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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Well good job finding the song I just happen to use my iPhone's function, I hear a song I like, press a button and the phone "listens" to the song and searches the web for it. Yay for technology, eh?


      I have never heard of that before!


        It's a fun little feature, my brother showed it to me right after I got my iPhone

        ...Crap. It's 2:11 in the morning and I have an Astronomy quiz tomorrow, I'd better get a little studying in before I forget, everyone knows I won't be awake early enough to study in the morning...


          Ok, and you should probably go to bed as well. I don't know how you function!
          BTW, what time was your RL mother texting you last night, I feel I may need to have a word with her!


            Okay, I'll go to sleep after I study...*cheeky grin*

            She texted me at around midnight, not so bad actually. She's aware I stay up this late, but after nearly a year of back and forth arguing over my bed time every night, she's given up getting me to sleep earlier. "As long as you can get up in the morning, you can stay up as long as you want," she says. Her way of saying she doesn't approve and knowing I'll have to learn this lesson the hard way whether she wants me to or not.


              Well she shouldn't be texting you at midnight, it is just wrong!
              I had just got you down!
              *Good grief, what am I saying. Down Dell*


                What I'd like to know really, is the pics she sent me looked like she'd taken them at around midday...why didn't she send them THEN instead of midnight? Did it take her 12 hours to decide to ask me for help? Sheesh!

                As for me, I'm about to fall over from tiredness and it's 3am. I do have to be awake in roughly 6 hours or so. And I'd like to get in a dream or two before then. So I'm gonna say goodnight now See you back here sometime tomorrow, provided I'm not in a RAGE! mood again due to that pain in the butt photography class

                Good night Carson & Shep! *hugs Carson*

                Goodnight, Love! *hugs*

                What, no hug for me?

                Well Shep, you do belong to Dell...


                  Good night Aang!

                  here have a hug form shep


                    Good night!

                    Aww Shep, she's sharing you with me for a hug *hugs shep*

                    That's better!

                    Dell, you're making me grin at the adorableness of Shep tonight. I can't stand it, too much adorable Shep. *falls over* By the way Carson, not a chance I'll ever like him more than you. You're my true SGA love.

                    I know, Love, I know. I'd never doubt ye.


                      (I won't tell him what I just read over at the other thread!)
                      I said I don't want to see you out of bed again, you are dead on your feet!
                      oh, could have sworn you said something else!
                      Me, never!


                        Fffff I can't keep it from him! I can't lie to Carson! *embarrassed face*

                        What is it, Love?

                        I...Dell showed me a picture of Shep...a really adorable picture of him...and well, it made me grin. The silly fangirl-grin I usually save only for you...I said that it was the most adorable picture of Shep I'd ever seen...

                        Love, you used that special grin of yours for Sheppard?

                        Aye, I did...but it's only the first time and I swear it won't happen again!

                        It's alright, Love. It's alright. I'm not upset with ye. How could I be? It's 3:15 in the mornin', you're not thinkin' straight

                        Yeah, that's it. I'm over tired and I'm not thinking straight. And Sheppard some kind of adorable. Still, that was a one time, special grin for Shep. Now I once again resolve to only use that grin for my one and only blue-eyed Scotsman

                        ...OKAY NOW I'm REALLY off to bed now. I swear. Cuddly Carson can tell you so, he's just sat here on my arm and watched me set 3 alarms to wake me for tomorrow and get comfortable in bed


                          I believe you, thousands wouldn't!


                            *skips happily into Carson's thread, hand in hand pulling McKay along with me*

                            Hi Carson!
                            Did we seriously have to skip the whole way? I think I pulled a muscle

                            Oh hello there McBeck, McKay, how are ye both?
                            Well just now, I think I pulled-
                            -we're quite well! What about you?

                            I'm quite well too, thanks love.
                            So where have you two been? I saw ye both skipping about, havin a good ol time

                            She was skipping, I was being dragged by the hand, nearly ripped my arm off!

                            Oh you big baby. haha.
                            We just came from Shep's thread. Actually I accidentally wandered into the wrong thread! but ended up hanging out a bit, then McKay showed up outta the blue & so I invited him to come along to visit his best friend!

                            Aww well isn't that just sweet. Ye a real softy McKay even under all that bitterness...
                            What bitterness?!

                            Oh McKay. I love you
                            Aye, me too
                            I am Queen McBeck of McTennantLand,
                            traveling in the TARDIS with King Rodney & my fine Sir Carson of Atlantis... ALONSY!



                              Originally posted by McBecklover View Post
                              *skips happily into Carson's thread, hand in hand pulling McKay along with me*

                              Hi Carson!
                              Did we seriously have to skip the whole way? I think I pulled a muscle

                              Oh hello there McBeck, McKay, how are ye both?
                              Well just now, I think I pulled-
                              -we're quite well! What about you?

                              I'm quite well too, thanks love.
                              So where have you two been? I saw ye both skipping about, havin a good ol time

                              She was skipping, I was being dragged by the hand, nearly ripped my arm off!

                              Oh you big baby. haha.
                              We just came from Shep's thread. Actually I accidentally wandered into the wrong thread! but ended up hanging out a bit, then McKay showed up outta the blue & so I invited him to come along to visit his best friend!

                              Aww well isn't that just sweet. Ye a real softy McKay even under all that bitterness...
                              What bitterness?!

                              Oh McKay. I love you
                              Aye, me too
                              What's McKay doing on this thread?
                              sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                     Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                                Sparky, I think McBeck brought McKay over to visit Carson...

                                Also, I was amused to find one of the nicknames for the McKay/Beckett 'ship (I don't ship them but I've looked at most of the ships people DO support here on GateWorld) was Rockett...I giggled a little.

