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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    It's 4am over here and I should be sleeping but I am too hyper to do so! I have been lurking around in all of my usual haunts (GW, Wraithbait, LJ, etc) trying to fill in time. I know this lack of sleep is getting to me as I was just squeeing over the fact that I now have 2 pieces of Jello! Oh well... I can't sleep because I am waiting for a phonecall (later in the day) to tell me whether or not I got the job I interviewed on Tuseday for. I really, really, want it!! The job is working in a travel agency and combines my love of travel with my love of customer service... fingers crossed...

    Now to put this post back on topic, here are some more Small Potatoes pics from my collection...

    P@#*d off!

    Don't you just wanna brush the hair out of his eyes?

    Damn... Those clothes are too baggy!!

    Looking devastatingly gorgeous (like usual) in a suit...

    Mahlia Belonn


      Originally posted by MahliaBelonn

      Now to put this post back on topic, here are some more Small Potatoes pics from my collection...

      Just looked it up on IMDB. He was in 'The X-Files'?!? I thought I recognised the episode name! Cool!

      BTW does anyone else think he's aged like a fine wine? Those pictures were nice but I think he's much more sexy now than he was 10 years ago!
      Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

      My fanfic


        He's always sexy. Count on it!
        Slash Rodent from Heck


          I agree with the wine comment. He's REALLY REALLY yummy now. Earlier caps are a bit...ho hum.


            Originally posted by Miyth
            Sorry if I'm interupting any ongoing conversation, but I just couldn't get away without putting in my two cents here.

            I'm not entirely an SGA fan (I'm sorta falling for the show now though). I'm a complete and total SG-1 fan, but since season 10 can out I started watching season 3 for SGA (I'd seen a few episodes before) and fell instantly in love with Carson Beckett. He reminds me so much of Daniel Jackson from season 1 and 2 of SG-1 with his blue eyes and inoccence. He's so sweet and cute n_n (not to metion the accent), I didn't stand a chance.

            I really hope the show does more with this character, I'd love to see more into his past and personality.

            i have been a huge fan of sg1 since day one..and naturally as atlantis started i got into it but not as much as sg1 .but then i met PM and saw how much of a legend he is i have really really gotten into it now

            ok....i think thats THE most serious post i have ever written!!!!!


              MY goodness, my last visit was in APRIL?!?! How could I abandon my poor Scottish doc that long?! I'll have to beg his forgiveness and... oh, I probably shouldn't say that bit I was just thinking about on an open forum...


                I"ll be getting some caps up tomorrow.

                and yes beg his forgiveness and bow before your god (I think Carson would be very sexy as a Goa'uld lmao...)


                  Originally posted by HyperCaz
                  and yes beg his forgiveness and bow before your god (I think Carson would be very sexy as a Goa'uld lmao...)
                  I'd bow before him in a hot second.


                  Slash Rodent from Heck



                    Haven't been here since April? I think you need to go to the infirmary and get yourself checked out.
                    Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                      Originally posted by Mice
                      If you're just getting into SGA and Carson, allow me to suggest the fabulous season one ep, Poisoning the Well. Very Carson-centric and sets up a lot of the dynamics we see in the subsequent seasons about medical ethics and such.
                      Thanks, actually as soon as I started thunking the show and Carson, I looked through a ton of gateworld episode summaries and found out about Poisoning the Well. I read the transcript, but I'd definitely like to actually see the episode.

                      Frankly I've seen about six SGA eps total . I might buy the DVD's but right now I have a lot of other things to worry about financially. I also really want to see the ep Duet! It sounds like a fun ep and I love the idea of Cadman and Beckett. I really want to know more about his past and what not, and keep looking out for spoilers for season three .
                      Last edited by Miyth; 20 August 2006, 01:08 PM.

                      "Victory... should be naked!" - The Slitheen


                        I have to admit that I'm just not fond of Cadman at all. I didn't like the way she treated Rodney while she was in his body. If it had been a man in a woman's body, I think a lot fewer people would have found the situation funny. She strikes me as petty and attempting to compete with the worst of her male Marine friends in the testosterone game.
                        Slash Rodent from Heck



                          Originally posted by Mice
                          I have to admit that I'm just not fond of Cadman at all. I didn't like the way she treated Rodney while she was in his body. If it had been a man in a woman's body, I think a lot fewer people would have found the situation funny. She strikes me as petty and attempting to compete with the worst of her male Marine friends in the testosterone game.
                          Omg! I thought I was the only one who didn't like Cadman! I'm not alone!!! She bothered me soooo bad. I didn't like her at all. She should have something happen to her where it takes her out of the storyline for good. And I don't like how they paired her up with Carson. Hello! She looks like she's twelve. And she's not pretty. And someone should kick her in the face. She doesn't deserve him.

                          Okay. I'm done now. Haha!
                          Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                            I totally concur with you two, Mice and Leighanners. I kinda liked the premise of Duet, but I also think that Cadman treated Rodney unfairly. I mean, it's not like they could help the situation they were in, but she came off as really mean and obnoxious, more so than I think Rodney would have been even if their positions had been switched. I don't see what Carson liked about her at all, except just maybe the fact that she made her feelings about him so clear. Wouldn't life be so much easier if everybody did that? But still... I don't like her either. I would like to see Carson with a real love interest, but I hope they never bring her character back except to make Carson break up with her for being such a witch.


                              Nah, she looks about the right age for her rank, and I think she's okay looking, but her hair is utterly non-regulation. It has to be up off the collar when in uniform, seriously. I just take issue with her personality. Having been military, that sort of person really grates on me beyond belief. And she was interfering with Rodney trying to save *both* their lives. That's just plain stupid.

                              Then again, that's your stereotypical Marine.

                              (Spoken like a true squid)

                              If they hadn't gone for the sexually abusive humor, I'd have felt much better about that ep, and found it much funnier.

                              Besides, Carson belongs to Rodney.
                              Slash Rodent from Heck



                                Originally posted by Jersey13
                                I would like to see Carson with a real love interest, but I hope they never bring her character back except to make Carson break up with her for being such a witch.
                                Ah, now, I know some perfectly lovely Witches. Let's not give the Pagans a bad name!
                                Slash Rodent from Heck


