angsty side (off course) he's quite intense, but i also feel that he can be quite tender, and fun (playful) "in the bedroom". So to me yes, there could be a bit of drama, but Elizabeth looks like she would enjoy letting her "hair down" in a relationship. If she is with someone she feels she can trust (as in with Sheppard ).
          Do you mean on screen or off screen? Because I think once (if it even happens mind you) they get together, it'll be one of those deals where we won't see much of it at all. It'll just be common knowledge that Sheppard and Weir are together and probably referred to but nothing much beyond that.

          I do think it'll be even more angsty than it already is. I can't believe it would lessen once they're together. I imagine it would increase tenfold. John's always away fighting someone or something, leaving Liz to angst over her lover. Will she ever see him again? I don't honestly know if I could handle watching that every week. It's already getting old and they're nowhere near a relationship.

          If we were to get any private moments, I think it'd definitely be playful.
          I put the "M" in stupid.


            Originally posted by stubadingdong
            Do you mean on screen or off screen? Because I think once (if it even happens mind you) they get together, it'll be one of those deals where we won't see much of it at all. It'll just be common knowledge that Sheppard and Weir are together and probably referred to but nothing much beyond that.

            I do think it'll be even more angsty than it already is. I can't believe it would lessen once they're together. I imagine it would increase tenfold. John's always away fighting someone or something, leaving Liz to angst over her lover. Will she ever see him again? I don't honestly know if I could handle watching that every week. It's already getting old and they're nowhere near a relationship.

            If we were to get any private moments, I think it'd definitely be playful.
            I mean leaving aside the fact that tptb might as well screw it up since more often than not they don't know anything about doing close to decent RST, lol.
            I think one way to get it right would be to keep it light, not the relationship, but as in the time dedicated to it on the show. You know, not letting the show lean too heavily on Shep/Weir's relationship.
            Still we might be allowed to get glimpses, and i would like those moments not to be too filled with angst. I already had that with Mulder and Scully, and having a relationship so heavily charged with angst with nothing possitive ever happening to them is so friggin' tiring. I think it would be refreshing to see for once two people that looked as if they actually enjoy being together.
            As friends tptb have shown us how much Sheppard and Weir enjoy eachother's company, here is to hoping someday they might actually be able to do the same with them as a romantic couple.
            Again, i'm not saying resolution has to happen, it's only for the sake of discussion. I just wanted to talk about it.
            Last edited by Luz; 12 February 2006, 04:12 PM.



              Made some s/w GW regulation banners. Check em out ya'll
              Citizen of Braneville


                Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
                Love it PM!!! May I snurch it for my desktop?

                I just saw the animated GIF Melyanna. I didn't notice the ear caress until now. Maybe that is because I was too busy Squeeing when I was watching the episode.
                sure, go ahead


                  awsome banners Juli


                    Originally posted by Luz
                    This is a little question that just popped into my mind,
                    In the event that Sheppard and Weir get together, how do you think their relationship would be?
                    Great question Luz!

                    There's so much to angst over already that pushing that aspect of their relationship would ruin it imo. Plus, a lot of the Sparky moments are flirty and playful, and I think that's why we love it so much. So to take that away would be taking away what helps make Sparky.

                    I'd like any relationship to be in the background. Just as long as we know for definate that it's canon. If I know something, I don't need it shoved in face every week. Imo, RST only need affect the flirty bits - aswell as the more serious bits (end of CM for example) - by personalising them; they don't need to be increased just bc the couple got together.

                    Any serious amounts of angsting should come from the occasional episode where something happens that endangers either John or Elizabethm but without that being the focus. To make it clearer, I'm thinking of TS/TE. That was a very shippy episode, yet their was no physical displays of affection and the shippyness didn't distract from the plot.

                    Perhaps the problem with RST is that people possibly equate it with lots of kissing/hugging/bedroom scenes with your typical relationship troubles thrown it. But, imo, it can work without showing that at every oppurtunity.


                      I definitely gotta agree with SallyLizzie here. I think it should remain in the background, with hints every so often so we know it's there, but not taking over the show or anything. After all, as much as I love Sparky, that's not the whole point of the show. It'd be great to get hints about it - smiles, lines dropped sometimes, the occasional kiss - but not to the point where it distracts the viewer from the series.

