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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red
    That's what I thought also. In addition I have a question.
    Maybe I missed something but if Phoebus did relinquish control, where did she go? They weren't near the pod. Remember when John was about to be possessed he was told he had to move closer? So if Phoebus left Eliz, how did she get back?

    I like the idea of a little doubt also, and that John and Eliz know each other so well that they are the only ones who truly know. Now here's something I have been thinking about. How cool would it be if Phoebus and Thalan aren't really gone? Just resting, building up strength to come back when least expected and really go at each other. I would love to learn more about them, and Torri could have a chance to give Joe the a** kickin' she promised us that failed to materialize. Hmmm?
    Like your way of thinking, and I love your sig, SR!! Man who takes orders is right! Well... when he feels like it!


      Originally posted by AngelQueen
      *snorts* I so know the feeling. I watched the episode twice last night and both times when I came to that scene I

      Somehow, though, I managed to restrain myself. My roommate already thinks I'm insane, as do the other girls on my floor.

      TLG's probably going to move right up there with Conversion as one of my favorite eps. this season! Lots of Sparky to contemplate, not to mention just a great hour of television.

      It didn't phase me, i know it disturbed some of you but...
      At first i thought it was him, still it didn't matter at all. I don't think it's such a huge revelation, what did he say?, that Sheppard cares about Teyla?, well DUH!, they're friends. And it has red herring written all around, lol, tptb think this is gonna alter me one bit?, think again. I'm an X-Phile bey-bey, we had to go through, Phoebe Green, the vampire chick, the cockroach girl, detective White, the soulmate, and Diana Fowley. So, a simple "he cares about you more than you know" uttered by some poor guy trying to save his sorry ass, is like *pppfffftttt*, nothing, zero, nada .
      But now i'm convinced Sheppard didn't have anything to do with it. You think Sheppard would have begged for his life knowing that if he was spared many people were going to die?. I'm sure on the inside Sheppard was screaming at Teyla to just shoot him. And he was also shouting at Thalan so that he would stop saying idiotic things, lol.


        Originally posted by AngelQueen

        Most likely, Phoebus chose John because he was probably one of the first people she came across when she made herself at home in Lizzie's thoughts. She probably saw how well she knew him and, maybe thinking that Thalan would use some of John's own instincts and abilities, thought that having Elizabeth's extensive knowledge of the man (just how extensive we won't yet say ) would be a good advantage for her to have in the coming carnage.
        My thoughts exactly. I think she felt this gave her a stronger advantage if
        she felt Elizabeth knew John better than anyone else and even knew how he thought and would act in a situation. He was a "known quantity." Someone who was a better fighter, such as Ronon, wasn't. I think Phoebus at least wanted the fight to be on an "equal footing" with equal skills. Being the prideful warrior that she seemed to be, chosing someone with less strength would take the fun and challenge out of it. Chosing someone of greater skills/strength would be suicidal.

        These two had their own personal grudge against each other that went beyond the war between their people. I would be a bit surprised if they both commanded their own teams (another reason to choose John) and that it became a matter of pride to defeat the other one.


          Question: Does the spoiler stuff below my sig count as a major no-no? Is it in poor taste? Somebody tell me it's alright to keep that up!!

          Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
          I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
          Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


            hey it was a fun episode for the two of them.. gonna ship them for now at least *converted*

            Signature by Whistler84

            what would you do for a klondike bar?


              Originally posted by nicholas
              hey it was a fun episode for the two of them.. gonna ship them for now at least *converted*
              Welcome Nicholas! But you know, once you go sparky, you never go back.

              Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
              I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
              Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                Originally posted by Whistler84
                once you go sparky, you never go back.
                I second that.

                WELCOME nicholas!!!

                I like when people 'convert to sparky'. I've even managed to get my 2 sisters to go for sparky. And one of them only started watching the show a month ago, and hasn't even seen season 1 yet. But after TLG, she was sold, so I decided to point her in the direction of Seige III. She has Rogers on Demand, so she was able to go back and watch all of season 2 since it was still on there. Now all she keeps saying to me is, 'they just need to get together already'. She was a S/J shipper, so I feel it's only natural that she's now a sparky shipper.


                  Originally posted by nicholas
                  hey it was a fun episode for the two of them.. gonna ship them for now at least *converted*
                  Welcome Nicholas and Angel Queen!

                  Anyone else who I've missed.

                  Always nice to have converts to Sparky.


                    And how many people liked Caldwell in this episode? He had a couple of great lines, like this one:

                    Caldwell: "They're two people with the skills and resources of Doctor Weir and Colonel Sheppard, who probably know this city better than anyone else."

                    Yep, not only is a couple of hours without Weir and Sheppard there to guide them turn in chaos, but I especially appreciate the fact that it was because the alien took over these two, that it was really chaotic. I think only Rodney could have done more damage than these two.

                    Excuse me if this has already been said before. I still have yet to catch up on a couple of pages here.

