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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Reiko View Post
    » Hee, okay I get it! I knew someone from Romania and she said that the dubbing in her country, it was just one guy that dubbed all the voices in the series, male and female. Yikes!
    Same in Poland, as far as I know.... A few years ago I watched one of the MacGyver movies there. That was the first time I heard RDA's real voice.


      Originally posted by Fainne View Post
      omg you got two different eye colours. they look gorgeous.
      Thanks I was born with these eyes...

      Sorry, can you explain this word: purdy? I don't know what it means


        Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
        Thanks I was born with these eyes...
        lucky you. I love them. I also love David Bowie's eyes - though he wasn't born this way.

        speaking of McGyver, my rabbit, which I called McGyver died this morning... I don't know what he suffered from, but other rabbit Troll died 2 weeks ago. I'll bring him to the vet today to check what he suffered from.


          Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
          Sorry, can you explain this word: purdy? I don't know what it means
          It's another way of saying pretty

          Originally posted by Fainne View Post
          speaking of McGyver, my rabbit, which I called McGyver died this morning... I don't know what he suffered from, but other rabbit Troll died 2 weeks ago. I'll bring him to the vet today to check what he suffered from.
          Awww hun I'm sorry



            Originally posted by Fainne View Post
            lucky you. I love them. I also love David Bowie's eyes - though he wasn't born this way.

            speaking of McGyver, my rabbit, which I called McGyver died this morning... I don't know what he suffered from, but other rabbit Troll died 2 weeks ago. I'll bring him to the vet today to check what he suffered from.
            Oh, sorry to hear that...

            Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
            It's another way of saying pretty


              thank you both


                Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                Just to let you know that I started a new Carson appreciation thread....there was one previously but it didn't have much activity.. shall we see what we can do about that?
                Ooh *runs of to have a look* We're going to keep that one very active!

                Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                .:xD Gaha, we've stolen each other's flair, it seems. Gimme back my icon skillz, lol!!! xP
                Give me back my wallpaper skillz first!

                Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                speaking of McGyver, my rabbit, which I called McGyver died this morning... I don't know what he suffered from, but other rabbit Troll died 2 weeks ago. I'll bring him to the vet today to check what he suffered from.
                Aw, I'm so sorry to hear that!

                My Art
                McKay: Are there any side effects?
                Beckett: Dry mouth, headache, the irresistable urge to run around in a small wheel.


                  Unfortunately Paul has had to cancel his appearence at Collectormania - Glasgow due to schedule conflicts, he'll be filming his fourth episode of Atlantis 'Indentity'. Check out the official annoucement here:


                  Both Paul and Showmasters worked very hard to make this work, but unfortunately time was against them. Paul will however, be appearing at the F.A.C.T.S convention Belgium in October. More info here:


                  (N.B. not annouced on their page yet, but confirmed by Paul's agent).


                    Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                    speaking of McGyver, my rabbit, which I called McGyver died this morning... I don't know what he suffered from, but other rabbit Troll died 2 weeks ago. I'll bring him to the vet today to check what he suffered from.
                    » **hugs**


                      Longer post later, but I wanted to duck in now and say hi.

                      I am now officially moved into my first apartment on my own (and have my computer back online again). I've been buried in the chaos of work, moving, grad school prep, etc. lately and I'm so far behind here it isn't funny, but now that I'm up here and will be settling into the routine of classes and work (I got a Teaching Assistantship teaching an Intro Biology lab while I work on my Master's in Wildlife Ecology) I'm really hoping to have more time to catch up online.

                      How have you guys been? Have I missed any big news about Paul or Beckett? Any fun or excitement around here in the last few weeks?



                        Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                        Longer post later, but I wanted to duck in now and say hi.

                        I am now officially moved into my first apartment on my own (and have my computer back online again). I've been buried in the chaos of work, moving, grad school prep, etc. lately and I'm so far behind here it isn't funny, but now that I'm up here and will be settling into the routine of classes and work (I got a Teaching Assistantship teaching an Intro Biology lab while I work on my Master's in Wildlife Ecology) I'm really hoping to have more time to catch up online.

                        How have you guys been? Have I missed any big news about Paul or Beckett? Any fun or excitement around here in the last few weeks?

                        don't worry, you really haven't missed anything...
                        except this:
                        Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                          Hello everybody

                          perhaps you are interested in my new drawing which I would like to share with you. This time of Carson Beckett. Hope you like it.

                          Large version:

                          Carson Beckett-Collage

                          So, if you want to see more of my drawings, then check the link in my signature. Wish you a great day!
                          Sorry for my grammar. ^^

                          Newest: Carson Beckett

                          "The life is a game, you must simply join in and create it according to your own power of imagination."


                            Originally posted by Nalda View Post
                            Hello everybody

                            perhaps you are interested in my new drawing which I would like to share with you. This time of Carson Beckett. Hope you like it.

                            Large version:

                            Carson Beckett-Collage

                            So, if you want to see more of my drawings, then check the link in my signature. Wish you a great day!
                            Wow...this is so awesome! You're very talented! *nods*

                            My Art
                            McKay: Are there any side effects?
                            Beckett: Dry mouth, headache, the irresistable urge to run around in a small wheel.


                              Originally posted by Nalda View Post
                              Hello everybody

                              perhaps you are interested in my new drawing which I would like to share with you. This time of Carson Beckett. Hope you like it.

                              Large version:

                              Carson Beckett-Collage

                              So, if you want to see more of my drawings, then check the link in my signature. Wish you a great day!
                              oh wow, this is beautiful. you are a talented little thing gut gemacht

                              thank ou Reiko and whistling Ninja
                              Last edited by Fainne; 19 August 2008, 12:33 AM.


                                Originally posted by Nalda View Post
                                Hello everybody

                                perhaps you are interested in my new drawing which I would like to share with you. This time of Carson Beckett. Hope you like it.


                                Large version:

                                Carson Beckett-Collage

                                So, if you want to see more of my drawings, then check the link in my signature. Wish you a great day!
                                wow, you should *really* put your stuff on deviantart!

                                Oh, and I am one character closer to Stitchifing Carson!!! I finished Ronon (can't draw dreads!) and started on Tilo (Teyla!!). Tilo is about 10% done! I'll put up the Stitchifined Ronon later, the Ronon ppls get to see it first!!!
                                Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*

