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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    it was ok, I was awake when Shep found me, so I was able to tell him a bit about my leg. Dave said he talked to you, he took my call, I was kinda upset when he told me...I know I wasn't here, but still, it was my call!

    need to count to 10 Dell?

    -No, think I'll manage.


      I'm aware it was your call, Sis, but I for one am glad he took it. As much as I know you always come back alive and mostly in one piece, I really was worried and the little information Dave could give me helped me piece together roughly what was going on...Dave was pretty frustrated that nobody would tell him anything because he didn't have clearance, it was pretty hard not to laugh at how annoyed he was getting.

      Beck: And then I dreamed you were in trouble, big Sis. I dreamed you fell off your horse and then it kicked you when you tried to stand up...*she looks directly at Dell*

      She did...and we ended up spending most of last night sitting on a balcony, keeping each other company, we even slept out there a few hours until I felt you stop worrying and warm up a bit, I figured Shep had got there... *I smile*


        -I told you Beck, that you have to make sure tell people when you dream! I'm glad you were together, I was thinking of helped me to pass the time...while I waited.

        *Shep looks to the side*
        -Oh, Mary Alice hello, I'm on a video call back home at the moment...
        Mary Alice I just wanted to come and say I was sorry...again, I wasn't thinking str...

        No you weren't, you knew Dell hadn't been riding for long, you were told she wasn't to be allowed to go out on her own, why do you think I said that? Well?

        -Shep, it is as much my fault as her's
        No it's not, I know you, and knowing that I left instructions to make sure you stayed safe, and this happens.

        -It is ok Mary..
        Don't say it Dell, it is not ok, you could have been killed.

        -How many times? I'm not dead, I'm tough, I'm not that easy to kill, haven't you noticed that yet?
        *he looks at me, and I motion for Mary Alice to leave while she has the chance*


          *Beck and I are staring at the screen by this point*

          Well Sis, we were together...and Beck did tell me as soon as she dreamed it this time...I was happy that she came and got me even if it was late in the night...sometimes her dreams haven't happened yet, sometimes they're things that have just happened. When she told me, I'd already been feeling your worry and loneliness and that dull ache in your leg for a while, had spoken to Dave already in fact.

          Beck: I really was scared for you, Sis. I was glad Aang could feel you there and knew you would be alright.

          *I look at Beck and back to Dell*

          I confess I was a bit worried, but I was glad to have Beck with me last night, she helped me not to totally go crazy. I've been a bit touchy since yesterday morning and knowing my big Sis was in trouble and I couldn't go help wasn't helping. *I smile* But you're alive and basically alright, though do be careful of that leg of yours for a while...


            -I will, I'm not allowed to get up for 24 hours!

            You can't blame me for that one, it was the Dr!
            -I know, but you didn't have to agree with him so enthusiastically.

            *he grins*
            I'll keep you company.
            -Shep! *I slap his arm* we have company!
            times almost up, better say good bye while you have the chance.

            -Oh crap, again? ok, bye Aang, bye Beck. and I take it we will do something for your birthday when we get back home.


              Alright, I'm getting really tired of the fact that the damn 'Gate can only stay open 38 minutes at a time. *I shake my head and smile* Alright 'bye, Sis. And yes, we'll have a proper celebration for Beck's birthday when you get home and can join us. Oh by the way, I agree with the doctor and with Shep. Hell, I'd probably have made you stay off it more than just the one day. *I smirk because she can't hit me from a Galaxy away*

              Beck: Bye Sis, I'm glad I got to see you tonight. I miss you like crazy! *she smiles and we both wave*


                -I wouldn't have stayed off it for more than a day, you would....*The line goes dead*
                told you to hurry, now lets get rid of this laptop. *he gets up and puts it on a table and then locks the door before coming back over.*



                (hey get back to Atlantis, nothing to see here!)


