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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Greetings Everyone from Dallas:

    Well I'm finally over that mess with FrakCon 2008...ready for something new. Unfortunately I won't be able to make to Australia...looks like I'll be busy looking for another job. The account I work on will shut down in August, so now the entire team is scrambling trying to either find jobs within the company or outside. Wish I could move to Scotland I'm serious...I really wish I could move there b/c the men are hot!!! What is it about a man in a Kilt?

    I'll keep everyone posted. To those going to the Australian convention have a great time and take lots of pics of Paul and give us a report.


      Originally posted by TJuk View Post
      No, unfortunately the idiot is deadly serious. Quite a turn around for Mr Gero considering he was proclaiming not long ago that everyone would love her without a doubt just as *he* did. So thats as much as admitting he was wrong as we're gonna get.
      » Mr Gero needs to know that I do not despise Keller because she replaced Beckett. I despise her because she is a horrible and despisable character. Can you say out of touch?

      » They won't bring Carson (or Elizabeth) back full-time because that could be admitting they were wrong. I'll post a rant on my LJ since what I want to say about tptb will probably make the mods slice it up and serve it on rye with a side of slaw.


        Originally posted by Tal View Post
        Acutally, I need to make it up - it's in the north of Australia and I'm way down south
        Ui, sorry, Tal. I didn't realize you lived in Australia at all, so assumed you'd have to fly in from the US.

        Anyway, have the best of times and a safe journey!

        Originally posted by PJumper42 View Post
        looks like I'll be busy looking for another job. The account I work on will shut down in August, so now the entire team is scrambling trying to either find jobs within the company or outside.
        I'm sorry to hear you're all going to lose your jobs. That su*ks big time. I hope you'll find a new job very quickly and wish you all good luck. *crosses fingers*

        Well, to be perfectly honest, Reiko, both points apply to my immense dislike of the character of Keller. She really got on my wrong side right from the start because she replaced our dear Carson Beckett when there was no need at all to replace or boot anyone, and that includes Elizabeth in my book. But if her character had been any more likeable, I think I could have warmed to her but because of the way she was written, that obviously never happened. I want to emphesize that I do NOT in any way lay the blame on Jewel Staite as I always differenciate strictly between the actor/actress and the character. Heck, had I been given the opportunity, I'd jumped at the role myself. The decision was made by TPTB, so there would have been a replacement no matter who was going to portray that character. Jewel Staite is not responsible for either Beckett being kicked out nor for who horrible her character turned out. But it certainly isn't helping any.

        When they axed Ford, I was disappointed, and I openly admit that I didn't look forward to seeing Jason Momoa as Ronon because I thought they were only going to introduce another stereotype, not to mention that he reminded me a lot of Tyr from 'Andromeda'. Nevertheless, the character won me over immediately. I never grudged Ronon joining the team even though I missed Ford on the show. Actually I'm glad they brought him in.

        Not so with Keller. She simply doesn't do it for me. BASTA! *nods decisively*
        twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


          Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
          Big hello to everyone.
          Gosh, I was sooo busy in RL that I couldn't get myself to visit the thread. I see you guys haven't been that busy.
          Oda!!!! How are you? Haven't talked to you in ages! Glad to see you alive and kicking!

          Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
          To help with the photobucket problems:
          I keep all the links for posting the pics in a word file going with each folder I have and copy them from there. So I don't have to go to my account every time I want to add some pics. Just a suggestion.
          Wow, I could never be that organized! I just have my stargate section of my photobucket account bookmarked in my "Sci-Fi" folder so even if I'm not logged in I can just go to that link and I'm at all my photos.

          Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
          Well, to be perfectly honest, Reiko, both points apply to my immense dislike of the character of Keller. She really got on my wrong side right from the start because she replaced our dear Carson Beckett when there was no need at all to replace or boot anyone, and that includes Elizabeth in my book. But if her character had been any more likeable, I think I could have warmed to her but because of the way she was written, that obviously never happened. I want to emphesize that I do NOT in any way lay the blame on Jewel Staite as I always differenciate strictly between the actor/actress and the character. Heck, had I been given the opportunity, I'd jumped at the role myself. The decision was made by TPTB, so there would have been a replacement no matter who was going to portray that character. Jewel Staite is not responsible for either Beckett being kicked out nor for who horrible her character turned out. But it certainly isn't helping any.

          When they axed Ford, I was disappointed, and I openly admit that I didn't look forward to seeing Jason Momoa as Ronon because I thought they were only going to introduce another stereotype, not to mention that he reminded me a lot of Tyr from 'Andromeda'. Nevertheless, the character won me over immediately. I never grudged Ronon joining the team even though I missed Ford on the show. Actually I'm glad they brought him in.

