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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by leighanners
    And I highly doubt that Paul would tell someone that. That's very detailed spoilers that cast and crew don't just throw out there to anyone.
    Have I misread or something? I thought it was this girl's cousin, not Paul, who came out with the Carson thing? I thought Paul had just said that things were up in the air for next year? *is now highly confused and considering the merits of bed*
    Atlantis : Revolutions - an AU "Stargate: Atlantis" RPG


      Oh I might have misread that. I thought she said that Paul told her. I dunno. I was reading sorta fast.
      Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


        You might have a point there, TJuk. I'm a bit of a worrier myself.

        To make it clear, PM was quoted as saying that the fate of certain characters were being left up in the air, and someone in the Anti-Transplant thread by the handle Nina1989 claims that her "cousin" was an extra and was witness to a funeral scene for someone whose coffin was decorated by a scottish flag.

        That doesn't necessarily mean that Carson is going to be the one to die, although from what everybody is saying it certainly sounds like they're hinting at it. Maybe they're doing it on purpose, to try to lull the fans into thinking something horrible is going to happen, then make it into a happy ending where he survives...? The statement "fates being left in the air" is by no means a concrete YES or NO answer as to whether someone is going to die at all.

        EDIT: Oh, and the quote from PM was from a someone who claimed to be at a con a few weeks ago I think and posted it in some other thread, don't remember where.

        I put it in spoiler box just in case...

        And of course, this all just had to come out right after PM's con in Toronto.
        Last edited by Jersey13; 06 September 2006, 02:46 PM.


          From what I have read, Paul said at a con last weekend that things were up in the air for the Atlantis cast, and that girl said her cousin or brother or something, who's been an extra, told her about
          a memorial scene with the Scottish flag on the casket.

          Just hope she's wrong.
          Atlantis : Revolutions - an AU "Stargate: Atlantis" RPG


            I reread it, I misunderstood. But they need to leave our little Scotty alone! He is not a doctor to be messed with. Seriously, if Carson goes, TPTB should really install deadbolts on their doors. Whitney is not gonna be a very happy fan. My wrath is not a pretty one.
            Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


              I'm hoping this person just made it up for the sole purpose of being mean and getting attention. It better not be true... But I'm thinking it's Ford. He's been AWOL so long, they HAVE to tie up these loose ends. Without that faker's statement, it would make sense.


                I hope it's not Ford. I really liked him. They could still do something with him, but I can see why he would be a possible canidate. I really think people are just trying to be mean. Hopefully it won't go on for the rest of the season. Mom, sister, and I were talking about it, and we all think it's gonna be Caldwell or Ford, and hope it's not Zelenka. My sister wanted to be mean and say they were gonna kick Chuck off. So not cool. And well all agreed that Carson can't leave. And they were appalled by the on goings on this board. How mean people are getting about the situation and about the cast and characters. Anyway, the show would be losing so much if it was him. Unless there is a main actor that is seriously wanting off the show, which I haven't heard of, then I doubt it's part of the main cast. And if it is part of the main cast, I'd rather not think about it. Haha!
                Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                  I have a really hard time believing that Carson would be kicked off. I mean, his status as a major character is relativly new, isn't it? It just seems such a stupid thing to do, we need him ! I'm not going to even read that thread, because there is no way to prove it, and I don't want to have an anxiety attack because of some rumor. I don't know, but if Carson's off the show...

                  I'll be loosing two shows next year.

                  "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen


                    OMG what NO NO NO NO Dno't liek the sound of THOSE spoilers!!!!!! *CRIES*

                    I would bawl like a baby watching it then I would never watch SGA again inthey killed off Carson!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                      I *heart* Carson. He's my hero. One of many, but at least he's in there. Top five status definatly.

                      Is it Friday already?
                      Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                        prepare to die MGM...

                        You can't take my thunk from me!!! I'm hoping I'm hoping they THOUGHT he was dead. THOUGHT. And then he comes bacK!!!


                          Right on Caz!

                          We Beckett thunkers might be a minority compared to other thunks, but it's those little groups that stir up all the trouble. TPTB better keep an eye out. I don't think we're a group to be tampered with.
                          Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                            Originally posted by HyperCaz
                            prepare to die MGM...

                            You can't take my thunk from me!!! I'm hoping I'm hoping they THOUGHT he was dead. THOUGHT. And then he comes bacK!!!
                            It isn't MGM, its SciFi.
                            They are the ones who want to dump SGA characters and bring over their "favs" from SG1. The MGM execs want to keep both shows running just the way they are.

                            When all else fails, change channels.


                              Ya know, all the speculation is pointless. Just gonna get our feathers ruffled. So I say we get down to what's really important. Thunking for Beckett. Might as well do it while we still can. So everyone gather around, and lets kick back with a cold one of your choice with our favorite blue eyed Scottish doctor.

                              Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                                Yeah I know...I'm just tired of thinking about it. Makes everything so much more complicated.
                                Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.