                      Although I do think it would be interesting, if it were to happen, to see an episode where their relationship would be a focal point. Not necessarily in a parsonal was, but more of a professional way. For instance, their relationship is brought to the forefront in the normal dealings of Atlantis, maybe by contact with another planet that draws attention to it. So it's not like random Sparky drama, but drama created by a larger plot. Does that make sense?
                      "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                      My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                        If Sparky did become canon, I think it should definitely be something kept low-key, much as it is now. This is Stargate: Atlantis after all, where the good guys battle soul-suckers and Rodney's ego and come out on top (usually) in the space of an hour.

                        If anything, I think it would probably join one of the many subplots that decorate the base of the show, appearing somewhat prominently in a few episodes to remind us that it is really there.

                        As for how it should be characterized...

                        Angst: A little angst is good. With the good comes the bad and all that. We see episodes like The Eye and Conversion and the angst is handled so expertly. So much going on, and yet the Sparky angst is slipped in there with ease.

                        Flirty/Lite: Coming from a person who doesn't consider it a real episode if there isn't at least one small look between these two... Flirty and lite is perhaps the most wonderful part of these two. The show wouldn't be the same without it. And besides, this whole aspect of their relationship now is can be considered canon, so making it vanish when/if they actually start their relationship would only hurt the show itself.

                        Am I making any sense at all?


                        *revels in Teh Sparkiness*
                        In Other News: Thor's been Thor-Napped and placed in TPTB's Closet of Thor-Napping! *oh noes*


                          Originally posted by Melyanna
                          I told you last night, I'm posting Part II of International Relations on Valentine's Day. That gives me time to finish the last scene and do some editing.

                          Here, stare at this for a while. Might hold you over.
                          A girl could always hope. Was that before or after you showed us the pretty? .... ooh... pretty.

                          What was I saying?


                            Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                            Great question Luz!

                            There's so much to angst over already that pushing that aspect of their relationship would ruin it imo. Plus, a lot of the Sparky moments are flirty and playful, and I think that's why we love it so much. So to take that away would be taking away what helps make Sparky.

                            I'd like any relationship to be in the background. Just as long as we know for definate that it's canon. If I know something, I don't need it shoved in face every week. Imo, RST only need affect the flirty bits - aswell as the more serious bits (end of CM for example) - by personalising them; they don't need to be increased just bc the couple got together.

                            Any serious amounts of angsting should come from the occasional episode where something happens that endangers either John or Elizabethm but without that being the focus. To make it clearer, I'm thinking of TS/TE. That was a very shippy episode, yet their was no physical displays of affection and the shippyness didn't distract from the plot.

                            Perhaps the problem with RST is that people possibly equate it with lots of kissing/hugging/bedroom scenes with your typical relationship troubles thrown it. But, imo, it can work without showing that at every oppurtunity.
                            yes yes yes I agree! It has to stay in the background with occasional sparkyness...after all, if we will be getting sparky moments waaay too often, would we be squeeing so much? Probably not. It would just be a normal part of the show that will not get any reaction from us. Therefore, no interesting discussions, no squeeing, no smiles on our faces as we finish watching SGA and go online to talk about it.
                            TPTB better focus on interesting episodes for now.. they bloody hell need it! I could live with one or two Sheppard angst next season and occasional smile...and of course eys sex, but it happens all the time and only sparky shippers are making something out of that (I think )


                              Fic rec time

                              Only Fair

                              When Our Road's Dirt


                                Originally posted by Erised
                                yes yes yes I agree! It has to stay in the background with occasional sparkyness...after all, if we will be getting sparky moments waaay too often, would we be squeeing so much? Probably not. It would just be a normal part of the show that will not get any reaction from us. Therefore, no interesting discussions, no squeeing, no smiles on our faces as we finish watching SGA and go online to talk about it.
                                TPTB better focus on interesting episodes for now.. they bloody hell need it! I could live with one or two Sheppard angst next season and occasional smile...and of course eys sex, but it happens all the time and only sparky shippers are making something out of that (I think )
                                Totally agree with you on that on Erised!!!!!! i wouldnt want Sparky to overcome the show!!!! we sooo do not need another spacey soap opera (that is what fanfic is for )... i would love hints and everything that they are together... you know the occasional hand sqeeze for reassurance!!! *shrugs* ok i am rambling now.... *shutting up*
                                ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..