          Not so with Keller. She simply doesn't do it for me. BASTA! *nods decisively*
          Twinny, I completely agree with you on all points. Keller has just annoyed the snot outa me from the git go. But I love Ronon, I think he's great! Though, of course, I came to like Atlantis after Ford got axed, so I never really liked him in the first place But through the whole Carson ordeal I can totaly relate to how his fans felt.

          So, if ya'll don't see much of me over the next week or two, or three it's because I'm busy moving!! I just got back from moving my horse up to his new barn, now this week I'm packing me and should be up there for good by the following week! Oh man... I will be so happy when this is over and I'm settled...
          I'll be around! But probably just lurking

          Proudly Supporting Team USA


            Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
            Well, to be perfectly honest, Reiko, both points apply to my immense dislike of the character of Keller. She really got on my wrong side right from the start because she replaced our dear Carson Beckett when there was no need at all to replace or boot anyone, and that includes Elizabeth in my book.
            » I understand - I thought she was ok in the 1min of screentime she has in FS but from there on out it all went downhill. I gave her a chance but she annoys the snot out of me, too, and is also a reason I opted out for most of the fourth season. (Not to mention that quality also took a nosedive)

            » I'm still bitter. And snarky. And she just better stay away from Carson.


              german interview with Paul here:


              mmmhhh, wondering to which con in europe he will come then, if not germany or UK.
              not germany but pretty close he said: i dare hope: Holland maybe))

              that would be great.


                Originally posted by meezergater View Post
                german interview with Paul here:


                mmmhhh, wondering to which con in europe he will come then, if not germany or UK.
                not germany but pretty close he said: i dare hope: Holland maybe))

                that would be great.
                aww, thank you for the interview Meez.

                haha, a sequel of ADB with Kate's cats? "A cat's dinner" perhaps? that would be really cool.

                oh... and which country the con will be? close to Germany... Holland would be cool. France? Denmark? Poland??? No idea. I couldn't co anyway because I'm in England during this time. And this he ruled out


                  *runs in*

                  Hey all! Just dropping by to say hey! Hopefully I'll get the chance to come on for a bit later.

                  Hope everyone is doing well.


                  *runs out*


                  My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
                  "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


                    Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
                    *runs in*

                    Hey all! Just dropping by to say hey! Hopefully I'll get the chance to come on for a bit later.

                    Hope everyone is doing well.


                    *runs out*

                    I am doing ok. Been working a lot. Hoping everyone is doing great. Not much longer till season 5 starts.


                      Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                      oh... and which country the con will be? close to Germany... Holland would be cool. France? Denmark? Poland??? No idea. I couldn't co anyway because I'm in England during this time. And this he ruled out
                      The next convention he's doing in Europe is in Scotland at the end of August.

                      You can find details here:



                        Originally posted by TJuk View Post
                        The next convention he's doing in Europe is in Scotland at the end of August.

                        You can find details here:

                        oh really? he said in the interview that the con would be on european mainland Or scots just see Scotland as european mainland no idea. *scratches head* but thank you for the info

                        *waves at cshawzye*

                        Meez how are your kittens doing?


                          Originally posted by TJuk View Post
                          The next convention he's doing in Europe is in Scotland at the end of August.

                          You can find details here:

                          Thank you for the info! Good to know where Paul is gonna go


                            just quickly dropping by to say first day of con has been lots of fun - Paul was so nice and friendly when I was getting an autograph with him and he even put a special message for you girls on my photo after I brought up FedCon So I will scan it when I get home for you to see in a few days.

                            I am going to a VIP dinner with Paul, Alan Tudyk & David Nykl (Zelenka) tonight and then another day of conning tomorrow - Im' getting photos taken with the boys then so that should be fun.

                            Will report more when I'm back home


                              Originally posted by Tal View Post
                              just quickly dropping by to say first day of con has been lots of fun - Paul was so nice and friendly when I was getting an autograph with him and he even put a special message for you girls on my photo after I brought up FedCon So I will scan it when I get home for you to see in a few days.

                              I am going to a VIP dinner with Paul, Alan Tudyk & David Nykl (Zelenka) tonight and then another day of conning tomorrow - Im' getting photos taken with the boys then so that should be fun.

                              Will report more when I'm back home
                              Glad your having fun Tal, Can't wait to hear how the VIP dinner went.


                                carson rules not been on thread in while just shout out to luci for my sig

                                love to the carson!!!
                                New thread for all Kate Hewlett/Jeanie Miller fans and thunkers

                                Stargate Atlantis "Star Trekking"

                                *Smashes console with fists*
                                "COOL IT CHEWIE!!!!! those buttons are your friends!!"

                                Thank you WingedPegasus