                    Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                    I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                    Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                      Originally posted by nicholas
                      hey it was a fun episode for the two of them.. gonna ship them for now at least *converted*
                      Yeah, you will never go back! moahaha.. unless TPTB decide to finish it off, which I hightly doubt! Welcome to the sparky land!
                      Cool to have new converted faces around!
                      Funny how we get newbies each time TLG airs Prepare for another tsunami when TLG airs in England (next?) week!


                        Originally posted by GateByte
                        I second that.

                        WELCOME nicholas!!!

                        I like when people 'convert to sparky'. I've even managed to get my 2 sisters to go for sparky. And one of them only started watching the show a month ago, and hasn't even seen season 1 yet. But after TLG, she was sold, so I decided to point her in the direction of Seige III. She has Rogers on Demand, so she was able to go back and watch all of season 2 since it was still on there. Now all she keeps saying to me is, 'they just need to get together already'. She was a S/J shipper, so I feel it's only natural that she's now a sparky shipper.
                        My family thinks that shipping is a waste of time. But first i had to explain to them what shipping was, lol. You should have seen my brother's face, "Sheppard... and Weir", "those are from this t.v show you watch right", atlantis, right?". I felt like i was talking to Teyla, "What's a ship?", "what's a thread?", "what's a forum?". "So, what do you do there?", imagine that conversation, only in spanish. I explained it all to him only to have him saying after i'd finished, "that's so stupid", "you spend your time discussing the romantic lives of imaginary people!, get a life!". And my mother's: "honey, find something to do, you have too much free time in your hands", lol. Oddly enough, my father and i where watching SGA one night, and he asked me "So, those two, when are they going to get together?", lol. My dad is a shipper at heart .


                          Originally posted by Whistler84
                          And how many people liked Caldwell in this episode? He had a couple of great lines, like this one:

                          Caldwell: "They're two people with the skills and resources of Doctor Weir and Colonel Sheppard, who probably know this city better than anyone else."

                          Yep, not only is a couple of hours without Weir and Sheppard there to guide them turn in chaos, but I especially appreciate the fact that it was because the alien took over these two, that it was really chaotic.
                          Yeah, I was quite surprised
                          at the actual amount of chaos that occurred. I guess having someone who has just been host to a goau'ld in charge, coupled by the fighting over who was going to be in control, kinda made everyone forget the very common sense thing which would have been to lock out there command codes in the first place IMO.

                          But, I must say I did like Caldwell more in this ep. I haven't really been a huge fan of him, but
                          the fact that he just had to mention the kiss to Shep and Weir at the end of the ep, and his reaction to the kiss in the first place
                          makes up partially for some of the things i've disliked him for.

                          Originally posted by Whistler84
                          I think only Rodney could have done more damage than these two.
                          I agree, well Rodney is the one who
                          destroyed 1/5 of a solar system after all
                          , aside from his being a genius and knowing everything about the city.


                            Originally posted by GateByte
                            But, I must say I did like Caldwell more in this ep. I haven't really been a huge fan of him, but
                            the fact that he just had to mention the kiss to Shep and Weir at the end of the ep, and his reaction to the kiss in the first place
                            makes up partially for some of the things i've disliked him for.
                            I started out disliking Caldwell for really unfair reasons, i disliked Skinner . but now he's kind off okay. I haven't seen the wholse season, just some episodes. The tower, Conversion, TLG, Coup d'etat, Epiphany, gosh, i've been watching second season in a completely disorderly way, lol. I'll have to see how i feel about him when i see season two in the proper sequence.
                            I haven't seen the Siege 3, i've waited 'till the day of the premier 'cause on my t.v screen it looks more spectacular, and i really wanted to savor the moments 'till i get to see the

                            PS: Tried uploading some images, but it's a fact, i'm rubbish with computers .
                            EDIT: oopsie freudian slip
                            Instead of writing hug, i wrote kiss, lol.
                            Last edited by Luz; 11 February 2006, 05:56 PM.


                              Originally posted by Whistler84
                              And how many people liked Caldwell in this episode? He had a couple of great lines, like this one:

                              Caldwell: "They're two people with the skills and resources of Doctor Weir and Colonel Sheppard, who probably know this city better than anyone else."
                              After the discussion about (TLG)
                              why Phoebus chose John
                              , the above quote got me thinking:
                              What if Phoebus chose John bc she knew he had the above qualities, and therefore would be the person most likely to stop her in her quest?


                                Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                                After the discussion about (TLG)
                                why Phoebus chose John
                                , the above quote got me thinking:
                                What if Phoebus chose John bc she knew he had the above qualities, and therefore would be the person most likely to stop her in her quest?
                                Has any of you participated in a competition of any kind?, when i win a competition, it only makes it worthy if i've beaten out the very best. It's boring going against a weak rival. TLG
                                I think that's why Phoebus chose Thalan, she not only wanted to defeat him, she wanted to enjoy the excitement of the chase. Also maybe because he was the hottest guy in the room .
                                "now, don't get all worked up you're cute too, but you must admit Sheppard is a dish" *shakes head* "can't you think about anything else?" *gives up* "you're impossible sometimes" .