                  *I close my laptop and Beck and I just sit and stare at each other for a few moments, feeling the relief that our big Sis is alright, then by way of our shared brain cell, decide that with the occasional check in on Poet and the guys, we're going to have a girls' night in, so I go to check on Poet, while Beck gets the ice cream from the kitchen and we meet again in the living room to settle in and enjoy each other's company*

                  *while I am in the guest room, checking on Poet, I show Gabriel where I have left the antidote hidden so that if he needs to wake Poet for any reason, he may do so, but he knows only to wake her without me if it's necessary*

                  *sitting on the couch some time later, Beck and I have watched two episodes of Star Trek Deep Space 9 and are both beginning to doze off, but we're not really ready to go our separate ways, so when the Carsons come to take us inside...*

                  A- 've jus' looked in on Poet an' the guys, she's sleepin' peacefully, almost as if she was their dark 'aired sleepin' beauty and they 'er princes, waitin' for the right moment to wake 'er. *he smiles, knowing I will enjoy his words because Sleeping Beauty has always been my favorite princess*

                  An' now it's time t' get our own sleepin' beauties t' bed.

                  *our Carsons go to lift us from the couch, but I look up at A-Carson and Beck looks up at Carson and at the same time, we say...*

                  Aang & Beck: Can we spend tonight like the early days, on the couch?

                  A- & Suppose so, don' see why not.

                  *Beck and I giggle at the two Scottish accents blending into one as they Carsons speak in unison, then giggle a bit more in our sleepy states as the Carsons carefully lift us in their arms and then sit down and place us each on their laps*

                  A- Aang, Love, since y' seem t' be holdin' that remote quite tightly, would ye put on th' next episode? *he asks gently and I nod, pressing the button as he strokes my hair gently and I lean my head on his shoulder, enjoying his arms around me as I doze off, the last thing I feel is his tender kiss on the top of my head and another kiss gently placed on my lips as his finger brushes the engagement ring I still wear faithfully as I await my wedding day*

                  Beck, Love, go t' sleep... *his soft voice is lulling Beck to sleep as her head rests gently on his shoulder, identical to how I am positioned on A-Carson's lap, and one of his hands strays to her hair, stroking it gently, while he gives her a good night kiss and holds her close*

                  *but as we sleep, it is some time before the Carsons drift off as well. They give each other a quick glance now and then, glad that for the moment, we will have a peaceful night with my gift held at bay by my exhaustion and Beck's dreams will hopefully leave her in peace tonight. It is about an hour later before the Carsons drift off to sleep still holding Beck and I*
                  Last edited by Aang; 14 March 2013, 10:35 PM.


                    *Gabriel wakes up suddenly, his hands shake and he gasps for air, he feels like someone was calling hs name* who's there *he is whispering to not wake up his friends, no one answers but then he hears a voice calling his name again* Jukla! *he gets up, kisses Poet on her cheek* I'll be back hopefully soon with good news, my queen *then vanishes*
                    Last edited by DarkenLycht; 15 March 2013, 06:07 AM.


                      *I wake up, still snuggled in on the couch with A-Carson, and remember Poet and her guys are all still here, so I get up and go to where I'd left them, but don't notice that A-Carson has also gotten up and is following behind me as I step into the room*


                        Originally posted by Dellruby View Post
                        -I wouldn't have stayed off it for more than a day, you would....*The line goes dead*
                        told you to hurry, now lets get rid of this laptop. *he gets up and puts it on a table and then locks the door before coming back over.*



                        (hey get back to Atlantis, nothing to see here!)
                        Oh, so you two can get all suggestive and stuff, but when Radek and I do it, it's "TMI"!
                        "Thanks to denial, I'm immortal."
                        "A big 'Hello' to all intelligent life out there, and for everyone else, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys!"
                        "Excuse me, barmaid? You seem to have brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side. This here, this is a talking fishbone!"
                        "I'm Jack. It means... what's in the box?"

                        >-- Czechs Rock! >--


                          *a mixture of anger and sadness makes her beating faster, she feels someone she loves is hurt and sad, no one she loves should ever be, she must help, she HAS TO* Gabriel! *she sits up straight and is shaken by a wave of sadness, knowing that her boy's heart is hurting with pain and anger*


                            *I step into the room just in time to see Poet sit up and I think to myself how strong she really must be to wake up from that sort of sleep and then realize from the look on her face that something is not right*

                            Poet, what is it? What's-- *I notice Gabriel is not there* --Where has Gabriel gone to?

                            (Ok sorry I won't be on much today)


                              I assume he got called by his old friend, but all I can feel now, is sadness and pain *looks at Aang sadly*

                              *in the next second Gabriel reappears, with a human male, holding a wraith boy in his arms, who looks more dead than alive, his arms legs and obviously the rest of his body covered with wounds and bruises*

                              (oh ok, it's a pitty but there are other days still )


                                Hello everybody!
                                sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                       Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane

