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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by TJuk
    *hugs Celestrial*

    Come back soon, we'll be here!

    htpp:// ...I think its official anyway, it kinda sucks, its not been updated since Nov last year and has an annoying as hell 10 sec music loop, the flash doesnt work too well either.

    Hehe, not saying anything except your site rocks! Haha, thanks for the link wow don't know why my search didn't work?!?

    Hmm, you know Amanda Tapping's official site was once the unofficial one...*hint* Paul *hint* ooh I am cheeky. But I can say that 'cause I am not involved with it at all! Maybe you should have gotten watcher to ask him about that! If I had of known... I hate it when official sites get so far behind, I know it can't be easy to keep them up-to-date but that is nearly a whole year! I mean look what has happened with Paul's career since Nov.2004!! Anyway no disrespect meant but fans need to be kept in the loop or we get testy.
    Last edited by Willow'sCat; 04 September 2005, 11:00 PM.


      Thanks for the link TJuk, but I think you mean to have 'http' and not 'htpp'....just pointing that out for when peeps go and try the site


        Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
        Thanks for the link TJuk, but I think you mean to have 'http' and not 'htpp'....just pointing that out for when peeps go and try the site
        oops!! well it was like 7.30am and I've been up since 4.30am...god I hate mornings!!

        Thanks for spotting the deliberate mistake!!!



          wow! it's 2:45am here on a monday and i have been up since 10:30am sunday

          so, why are you making all the typo errors and not me


            Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
            wow! it's 2:45am here on a monday and i have been up since 10:30am sunday

            so, why are you making all the typo errors and not me
            I see lack of sleep makes you 'mad' and cheeky.


              Me...mad? cheeky?...I think crazy (or insane) and goofy are the words that I would choose...


                Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
                Me...mad? cheeky?...I think crazy (or insane) and goofy are the words that I would choose...
                Well the word/s you might use!

                Back on topic and what a lovely topic he is.

                Originally posted by watcher652
                He does look so good in that black shirt and look jeans, mmm, jeans. watcher you are a goddess.


                  Originally posted by watcher652
                  Here's a head shot of Paul that he doesn't think is on his website. Sorry for the quality. I took a picture of the photo with my digital camera so I could post it for you. The original is, of course, much better. He says it's about 2 years old.


                  It has more of the scruffy look than the photo you see on the front page of his site.


                  Which he was selling and I now have as an autographed photo.

                  YES, he does have beautiful eyes. And a wonderful smile and laugh. And a fun sense of humor. And, well, you get the idea!
                  *falls off chair*
                  Oh dear.... eyes like that should be illegal** *sigh*

                  JANICE: Dr. Bob, you've given this hospital a bad name.
                  DR BOB: You're right. Fred is a terrible name for a hospital. I'll give it a better name. How 'bout Eunice?


                    Originally posted by Imo
                    *falls off chair*
                    Oh dear.... eyes like that should be illegal** *sigh*

                    The ILLICIT Eyes of Sex!!



                      Originally posted by thistledown
                      The ILLICIT Eyes of Sex!!

                      You should put "The eyes of sex" in your sig under BECKETT hmm, the mods might take offence. I don't really know what PG13 in American means. It would look good though.


                        Can I just say that this thread is the only reason I registered on this forum? I finally feel I belong. Hehe. With people who appreciate gorgeous Paul just like I do.


                          Well here's some more EYES OF SEX

                          JANICE: Dr. Bob, you've given this hospital a bad name.
                          DR BOB: You're right. Fred is a terrible name for a hospital. I'll give it a better name. How 'bout Eunice?


                            Originally posted by HyperCaz
                            Can I just say that this thread is the only reason I registered on this forum? I finally feel I belong. Hehe. With people who appreciate gorgeous Paul just like I do.
                            Hey come in sit down don't be a stranger. HyperCaz as long as you can stand all this Paul/Carson goodness you are welcome. Beware it can get very very hot in here.

                            EDIT: You are from Australia or New Zealand? Or? We are so taking over this thread. I gave you green before I thought about New Zealand being Down Under too so if you are from New Zealand don't take offence. I love Daniel Vettori.
                            Last edited by Willow'sCat; 05 September 2005, 02:34 AM.


                              Originally posted by TJuk
                     ...I think its official anyway, it kinda sucks, its not been updated since Nov last year and has an annoying as hell 10 sec music loop, the flash doesnt work too well either.
                              When I do a google search for "paul mcgillion" your site comes up first, then Paul's official site.

                              I didn't ask him but Paul mentioned on his own that he knows his web site needs to be updated.

                              I don't have problems with his site. What doesn't work? And you can turn off the sound.

                              My kind of guy:
                              "Hewlett states that he is a self proclaimed computer nerd who loves small dark rooms and large computers."
                              Member of MAGIC: McKay's A Genius Intergalactic Club and ADB: Adores David's Blog
                              (subsidiaries of DHD: David Hewlett's Domain).


                                So I've noticed. LOL I've looked at EVERY page.

